Conceiving a child by drunken parents. Drunken conception: consequences and impact on the fetus

There is an opinion among people that a glass of wine or a glass of cognac will not do any harm. Often this glass of wine becomes daily. And the spouses don’t see anything wrong with this either; in fact, alcohol has a cumulative effect. Often it manifests itself precisely when a man and woman think about offspring. Alcohol has different effects on the female and male body, but the result is often disastrous.

Alcohol and men

Spermatozoa are rather fragile and delicate cells. Anything can affect the quality of sperm - a man’s illness, fatigue, the state of stress in which he is. Alcohol, or rather the ethyl alcohol it contains, reduces the mobility of a man’s reproductive cells, reducing his fertility (ability to fertilize).

Previously, it was believed that a couple of glasses had no effect on the quality of sperm, because they are produced long before a man takes a dose of alcohol. Now doctors completely refute this information, because alcohol breakdown products penetrate into the seminal fluid within an hour after drinking alcohol. Destructive processes begin to occur in it; alcohol destroys and “maims” healthy germ cells. A sperm that lacks a tail or head is not capable of conception.

With prolonged and systematic intake of alcohol, spermatozoa are already produced unhealthy, not only their morphology changes, but also genetics. If such a genetically modified sperm does fertilize the egg, then the risk of having a sick child will be very high.

Previously, when medicine was not at such a high level, natural selection “worked” more often. Sick and defective embryos that appeared as a result of drunken conception were rejected by the female body itself, and a miscarriage occurred. Now doctors are trying to maintain pregnancy at any cost, so children with severe pathologies, defects, and chromosomal disorders are increasingly being born.

Systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages negatively affects potency, and the more and longer a man drinks, the worse his libido and the ability to have full sexual intercourse are. New sperm mature for quite a long time - about 3 months.

Alcohol and women's health

Every girl is born with a large “strategic” supply of eggs in the ovaries. During puberty, eggs begin to be released from the follicles once a month, ovulation occurs, and the menstrual cycle is established. Alcohol can disrupt this process and cause an increase in the number of anovulatory cycles, that is, cycles in which ovulation does not occur at all.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

The morphology and structure of the egg, just like sperm, can change under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol has a destructive effect not only on the dominant follicle in which the egg matures, and its release will occur in this cycle, but also on the entire supply of eggs in the ovaries. Thus, the chances of conceiving healthy child in a drinking woman, they are minimal even if she stopped drinking several months ago.

The ovaries themselves, with periodic libations from their “mistress,” begin to rapidly age, their functions fade, and the woman becomes infertile. But here many may ask, why then? drinking women Those suffering from obvious alcoholism regularly become pregnant and give birth, and they do it faster than a couple of teetotalers planning their baby.

The answer to this question is quite unexpected. A woman’s eggs, while the functions of the ovaries have not completely died out, have the ability to “mobilize” in extreme situations, because their main task is to continue the race. They begin to carry out this program with redoubled effort, no longer being healthy and full-fledged, so there is no need to talk about healthy conception here.

Conception while intoxicated

If both partners are intoxicated at the time of conception, but are not chronic drinkers, the likelihood that conception will be successful and the child will be healthy exists, but it is not great.

It’s not hard to guess what the risks are for a man and a woman who decide to drink alcohol before sex. The health of their heir is at stake. For a man, the state of intoxication at the moment of conception is more critical than for a woman, because alcohol penetrates the seminal fluid, modifying its reproductive cells. The woman's egg matured earlier. If a woman did not take alcohol during the follicular phase of the cycle, then a small amount of it at the time of conception will not have time to affect the egg itself, but can affect the processes of its division and movement through the fallopian tube after the meeting of the egg with the sperm has taken place.

That is why “drunk” sex often ends in ectopic pregnancy, early miscarriage, or detachment of the ovum. Any interference in the subtle processes of division of a fertilized egg, including at the chemical level, can lead to disruption of these processes and loss of pregnancy.

Drinking alcohol after conception

From the moment of conception to the moment of a missed period, which serves as a signal for a woman to take a pregnancy test, at least 2 weeks pass. Sometimes a woman is completely unaware that conception has taken place, and during these two weeks she leads a free lifestyle, which includes alcohol. After the "strip" test, which shows the real reason delay of menstruation, a woman involuntarily has a question about how the alcohol she took before the delay of menstruation can affect the unborn child and whether it is worth continuing such a pregnancy.

Everything that enters the mother’s body from the first hours after conception, to one degree or another, goes to the unborn baby. If we are not talking about chronic alcoholism and large doses of strong alcohol, the female body can partially compensate the child for the inconvenience. Therefore, it is not worth having an abortion just because the woman took several glasses of wine before the delay. With a high degree of probability, the healthy and young body of the expectant mother neutralized the harmful effects as much as possible.

It is important to avoid drinking alcohol in the future., because the baby is undergoing an important and responsible process - this is the formation of all organs and systems, alcohol can make its own “adjustments”, then developmental defects are not excluded internal organs, brain, spinal cord.

Drinking alcohol at the beginning of pregnancy increases the risk that the period of pregnancy will be accompanied by severe toxicosis.

The immunity of a woman who was not averse to drinking alcohol before conception is reduced compared to the immunity of a woman who does not drink. This creates an additional danger when carrying a baby, because such a woman is more vulnerable to the viruses and bacteria that surround her.

Consequences of “drunk conception” for a child

There is no doubt that alcohol before and during conception affects the child. But for some reason, not all couples think about this. Most likely, the reason for such carelessness lies in the lack of specific information about what the consequences may be. We are accustomed to simply being told that alcohol is harmful, without explaining exactly how drinking can affect our offspring. Alcohol, which affects the germ cells of women and men at the time of conception, can lead to disruptions in the construction of DNA chains in the fragmenting cells of the zygote. The formation of organs and systems may initially take the wrong path.

There are several most common consequences of “drunk conception.”

"Cleft lip" and "Cleft palate"

A cleft lip is a facial defect associated with the cleft of the upper lip, the formation of an ugly cleft. This creates difficulties with feeding the baby; later, such a cleft interferes with the development of speech. Most often, boys are born with this defect. The cleft forms before the 8th week of pregnancy.

The pathology is based on a mutation of the TBX22 gene, which becomes possible not only with radiation exposure, but also with the systematic intake of alcohol by two spouses or one of the spouses, even in small quantities. Unfortunately, such a defect in a child can only be identified through later pregnancy during ultrasound. Usually, at such a time (after 32 weeks), the pregnancy is no longer terminated.

A cleft palate is a pathology associated with the formation of a cleft in the soft and hard palate, a cleft palate, as a result of which the nasal cavity is not isolated from the oral cavity. This also creates significant problems with feeding the child and with the development of his speech functions. This pathology most often appears due to the fault of the mother, since it is caused by alcohol and other teratogenic effects on the TBX22 gene on the X chromosome.

In both cases, the baby will have to undergo an operation, or perhaps a whole series of operations designed to eliminate the defect, and then a long rehabilitation period. Cleft palate is more common and more difficult to treat. Sometimes a child under 2–3 years of age has to undergo up to 7 surgical interventions.

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Under this concept lies a large list of combinations of mental and physical defects and anomalies that develop in the fetus due to the fact that its mother drank alcohol before or after conception. The central part is most often affected nervous system, a child is born with mental retardation, intellectual and behavioral disorders, as well as abnormalities in the structure of parts of the brain.

Almost all children conceived in a drunken stupor are born underweight and short in stature. A common manifestation of fetal alcohol syndrome is congenital defects of the heart and reproductive organs. The severity of the lesions depends on how much, long and often the mother and father take alcohol. All children with this syndrome have certain external features:

  • the eyes look shorter and narrower;
  • the bridge of the baby's nose is flattened and wide;
  • philtrum (vertical folds between upper lip and nose) is almost absent;
  • the upper sponge is thinner;
  • Mongoloid fold of the eyelids in the area of ​​the lacrimal canal;
  • a certain degree of microcephaly (reduction in the size of the skull and brain mass).

Children with alcohol syndrome are usually seen immediately after birth. All abnormalities caused by alcohol are considered lifelong; they do not go away with age. Signs of fetal alcohol syndrome are not always visible externally.

If a woman drinks infrequently and a little, but still systematically, if a non-drinking woman decides to conceive from a heavily drinking man, then the processes characteristic of fetal alcohol syndrome in the child will occur latently, but they will certainly manifest themselves.

According to the majority, conception and alcohol are incompatible. However, anonymous surveys show that every third pregnancy occurs when one of the partners (less often both) is intoxicated. These statistics suggest that alcohol does not harm the unborn baby in any way. But why then is it prohibited to drink alcohol during pregnancy? If you understand the process of fertilization from the very beginning, everything becomes clear.

Society has a negative attitude towards alcohol early stages pregnancy. But it is generally accepted that no negative influence alcohol on conceiving a child in men. Therefore, future fathers drink without fear when planning a pregnancy. But intoxication as a result of drinking ethanol (and even worse, using drugs) has a noticeable effect on sperm, changing their activity and quality.

At conception, two genetic sets merge - male and female. To think that only the expectant mother needs to prepare for pregnancy is irresponsible. Only one sperm is needed, but it must be the best.

A man should not drink before conception for the simple reason that alcohol equalizes the chances of healthy and strong cells with pathological ones. Approximately a quarter of sperm in modern young people have various types of disorders. In the competition for an egg, the strongest, healthiest and fastest wins - this is what happens with people leading a sober lifestyle. If the future dad drinks a few drinks before conception, then alcohol and sperm will interact. Strong and healthy cells will be on par with pathological ones. As a result, their chances of success will be equal.

Men think that beer has no effect on conceiving a child. In reality, this low-alcohol drink is natural source estrogens. Therefore, among representatives of the stronger sex who are addicted to it, the body changes its structure according to the female type. The effect of beer on conceiving a child in men is obvious: testosterone levels in the body decrease, hyperestrogenism forms, libido is suppressed and the quality of seminal fluid deteriorates.

If these arguments are not enough for patients, then doctors recommend verifying everything on their own. The effect of alcohol on a spermogram can be checked as follows: take a test and evaluate the result, then abstain from alcohol for at least 3 months and repeat the procedure. The comparative characteristics will shock you.

The influence of alcoholic beverages on women's health

The woman has an even more unfavorable prognosis. Ethanol affects ovulation. From the moment of birth, a girl has a certain amount. If a woman consumes alcohol during her life, it destroys the genetic makeup of future gametes. The eggs lose their quality, their shell is destroyed, and breakdowns occur. Even if the girl does not plan to get pregnant now, negative impact alcoholism may appear in the future.

Alcohol and ovulation with subsequent conception are incompatible concepts. Regular consumption of alcohol (even if it is drinking beer 3-4 times a week) causes ovarian depletion. Effective beer phytoestrogens cause hormone-dependent diseases - endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts. Stronger drinks affect the brain, heart and liver, impairing blood circulation. Drunken conception causes detachments, hematomas, miscarriages and incomplete self-abortions.

Monitoring the effect of alcohol on a woman’s eggs by analogy with examining the quality of male seminal fluid is an unrealistic task. But in patients who abuse alcoholic beverages, menopause occurs earlier, tumors of benign and malignant origin are more likely to form, and life expectancy is reduced.

How much not to drink before conception when planning pregnancy

Couples planning a child doubt how long they should not drink alcohol before conceiving. If we are talking about frequent consumption and large doses of alcohol, then it is advisable to exclude such situations completely, and not just in preparation for pregnancy. A healthy lifestyle when planning is half the way to having children without congenital pathologies.

It is clear that most adults cannot completely get rid of alcohol. Holidays, birthdays, corporate events - one way or another, alcohol is present and consumed. Therefore, it is important for a couple to maintain a clear time frame during which they should not drink alcohol when planning a pregnancy. It is recommended that a man not drink for at least 3-4 months before conceiving. During this period, the full cycle of spermatogenesis occurs. Only if you refuse all bad habits we can assume that the man is ready to conceive.

For women, the time frame is the same - 3-4 months. It is important to completely eliminate alcohol at the beginning of the menstrual cycle in which conception is planned. The maturation of the egg begins from the first days of menstruation and ends with ovulation after about 2-3 weeks.

As you can see, a man has to prepare more for planning a pregnancy than his partner. This once again proves that the responsibility does not lie only with the woman.

Consequences of drunken conception

Drunken conception is dangerous due to consequences that can arise directly during pregnancy or after the birth of the baby. Sometimes parents forget that they drank alcohol on the day of fertilization, trying to find the causes of problems elsewhere. However, beer can also affect the conception of a child, not to mention stronger drinks. Without finding an explanation for the problem, parents take the situation for granted. In fact, it’s all due to conception while intoxicated.

Fetal alcohol syndrome (drunken conception syndrome) is accompanied by psychophysical disorders of varying intensity that can occur at different stages of a child’s growth. If conception occurs after alcohol, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • delay intrauterine development characterized by insufficient body weight and short stature;
  • pathological deviations in appearance (cleft lip, cleft palate, deep-set ears, orbital defects;
  • cardiovascular diseases, defects;
  • liver dysfunction (alcohol during conception affects not only the hematopoietic organ of the parents);
  • deformities (toes fused together, short feet, deformed chest).

Every couple hopes that alcohol during conception will not affect the health of their unborn baby. Indeed, most parents have a lucky break. However, statistics show that 10 babies out of 1000 newborns face serious consequences from parental alcohol consumption at the time of conception.

There are many cases of unplanned pregnancy and alcohol intoxication. Under the influence of alcohol, responsibility and self-control are lost.

Drank alcohol without knowing she was pregnant

Alcohol in the first month of pregnancy can have an irreparable effect on the unborn child. There are many cases where a woman did not know about pregnancy and drank until she was pregnant. How serious the consequences of carelessness will be depends not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of alcohol.

It is believed that alcohol in the first days after conception or in the first week after conception will not harm the embryo. During this period, the woman has not yet learned about the new position, since the fertilized egg moves towards its goal within 5-10 days after fertilization. If future mom drank alcohol in the form of a glass of wine or a glass of beer, then nothing threatens her and her baby. The development of the child during this period does not yet depend on the woman, because blood circulation between them has not yet been established.

If alcohol was consumed during the first week of pregnancy large quantities and mostly strong, then a miscarriage or its threat cannot be ruled out. As is known, ethanol penetrates into all biological fluids. During and without pregnancy, alcohol is detected in the pelvic organs. Large doses of strong drinks cause intoxication of the fertilized egg, even if it has not yet implanted. Therefore, expectant mothers should completely avoid alcohol during pregnancy.

Alcoholic drinks during IVF

During the in vitro fertilization protocol, drinking alcohol, including beer, wine, and champagne, is not recommended. A woman’s body, under the influence of hormones, works hard to produce high-quality oocytes in sufficient quantities. Besides medicines, used in the protocol (Gonal F, Puregon, Clomid, Menopur, Pregnil and others) have a toxic effect on the liver. If you additionally take alcohol, you will not be able to avoid problems with this organ in the future.

The concepts of IVF and alcohol are incompatible. Infertility requires a responsible approach to treatment. Theoretically, after follicular puncture, you can drink alcohol before embryo transfer. During this period, the germ cells are outside the woman’s body. However, no one can guarantee that alcohol will not affect the result of in vitro fertilization.

Drunken conception often occurs by accident. The couple has been trying to conceive a child for a long time, but all attempts are unsuccessful. Then the process is postponed, and the partners can allow themselves to relax and drink a glass or two. But it happens that the desired conception occurs precisely during this period, which becomes a cause for concern. What is the effect of alcohol on conceiving a child in the female and male body and are there possible consequences for the fetus?

Alcohol and conception are incompatible things for a woman. Eggs are laid in the female body before birth and are used up throughout life. Their quality can be affected by various factors, including an unhealthy lifestyle, including the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

According to research, drinking strong drinks in an amount of 100 grams can reduce the chances of successful fertilization by 2 times. With regular and long-term alcohol consumption, the frequency of anovulatory cycles increases, which can cause infertility.

Of course, drinking one glass of wine occasionally is unlikely to have any effect on the success of conception. However, after fertilization, alcohol is contraindicated, since in the first weeks of pregnancy the unborn child is most sensitive to the effects of negative factors.

The effect of alcohol on conception in men

The effect of alcohol on conceiving a child in men is much more serious. As soon as alcohol enters the body, it has an immediate effect on sperm.

It is believed that men have about 25% of pathological sperm, but they have practically no chance against the rest of the healthy and healthy ones. Alcohol can reduce the activity of healthy sperm, thereby reducing their chances of being the first to reach the egg.

Successful conception is also facilitated by seminal fluid, which ensures the viability of sperm. Alcoholic drinks negatively affect its composition, as a result of which the seminal fluid will not be able to protect sperm from the aggressive environment of the vagina.

It is important to remember that it is just as important for the future father to monitor his health before the planned pregnancy as it is for the mother.

Sperm renewal occurs in approximately 3 months, so it is important to give up bad habits at least during this time, including drinking alcohol, before pregnancy. Then there is a high probability that healthy and strong germ cells will take part in the process of conception.

Consequences of drinking alcohol during pregnancy

The birth of a new life while intoxicated is called “drunken conception.” This does not mean at all that the spouses were very drunk; just a couple of glasses of medium-alcohol drinks were enough.

It is important for parents to know whether there will be consequences if fertilization occurs while intoxicated. Opinions differ here; some are convinced that alcohol has no negative effects, however Scientific research claim the opposite. Let's try to figure it out.

Of course, no one has conducted a study involving pregnant women in the early stages using alcohol. However, non-pregnant girls were given hCG, creating the condition false pregnancy, in order to check the effect of alcohol on progesterone levels. As it turned out, alcoholic drinks significantly reduce its level, which can interfere with the normal implantation of the fetus and lead to miscarriage.

The first days and weeks after conception are decisive for the future fate of the fetus. If damaged by negative factors, it is possible early miscarriage. Often a woman may not even notice him.

But if a miscarriage did not occur and there was a strong influence of negative factors from the outside, the risk of developing abnormalities increases:

  • abnormalities in the structure of the body and face;
  • deviations in mental or physical development;
  • lack of weight or short stature at the time of birth;
  • changes at the genetic level;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system.

How much alcohol will not harm your offspring?

When planning a child, it is recommended to completely avoid strong drinks at least 3 months before conception. Of course, many couples are parents of absolutely healthy children due to “drunk conception”, but the situation can be compared to playing “roulette”.

Some will be lucky, but for others, conceiving a child while intoxicated will have consequences. Therefore, it is so important to approach the issue responsibly.

If the rare intake of alcohol before fertilization does not always have a strong negative effect on the female body, then after pregnancy it is important to completely abandon it. The child eats the same food as the mother; alcoholic drinks can cause serious harm.

The baby has a high chance of being born with drunken conception syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of deviations in psychophysical development.

What to do if conception occurred while intoxicated

If a woman finds out about pregnancy and is sure that alcohol was taken during conception, there is no need to be nervous and panic. In cases where alcoholic beverages are not a regular occurrence, the likelihood of problems arising during pregnancy or the birth of a baby with abnormalities is extremely low.

In cases where drinking is a constant occurrence, you should pull yourself together and try to get rid of the addiction. If necessary, you should seek help from family members or specialists. It is important to remember that strong drinks during pregnancy can be extremely dangerous. future baby completely depends on his mother, so you should think about his health.

You need to register with antenatal clinic, contact a gynecologist and notify the doctor about drinking alcohol during the period of conception. You should monitor your health, undergo prescribed tests and follow your doctor’s recommendations.

How to prepare for conception

To increase the chance of successful fertilization and minimize all negative risks and consequences for the unborn baby, it is necessary to responsibly prepare for pregnancy. Ideally, preparation should last at least 3 months. During this period, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • give up bad habits - alcohol, smoking and drugs have an extremely negative effect on the body;
  • eat properly and balanced, taking care to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, you should forget about grueling diets;
  • move more and walk in the fresh air;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Bottom line

Often, couples accidentally conceive while drinking, which becomes a cause for concern. Rare drinking of alcohol is unlikely to harm the baby, but regular drinking can lead to consequences.

Alcohol has a particularly negative and strong effect on male reproductive cells, provoking the development of pathological male cells. If an egg is fertilized by a defective sperm, there is a risk of developing abnormalities, and disturbances in physical and mental development are possible.

Every family that decides to have a baby believes that he will be healthy. However, sadly, it is very common for a child to be conceived while intoxicated, since pregnancy often occurs when a woman is not expecting it. Let's consider the consequences of this fact.

Male and female cells - how alcohol affects

Women prepare for pregnancy, calculate the favorable period for fertilization and hope for a successful outcome. But often it is not possible to get the long-awaited baby right away, the process is postponed for a month, and then again and again.

Some time passes, I just drank a few glasses, slightly lost control of myself, allowed myself unscheduled sex, and a miracle happened, but this conception happened while intoxicated. What does this mean and is a favorable outcome possible? Let's try to figure it out.

Alcohol and sperm

We know that sperm mature within 3 months. The spermogram shows that in a healthy man, usually most of the cells are quite viable, but approximately 25% of them are not fully developed.

When the head of the family allows himself a “beer after work” or a “drink for appetite”, normal sperm lose their mobility, and sexual intercourse performed at this time will give the couple conception while intoxicated. However, there is no guarantee that fertilization will be carried out by a healthy cell and not its damaged counterpart. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable for a man to refrain from drinking all types of alcoholic beverages for at least 3 months.

Alcohol and the egg

A woman has a little easier time with this issue. Her reproductive cell matures monthly, and if an alcoholic drink is drunk only once, at the time the egg is released, such conception of a child while intoxicated will most likely be completed without harm to the health of the unborn baby.

But if she systematically consumes strong drinks, the consequences can be dire. The most harmless will be a miscarriage at the earliest stage, because nature has provided for this case too. If the fetus is defective, the body gets rid of it itself. But when the mother’s immunity is weakened or when the fetus clings too much to life and continues to develop until birth, the birth of a defective baby is possible.

We come to the conclusion that conception while intoxicated can have disastrous consequences, which threatens the birth of a baby with mental or physical disabilities. But the full development of the embryo is quite possible if the father does not abuse it.

Features of the effect of alcohol on the fetus

To avoid becoming a victim negative consequences In preparation for conception, expectant mothers and fathers should give up habits such as alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, eat healthy and high-calorie foods, take less medications, etc.

What happens if the expectant mother or father conceives while intoxicated? The answer can be found in the video:

Dad, after pregnancy, can relax, but mom needs to forget about alcohol for a long time.

During the period of bearing a child, drinking 30 ml of alcohol even 2 times a week can lead to pregnancy failure. The first trimester, when the fertilized egg is dividing intensively, is the most dangerous.

Alcohol, even in small doses, can destroy a small, nascent life. During this period, even alcohol-based medications are prohibited for women.

When a child is conceived while intoxicated, the consequences for the development of the fetus and the degree of its damage can be determined at an early stage by taking a necessary tests and undergoing examinations prescribed by the doctor. With a one-time dose of alcohol, there is a chance to carry the baby healthy and give birth to full-term. If drunkenness is a system in the family, then most often premature babies are born with low weight, and sometimes with developmental pathologies.

If conception occurred while intoxicated, then 80% of babies born with pathology are the result of not only mother’s, but also father’s alcohol addiction. Our dads, as a rule, do not consider a glass of beer to be alcohol, and sometimes it is enough to cause abnormal development of the egg that was fertilized by a “drunk” sperm.

To summarize, I would like to advise you to take a more responsible approach to the issue of childbirth. If you have taken alcohol, it is better to use contraceptives or other means of protection so that the baby is not conceived in such an unfavorable environment, because conceiving while intoxicated will not bring the expected joy. In order for the child to be born full-fledged and physically developed, future parents should forget about alcohol long before conception, and the mother should also forget about alcohol throughout the entire pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Few people deliberately conceive a child while intoxicated - everyone knows very well that the consequences of such a step can be terrifying for the unborn baby, and at the same time for his parents. But there is still a risk of drunken conception. The problem is very urgent. Every effort must be made to ensure that the percentage of pregnancies that occur while drunk is as low as possible!

About compatibility

The answer is clear - alcohol and conception are incompatible. Moreover, the strength and quality of the drink do not matter much; the consequences will be severe in any case. The amount of alcohol you drink plays a slightly larger role. Even one glass of beer, drunk a couple of hours before conception, can lead to the birth of a child with serious pathologies.

The main problem that future parents face is drunken conception syndrome. This is a very serious disease that remains with its carrier for life. Pathology includes:

  1. Mental disabilities. The degree varies - it is possible simply bad memory, but complete incapacity cannot be ruled out.
  2. Defects in the structure of the bones of the face and skull. This results not only in deformities, but also in the inability to lead a full life, since such a child will simply be disabled.
  3. Chronic deficiency of weight and height. This is probably the mildest component of drunken conception syndrome.

If the parents did not abuse alcohol before conception, then the likelihood of abnormalities occurring is relatively small, but in any case the risk is huge. If alcoholics get a sick baby with a 100% probability, then healthy parents they risk 80-85%, which is also a lot.

Important! Doctors have not yet been able to understand what most influences the formation of abnormalities in the fetus - the amount of alcohol, its strength or the “experience” of alcoholism. For this reason, when planning a pregnancy, you should completely abstain from drinking alcohol.

Mom or Dad: who is more dangerous?

Before conception, alcohol abuse causes greater harm to the female reproductive system. Father's drunkenness can also harm the unborn child, but not as serious, and the likelihood of this is small.

At the moment of conception, the situation changes - there is a greater danger to the fetus if the husband was drunk. According to medical statistics, any man has about 23% of sperm with pathologies. Most often, they do not survive, but if such a defective “tadpole” fertilizes an egg, then the risk of giving birth to a sick baby is high.

Drinking alcohol increases the number of “bad” sperm by at least 2 times. That is, the pathological front is no longer 23%, but more than 50. The probability of having a sick child is very high. Most often, the following pathologies occur in children conceived by a drunken father:

  • microcephaly;
  • cleft lip;
  • cleft palate;
  • fused fingers;
  • problems with vision and hearing.

These pathologies often overlap with the components of drunken conception syndrome. Thus, conceiving a child by a drunk man is very dangerous, it leads to dire consequences.

An intoxicated expectant mother does not pose the same threat as a man. The fact is that the egg is formed long before conception; accordingly, at the moment of fertilization it does not change in any way, but its activity decreases. This may lead to ectopic pregnancy. The percentage of such failures is not very large, no more than 5% of all cases of conception while intoxicated.

A frank letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to a bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return every day very drunk, he was rude, and drank away his salary. It really got scary when I pushed him for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and... beatings. And in the morning we apologize. We tried everything, we even coded it. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, we began to live like normal family. And one day - again, he was late at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And after about two or two and a half months, I came across an alcoholic on the Internet. At that moment, I had completely given up, my daughter left us altogether and began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and descriptions. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there was nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?!! I started adding drops to my husband’s tea in the morning, but he didn’t notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later I began to look more decent and my health improved. Well, then I admitted to him that I was slipping the drops. When I was sober, I reacted adequately. As a result, I took a course of alcotoxic medication, and for six months now I have had no problem with alcohol, I was promoted at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Will save families and even lives! Read about the cure for alcoholism.

Thus, the greatest danger to the unborn baby during conception is posed by a drunken husband and future father. If both are intoxicated, then the whole range of diseases is complemented by the risk of ectopic pregnancy. It is better to either give up alcohol before conceiving, or refuse unprotected sexual intercourse while drunk.

Important! Ethanol takes a long time to be removed from female body. Thus, even if conception by a drunken mother was successful, in the early stages of pregnancy the remaining alcohol can play a cruel joke, causing a miscarriage or fetal death.

Consequences of drunkenness

If the parents are not alcoholics, then everything is not so bad. Yes, the consequences of such a conception of a child can be very serious, but the likelihood of their occurrence is not as great as it might seem at first glance, especially if mom and dad lead healthy image life and monitor the state of their immunity. The action plan is as follows:

  • calm down;
  • go to the hospital (register with a gynecologist);
  • pass all tests prescribed by the doctor.

After this, the doctor will be able to outline the current condition of the fetus and make a more or less accurate prognosis of its development, as well as the course of pregnancy in general. A lot will depend on what kind of life the expectant mother will lead during the gestation period.

For example, you need to completely avoid fatty and fried foods, eliminate possible contact with alcohol and tobacco smoke, and limit physical exercise and closely monitor your health. Any infectious diseases must be cured quickly, and strictly under the control of the physician - no self-medication and, especially, folk methods!

Important! Before the initial examination, ask your relatives whether there were alcoholics in your family. This information will allow the doctor to make a more accurate prognosis.

What to do when planning

In principle, it is not advisable for a woman to drink (the eggs are not renewed - if a defeat occurs, then for life). If expectant mother drank alcohol, then it would not be superfluous to limit yourself and your spouse, at least from the point of view of psychological support.

Both expectant parents should switch to a healthy diet before conceiving:

  • more vegetables and fruits;
  • less dyes and preservatives;
  • less synthetic products.

All this must be combined with a healthy lifestyle, such as a healthy sleep-wake schedule and regular walks in the fresh air. Remember that this lifestyle somewhat reduces the likelihood of having a sick child in the event of a drunken conception.


Conceiving a child while intoxicated is almost guaranteed to lead to the birth of a “defective” baby. A particularly great danger comes from the father - the number of affected sperm after drinking alcohol doubles.

When planning a pregnancy, both spouses should switch to a healthy lifestyle, completely abandoning the use of intoxicating drinks, regardless of its strength and quality.