Is it possible to have an early miscarriage? Miscarriage in early pregnancy: signs and symptoms

The article will reveal the most trembling topic for women - terminated pregnancy. We will talk about the reason for the development of spontaneous abortion and its consequences for a woman’s health.

medical definition spontaneous considered an abortion independent termination of pregnancy for various endogenous (inside the woman’s body) reasons for a period of 1 to 22 weeks

  • At a period of more than 22 weeks, a child born with a body weight of more than 500 g can be saved. And this is already considered premature childbirth, not abortion
  • Abortion in the early stages can be confused with heavy periods, since women often do not even suspect their situation and may not even notice spontaneous fetal rejection. Such cases occur on average in 20% of pregnant women and are not uncommon.
  • In the case when a woman knows that she is carrying a baby and is waiting impatiently for this child, the fact of a miscarriage brings her great emotional stress and the possible development of depressive states
  • When a woman learns about this tragedy as a fact of the past, not knowing about pregnancy, she psychological the condition is much more stable and it is easier to tolerate this stress
  • When a Threat Occurs spontaneous miscarriage?

    • Spontaneous abortion is usually preceded by a condition called threatened miscarriage (threat spontaneous abortion), which has a number of provoking factors and certain symptoms
    • With a threatened abortion, women regularly experience mild nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. At the same time, characteristic bloody spotting appears
    • The color of this discharge can range from mixed red to dark brown. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a gynecologist
    • At the same time, early detection of these symptoms and seeking help directly depends on whether the pregnancy can be maintained
    • Copious bleeding and cramping pain in the lower abdomen indicates that the fetus has already been rejected and this condition is called “abortion in progress.” It is no longer possible to stop it and maintaining the pregnancy is impossible. In this case, the completion of the abortion and the woman’s condition are monitored
    • If there is an abortion in progress, you should urgently call emergency services and hospitalize woman, as she may need prompt assistance and medicinal support
    How does spontaneous abortion occur?

    If we briefly and point by point describe the development of the threat of termination of pregnancy, then this happens in the following order:
    Barely noticeable pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, which can grow and intensify as the threatening condition develops
    Bloody discharge, which with the development of abortion turns into heavy discharge and bleeding
    Increased tone of the uterus - the uterus is very dense and feels like a lump that can periodically contract

    If you are in a position, be especially attentive to your sensations.

    Causes spontaneous miscarriage

    Reasons that may cause the development spontaneous Termination of pregnancy can be quite a lot:

    One of the reasons for fetal rejection may be an insufficient amount of the pregnancy hormone progesterone in the body. With a timely visit to a gynecologist and undergoing the necessary diagnostics, this cause can be eliminated by prescribing certain hormonal therapy (Duphaston, Utrozhestan). Another problem in bearing a fetus is the predominance of the male hormone - testosterone - in the body of the expectant mother.

    Another reason for miscarriage may be incompatibility mother and child according to the Rh factor, the so-called Rh conflict. As a rule, the first Rh-conflict pregnancy has a positive outcome with full-term gestation

    In approximately 80% of miscarriages, the cause is genetic mutations and developmental disorders of the gestating fetus. It is not possible to prevent this, but it is possible to predetermine or diagnose before the baby is born

    Common The cause of termination of pregnancy is infectious diseases suffered by the mother in the early stages of pregnancy. If you get certain types of infections, doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy for medical reasons. Since a child has a high probability of being born with a number of congenital developmental pathologies and abnormalities, or even being stillborn if the pregnancy is not terminated on its own

    It's sad, but the reason for not carrying a fetus to term can be a previously performed medical abortion. Since after this intervention the woman experiences enormous emotional, hormonal and physical stress, there is no point in planning pregnancy in the early period after this operation. Also instrumental abortion can cause a disorder in the uterus itself and it is not able to preserve the implanted egg

    The presence of chronic diseases in a woman and her weakened immune system can also cause a miscarriage

    Taking medications that contraindicated during pregnancy can lead to its termination, therefore you should carefully read the instructions for their use

    Stressful and emotional overload of the body, the release of large amounts of adrenaline into the blood may be one of the reasons

    Physical overexertion often leads to the development spontaneous abortion

    Injuries during pregnancy and accidental falls can lead to pregnancy failure

    It should be remembered that the reception long-term hot baths are contraindicated for pregnant women

    The presence of bad habits such as smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction are the cause not only spontaneous abortion, but also the birth of an incomplete child, if the pregnancy continues

    Sexual intercourse during a critical period of pregnancy can also cause a tragedy.

    Spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy

    • Period spontaneous Fetal rejection before the 12th week of pregnancy is called early spontaneous abortion
    • The reason for the development of early self-abortions is often the woman’s failure to comply with certain measures. precautions in relation to pregnancy. This mostly happens because the woman simply has no idea about her condition
    • Anything can also be a cause of miscarriage in early pregnancy. the above factors . Symptoms of self-absorption are the same at all stages
    • The early period of pregnancy differs only in that an abortion that occurs before 12 weeks, as a rule, has less serious consequences and complications. Of course, subject to timely contact with a gynecologist and monitoring the patient’s condition
    • When spontaneous If pregnancy is rejected before the 7th week, the fertilized egg should be released along with blood clots. It has a grayish color with blood streaks, and its average size corresponds to a quail
    • In the period from 7 to 12 weeks, provided that complete rejection has occurred, the fertilized egg comes out along with all the membranes. Its dimensions at this time will be correspond chicken egg, but its shape will be elongated. Its color will be close to the color of veined skin
    • It should be remembered that the woman may not even know about what happened spontaneous abortion, but therapy after it is worth undergoing. That is why you should regularly visit your treating gynecologist for examination and consultation.

    Spontaneous miscarriage late in pregnancy

    Late spontaneous An abortion is considered to be an abortion that occurs between 13 and 22 weeks of pregnancy.

    If the interruption occurs after 22 weeks, then this condition is called premature childbirth

    At this stage, miscarriage occurs much less frequently than in the early stages of pregnancy. The cause of late abortion itself cannot be a violation of fetal development. These include :

    Premature placental abruption
    Stormy emotions and stress
    Inflammatory process inside uterus or fetal places
    Operational interventions V region small pelvis

    Possible whether pregnancy after spontaneous miscarriage?

    • After what happened spontaneous abortion necessary passing mandatory course hormonal therapy For recovery hormonal background
    • So same need to pass the row surveys For identifying And elimination causes previous interrupts pregnancy
    • Not costs straightaway same try conceive new pregnancy, she takes risks end those same problems. Need to give opportunity body recover. Repeated pregnancy costs start off to plan How minimum later year after miscarriage
    • By theories pregnancy Maybe happen already later 2 months after itselfabortion. But With everyone subsequent spontaneous abortion, woman All more takes risks Not carry out fetus

    How are coming period after spontaneous miscarriage?

    • Recovery menstrual cycle, at adequate therapy must take place already on next month, after what happened miscarriage. If is happening failure menstrual cycle, That necessary contact To gynecologist
    • Often first period after itselfabortion are coming Later due deadline on some weeks. If bleeding Not stops, This instant signal necessity appeals To specialist
    • Eat cases, When abortion happened Not fully And Then necessary hospitalization women And instrumental cleaning cavities uterus For elimination everyone residual parts pregnancy

    Happens whether incomplete spontaneous miscarriage?

    For started costs to figure out, What exist some types spontaneous interrupts pregnancy:
    Failed spontaneous abortion (fetus died, But his evacuation Not happened)
    Full itselfabortion (fetus is dying And on one's own evacuated together with everyone shells)
    Repeated itselfabortion (When woman transferred 3 spontaneous abortion contract)
    Incomplete or Not completed itselfabortionThis When bleeding present, pain Not subside, fetal egg opened, But at this fetus Not is rejected And Not evacuated.

    Exactly V this case cleaning cavities uterus inevitable For women

    Cleaning after spontaneous miscarriage

    • IN volume case, If state women Not located under threat And she, relatively, Fine myself feels, doctor gives opportunity body on one's own evacuate All components interrupted pregnancy
    • But If this Not happened And V cavities uterus remained shell fetal eggs or embryo, doctor must appoint cleaning cavities uterus after miscarriage
    • WITH with help curettage And vacuum removal content uterus appointed medicinal therapy. Then treatment includes V myself liquidation inflammatory processes, definitions cycle ovulation woman And necessary hormone therapy

    Spontaneous miscarriage at frozen pregnancy

    By various reasons, How Not unfortunate, fetus Maybe die V womb mothers. This phenomenon V people accepted call frozen pregnancy. IN dependencies from deadline pregnancy, This Maybe bring or To spontaneous rejection fetus or fetal eggs, or To the beginning premature generic activities.

    Preventive measures For prevention spontaneous abortion

    • Ideal option is That period, When pregnancy initially planned And woman getting ready To her in advance. At this necessary exclude factors, which can contribute development itselfabortion
    • Special attention necessary reverse on diet his nutrition And image life future moms. So same track behind rhythm And calmness his sleep.
    • Conduct prevention infections And chronic diseases. Need to So same adjust hormone level body.Not forget O regular visiting treating gynecologist And track behind his health

    Video: Threat of miscarriage. Early signs!! Be careful!!

    The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

    You still can easily fit into skinny jeans, you haven’t yet encountered morning sickness, age spots, stretch marks on the stomach. But you already have a test with two red stripes - the main proof that you belong to the happy class of pregnant women.

    Your treasure is still very tiny. Only the most sensitive equipment can detect his presence in your womb. But this doesn’t stop you from coming up with a name for him, talking to him and stopping at stores with baby clothes to look for something for an unborn but already existing baby. But this joyful prospect, this rosy illusion can be interrupted overnight by a terrible and inexorable word Miscarriage.

    According to statistics, 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages

    In most cases, this happens when the woman does not yet realize that she is pregnant. But sometimes this also happens to those who have already become attached to their belly and love him. How to console a woman in this case? Only with the next pregnancy. But those who have had such a misfortune in their lives, and those who have not yet experienced the bitterness of loss, should undergo a short educational program on issues related to miscarriage. The most important thing is to know what factors can cause miscarriage and what can be done to prevent miscarriage.

    We will talk about early miscarriages that occur before 12 weeks, since the vast majority of them happen during this period.

    The most common causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

    1. Genetic disorders in the fetus
      According to statistics, about 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason. As a rule, these genetic defects are not hereditary in nature, but are the result of single mutations that occurred in the germ cells of the parents under the influence harmful factors external environment (radiation, occupational hazards, viruses, etc.) Termination of pregnancy for this reason is a kind of natural selection - getting rid of weak, non-viable offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage; you can only reduce the risk of genetic abnormalities even before conception, protecting yourself as much as possible from the effects of mutagenic factors. But with modern ecology, the probability of mutations still remains, therefore miscarriages that occur for this reason can be considered a blessing, because they save a woman from many problems and troubles in the future.

    2. Hormonal disorders
      When the balance of hormones in a woman’s body is disturbed, pregnancy is often terminated. early. Most often this happens due to a lack of the main pregnancy hormone - progesterone. If this problem is detected early, pregnancy can be saved with the help of progesterone medications. Excess male sex hormones can also cause early miscarriage– they suppress the production of estrogen and progesterone. Often, androgens are the cause of repeated (habitual) miscarriages. Hormones of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland also influence the formation and development of pregnancy. Therefore, dysfunction of these glands can also cause miscarriage.

    3. Immunological causes
      As a rule, this happens with Rhesus conflict. The embryo inherits the Rh-positive father, while the mother's Rh-negative body rejects the embryo's tissues that are foreign to it. To prevent miscarriage during an immune conflict, progesterone preparations are used, which in this case have an immunomodulatory effect.
    4. Sexually transmitted infections: trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections often cause miscarriage.
      Pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause infection of the fetus, damage to the membranes, resulting in miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to treat infections before pregnancy.

    5. Common infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases internal organs.
      All diseases accompanied by intoxication and an increase in body temperature above 38 o C can lead to miscarriage. The leaders on this list are rubella, viral hepatitis, and influenza. Even a banal sore throat can become fatal at 4-10 weeks of pregnancy. And pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis are a serious risk for the fetus. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth undergoing a full medical examination, identifying and treating all foci of chronic infection.

    6. History of abortion
      Abortion is not just a medical procedure: it is a huge stress for female body, which can cause dysfunction of the ovaries and adrenal glands; developmental inflammatory processes in the genitals. This can cause infertility and recurrent miscarriages in the future.

    7. Medicines and herbs
      In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking medications altogether. Many of them can cause abortion or cause developmental defects in the fetus. So, for example, narcotic analgesics or hormonal contraceptives often cause abortion. You also need to be careful with medicinal herbs: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy are contraindicated for early pregnant women.

    8. Stress
      Severe fear or unexpected grief, resentment or prolonged mental stress are dangerous for the little creature in your womb. If, by the will of fate, you are forced to be under the influence of stress, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking sedatives, at least valerian.

    9. Unhealthy Lifestyle
      Taking alcohol, drugs, smoking, regular coffee consumption, unhealthy and poor nutrition - all these are allies of miscarriage. It is better to adjust your lifestyle before conception.

    10. Falls, heavy lifting, sexual intercourse
      All this, although rare, can become a trigger for termination of pregnancy, so take care of yourself, and therefore your baby!

    Sad statistics say that every fifth pregnancy up to 20 weeks ends in spontaneous miscarriage. Of course, for every woman this becomes a serious blow to her health and mental state. In order to quickly make up for the loss, many are in a hurry to start trying to conceive a baby again. However, this is fundamentally incorrect. If in the future you want to reduce the risk of miscarriage to a minimum, you should contact specialists and take a necessary tests and identify the cause of miscarriage.

    Genetic predisposition

    For up to 6 weeks, the main cause of miscarriage is genetic failures that are hereditary in nature. The fact is that in the first trimester all the main organs of the fetus and the most important systems are formed, and if at this time a chromosomal mutation occurs (a change in the structure of the parents’ chromosomes), the uterus will simply reject the weak, non-viable fetus.

    Most often, these disorders are accidental; there is a kind of malfunction in the functioning of an established body system, and subsequent pregnancies proceed normally. External factors, even seemingly insignificant ones, can influence the course of events, including a common cold, the influence of a virus, and bad habits.

    Hormonal disorders

    Spontaneous abortion or frozen pregnancy at 6-12 weeks often occurs due to endocrine system disorders.

    During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences powerful hormonal changes; some glands begin to produce more hormones necessary for pregnancy, while others temporarily lose their activity. An imbalance of thyroid hormones, a lack of progesterone or an excess of androgens and adrenal hormones can become a big obstacle to conceiving a baby, but if pregnancy does occur, without the necessary therapeutic support, the likelihood of miscarriage is very high.

    Progesterone is a specific hormone that is first produced by the corpus luteum, and after the second trimester by the placenta, throughout gestation its level should steadily increase, and decrease only before childbirth. Already in the first weeks, progesterone deficiency can lead to rejection of the fertilized egg and miscarriage.

    To avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to regularly take hormone tests and, if there is a deficiency, replenish it with the help of synthetic analogues (Utrozhestan, Duphaston). The specialist prescribes appropriate hormone therapy if the woman already has a history of early miscarriage.

    Weak immunity

    Weak immunity and low resistance of a woman’s body to viruses and infections significantly increases the risk of spontaneous abortion at any stage.

    Pregnancy is a period when the protective barriers of the expectant mother weaken, she becomes more susceptible to colds and viral diseases, which cannot but affect the normal development of the child. What factors can influence this?

    • Due to hormonal changes, the woman feels weakness, nausea, dizziness and general malaise.
    • If before conception you liked to treat yourself to chips and soda, alcohol, or had bad habits, then it is not surprising that problems may arise during pregnancy.
    • Bad mood, stress, large amounts of work, constant worries about the health of the baby also undermine the immune system.
    • Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract that affect the general condition.
    • Sedentary lifestyle, lack of walking and fresh air.
    • and microelements.
    • Negative environmental situation.

    To maintain immunity, expectant mothers are advised to:

    Sexually transmitted infections

    Some women are not even aware of the presence of dangerous sexually transmitted infections in their bodies, because some of them are almost asymptomatic, and these are chlamydia, herpes type 2, gonorrhea, vaginosis, and thrush.

    Eliminating the disease during pregnancy is quite difficult, because most drugs can cause even more harm, so treatment often begins after 12 or even 22 weeks of pregnancy. Before this time, the pathogen already has an impact on the health of the mother and fetus, which is why it is so important to follow preventive measures and undergo an examination while planning the baby.

    Consequences of infection with sexually transmitted infections:

    Inflammatory processes

    Any ailments associated with signs of intoxication of the body (significant increase in temperature, chills) are dangerous for the mother and fetus and can cause miscarriage, especially in the first trimester. The leading positions in this list are occupied by chickenpox, rubella, influenza, tonsillitis, appendicitis; with complications, the spread of infection inevitably causes embryo rejection, which is why a full examination should be completed during the planning period.

    Inflammation in the genital area can lead to infection of the fetus and the formation of various defects in the early stages, delay intrauterine development- at a later date.

    Problems also often arise during childbirth - premature rupture of water, weak labor, polyhydramnios.

    Previous abortions

    Medical and surgical abortion is a biological trauma for the female body, and the duration of pregnancy does not matter here.

    Let's consider the main consequences and complications of the abortive method of getting rid of unwanted parts:

    Herbs and medicines

    During the period of bearing a baby, expectant mothers feel that the body's resistance to infections and viruses is noticeably reduced. Since many medications are strictly prohibited at this time, women are trying to strengthen their immunity with the help of folk recipes- teas and infusions from natural herbs. But this is a big mistake, because taking some of them can cause miscarriage or premature birth, affect nervous system and fetal development.

    In the first trimester, it is better to avoid herbal treatment altogether; if there is an urgent need for it, take it in small doses. Even the seemingly harmless plant parsley acts on the muscles of the uterus, as a result of which it contracts and undesirable tone occurs. Wormwood and sage cause bleeding and have a negative effect on the psyche.

    There are not so many herbs and plants that are indicated during pregnancy. Treatment with infusion of birch buds is allowed; it has an anti-inflammatory effect and replenishes the volume of fluid in the body, which is indispensable for toxicosis.

    Valerian root and motherwort herb are one of the safest sedatives, they will calm and help during the period of hormonal surge.

    As for medications, you need to consider the situation as a whole and always consult your doctor before taking them. Here are some remedies that are acceptable during pregnancy:

    Nerves and stress

    Sometimes a pregnant woman does not even notice that she is in a state of constant stress. Signs of stress may include: apathy, dizziness, irritability, lack of appetite, decreased immunity.

    To avoid the terrible consequences of an unstable psycho-emotional state, her relatives and the attending physician must ensure that simple rules are followed:

    • Set yourself up only for a positive outcome of events, learn to control bad, scary thoughts, this is just a figment of your imagination. If you can’t get distracted, be sure to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.
    • Don't keep everything to yourself. Share your experiences with loved ones.
    • Walk outside regularly and ventilate your rooms.
    • Get more rest, find a hobby or activity that brings you pleasure and relaxation.

    Spontaneous, that is, spontaneous, independent of the woman’s actions or medical intervention, termination of pregnancy up to 20-22 weeks is called a miscarriage. If this happened before the term, then they say that the pregnancy was terminated at an early stage, and before 6 weeks it is called very early.

    When the duration of development of the situation is more than 20-22 weeks, we are already talking about premature birth, since a fetus that has reached a weight of 500 g or more, modern medicine gives a chance to save. Up to this mass the chances of survival are zero.

    Official statistics show that the proportion of early miscarriages ranges from 10 to 25% of recorded pregnancies - that is, when the woman knew she was pregnant. The majority (about 80%) occurs in the first 12 weeks.

    Almost a quarter

    How does miscarriage occur in early pregnancy?

    Whatever the reasons for spontaneous abortion, the situation always develops along the same path.

    1. Death of the fetus.
    2. Its detachment from the internal cavity of the uterus is externally manifested by the onset of bleeding.
    3. Discharge of exfoliated tissue from the uterine cavity, complete or incomplete.

    At periods up to 5-6 weeks, especially when the woman did not suspect that she was pregnant, this process looks like regular menstruation, but more abundant with painful sensations. You can find out that it was a miscarriage by going to the doctor and having a test, which almost no one does.

    There are also deviations from this scenario. Most often, they are associated with the fact that the rejection process does not occur completely or does not begin at all. Any type of abnormality in the menstrual cycle is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist.

    If pregnancy is confirmed, the appearance of bleeding indicates three situations:

    • the fetus died and its rejection began;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • a small detachment of the endometrium or fetal site occurred while the fetus was alive.

    Only a doctor can find out the cause of bleeding. If a pregnant woman makes such a complaint, the first thing the gynecologist does is refer her for an ultrasound. When a living fetus is detected, the probability of miscarriage immediately decreases to 2-3%. Therapy may be prescribed - progesterone, vitamins. It has now been proven that in these situations it has no effect on the course of pregnancy. In 97-98% of cases, bleeding stops and the situation develops normally, even after IVF.

    Causes of bleeding during normal developing pregnancy still unknown to doctors. There is an assumption that the female body does not have time to adapt to the new regime. Bleeding occurs on days when menstruation should have been scheduled.

    If a dead fetus is found, then we are talking about a frozen pregnancy. In this case there are two ways. One of them is to leave everything to the will of nature, then the rejection process lasts from two to six weeks. Of course, under medical supervision. Or resort to surgical intervention. Usually, curettage guarantees the absence of painful sensations and gives a good prognosis.

    The worst option is . In this case, the woman is urgently operated on. The prognosis here depends on the consolidation of the fetus, and how successful the operation itself was. It is possible to save an ectopic pregnancy in rare cases. There is a great risk to the health of the woman herself.


    It turns out that the types of miscarriages are different. There are complications. The World Health Organization has developed an international classification of diseases, in which each disease is assigned an alphanumeric code. Now ICD-10 is in force, that is, the classification in the 10th revision.

    According to this encoding, different types miscarriages are assigned the following codes.

    1. O00-O08. These codes are used to indicate diagnoses related to abortions of all types, including miscarriages, or, according to the classification, pregnancies with abortive outcome. Moreover, cases when pregnancy continues - for example, in the presence of twins or triplets - but one fetus was expelled are not included in this classifier.
    2. O31.1. Abortion of one or more fetuses of a multiple conception, after which the pregnancy continues.
    3. O00. This code is used to indicate an ectopic pregnancy.
    4. O03. An encoding denoting involuntary abortion, that is, a miscarriage itself. Each type is coded with an additional number separated by a dot. Thus, O03.4 is used for incomplete abortion that occurs without complications. And O03.9 – for complete abortion without complications.

    Expert opinion
    Borovikova Olga
    These codes are indicated in medical histories, medical certificates, and sick leave certificates. If the miscarriage caused complications, each of them also has its own code. Arbitrary abortion is also included in this section of the classification. So, medical is designated by code O04. There are other types, but they are no longer related to miscarriages.

    What does a miscarriage look like?

    In the first days, an interrupted pregnancy looks like normal menstruation. Only a few days have passed since fertilization; the embryo has not yet had time to securely attach itself in the uterus. It is useless to look for photos of such miscarriages. In 90% of cases, women did not even suspect that they were pregnant.

    At 2-3 weeks, the fertilized egg is 1-2 centimeters in diameter. A woman suspects pregnancy because she notices a delay in her period. Tests can confirm it. But ultrasound is not always able to discern such a small fetus. A miscarriage may look like a heavier period. Some manage to see something in their discharge; you can find amateur photographs on the Internet, and corresponding pictures on medical websites.

    Every week the fetus “grows” in volume by 1 millimeter. At a period of more than two weeks, a blood clot approximately corresponding to the size of the embryo can be detected in the discharge. The color of the discharge may be the same as during menstruation, or brighter.

    For more later, from 7-9 weeks onwards, there are two or more clots. This is due to the fact that when rejected and released from the uterus, the fertilized egg may disintegrate into separate pieces. More often, the fetus comes out entirely; some women claim that they were able to see the details of the embryo body and the umbilical cord.

    Symptoms of miscarriage

    The very first signs of miscarriage are bleeding from the vagina. If bleeding begins, consult a doctor immediately.

    Cramps and cramps in the abdomen are another harbinger of miscarriage. They don't always happen. May be associated with normal course pregnancy and miscarriage.

    Similar sensations may appear in the lumbar region. They are both weak and strong.

    Signs of a miscarriage include a sharply improved condition of the pregnant woman. If the interruption begins even before the missed period, then it is more difficult to determine.

    80% of early miscarriages


    At a short stage of pregnancy, hypothermia during a miscarriage may not occur. This is not the most common symptom. Sometimes the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees.

    If the increase is accompanied by severe pain and discharge with unpleasant smell, a septic miscarriage is possible, that is, there is an infection in the uterus. In this condition, urgent hospitalization is necessary.


    During a spontaneous abortion, the discharge can be of a very different nature - habitual, like during menstruation, or very small, spotting. Scanty brown discharge is much less likely to result in miscarriage than abundant bright red discharge. You need to see a gynecologist as soon as possible.


    The nature of the unpleasant sensations differs depending on different terms pregnancy. Some people experience period-like pain. This is typical for early miscarriages before 6 weeks. There may be cramping pain in the abdomen, pulling in the back. Their strength varies from barely noticeable to very strong, sometimes leading to a state of shock.

    A miscarriage may begin with pain in the abdomen or back, and only then does discharge appear. This situation is typical for miscarriages after 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

    Main feature

    How long does a miscarriage last?

    On average, the process lasts several hours or stretches over several days, stopping periodically. If the miscarriage was incomplete, that is, pieces of tissue from the fertilized egg remained in the uterus, the process may drag on for a month.

    There are risks of damage to the internal cavity of the uterus during cleaning. Therefore, some women planning to have children in the future refuse it, relying on nature. If there are no contraindications, then this option is quite acceptable. But the final decision must be entrusted to the doctor.


    Most complex issue regarding miscarriages - find out the sources of arbitrary termination of pregnancy.

    The vast majority of miscarriages - 7-8 out of 10 - occur due to genetic disorders in the fetus that are incompatible with life. Doctors still do not know the mechanism by which the female body recognizes these disorders.

    It is useless to look for the culprit. According to research results, genetic defects are detected in approximately 10% of sperm. And they are constantly renewed in the male body. Female eggs are formed in girls by their mothers and only mature and divide throughout their lives.

    The appearance of genetic abnormalities in an embryo is possible in 2 cases:

    • a healthy egg was fertilized by a defective sperm;
    • During the process of division and maturation of the egg, disturbances occurred even before fertilization.

    Violations in egg division appear more often as women age. The number of miscarriages in women after 35-40 years of age increases, and a second interrupted pregnancy also occurs more often. Men do not have such a dependence, but there is a connection between lifestyle - smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, the presence of infections and even stress.

    A minority - 20-30% - of the list of causes of miscarriage is the condition of the woman’s body, namely:

    • pathologies of the reproductive system organs - the uterus, tubes, ovaries - which “prevent” the fertilized egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus;
    • infectious or chronic diseases;
    • hormonal problems;
    • immunity disorders;
    • previous abortions;
    • a sharp increase in physical activity;
    • stress – the psychosomatics of the female body plays a role here.

    These causes are listed in order of prevalence. Most early miscarriages are associated with fetal nonviability due to chromosomal abnormalities. A woman's inaction or activity has nothing to do with it.

    How to determine if there was an early miscarriage

    If there is a need for accurate diagnosis, use the following methods.

    1. Ultrasound. An ultrasound can detect a fertilized egg or its remains in the uterus.
    2. Morphological study. This is an analysis of vaginal discharge - provided that it has been collected. Such an analysis will show whether the released pieces are actually parts of the fruit. He can also identify genetic disorders that caused the miscarriage.
    3. Blood analysis. If pregnancy occurs, then hCG level increased in the woman’s body. After a miscarriage, it does not drop immediately, because in the first days after the incident, the level of the hormone in the blood or urine can be used to determine whether it was a miscarriage or just menstruation.

    It's already been proven

    What to do if you have an early miscarriage at home

    If pregnancy is confirmed, and bleeding suddenly occurs, or pain appears in the lower abdomen or lower back, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. You can immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself - the gynecologist will refer you there after the examination.

    The tactics may be as follows: wait for the bleeding to stop and pass. The duration of discharge can range from several days to two weeks.

    Any medical protocol provides for a mandatory ultrasound of the uterus after a miscarriage. This is necessary to control the cleaning of fetal tissue residues.

    How is threatened early miscarriage diagnosed?

    It is diagnosed when a viable fetus is observed on an ultrasound, its heartbeat is seen, but the woman has at least one of the following symptoms:

    • discharge of varying degrees of intensity and color;
    • pain of varying severity and character in the lower abdomen and lower back;
    • temperature up to 38-39 degrees is rare, mainly in the presence of infection.

    If an examination by a doctor reveals a suspicion of a threatened miscarriage, you should not panic. You need to calm down and listen carefully to the doctor. At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, you can accurately determine whether the fetus is alive. This immediately increases the chance of protecting yourself from miscarriage to 96-97%.

    In addition to a gynecological examination and ultrasound, modern diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage may include the following steps:

    • blood test for hormone levels, mainly aimed at identifying progesterone levels;
    • blood test for certain viruses;
    • detecting the level of hCG in the blood;
    • identifying the level of ketosteroids in urine;
    • smear for bacterial genital infections;
    • detection of blood clotting (coagulogram) - performed for a history of miscarriages, that is, in the past.

    How to avoid miscarriage

    It is almost impossible to completely prevent abortion due to genetic abnormalities of the fetus.

    Here everything is individual, examinations are carried out, therapy is prescribed to prevent the threat of miscarriage in each specific clinical case.

    For example:

    • in case of bleeding, hemostatic drugs may be prescribed;
    • for hormonal disorders - taking corticosteroids;
    • at increased tone uteri - antispasmodics that reduce or eliminate contractions of the uterus;
    • if infections are detected, they must be treated;
    • for progesterone deficiency (progesterone is the “pregnancy hormone” that promotes successful pregnancy) – .

    However, she herself future mom may create a risk of miscarriage.

    For prevention, you need to exclude the following factors from your life:

    • unstable emotional background– stress, discontent, anxiety;
    • work "for wear and tear";
    • smoking;
    • alcohol;
    • drugs;
    • strong coffee in large quantities;
    • various harmful drinks like energy drinks;
    • a sharp increase in physical activity;
    • physical injuries.

    As you age, the likelihood of miscarriage increases. For expectant mothers who are 40 years of age or older, preventing miscarriage is a more pressing problem than for 20-year-olds.

    Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor

    Treatment after miscarriage

    After early termination, therapy is usually not required. If there was a miscarriage 2 or 3 times in a row, then both the woman and her partner need to be fully examined.

    If a miscarriage occurs at more than six to seven weeks of pregnancy, then changes in the body have already begun, both physically and hormonally. Termination of pregnancy weakens the body as a whole, forcing it to carry out reverse processes. Especially if the miscarriage had complications. Therefore, in such situations, treatment is necessary.

    Medicines may be prescribed:

    • antibiotic – to prevent infection;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs - usually suppositories;
    • Oxytocin – to enhance uterine contractions.

    You cannot drink, inject or administer any medications on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

    How long are they in the hospital?

    Expert review
    Borovikova Olga
    The time of hospitalization is determined by the doctor. Usually after cleaning, if there are no complications and the woman’s condition is satisfactory, she is discharged on the second day. Sometimes you have to be treated for several days. Some complications can delay the recovery process much longer; its duration depends on the nature and method of treatment.

    Recovery after miscarriage

    In addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, following these recommendations will help you recover and get pregnant again:

    • abstain from sex for one to two months;
    • do not take hot showers and baths, do not take steam baths and saunas, warm bath can be taken for no more than 10 minutes;
    • conduct ongoing and regular hygiene procedures– at least 2 times a day;
    • good rehabilitation after completion of the course of treatment - sports, activities should be moderate, without overexertion;
    • follow a sleep and nutrition schedule;
    • Vitamins can be used as maintenance therapy.

    Normalization of the menstrual cycle after miscarriage

    Regular periods are an indicator of a woman’s normal reproductive health. Normalization of the process usually takes from 2 to 6 weeks.

    The first menstruation after a miscarriage begins no earlier than 20 days later. This period is influenced by hormones, namely the level of hCG. The higher it was at the time of the miscarriage, the longer the recovery process takes.

    If after a miscarriage the bleeding stops and then resumes after a couple of weeks, then this is not your period yet. Most likely, the embryonic tissues did not come out completely, and this is how the uterine cavity gets rid of their remains. Once this bleeding is completed, after another couple of weeks, it is already possible to resume the normal menstrual cycle.

    Grief unites

    Why is miscarriage dangerous?

    In the early stages, even without medical intervention, termination of pregnancy against the backdrop of a healthy female body does not in any way affect the ability to conceive and give birth safely healthy child in future.

    If you postpone a visit to the doctor for more than 2 weeks or refuse when the doctor strongly recommends it, the risk of serious consequences increases. Tissues may become infected and inflammatory diseases may develop. The result can be tubal obstruction - which means infertility.

    A woman should not keep her emotions to herself. You need to talk it out, cry. The best communicator can be a partner who is experiencing no less grief. Sympathetic interlocutors are among relatives and close friends. There are special support groups consisting of people who have experienced the same situations.

    You can contact a psychologist. The main thing is to find a specialist with whom it will be comfortable and easy to communicate. It will help solve many problems. For example, when a woman says, I’m afraid to have sex, I’m afraid to lose my child again.

    Over time, if you do not hold grief within yourself, give it a way out, find sympathy, understanding and support among others, the feeling of loss, emptiness and guilt passes. It becomes possible to live on and...

    When can you plan a pregnancy?

    Physiologically, conception is permissible if the menstrual cycle is normalized - in a month. Doctors recommend planning a pregnancy no earlier than in 3 months, and preferably six months or a year. This time is necessary for the body to recover.

    If there was severe blood loss during the miscarriage, then the woman is likely to develop anemia. Pregnancy against this background will lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, which will affect the development of the child.

    A period of 6 months is considered safe. During this time, the reproductive system is completely restored.

    Consult a doctor

    How to get pregnant after a miscarriage

    1. Plan your new pregnancy carefully.
    2. Get tested to identify the causes of the miscarriage. And not only for the woman, but also for her partner.
    3. Take an ovulation test to make sure there are no irregularities.
    4. Determine hormonal status.
    5. Determine the level of ketosteroids in the urine.
    6. Get tested for all types of hidden infections.
    7. Do an ultrasound of the genital organs.
    8. Consult a geneticist.

    Obtaining a certificate of miscarriage

    There is no document as such. If a woman goes to see a doctor, he may well issue form 027/y, which gives the right to time off from work or absence from classes at an educational institution without negative consequences. Considering that after a miscarriage it takes time to recover and adhere to a special regime, the possibility of obtaining such a certificate immediately after the miscarriage is extremely important.

    To obtain a certificate, contact the doctor who performed the treatment or a gynecologist. It does not necessarily indicate the actual diagnosis - it can be replaced by any other disease that requires a similar period of recovery. The document can be drawn up in free form, but must be certified by the signature of the issuing doctor, as well as the stamp and seal of the medical institution.

    Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful periods in the life of every woman. Expectant mothers are especially beautiful, and their eyes radiate so much happiness and warmth that they could warm the whole world. Unfortunately, not every pregnancy proceeds normally and ends with the birth of a healthy baby. Sometimes it happens that a pregnancy is unexpectedly interrupted, and the dreams of a failed mother are not destined to come true. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

    What is a miscarriage and what types does it happen?

    In order to understand how a miscarriage occurs, you must first know what it is.

    4. The cause of repeated miscarriages can also be the so-called polycystic ovary syndrome. One recent British study found that 44 to 56 percent of women who had multiple miscarriages in a row had polycystic ovary syndrome, which is characterized by irregular or absent menstrual cycles. Most often, this syndrome is observed in women who are overweight.

    5. Rhesus incompatibility (hemolytic disease), which occurs when the mother has a positive Rh factor and the father has a negative Rh factor.

    6. Immune system disorders are the cause of 5-10% of miscarriages. This happens because a pregnant woman's immune system, programmed to fight bacteria and viruses, malfunctions and attacks healthy cells in the body. One of the most well-known immune system disorders is antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. It appears when the body mistakenly believes that phospholipids are foreign elements. As a result, antibodies are produced, which cause the formation of blood clots in the placental vessels, interrupting the flow of oxygen and nutrients from mother to fetus.

    7. Other reasons: features of the anatomical structure of the uterus, viral and bacterial infections, anti-drug and anti-stress medications, exposure to harmful substances.

    What symptoms indicate an incipient miscarriage?

    Every woman worries about how a miscarriage occurs. Symptoms indicating an upcoming or incipient miscarriage are of great importance for timely medical intervention and the prevention of spontaneous abortion. Among the most common symptoms, the following should be noted:

    Sudden weight loss;

    Disappearance of pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, breast swelling, drowsiness;

    False contractions, called Braxton-Hicks contractions;

    Real contractions (painful, every 5-10 minutes);

    The appearance of blood stains;

    Light painless bleeding (although this is not always a symptom of miscarriage);

    Heavy bleeding with or without clots, accompanied by cramps and severe pain in the abdomen or lower back;

    Vaginal discharge without pain or bleeding.

    Molar pregnancy, damaged egg or ectopic pregnancy will ultimately lead to miscarriage. The symptoms are similar, except that in the case of a molar pregnancy, the size of the uterus may be larger than usual and the level of hCG (pregnancy hormone) may be increased.

    Signs and characteristics of early miscarriage

    In the first weeks of pregnancy, only after learning about their interesting situation, women become very sensitive, and it is not surprising that they are visited by a variety of thoughts related to their well-being and the health of their future babies. The slightest changes occurring in the body make them worry. They see signs of early miscarriage in everything. Therefore, it is very important to have information. How to understand that a miscarriage has occurred? Is there really any point or reason to worry? Are these worries justified? How does spontaneous miscarriage occur? It is impossible to answer these questions unambiguously. Each case, like each organism, is absolutely individual, and they should be considered separately.

    It is almost impossible to identify the causes of most early miscarriages (more than 60%). It is assumed that these are genetic reasons. When an embryo is formed, half of its genes come from the sperm and the other half from the egg. Sometimes, without any apparent motive, something goes wrong and the pregnancy is terminated. A miscarriage itself can occur two to three weeks after the death of the fetus. Obstetricians-gynecologists name the following main causes of miscarriage at the initial stage of pregnancy:

    The embryo does not implant in the uterus as it should;

    Hormonal problems;

    Chromosomal abnormalities;

    Diseases of the uterus or cervix;

    Various intrauterine infections;

    Viral infections such as influenza;

    Strong blows to the pregnant woman's stomach;

    Multiple pregnancy;

    Previous miscarriages.

    Signs of early miscarriage:

    Severe cramps.


    Blood clots.

    At what stage of pregnancy can a miscarriage occur?

    Most often, miscarriage occurs in the earliest stages (2-3 weeks). In most cases, the woman does not even suspect that something like this happened to her. Early spontaneous miscarriages are often confused with normal menstruation. This is explained by the fact that the main symptoms of miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy are identical to normal menstruation: vaginal bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. This is the answer to the question of how a miscarriage occurs.

    Miscarriages occur less frequently in later stages of pregnancy (up to the 20th week). Spontaneous interruption Pregnancy that occurs after the 20th week is called a stillbirth.

    How does a miscarriage occur?

    Due to lack of awareness, many women sometimes do not even suspect that something terrible has happened to them - the loss of a child. They have no idea how quickly miscarriage occurs and what follows after it. In order to be fully armed, you need to remember the following:

    1. Spontaneous abortion, fetal death and rejection by the body usually do not occur at once, but last several hours or even days. The process occurs in several stages: threatened miscarriage, imminent (incipient) miscarriage, incomplete abortion and, finally, complete abortion.

    2. The threat of miscarriage is characterized by the onset of placental abruption and the appearance of the first signs of miscarriage (pain in the lower abdomen and slight bleeding from the vagina). At this stage, the uterus is closed and the pregnancy can still be maintained.

    3. Imminent (started) abortion is characterized by placental abruption and, accordingly, further death of the fetus. Imminent abortion cannot be stopped.

    4. With an incomplete abortion, the placenta separates, the fetus dies, and the process of its rejection by the body begins.

    5. During a complete abortion, the fetus and place are eliminated from the uterus, as well as from the female genital tract.

    Is it possible to independently determine that a miscarriage has occurred?

    By registering with antenatal clinic, women and even their husbands often ask doctors how to find out that a miscarriage has occurred. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine this on your own. If there is a suspicion that a miscarriage has occurred, you must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Only after a medical examination of the woman can one say with complete confidence whether a miscarriage occurred or not. In order to determine this, the doctor will refer the patient for an ultrasound.

    In addition, a test that will determine the level of hCG in the blood can indicate that a miscarriage has occurred. HCG is a hormone produced by the body exclusively during pregnancy. It can be detected in the blood one week after ovulation, when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. In the first three weeks of pregnancy, hCG levels should double every 2-3 days. When this level remains unchanged, a spontaneous miscarriage may have occurred.

    Doctors also resort to measuring the fetal heart rate (HR). To do this, they use a special device that allows them to listen to the heart rhythms of the fetus in the mother's stomach starting from 7-12 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetal heartbeat can be heard, then there can be no talk of a miscarriage. Remember that if you take a regular pregnancy test, it can show its presence even after an interruption. Therefore, you should not waste precious time and wonder how to determine that a miscarriage has occurred. At the slightest sign, go straight to your gynecologist.

    How can you provoke a miscarriage?

    Not every pregnant woman is delighted that she will soon become a mother. Each has its own reasons. Some pregnant women seek medical care and terminate the pregnancy in the hospital, while others prefer to do it on their own and find out everything possible ways how to have a miscarriage yourself. Since ancient times, various herbs, such as tansy, have been used for this. It was boiled and taken orally, which almost 100% guaranteed rejection of the fetus.

    There are many cases where women, in order to get rid of an unwanted child, took and continue to take hot baths to this day. Some try to bring the body to exhaustion with heavy physical activity. Young girls even manage to drink milk to which iodine is added. More “advanced” young ladies do not risk experiencing traditional methods. They prefer more modern means, such as hormonal pills.

    Only a few people think about the consequences of such methods and experiments. As a result, rash actions can lead to very disastrous results. Any attempt to have a miscarriage at home threatens the health and even the life of a pregnant woman. None folk remedy, which can provoke an abortion, does not guarantee that bleeding will not start or any infection will occur.

    The safest way to get rid of unwanted pregnancy itself is the so-called medical abortion. A prerequisite is a minimum time from conception (up to two weeks from a missed period). In this case, most likely, the miscarriage will occur quickly and painlessly, and the uterus will be completely cleaned. In addition, complications are practically excluded. However, it should be noted that the drugs used for medical abortion are not sold in pharmacies. Only doctors with a special license have the right to prescribe this type of medication to their patients. In addition, the cost of such drugs is quite high and not every girl can afford it.

    Instead of thinking about how to have a miscarriage and get rid of the fetus, maybe it's worth imagining what it would look like future baby and how much joy and happiness will he bring to the house? The decision is up to each parent. Responsibility for all actions lies entirely on their shoulders.

    What to do after a miscarriage occurs?

    What happens after a miscarriage is familiar to many. Some women who have had an abortion feel well. However, in others (4-10% of cases) a number of complications occur. A period of treatment and rehabilitation follows, which lasts up to several weeks. In the first week after spontaneous miscarriage a woman may suffer from abdominal pain. In addition, bleeding may occur. In the first two weeks after an abortion, you must abstain from sex. You should immediately consult a doctor again if symptoms such as:

    Heavy bleeding;

    Severe pain in the lower abdomen;

    High fever and seizures;


    Nausea and vomiting.

    Immediately after a spontaneous miscarriage, it is necessary to identify the reason why this happened. Today, there are a huge number of specialized medical centers, by contacting which a woman will receive qualified recommendations on what to do.

    Experts recommend planning your next pregnancy only two months after a miscarriage. To avoid getting pregnant before this time, it is necessary to use reliable contraceptives. According to statistics, if a woman becomes pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, the likelihood of the situation repeating increases several times. However, if pregnancy does occur, you should not panic. Under close and constant medical supervision, the outcome can be positive.

    Is it possible to protect yourself from spontaneous miscarriage?

    In order to minimize the risk of spontaneous miscarriage, it is recommended:

    A woman who has just learned about her interesting situation needs to:

    1. Don’t put it off until later, but consult a doctor as early as possible, get tested and register for pregnancy.
    2. Refuse everyone bad habits(smoking, alcohol and drugs) and reduce the amount of coffee and strong tea consumed.
    3. Decrease physical exercise and avoid sports that may cause injury.