The largest number of children born with one woman at a time: story, interesting facts. The largest number of children born by one woman at a time: story, interesting facts give birth, but how much

Hi, I am 30 years old, married for five years. Children never wanted, before marriage, they discussed this topic, in general, we found each other. And now I will tell you how I finally made sure that I want to live only for myself, my husband and parents.

My girlfriend has small childHer husband died suddenly. I and my husband always help her. She is like me as a sister. Once my husband went on a business trip, and I went to your girlfriend to sit with Small, and she rested. I stayed for a whole day with a child alone (I know well, it always stays with me calmly, sooooo active, shouting, in general, it is with him that you can experience all the delights of motherhood).

I was most accustomed to the role of "Mom, Household Houses". Played at home, went for a walk, because The girlfriend teaches independently and walk on the pot, then no diaguons, in general, washed his clothes, soap floors, prepared us for the evening with a friend dinner, the food for the child was prepared in advance.

In short, I tried to do everything than every God's day engaged in mommies on male. At night, I also slept in a room with a child, a girlfriend was sleeping in another room. But this is only a small part, with which I had to face. For myself concluded: I will help with joy, but I do not want this life.

Forum users, how do you understand that you do not want such responsibility? Please, if you want to comment, comment only in the case.
By the way, my name is Alina.



News from Samara about a 9-year-old girl I wrote me again in panic. The daughter goes to school and from school alone, yards and through the park, there is no other road. I am very scary for her. No opportunity to accomplish. She has already seen in the Park of Exhibitionist last year. But it is okay, little things. If only live. I dying every time when she does not answer the call. Once I was called from school that it was not in the lessons, but from the house she left in the morning, as usual. I seem to be crashing while I dialed to her. It turned out that they with a girlfriend just decided to strive and went to the girlfriend home.

Moms. How do you cope with a panic schA your children? Especially after such news. How does safety provide them? Hire accompanying I do not have the opportunity. We live with your daughter together. She is 11 years old. She is all my life if something happens to her, my life is meaningless. But I can't lock her at home and not to release anywhere.

About all sorts of danger told her a hundred times. That from lonely men to stay away. That the phone should always be charged and in your pocket at hand. What if something alarmed should be run away from all legs. What if you need to look loudly and attract the attention of all passersby. What to seek help is needed to aitenks. What else do I miss?


In the rays of the outgoing sun

Good day to all.
Girls, maybe someone will seem a ridiculous topic- * really can't solve itself *. Yes, I can not, bite and doubt. The whole head broke.
Therefore, I apologize.
Remarika-there is a child of 5 years, in the city of one, there is no one from the relatives.
Danar - now I work, work does not really like, the conditions of work are not very good-noisy, cold. SP 25-28 in hand.
The biggest advantages from this work - not far from the house, several bus stops and finish at 16.00. At 16.30, I already in the garden, I take a son. One of the first. And we can do absolutely to any mugs and classes. Well, or go home early.
Now they offer place-work, activities like, working conditions are excellent, sn in hand 40. But there is an organization in the industrial zone, public transport does not go, I am not a driver. The organization has corporate transport, in the morning and in the evening and it seems to be fine, and the fare is free. But it turns out for quite a long time. That's what's all my experiences. Son will need to bring the first to the garden, and take one of the last, about 6th. All sections in step accessibility begin classes before (went to a football to 17.30). So it will not be afraid anywhere else. And led, as I wrote at the beginning, no one more. Or sometimes, if necessary, I can spend 2 hours after work (from 16 to 18) I can spend on myself while the child is in the garden, not tester with him - in the clinic, somewhere at the other end of the city, etc.
In general, I do not understand yet, whether I am a fool that I can refuse greater money, Whether a bad mother, who plans less time to give a child, and for himself.
How would you do?


O Lesya

Honestly, I wanted to take advantage of the right of anonymity, but ....
In short, where to take patience? How not to lose composure when everything displays and the child (senior) is their behavior, including.

I got every day to dress and undressing a child in the garden (from the garden), got his eternal "I want and point", got his psyche with the violation of everything at hand. There is not enough patience and time to explain calmly a child why it is impossible, for some reason why CE. Well, for example, we are going to the street, I collect younger, older clothes will prepare and ask you to dress yourself. And he "I don't want to go outside and I will not go" ... and I have to go to sleep with younger on the street on the street, the older is not left with anyone. And here the horn will be strengthened ... There is no time for negotiations.

Psychies begin on my part, Thu the child is stubborn ... In the garden, the mother is dress, the mother came from the garden - Mom, the breaking, to eat "Mama Pokori". And the child, by the way, is 5 years. Yes, I understand, jealousy and all about the presence of younger. But ... how long will it last ?? I and so explosive, and when the brain removal begins, it's all for me ... Tuski light.

I read and communicated with a psychologist. That's it seems to be beautifully spoken. But according to them, I have to look at the child who pushes me, throws chairs, etc. For the fact that I forbade him cartoons, and to sort as a mantra that "Son, I understand that you are upset" and wait for it all will pass ... Here are a lot of such moments. When in the mood - a golden child, but there is enough of one ban (the same mulite) - it begins such stubbornness that .... R-r-r-p rod hunting.

P.S. To be honest, the "Child is broken here and get" - by !! The evil, started in the morning, can not restrain, because it is clearly not visible behind the screen, as we bring up a child.

Admins, transfer to the desired section, please, I can't even figure out much better to write.
Mom, where to take this patience and calm? How not to put on the neck of the child?



And what am I bald? I also want to put out ..
That's what I just deducted. Articles on the dependence of the child's intellectual abilities from the age of the mother at the time of birth. Looking ahead (if suddenly someone will be too lazy to read), I will say - British scientists found out that later (born after 35) children get smarter.
So article.
Scientists indicated an accurate age in which a woman gives birth to the smart child
Approval, about the fact that the first child should give birth to thirty years, remained in the past? Recent studies of scientists give a new look at the future motherhood.

Does it exist the best age For childbirth? Recent studies of British and Swedish scientists are surprising. We are talking about age in which a woman gives birth to the smart child. It sounds interesting, right?
Until now, there was a widespread belief that a woman should give birth to the first child to thirty years. This border has shifted in recent years. What are it connected with? Future parents in our time are more aware of motherhood. They want to provide appropriate conditions for education before they decide to give birth. And such pairs will delight the latest studies of scientists whose results give food for reflection.
The research team from the United Kingdom has published a study in the International Journal of Epidemiology. They watched the children aged 10-11 years, born in 1958, 1970 and 2001. The purpose of this study was to verify the cognitive abilities of children. It turned out that children of 1958 and 1970, whom Mothers gave birth at the age of 25-29 years, coped well with tasks. Were developed in their years. Surprise had kids born since 2001. They coped much better with tests. Their cognitive abilities exceeded their age. Women gave birth to them aged from 35 to 40 years.
Swedish Research confirms this thesis. Experts emphasize - children born at a later age, stronger and are determined to learn, thanks to which they get higher education and less often throw school.

According to the researchers, there is a relationship between the child's intellect and later maternity. Than we are older, the more consciously approach motherhood, to have children. Our maturity I. life experience Also affect how we bring up a child. When parents have a life experience, they are easier and better raising children.
But you can not forget about an important issue - about the risk of occurrence various diseases In children related to late motherhood.


Tells Vladislav Korsak, Professor, d. N., President of the Russian Association of Man's Reproduction.

"AIF": - officials believe that a family with 3 children should become the norm in Russia. And what amount of childbirth doctors consider optimal for a female body?

VC.:- The concepts of the norm in the reproduction does not exist. Pregnancy is not in vain call the trial stone of the body. One woman can endure and, the other at best "master" one. It is possible to figure out this only experimentally. Doctors have identified only the optimal periodicity of childbirth - so that the body has managed to recover, the break between them should be at least 2 years.

Early - not great

"AIF": - Are there any diseases of girls who put a cross to give birth in the future?

VC.: - Such diseases are only in boys (it is a vapotitis, or pig). The female reproductive sphere is quite reliably protected, and the effects of diseases are usually overcome. Negative forecast are given only in adolescence And the early start of sexual life. The optimal age for first bodies is from 18 to 26, when the body has already fully formed and the hormonal background has been established.

"AIF": - Today, girls ripen early - some have already started periods in 10 years ...

VC.: - Normally puberty in girls should be in 12-13 years old. But the occurrence of menstruation and 10, and in 15-16 years old is also considered an option for the norm. This is a clock, headed by nature, is impossible to influence their stroke.

"AIF": - There is such a matter as early climax (in 35-40 years). In his offensive, stresses, diet and early sexual ripening ...

VC.:- The woman who "burns at work" and depletes themselves with diets, can really stop monthly. But it has nothing to do with early climax - monthly is usually restored when a woman begins to eat normally. Early Climax (premature exhaustion syndrome) is laid by nature. To whom it threatens - you can learn about blood test. Women with ovarian depletion syndrome high indicators of gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH).

"AIF": - In Russia, 15% of families are fruitless. After how many years family life Need to beat the alarm?

VC.:- The woman has only three prolific months a year. The probability of the occurrence of pregnancy during the year is about 25%. Young couples to contact doctors, we recommend that the pregnancy has not come during the year of regular sexual life. But, if the age of a woman approaches 35 years (and its ovulatory stock is depleted), look for the cause you need to start after 6 months life together. Most causes (hormonal, adhesions) are eliminated. Usually the treatment of diseases doctors give a woman for 2 years. If pregnancy has not come, you need to think about Eco. And you have to rush! Eco After 43 years, in the absolute majority of cases, donor eggs are carried out, the potential mothers themselves do not have them for this time.


"AIF": - In 2012, the former minister of agriculture Elena Skrynnik (51 years old), Ilze Liepa (46 years old), is waiting for the child Irina Bezrukov (47 years old). Such examples are painted women who are postponing children "for later." And until what age is pregnancy possible?

VC.: - In the Old Testament described the history of 100-year-old Abraham and Sarah, who gave birth at 90 years old - "When the womb was already dead." Related cases occur still. In my practice there was a patient, which independently, without medical care, became pregnant and gave birth to 54 years (after five years of menopause). But this is the rarest exceptions. Therefore, every woman should solve herself - whether the biblical miracle happens to her, or to give birth, when it is laid by nature, - up to 40 years.

"AIF": - after the statement of the chief pediatrician that 75% of children born as a result of Eco, disabled, many are in no hurry to resort to this procedure ...

VC.: - In the world, serious studies were conducted, which convincingly testify - ECO technology does not have a pathological influence on the offspring. But the health of the child is determined primarily by the age of parents, and a pair of senior reproductive age is usually resorted to the ECO procedure. After 40 years, the risk of birth of a child with genomic violations increases catastrophically - regardless of how it was conceived. In addition, often multiple. It is fraught premature childbirth, cesarean section (also negatively affects the child), the birth of children with low body weight, with eye pathology. Therefore, in many countries, women pay a few ECO attempts in many countries - provided that they agree to the attachment of only one embryo. There considered that cheaper to pay for the procedures than to leave children after complications of multiple pregnancy.

Infertility: figures and facts


  • In 20-30 years, the highest fertility.
  • In 35 years, chances become pregnant 2 times lower than in 20 years. In 40 years, the likelihood of spontaneous pregnancy is 10% compared with 20-year-old age.
  • 40% of women who appeal to the doctor have an overweight body.
  • According to WHO, in recent years, a psychogenic form of infertility is increasingly found, which are subject to women "thin mental organization" and business women working in constant stress mode.


  • In the area of \u200b\u200b40 years, fertility begins to decline.
  • One of the newest methods of male treatment
  • infertility - Ixi, intracellular spermatozooid injection, at which one spermatozoa is entered into a needle directly into the egg.
  • If the obstruction of the seed-winning ducts, the spermatozoa necessary for the procedure is removed directly from the egg.

Sophisticated couple related to:

  • 30% - women's problems
  • 30% - male problems
  • 30% - violations of both partners,
  • 10% - inexplicable causes.

January 10, 1974 In Cape Town, Sue Rosenkovitz had six twins and all newborn survived.

But this, as they say, not the limit. In the world, both more twins were born and born. What is the biggest number of children who have appeared at the same time?


In October 2008, 31-year-old Denign Carpio from New York gave birth to six twins - four boys and two girls. The weight of the kids at birth was from 0.68 to 0.9 kilograms. A happy mother and her husband, 36-year-old Victor, was already at that time a seven-year-old son.

The birth of six twins is an extremely rare phenomenon that meets in one case by 4.4 million people. Only once before this, six kids were born in New York. It happened in 1997.

In October 2010, in the Italian city of Benevento, not far from Naples, the 30-year-old carmels of Olives were born six children - four girls and two boys. In Italy, it was the first similar case over the past 14 years.

To help the kids to be born, the doctors were forced to resort to Cesarean cross section. Children were born with a slight weight - from 600 to 800 grams. According to doctors, a similar phenomenon is not connected with artificial fertilization, but with the treatment that mother passed is - the fact is that Italian laws prohibit transplant more than three embryos.


Bobby Maccogi (USA) gave birth to 7 children on November 19, 1997. They weighed from 1048 to 1474 grams and were born at 31 weeks of pregnancy for 16 minutes using cesarean sections.

7 twins were born for 8 weeks ahead of time - January 14, 1998 - 40-year-old Hasna Mohammed Humair (Saudi Arabia). Among them are 4 boys and 3 girls, the smallest weighed 907 grams.

In August 2008, in the Northern Egyptian province Becherir, the 27-year-old wife of the local farmer Gazal Hamis gave birth to seven twins immediately! As it turned out, Egyptian dreamed of giving her son's her husband and took the preparations stimulating pregnancy. The result is four sons and three daughters.

Gazalu Hamis was put under observation two months before the birth: the development of twins in the womb of the mother of concerns did not cause - doctors worried only the increasing pressure on the kidneys. After the cesarean section, the feminine has also transferred blood transfusion. But all the crumbs were born healthy and quite large - from 1.4 to 2.8 kg, which in itself the mystery of nature.


On January 26, 2009, 33-year-old Nadi Suleman gave birth to eight twins, and they were all healthy.

The mother of the newborn eight lived then together with his other children and parents in the suburbs of Los Angeles - in the small town of Loser. The family has already grown up six kids aged two to seven years old, among which there are a couple of twins.

Grandma kids left the job and dedicated all her daughter's family. And grandfather to help Nadi, went to Iraq, work under the contract. Nadi itself claimed that he decided on this step because of his own childhood, in which she was so lacking brothers and sisters. In addition, the eccentric American stated that the example of his idol was the most familiar Angelina Jolie. A few years ago, Suleman even made a plastic surgery to resemble an actress.

The eight was conceived with the help of extracorporeal fertilization (ECO). Doctors in such cases insist on reduction (seizure) of part of embryos. After all, this amount can badly affect both the health of the mother and the health of future children.

But California, having enlisted the support of his big family, refused the reduction. Mother - a longeon long ago divorced her husband because they could not have joint children.

Birth with the help of cesarean sections went nine weeks before the deadline. A brigade of 46 doctors, who took birth, expected the appearance of seven kids, which is not often, but it happens. However, the newborn turned out to be eight - six boys and two girls - and they are all quite healthy. The weight of the kids is from 700 g to 1.9 kg. Seven of them immediately breathed independently, and they were fed from the bottle. The whole family was discharged home from the maternity hospital in just a week.

From 10 and more

There is information about the birth of ten twins at once. Such cases were recorded in Spain in 1924, in China - in 1936 and in Brazil - in 1946. But this is not the limit.

Eleven kids immediately - this is the largest number of twins whose information is known. The first birth of 11 twins occurred on May 29, 1971 in the United States, in the city of Philadelphia. The second - in 1977 in Bangladesh, in the city of Bagrakhat. In both cases, none of the children, unfortunately, did not survive.


The greatest number of children born in one mother

The largest number of children born by one mother, according to official data, - 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. The wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasilyeva gave birth 27 times, while leaving 16 times twins, 7 times triple and 4 times in 4 twins. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

From our contemporaries, Leontin Albina from San Antonio, Chile, who in 1943-81 gave birth to 55 children in 1943-81, is considered the most fruitful mother. As a result of the first 5 pregnancies, her triple was born, and exclusively male.

Woman who gave birth the greatest number

A record number of times - 38 - gave birth, according to Elizabeth Greenhill from Abbots-Langley, Chountfordshire county, United Kingdom. She had 39 children - 32 daughters and 7 sons - and died in 1681.

Most more father

The most important father in history is the Russian peasant of the village of Vvedensky Yakov Kirillov, who in 1755 in connection with this was presented to the court (he was then 60 years). The first wife of the peasant gave birth to 57 children: 4 times four, 7 times three times, 9 times two and 2 times one by one. The second wife gave birth to 15 children. Thus, 72 children had from two wives of Yakov Kirillov.

Guinness Book of Records


The greatest number of children

The largest number of children born by one mother, according to official data, is 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. The wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasilyeva gave birth 27 times, while leaving 16 times twins, 7 times triple and 4 times in 4 twins. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

From our contemporaries, Leontin Albina (or Alvin) from San Antonio, Chile, which in 1943-81 is considered the most fruitful mother. gave birth to 55 children. As a result of the first 5 pregnancies, her triple was born, and exclusively male.

Giving birth the greatest number

A record number of times - 38 - gave birth, according to Elizabeth Greenhill from Abbots-Langley, c. Hartfordshire, United Kingdom. She had 39 children - 32 daughters and 7 sons - and died in 1681

The oldest woman in labor

At the age of 63, July 18, 1994, Rosanna Dalla Court from Viterbo, Italy, born the boy; Before that, she passed the course of treatment from infertility. According to the University of Southern California, the 63-year-old Arseli Kakh also gave birth to a child in 1996.


128 days ahead of the term of the brand Gill Ottawa, Ave. Ontario, Canada, May 20, 1987 Son James Gill was born. was 624

The longest intervals between the generic acts in multiple pregnancy

Peggy Lynn from Huntington, pcs. Pennsylvan! The United States, gave birth to a girl Hanna on November 11, 1995 A second from twins, Erica, - only CHER 84 days (February 2, 1996).

The longest separation of two twins

Iris Jones and Aro Campbell (r. 1914) met after 75-year separation.

Multiple birth

Siamese twins

The connected twins began to call "Siameski" after in the area of \u200b\u200bMountalong in Siame (Thailand) on May 11, 1811 were born in the field of breasts Chang and Eng bunkers. They were combined with marriages with Sarah and Adelaide Yets from the pc. North Carolina, USA, and had 10 and 12 children, respectively. They died in 1874, and with a difference of 3 hours.

The most extreme form of this phenomenon is a human being with two heads, four hands and two legs (Dicephales Tetrabrachius Dipus). The only registered case of this kind is Masha and Dasha Krivoshalipov, born in January 1950. in USSR.

The first successful operation on separation siamese twins produced on December 14, 1952 in the hospital Mount Sinai, Cleveland, pcs. Ohio, USA, Dr. Jacques S. Geller.

The greatest number of multiple birth in one family

Maddalen grenades from Italy (r. 1839) 15 times were born.

There is also information about birth on May 29, 1971 in Philadelphia, pcs. Pennsylvania, USA, and in May 1977 in Baghart, Bangladesh, 11 twins. In both cases, no child survived.


The oldest person (documented)

In Arles, France, in August 1997, 122-year-old Jeanne Louise Sing, born on February 21, 1875 died, today, the oldest man is Maria Louise Pubron Meirler, Quebec, Canada, who is 116 years old.

The oldest twin

February 14, 1803 in Efington, pcs. Virginia, USA, was born to Yalay Sadrak Fipps and John Mezhak FIPPS. The first at the age of 108, Yilai died. It was February 23, 1911

The oldest triple

Faith, Hope and Chariti Cardwell were born in ELM Motte, pcs. Texas, USA, May 18, 1899, the first on October 2, 1994, a face of 95 years old was died.

The oldest quantity

Adolf, Anna-Maria, Emma and Elizabeth Otdman were born on May 5, 1912. In Munich, Germany. On March 17, 1992, Adolf died at the age of 79.

The greatest number of descendants

In countries where the law is permitted by polygamy, a person may have uncountable many children. It is said that Sultan Morocco Mulai Ismail (1672-1727) by 1703 had 525 sons and 342 daughters, and in 1721, when he was 49 years old, became the father of the 700th Son.

By the day of his death aged 96 years in October 1992 Samuel S. Male from Freiberg, pcs. Pennsylvania, USA, has a total of 824 lives of the descendant: 11 children, 97 grandchildren, 634 great-grandfather and 82 rights.

Descendants covering the largest number of generations

Augusta Banj from the pc. Wisconsin, USA, January 21, 1989, at the age of 110, became the great-grandfather, when the son of Christopher John Bolig was born at her grandfather's leadership.

The greatest number of living ancestors

At the time of birth in 1982, Megan Sue Austin, Bar Harbor, pcs. Maine, the United States, had 19 direct relatives on the ascending line, which included a complete set of grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, as well as 5 relatives from Praprabaushki and Prapradashek.

The most prolific pregnancy

Dr. Martanino, Rome, Italy, argues that in July 1971 he removed a 35-year-old woman from the uterus, had a 4-month pregnancy, embryos 10 girls and 5 boys. This unique case of 15-millet was a consequence of reception of pills from infertility.

9 children - the largest amount for one pregnancy - was published on June 13, 1971 Geraldin Brodrik in Sydney, Australia. 5 boys and 4 girls were born: 2 boys were stillborn, and from the rest did not live more than 6 days.

On cases of birth 10 twins (2 boys and 8 girls) are known to report from Spain (1924), China (1936) and Brazil (April 1946).

Infectious diseases

"Ancient" diseases

Already in 1350 BC. Ancient Egypt described cases of leprosy.

Egyptian mummies, preserved since the 20th dynasty (1250-1000 BC), traces of such an infectious disease of the liver and kidneys were found as (Tuberculosis schistosomiasis).

In the Biblical Old Testament mentioned.

"The newest" disease

Recently, an infectious disease is found, which is the new kind Creitzfeld's disease - Jacob leading to dementia. In all likelihood, the disease is caused by a tiny fragment of a protein, called a subion. It is transferred to a man from the ill-horned encephalitis (BGE) of cattle.

The most widespread illness

The most widespread infectious disease is a disease of the upper respiratory tract. There are at least 40 different viruses (transmitted either by air, or with direct contact), causing symptoms such as chihannia, sore throat, deploying eyes, runny nose, headache, a slight increase in temperature.

Rare sickness

The most rare disease is now pack. In May 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) did not register any case of the Disease of the PCA over the past 6 months. The last case of the Disease of the OSP, which had a fatal outcome occurred in August 1978 from the sample stored for research purposes, was infected with a photographer who worked in the Laboratory of Birmingham University, United Kingdom.

The most dangerous diseases

The mortality rate over 50% is observed in the fever of Lasse-epidemic disease caused by a rare West African virus. Very high mortality was also noted with a church-head hemorrhagic fever (marburg viral disease) and Ebola's fever.

Since 1900, Cholera took about 20 million human lives in India. During the outbreaks of the epidemic in the absence of treatment, the mortality rate can reach 50%.

It is less likely to meet a virus disease that is transferred by mosquitoes. According to reports, 10-90% of the diseased dies from it.

The most dangerous malaria infection

On July 18, 1994, the 63-year-old Italian Rosanna Dalla Court made a sensation in world medicine, born a boy after a course of treatment from infertility. We decided to recall the most unusual childbearing records.

The youngest Mom

The most young mother in the world became Lina Medina in 1939 in Peru. At the age of 5 and 7 months, this girl gave birth to a 3-kilogram baby. Lina's parents noticed a strange bloating of the girl at the girl when she was already at 7 months old. First, the doctors stated the tumor, but then admitted that the girl was pregnant. Pregnancy Lina flowed absolutely normal, as a result, the baby was born quite healthy. The cause of pregnancy and the present Father Lina did not dare to call, even after several decades. The most early child lived to 40 years old, and after died of bone marrow disease.

First pregnant man

On June 29, 2008, the world shocked the news that the first pregnant man successfully gave birth to a child. Made this 34-year-old American Thomas Biti, who gave birth to a healthy girl. The fact is that 15 years ago, Thomas decided to surpass the floor. He was removed by the dairy glands, but left the female sex system inside the body. The child appeared with the help of artificial fertilization. During childbirth, a man had to do cesarean sectionAlthough the beat itself argues that the childhood occurred in a natural way. From the hospital, he was met by Nancy's wife, who claimed that the family would be absolutely traditional: Biti would perform a fatherly role, and she is the maternal.

Heavy Baby in the World

In 1955, the woman named Carmelin Fedel in the city of Aversa in Italy was born the most severe baby in the world. His weight was 10.2 kilograms. The child was born healthy, it was a boy. Before this case, no one in the world did not give birth to a 10-kilogram baby. In 2009, the baby scales were born in Indonesia in almost 9 kg, and in 1992 it was in the UK born baby Weight of 7 kg. For comparison, the smallest surviving baby in history weighed 281 grams.

The largest number of children born woman for the whole life

The wife of the Russian peasant Fedor Vasilyeva gave birth and raised 69 children. In just 40 years, she managed to give birth to 27 times: of which 16 times twins, 7 times triple and 4 times in 4 twins. Only two children of Vasilyev died in infancy.

The largest number of multiple birth of one woman

Maddalena Grenade from Italy, born in 1839, gave birth 15 times in life - and all 15 times she gave birth to Trina. SAMI multiple pregnancy In history occurred in Kursk: there was a woman gave birth to 10 children at a time. Repeat the record has not yet been able to repeat - and the woman herself, is understandable, prefers not to try.