At what age does the belly begin to be visible? When does a pregnant belly start to grow? When does the belly begin to grow during multiple pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman carefully monitors her condition, noticing the slightest changes occurring in the body.

For first-time mothers, everything is interesting: and at what time the belly will begin to grow.

Indeed, when does the belly begin to grow and pregnancy becomes noticeable to others?

You can understand the issue by knowing how quickly the size of the fertilized egg changes and how the process affects the woman’s external condition.

The reproductive organs are located in the pelvic area, located in the lower abdomen, and are reliably protected by the pelvic bones. The uterus is located between the bladder and rectum directly in the central part of the pelvis.

Externally, the uterus resembles a pear, with its narrow part facing down. The organ is quite elastic, capable of significantly stretching during pregnancy, and also quickly contracting after childbirth.

In nulliparous women, the uterus weighs approximately 50 g and does not protrude above the pubic bone. In women who have given birth, the organ is slightly enlarged in size, and its weight is 80-100 g.

The uterus grows as pregnancy progresses.

8-10 days after sexual intercourse. The process of penetration into the endometrium takes about 2 days. As the embryo grows, the size of the uterus changes:

  • up to 4 weeks, the size of the fertilized egg does not exceed 4 mm;
  • at 5 weeks the size increases to 6 mm;
  • at 6 weeks – 11-18 mm;
  • at 8 weeks – 27-34 mm;
  • at 10 weeks –50 mm.

Every day the diameter of the egg increases by approximately 1 mm until 15-16 weeks. At this time, the CTE of the fetus averages 8-9 cm, and its weight is 85 g.

After this period, the growth rate accelerates, the daily increase in diameter is 2-2.5 mm. It is at this time that the tummy most often begins to protrude.

However, it is not necessary that the belly will begin to grow after the 16th week, since the course of the process depends on many factors. Sometimes pregnancy proceeds “secretly” and becomes noticeable at 7-9 months.

Sometimes a woman already notices in the first month that her stomach has begun to enlarge.

When does a belly become noticeable?

From the moment the fertilized egg attaches, the uterus enlarges and within a month reaches the size of a chicken egg.

By 2 months, the size of the uterus can be compared to the size of a goose egg. At 12 weeks, the diameter of the organ is comparable to the head of a full-term fetus.

By this time, the upper part of the organ can already be felt above the pubic bone. However, for the woman herself, an enlarged uterus does not cause any trouble.

The size of the abdomen in primiparous women begins to increase only by the 16th week.

From now on, the gynecologist will measure the abdominal circumference and height of the uterus at each appointment. The organ will continue to grow until approximately 36 weeks, gradually acquiring an oval shape.

After this period, the belly no longer grows. With each passing week, your protruding belly will become more noticeable.

Why does the belly grow faster during the second pregnancy?

It is believed that women carrying the 2nd, 3rd, etc. baby, the belly becomes noticeable much earlier. This fact is confirmed by statistics. The difference is especially noticeable if same-sex children are born or if the second child is expected to be a boy.

More often than not, the second child actually has more weight and sizes. On average, the fruit is 300-500 g larger than the first.

On the other hand, when repeat pregnancy Muscle tone is slightly reduced, and the ligamentous apparatus is relaxed. Therefore, women expecting their second child notice a protruding belly 2-3 weeks earlier.

In the second pregnancy, the belly begins to grow from 12-14 weeks.

Although this is all relative. The timing of the appearance of the belly is individual for each pregnant woman.

Why do pregnant bellies grow differently?

The volume of the abdomen at the same period is individual for all pregnant women. Therefore, if your belly is clearly visible at 4 months or is completely absent, do not worry. There are several reasons why pregnant women’s abdominal circumference and shape vary significantly during the same period:

  • Pelvic volume.

When a woman is registered, pelvic measurements are taken to determine the approximate diameter of the fetal head that can pass freely through the birth canal. If the pelvis is too narrow, the woman is prepared for caesarean section. This factor affects the size of the tummy.

The narrower the pelvis, the earlier the roundness becomes noticeable.

You can determine that the narrowing of the ring is pronounced yourself by measuring the circumference of your wrist.

With a circumference of less than 14 cm, the pelvis is most likely narrow.

  • Anatomical structure of the pelvis.

The constitution of the pelvis is often inherited. However, do not be upset if a narrow bone ring is inherent in the mother and her belly was noticeable from the first weeks of pregnancy.

It is possible that the woman has adopted her father’s genetic information and her pelvic bone thickness does not exceed the norm.

  • Number of embryos.

The size of the abdomen also depends on such factors as singleton or.

In a woman carrying 2 or more fertilized eggs at the same time, the size of the uterus is significantly larger and it simply does not fit into the pelvic cavity, protruding above the pubic bone before 12 weeks.

  • Fruit size.

He is ahead of his peers in development, and the uterus grows faster.

  • A large amount of water.

Stretches the uterus regardless of the size of the fetus. Therefore, the belly becomes noticeable earlier.

  • Location of the placenta.

The placenta consists of fairly dense tissues that are not capable of self-stretching. Attached to the wall of the uterus, it reduces the elasticity of muscle tissue in this area of ​​the organ.

  • Position of the baby in the uterus.

Already in the second trimester, the size and shape of the abdomen can change significantly almost every week. The baby begins to show activity, and a lot depends on what position he occupies in the uterus.

If the child turns his head down, the volume of the organ decreases and the abdomen is not so noticeable; if he lies across, the uterus stretches and the abdominal wall protrudes forward.

  • Shapes of a pregnant woman.

The plumper the woman, the easier it is to disguise pregnancy. Under the pronounced folds of the fatty subcutaneous layer, the growth of the uterus is noticeable much later.

  • Repeated pregnancy.

The second and subsequent pregnancies may appear earlier due to a weakened and stretched anterior abdominal wall, unable to contain the pressure of the growing uterus.

  • Scar on the uterus.

If there is scar tissue in the cervix or its weakening due to the threat of miscarriage, the muscle tissue of the cervix is ​​not able to withstand the stretching of the lower part of the uterus.

The organ retains its pear-shaped shape longer and accumulates in its lower part. amniotic fluid, which accommodate the growing embryo.

This happens especially often with leg presentation. This position and shape of the uterus affects the external manifestations of pregnancy - the tummy will begin to grow much later, and the height of the uterine fundus will change more slowly.

  • Shapewear.

Sometimes a woman simply does not want to advertise her pregnancy and tightens her growing belly using corsets, wide belts or bandages. Such behavior can lead to significant complications.

Compression of the abdomen causes the uterus to literally press into the pelvic space, displacing the intestines.

As a result, the diaphragm is supported by the intestines and, in turn, puts pressure on the lungs, preventing them from fully opening when inhaling.

Insufficient gas exchange leads to oxygen starvation, which negatively affects the development of the child and the condition of the mother.

Don’t be alarmed if your belly becomes noticeable during pregnancy earlier or later than with your friends. Too many factors influence its growth. The easiest way is to ask a gynecologist why the size of the abdomen is different from average at this period. A professional doctor will always answer the question, completely satisfying your curiosity.

Let's try to figure out at what month of pregnancy the belly appears and its presence is already very difficult to hide. Pregnancy for every woman is a serious step towards a completely new life. Especially if she's the first. The expectant mother is tormented by questions: how should her belly grow, and when will it be visible to others?

The first time the abdomen grows slower than the second and all subsequent ones. And at what time it will be noticeable depends largely on the physique of the expectant mother and her heredity. For most women, by about the twelfth week (the end of the third month), the belly begins to protrude slightly, and by the sixteenth it is already clearly visible. Around the twenty-eighth week (plus or minus ten days), it becomes simply impossible to hide your situation.

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the size of the ovum is determined using transvaginal ultrasound. It can be seen after two to three weeks of development; your pregnancy period at this time (we count from the first day of the last menstruation) is six to seven weeks. The fertilized egg at this stage is from two to four millimeters in diameter.

At the tenth week of pregnancy (eighth week of fetal development), its diameter reaches twenty-two millimeters.

At the twelfth week, the length of the fetus reaches six to seven centimeters and weighs twenty to twenty-five grams. On the monitor during an ultrasound, it is clearly visible that the fertilized egg almost completely fills the uterine cavity.

At the end of the sixteenth week, the fetus is about twelve centimeters long and weighs about one hundred grams.

At the twentieth week of pregnancy, its length reaches approximately twenty-six centimeters, and its weight reaches three hundred grams.

By the end of the sixth month, the length of the fruit reaches approximately thirty centimeters, and its mass reaches six hundred and eighty grams.

At the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus reaches approximately thirty-five centimeters, and the weight reaches one kilogram two hundred grams.

By the end of the eighth month, the length of the fetus reaches approximately forty-two centimeters, and its weight reaches one kilogram, seven hundred grams.

At the thirty-sixth week, the length of the unborn child sometimes reaches forty-eight centimeters, and the weight is two kilograms, five hundred grams.

At the beginning of labor, the body weight of a full-term baby is from two kilograms, six hundred grams to five kilograms, and the length is from forty-eight to fifty-four centimeters.

At what month of pregnancy the belly appears, you can find out from the example of one young (then still future) mother, who captured the entire process of its growth on video.

Every pregnant woman wants others to notice her situation. Especially if this is the desired first pregnancy. Some people start buying clothes for themselves from the moment they find out about their interesting situation. Others spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, trying to see if their belly is already round or not. There is no clear answer to the question of when exactly the belly begins to grow.

Factors influencing the growth of the abdomen in a pregnant woman:

A woman may notice that her tummy begins to round out after 16 weeks. Of course, this will be invisible to others for now. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, the belly begins to become more noticeable a little earlier. This is due to the fact that the uterus and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall have previously been stretched.

If the expectant mother has a narrow pelvis, her tummy begins to be noticeable earlier than in mothers with wide hips. The uterus in such women cannot grow to the sides due to their anatomical features, so it begins to rise above the pubic bone.

An interesting position in thin people becomes visible faster than in fat ones.

For mothers who are expecting the birth of two babies at once, the belly becomes noticeable already in the third month of pregnancy.

An important factor is heredity. If on the maternal side all women had small bellies during pregnancy, then expect a belly big size not worth it.

After 16 weeks of pregnancy, most mothers begin to think about changing their wardrobe. There is no need to delay purchasing clothes. Wearing things that tighten the stomach is dangerous for the development of the fetus.

a month, do people around you begin to see your pregnant belly?

An interesting situation in women carrying their first baby becomes noticeable to others closer to the seventh month of pregnancy. For pregnant women a month earlier for the second time. IN maternity leave women leave at 30 weeks. This is due to the fact that after this mark the belly begins to grow very quickly. If before this period the baby was developing in the womb, now its main task is to gain weight. Closer to the 36th week of pregnancy, a woman becomes pregnant due to her large belly, which puts pressure on the diaphragm. This discomfort will subside two weeks before delivery, at 38 weeks.

How do obstetricians-gynecologists measure the abdomen during pregnancy?

Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist at the appointment will measure such an indicator as the height of the uterine fundus. Using it, doctors can determine whether the pregnancy and fetus are developing well. The height of the uterine fundus is measured from the symphysis pubis to the top of the uterus. Starting from 24 weeks, this indicator should be equal to the gestational age in weeks. When the uterus descends before childbirth, it decreases and becomes equal to 32 cm.

Norms for the height of the uterine fundus:
16 weeks – 6 cm;
20 weeks – 11 - 12 cm;
24 weeks – 24 cm;
28 weeks – 28 cm;
32 weeks – 32 cm;
36 weeks - 34 - 36 cm;
38 weeks – 35 - 38 cm;
40 weeks – 32 cm.

It happens that the same woman has different abdominal sizes during several pregnancies. Doctors say that every pregnancy is unique. Consequently, there are no absolutely identical tummies.

Pregnancy completely affects a woman’s body. Absolutely everything changes - from the psycho-emotional state to the shape of the body. Many women are interested in the question of when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. For some, this interest is associated with the fear of gaining extra pounds, and for others, with the pleasant weeks of waiting for the baby.

At what stage does the belly begin to grow in pregnant women?

Gynecologists say that the belly of pregnant women begins to grow from the 16th week of pregnancy. But the abdominal circumference begins to measure in antenatal clinic already from 7-8 weeks, when the expectant mother becomes registered.

Data from different women at the same period will be different because a number of factors influence the growth of the abdomen:

  1. What kind of pregnancy is it?
  2. Body constitution of the expectant mother, her weight and height.
  3. Genetics.
  4. Features of baby development.
  5. The rapidity of weight gain by a pregnant woman.

What does the tummy look like during pregnancy - Photo:

Multiple pregnancy and belly size

Expectant mothers who are expecting twins or even triplets notice changes already in the first trimester: their tummy becomes rounder faster, the uterus grows more intensely and weight gain is more significant.

At the same time, there are exceptions to the rules: some women have a fairly large belly due to incorrect calculations or a significant volume of amniotic fluid.

Growth by trimester

Each trimester is characterized by its own characteristics and metamorphoses in the increase in the belly of the expectant mother:

  • First trimester: the stomach does not increase in size or may increase very slightly;
  • 2nd trimester: the baby begins to grow more intensively, the uterus and tummy increase in volume. Your attentive friends will be able to notice small changes and guess that you will soon become a mother;
  • Third trimester: a fairly voluminous belly that cannot be hidden even under loose styles of dresses and blouses. In addition, changes are visible even on the woman’s face.

Belly shape and gender of the child

Experienced gynecologists in old times could determine the sex of the baby without an ultrasound or any tests. Of course, observations could be considered more objective already with a fairly rounded tummy, that is, in the third trimester. At the same time, predictions sometimes did not come true because there is a relationship with the physique of the expectant mother, her muscle tone and the lack of dietary restrictions. At the same time, there are people who are sure that those with round bellies expect girls, and those with elongated, sharp bellies expect boys.

Abdominal growth and what kind of pregnancy is it?

As experts note, there is a relationship between counting pregnancy and the intensity of abdominal growth. During the second or third pregnancy there is more active growth tummy already on early stages. A woman gains more round shapes already from the 14th week, since the abdominal wall stretched during the first pregnancy and its elasticity is higher. At the same time, women with trained abdominal muscles maintain their slimness longer.

Thin and fat: what's the difference?

The massiveness of the bones, the presence of fat deposits, as well as the natural structural features of a particular woman’s body affect the size of the abdomen.

It is worth noting that in slender expectant mothers, the changes that occur during pregnancy are more noticeable than in plump ones. Already in the first months after conception, they have a small, rounded tummy, while in plump women it is barely noticeable in the second trimester. It also happens that thin women do not notice changes in their figure: this indicates that the embryo is deeply planted. There is no need to worry in this case, since nature has created us all unique.

Very small tummy

Some women are concerned that their tummy is very small even at later pregnancy. Indeed, there are reasons for concern, but it is better to discuss them with your doctor. So, why is the deadline late, but the tummy is almost invisible?

  1. Delayed fetal development. The cause may be placental insufficiency. The baby's weight at birth can be about 2500 g. The child is born weak and needs support. In the future, this can negatively affect his mental and physical development.
  2. Low water. The causes of oligohydramnios can be fetal malformations.
  3. Threat of miscarriage due to the transverse position of the fetus.

An experienced doctor will notice all possible nuances during the examination and report his observations. expectant mother.

As you can see, the growth of a pregnant woman’s belly has a number of features, which are most often associated with the physique of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy.

How the belly grows during pregnancy - Video:

The first joys of realizing that you are pregnant have subsided, and you have entered the phase of waiting for your belly to be visible. Young girls, having just become pregnant, immediately believe that their belly is growing literally every hour. And when nothing like that happens, panic occurs. At what stage of pregnancy is the belly visible?

In girls, during their first pregnancy, the tummy does not grow as quickly as they would like. There is only one reason - their muscles are strong and not stretched. As a rule, it can appear by the beginning of the fourth month, and will acquire impressive sizes by the seventh month.

Note that there are no general standard abdominal sizes within a certain time frame; everything here is purely individual and depends on the structure of the body, and on physiological characteristics. You can measure your tummy with a regular measuring tape. To do this, just apply the beginning of the tape to the navel area in front, while fixing a point in the middle of the lower back from behind. The number on the marked point will indicate the size of the abdomen at a certain stage of pregnancy.

The shape of the tummy itself depends on the various characteristics of each woman, while the gender of the child has absolutely no influence on this fact.

When does the belly of expectant mothers begin to enlarge?

Increasing female roundness has always been considered individually. The appearance of a belly already in the third month is not necessarily caused by pregnancy; the reason can be very prosaic - ordinary overeating.

It also happens that the mother has already felt the fetus moving, but there is not even a hint of the belly and it begins to appear from the 7th month. Sometimes people around are surprised when a woman was pregnant, because they see that she has simply gained weight proportionally. Her belly is completely invisible, she just gained extra pounds.

In women with a wide pelvis, the tummy is visible at 4-5 months; in the second pregnancy, the appearance of the belly is observed earlier. The belly is not so noticeable if the woman is a professional athlete or plays sports. Such women have developed abdominal muscles, which affects the size of the abdomen. U overweight women The tummy is also not visible.

If a woman has doubts about this, when she has a lot of doubts about the normal development of the baby, it is best to contact her gynecologist. It is he, your attending physician, who can dispel all your suspicions.

Fetal sizes at different stages of pregnancy

Most women want to know how the baby is developing and, naturally, are interested in the size of the child. different dates its interesting position. Its length is about 7 cm at 12 weeks, its weight is generally tiny - 20-25 grams. A child grows up to 12 cm by the 16th week, and body weight is 100 grams. Already 26 cm at 20 weeks, and weight - about 300 grams. By the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby’s length reaches 35 cm, and the weight is already quite significant - 1200 g. The baby's length at 32 weeks will be up to 42 cm and body weight will be about 1700 grams. The indicators increase at 36 weeks and are, respectively, height 48 cm, weight 2500 g. Note that the weight of a baby born to term is 2600-5000 g.

But all these data are relative and you should buy clothes that are more spacious, otherwise there is a possibility of miscalculation.

When does the belly grow in pregnant twins?

The situation is completely different when a woman is carrying twins. In this case, the growth of the abdomen differs significantly and for obvious reasons. In case of multiple pregnancy, rounding of the tummy is observed in the first trimester of pregnancy. It turns out that the uterus grows a whole four weeks earlier. Naturally, the weight gain is significant.

If it doesn’t show twins, but the belly has become too big big sizes, no need to worry about this. All this is individual and it is possible that the timing of your pregnancy was calculated incorrectly. And this happens, and due to the difference - an increase in the abdomen.

What affects the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy?

There are many factors that influence belly growth.

  1. This is primarily heredity. It’s better to ask your mother about this, how she walked while pregnant, and whether her belly was visible.
  2. Next are the anatomical manifestations. Height, weight, build - all these indicators affect the visibility and roundness of the abdomen. All children grow the same in the womb, but petite women the belly will be visible faster than at the same time in a full woman.
  3. What kind of pregnancy is it? During the 2nd and 3rd pregnancy, a woman’s muscles are already quite stretched; naturally, the belly is also visible earlier.
  4. General weight gain. The reason may be a woman’s excellent appetite. It is quite possible that she eats for three.
  5. Growth rate and size of the fetus. A large baby affects the size of the mother's tummy, and it grows faster.
  6. Type of presentation. A child located closer to the spine will not affect the enlargement of the abdomen, but if located closer to the anterior wall of the uterus itself, of course, in this case the abdomen will be more visible.

I would like to note that the expectant mother should not be puzzled by such questions, much less compare herself with other women. The main thing a woman should pay attention to is compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, good health and a positive attitude.

After childbirth, due to waste of birth fluids, women lose at least 800 grams of weight. There is no need to be scared by the appearance of your belly after childbirth. It will disappear, just go on a diet, do the appropriate exercises and the belly will regain its attractiveness.

To find out if your weight is normal during pregnancy in a particular week, use the free website.