Approximate daily routine for a one-month-old baby. Correct daily routine for a newborn

The correct daily routine is very important both for a newborn baby from the first days of his life, and for his young parents. When a baby is just adapting to new conditions outside his mother’s tummy, he needs to create the most favorable conditions for life, which are impossible without a clearly organized daily routine.

A baby who gets used to a certain regime from birth develops fully and comprehensively and, moreover, grows up calm and balanced. In the future, such a child becomes self-confident, collected and disciplined, thanks to which he achieves his goals much better and faster than his peers.

In this article we will tell you how to properly organize a child’s daily routine at the age of 1 month and give an approximate version of it.

Baby's sleep schedule at 1 month

The main tasks of a monthly toddler are to sleep and eat. In addition, at this age the baby should already begin to establish visual and auditory contact with his parents.

In order for a baby to fully develop, he must. Just after being born, boys and girls sleep almost all the time and wake up only so that the duration of night sleep for month-old babies is about 8-9 hours, and daytime sleep is about 7 hours, however, he can be divided into 3-4 periods.

The waking time of a baby at this age should not last more than an hour, so if you notice that the baby has not slept for quite a long time, it is better to put him to bed to avoid overtiredness.

Baby feeding regimen at 1 month

The question of whether to feed a newborn baby by the hour is an unusually difficult one. Usually, each mother has her own opinion on this matter, which quite often does not coincide with the position of the pediatrician observing the baby. Still, most modern doctors and young mothers today choose the “on demand” feeding method.

One way or another, the baby must receive 6 to 8 feedings per day. At this age, you can feed your baby exclusively breast milk or an adapted milk formula. The amount of liquid food that your child should receive at one time varies from 50 to 90 ml and depends on the individual characteristics of the child.

Many mothers are very worried that their baby is not full. In fact, overeating is much more dangerous for young children. Be sure to consider the above recommendations and try not to overfeed your child.

Finally, do not forget about such important procedures as swimming and walking in the fresh air. Bathe one month old baby follows immediately before the last feeding and going to bed at night in a small bath with the addition of decoctions of medicinal plants.

It is necessary to take a walk with your baby, and in good weather it is best to make sure that the baby sleeps outside.

The following table will help you organize your own daily routine for a month-old baby:

In the first month of life infant defenseless and entirely dependent on his parents. In order for him to grow up healthy and cheerful, he needs a daily routine that will take into account the needs for food, sleep and wakefulness. Today we will tell you about the daily routine of a 1 month old newborn, how he eats and how much he sleeps. one month old baby, as well as how to set a schedule in the first time after the birth of your baby.

Approximate daily routine for a 1 month old baby

The main requirement that the regime must meet during the newborn period is the following: the child must grow up healthy and happy - which means he must receive so much milk and sleep so much per day in order to be able to develop normally.

The vital needs of a baby in the first month of life are minimal. A correctly selected daily routine by the hour will help you better distribute and carry out tasks related to caring for your baby:

  • Feeding mode– includes a minimum of 6 meals a day with an interval of no more than 3.5 hours. The night break can sometimes be up to 4-6 hours;
  • Daytime nap– a baby’s sleep during daylight hours should be continuous for 1.5-2 hours and 4-5 times a day;
  • Night sleep– its total volume with breaks for feedings on demand can take on average 6-8 hours;
  • Walks– recommended for newborn children both morning and evening. The length of time spent outdoors at this age depends on the time of year and weather conditions.

A table that can be taken as a basis for organizing the routine will help you create a baby’s daily routine in the first month.

Time Regime processes
6.00 First feeding. We try to swaddle the baby before feeding, then feed, and then put the baby to sleep.
8.30 Morning toilet for the baby: changing the diaper, washing, cleaning the nose from mucus and crusts.
8.45 Second feeding. After feeding, you need to hold the baby upright so that he burps out excess air.
9.00 Dream.
12.00 Third feeding, wakefulness, light tummy massage.
12.30 Walk outside: in the warm season - from 1 to 1.5 hours, in the cold - up to 1 hour (depending on the weather).
15.00 Fourth feeding.
15.30 Sleep on the street or in case of bad weather at home with an open window (the main condition for “walks” at home is to avoid a draft).
17.00 Wakefulness.
18.00 Fifth feeding, sleep.
19.30 Wakefulness.
20.30 Bathing.
21.00-21.30 Sixth feeding, sleep.
from 22.00 to 6.00Night feedings on demand

Important! A properly formed daily routine is one of the important factors influencing health. infant. For baby early age The regime is the basis of education.

One month old baby's sleep

How much sleep a baby should have at 1 month worries most new parents. In the first weeks of his life, a healthy baby sleeps approximately 16-20 hours a day. A child's sleep in the first month can sometimes be restless. The reason for this may be: hunger, inability to burp air, pain in the tummy, temperature discomfort (the baby is hot or cold).

How to prevent possible reasons awakening, you can find out using the table below.

What interferes with sleep Solution
The child is hungryHungry, the baby wakes up and starts crying. Feed the baby, and he will calmly continue to sleep.
The baby has colicIt is important to ensure that the baby burps excess air and passes gases. Hold him upright for 5-7 minutes, then lay him down and massage his tummy.
The child woke up wetChange your baby's diaper and wash him. Before going to bed at night, it is advisable to prepare in advance the necessary things that you may need for a quick change of clothes.
The child reacts to changes in the sound backgroundSometimes a child may fall asleep to the sound of the TV running and wake up when it turns off from sudden silence. Try to stick to one sound background while your baby sleeps.
The child wakes himself up by moving his arms and legsIt is necessary to swaddle correctly during sleep so that the arms are under the diaper. This way the child will not wake up even during light sleep.
The child opens up in his sleep and freezesPlace your baby in a sleeping bag or secure the blanket to the mattress with secure clothespins.

It is very important to think about where and how the baby will sleep after birth. There can be several directions of choice:

  1. the baby will sleep in the same bed with mom and dad;
  2. the baby will sleep separately in his own crib;
  3. “from case to case” - it is assumed that the baby can fall asleep during the night both in the parent’s bed and in his own.

Advice! You should not categorically insist on one of the options for the location of the child during sleep. Try all possible variations and settle on the solution that suits your family.

Night sleep norms

So, how much do 1 month old babies sleep at night? At this age, a baby's nightly sleep rate is about 8-9 hours. But this happens on the condition that the child receives milk on demand. There are two factors at play here - if the child sleeps with his parents, it is more likely that the sleep will be longer. When the baby and mother sleep separately, the sleep is shorter than when they sleep together, and lasts no more than 6-7 hours.

Feeding the baby

From the age of a week to a month, depending on the individual characteristics of the child, he needs to be fed approximately 6-7 times a day. The number of meals depends on what type of feeding the baby is on: breast or bottle-fed. But it is possible that the actual number of feedings per breastfeeding on demand will exceed this figure.

A special table will help determine how much milk/formula a newborn baby should eat at one time and in general per day in accordance with the norm.

Note! The exact amount of food intake is determined by the local pediatrician, based on the weight indicators and individual needs of the child.

Avoid overfeeding your baby. Drinking a large amount of liquid can cause:

  • digestive problems;
  • incomplete digestion of milk/formula;
  • constipation;
  • frequent regurgitation of food;
  • colic, etc.

It will be easier to organize your baby’s nutrition by the hour if you distribute meals evenly throughout the current day. It is important for parents to know that children are artificial feeding eat less formula than their peers drink breast milk. To satisfy hunger, the baby will need less time on formula, but the break with this type of feeding should be longer.

Feeding regimen for a one-month-old newborn baby from Doctor Komarovsky (video):

Hygiene procedures


In the morning, the baby needs to be washed daily. This can be done with boiled and slightly warm water, special water for washing (sold in large bottles) or regular tap water.

  • Morning hygiene is very simple: a small cotton pad is soaked in water, and it is used to wipe the child’s face, lips, and eyes.
  • The nose is cleaned with cotton wool soaked in peach oil. You can first drip saline into the nasal passages (1-2 drops per nostril) to soak dried crusts.
  • As for children's nails, it is better not to touch them at all for the first 2-3 weeks - they are extremely soft, and when trying to cut them off, the baby may develop inflamed hangnails. If your baby scratches himself, you should put on special scratching mittens.
  • The umbilical cord wound should be treated once a day with hydrogen peroxide, and then lubricated with brilliant green or chlorophyllipt solution 2-3 times a day. Bathe your baby with not dry umbilical wound It’s possible, but after the bath you need to treat this area.

Evening swimming

You can bathe your baby from the first day of life. The bathing procedure is carried out both in a general “adult” bath (before this it must be thoroughly washed) and in a small children’s bath, whichever is more convenient for parents. The water temperature should be at least 36-37°C.

What you need to know about bathing a 1 month old baby:

  • It is necessary to bathe a newborn baby every day;
  • Use hygiene products (gels/foams/shampoos) no more than once a week;
  • Contrary to “experienced advice,” you don’t have to add anything to the water (potassium permanganate solution, etc.) - tap water has already been purified and is safe for bathing newborn children;
  • Usually bathing lasts 10-15 minutes, but it’s better to focus on the baby’s mood - if he’s being capricious, then it’s time to get out, even if no more than 5 minutes have passed;
  • After a bath, the child should be wrapped in a towel and blot off any remaining moisture with light movements;
  • When the baby is dry, his skin can be treated with milk, cream or oil. It is necessary to carefully lubricate all the folds - under the arms, on the neck, in the groin, in the popliteal and elbow pits.

Walking with a newborn baby

It is necessary to walk with your baby in any weather. A child who is often in the fresh air gets sick less often, eats with greater appetite and digests food better. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed in the baby’s body, which prevents the development of rickets.

  • The first time you should not be outside with a baby for more than 10 minutes, but gradually the walks will take longer and longer - up to 1.5-2 hours and preferably several times a day.
  • In the autumn-winter period, walking for more than 2 hours is not recommended. Remember that the baby needs to be protected from the wind. At first, the baby's face is only slightly revealed during a walk. After a couple of weeks, the child can breathe air in a stroller or in his arms with his face open.
  • In summer you can be outside almost all day, except for the hottest hours. During walks, the baby should be periodically given water or offered breast milk.
Air temperature Perception List of clothes

(for walking outside)

from -10 to – 6°CFrostyWarm overalls, booties, winter overalls, insulated fur envelope, warm hat
-5 to -1 °CWarm overalls, winter overalls, insulated fleece envelope, warm hat
0 to 4 °CColdWarm overalls, winter overalls, warm hat
from 5 to 9°CLight overalls, winter overalls, warm hat
from 10 to 13°CChilly
from 14 to 16°CLight overalls, demi-season overalls, inter-season hat
from 17 to 18°CWarmWarm jumpsuit, light thin hat
from 19 to 20°CLight jumpsuit or bodysuit with short sleeves, light thin hat
over 21-22°CHotBodysuit with short sleeves, headscarf, thin hat or hat

Let’s first repeat together and make a short summary of what a newborn’s daily routine should be:

During the first month of the child’s life, parents should outline fairly flexible regulations, taking a closer look at the baby’s behavioral characteristics and the duration of the intervals between feedings. Over the course of all four weeks, the baby’s body will get stronger and get used to new conditions. Only after 2-3 months can you gradually accustom the baby to a more strict daily routine.

  • Get up in the morning at the same time, regardless of the circumstances. Even if the night was restless, try to get your child up on time. Compliance with a certain schedule should not be occasional, but regular.
  • Perform all actions of the regime strictly on time. After just a few days, the child will feel the imminent onset of walking, feeding and evening bathing and will begin to adapt.
  • Family rituals can help in organizing a routine for a baby. If the morning begins with washing and gymnastics, the baby will understand that this is the beginning of a new day. Mom took out the stroller and started the music mobile - it was time for a walk. The bright light went out, the night light came on - sleep time was coming.
  • Teach your baby with kindness and tenderness, try not to be nervous if the first attempts to establish a routine come out lumpy. Be patient, because creating an hourly routine takes more than one day.

P.S. You can find our organization tips here.

The birth of a little person is always an exciting event, and the first month of his life is a very important period. During this time, the baby adapts to living conditions, learns to feed, breathe, and feel separate from his mother. In this regard, it is very important that the child spends the adaptation period in optimally acceptable conditions.

In the first month of a baby’s life, it is necessary to properly organize his routine: walking, eating, bathing. A correctly structured daily routine in the first days of a baby’s life will have a beneficial effect on its further development and will have a positive impact on well-being.

When the routine is established, the child’s behavior is calm - he is in a good mood and is active. He is not capricious at all, sleeps well, and enjoys contacting his parents. In turn, new mothers are not nervous about finding free time and space, but truly enjoy motherhood.

Approximate daily routine for 1 month

All that is required of the baby in the first 30 days is learning to communicate with his parents through attempts to smile and coo, and of course, eat and sleep. A child who is assigned a certain diet, sleep and walks adapts faster and better to biological rhythms. He clearly distinguishes between day and night, and does not confuse them.

According to the observations of psychologists, we can say that those children who in the first days of life had a well-established daily routine and followed it, were later more collected, disciplined and confident in their abilities.


After birth, the baby sleeps most of the day (18-20 hours) in the first two weeks of its life. He only wakes up during feeding. By the middle of the month, the baby is already sleeping less. During the waking period, the baby, in addition to eating, also tries to get to know the world that surrounds him. He lingers his gaze on large bright objects for a long time, examining them. Tries to catch sounds around, reacts to mother's voice.


In the recent past, almost all mothers fed their newborn babies on a strict schedule because that's what pediatricians recommended. According to this scheme, it turns out that the child eats approximately every 3 hours. And even today, many experts advise doing just that.

But still the best option- is to feed the child when he wants it. In the first months of life, this is very important for the baby, because its main need is nutrition.

According to statistics, most infants require food approximately 6-8 times per day. But here it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the child and the volume of a single meal, no matter whether it is breast milk or prepared formula. In the first month, the child should eat about 50-90 ml of special infant formula or breast milk at a time. Mostly, young mothers adhere to the rule - feed until they are satisfied.

You just need to remember one thing - when bottle-fed, the baby gets full faster than when fed with breast milk. This is because artificial milk formulas are saturated with microelements and various fatty acids. So it turns out that in order to satisfy hunger, a small portion is enough for babies on artificial nutrition. But then there should be a little longer intervals between feedings so that the milk formula is absorbed and the stomach has time to digest everything.

The main thing is to avoid overfeeding. Otherwise, difficulties with digestion may arise, the child will develop colic, he will often burp, and constipation is possible.


In the first month of his life, the baby still gets acquainted with such a procedure as bathing. From the very first days it is recommended to establish a water treatment regime. It is better if everything happens in the evening, before the last feeding for the night.

For a baby you need to purchase a special bath. Must comply temperature regime(36-37 degrees) using a special thermometer. Then you can simply measure the temperature of the water, trusting your feelings. You can add a decoction of different herbs to the bath: string, chamomile, celandine or others.


Walking is very important for a one-month-old baby. Of course, fresh air is extremely beneficial for the baby. In spring and summer, you need to (just for a short time) let the sun's rays warm your baby's face. This way, the child’s body will begin to produce vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets. Well, kids also sleep well while walking outdoors.

There are a few things to consider before you go:

  • Walking should only be done on the 10th day of life if the baby was born on time and is completely healthy.
  • In winter, walk for about 10 minutes a day at temperatures not lower than -10 degrees. In summer, the duration of the walk can be 20 minutes, provided that the street is not hotter than 30 degrees

Massage and gymnastics

During sleep breaks, parents need to find time to exercise with their baby: do some exercises and give him a massage.

A baby massage session involves gentle and careful stroking of the baby’s back, arms and legs. The tummy also needs to be given attention and circular movements with your hand clockwise. This way you can avoid constipation and colic in your baby.

Gymnastic exercises mean simple movements. Flexion and extension of arms and legs, only very carefully. Give your child yours thumb and when he grabs it with his palm, carefully lift the baby. Children love such activities and are happy to stretch themselves a little.

Communication with the baby

During the first month of life, you need to communicate and even play with the child. The fact that all this is still too early for him is an erroneous judgment. This is as important to him as eating or sleeping. In the process of games and communication, the baby initially develops trust in the world around him, as psychologists believe.

You need to communicate and play with the baby in a calm environment, when he does not want to sleep, is well-fed and is quite comfortable. Reading short children's rhymes is perfect for this, you can sing a song or just talk affectionately to your baby. You can play with him with rattles. Give them to the child so that he can try to hold them, be sure to praise him for this and help in every possible way.

The more affection, attention and care the baby receives, the more harmonious and confident his development will be.

It is impossible for a child to sleep until lunch and organize concerts at night. This regime, of course, needs to be changed. You should not force your baby to sleep or wake him up before dawn. Walking is a great help here. It's no secret that all babies sleep soundly in the fresh air, so you need to go for a walk at a time when the baby is scheduled to sleep. This way it will be possible to regulate at least nap baby.

In order for the baby to understand that morning has come, you can regularly do some things in the morning hygiene procedures. When the child wakes up in the morning, take a cotton swab, soak it in warm water and wipe the baby’s face. Then clean the ears, nose, and apply baby cream to the diaper rash areas. If you do this every day at the same time in the morning, it will become clear to the baby that a new day has come.

In the evening, it is advisable to turn off the overhead light and use something less bright to let the child know that night is coming and he needs to go to bed. Musical carousels on the crib can also help in this matter. Soon the baby will understand the connection between a change of environment and sleep.

A quiet, calm melody will also help your baby fall asleep. A lullaby performed by your mother is a great option. By doing this every evening, you will notice that the child falls asleep on time and quickly enough.

The entire first month will not be easy for both the baby and the parents, but you still need to achieve compliance with a certain regime. Then the result will not take long to wait. Very soon the baby will lie down and fall asleep at a strictly allotted time. This will enable him to predict further actions and react correctly. Parents, in turn, will be able to manage their free time wisely.

The birth of a baby is a great joy for every family, but at the same time it is a great responsibility. In addition to daily care of the baby - feeding, bathing, massage, walks and other procedures - it is necessary to find time for homework, which does not disappear anywhere with the birth of a child. In addition, parents need to have time to rest so that they have the strength to carry out all these responsibilities. The correct daily routine will help the baby and parents distribute energy and stay in a good mood all day. A.L. will help you create a daily plan. Karavaeva, neonatologist, junior researcher Department of Newborns, Department of Neonatology and Pediatrics, Federal State Budgetary Institution NTsAGiP im. V.I. Kulakova.

The daily routine of a child of the first year of life consists of alternating periods of sleep and wakefulness, feeding, walks, hygiene procedures, as well as rituals associated with their implementation (for example, the ritual of falling asleep at night, waking up in the morning). Their duration and frequency depend on the nature of feeding and family traditions and change with the age of the child.

From birth, every newborn is tuned to a certain rhythm, which also reflects the period intrauterine development, and the features of its development, and the needs for the volume and frequency of feedings and much more. In order for the baby to feel good and grow healthy and active, it is necessary to closely monitor him. It is important to find out all the features of your baby’s daily routine and try to adapt to his biorhythms.

Daily routine: highlights

Every baby, regardless of what type of feeding he is on, must learn to adhere to a certain routine. The daily routine accustoms the child to the correct alternation of sleep and wakefulness, teaches the difference between day and night, and also protects the baby from overwork, guarantees his activity and vigor, which is the key to physical and mental development. In addition, daily repeated actions calm the baby, create a sense of security, form discipline and lay down many positive traits for the future. According to some observations, children accustomed to the regime are less anxious, sleep more peacefully, and have a better appetite.


In children who are breastfed and who receive breastfeeding on demand only in the first 1-1.5 months during the establishment of lactation, the schedule will be sliding, but over time the mother will be able to understand approximately what time intervals pass between breastfeeding. Typically, they are 1.5-2 hours in the first months and gradually increase as the child grows. Reducing the intervals between feedings or, conversely, increasing them by 30-60 minutes is not catastrophic. You should not strictly maintain 3 hours between feedings, as grandmothers and old-school pediatricians like to advise, because such a slightly sliding feeding regimen is optimal for both the baby and the mother. For a child, mother's milk is not only food, but also a way of communicating with his mother, as well as calming, for example, during weather changes, or when the baby is suffering from colic. Mother's warmth, tasty and healthy milk are the best sedatives, giving the child, in addition to satiety, a feeling of security, stability, calmness and even joy. Regularly putting your baby to the breast is the key to success, the establishment of lactation, which will help avoid many problems, for example, pumping, the appearance of milk stagnation (lactostasis) and many others.

Children who, for one reason or another, are bottle-fed have more stable intervals between feedings. The volume and frequency of feeding are determined by the doctor observing the baby depending on his weight, age, and also taking into account his physiological maturity. Premature and low birth weight babies, as a rule, receive food more often (approximately every 2-2.5 hours) than large full-term ones (3-3.5 hours).

Starting from four to six months, complementary foods are introduced. The child should gradually begin to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the allotted time, preferably with all family members.

In the first months after birth, the baby sleeps quite a lot. On average, the duration of sleep in the first month is about 20 hours a day. Starting from 2 months, sleep time mainly moves to the night hours, and waking time to daytime hours. By 3 months, children sleep on average 17-18 hours a day, and by six months - 16 hours, with approximately 10-11 hours of sleep at night. Of course, the alternation of periods of sleep and wakefulness, as well as the predominance of night sleep, is not immediately established.

Many parents cannot understand why their baby in the first month of life is more active in the evening and, often, at night? To do this, it is enough to remember the nature of the child’s intrauterine activity. An illustrative example: future mom During the day she is quite mobile (she works, walks, moves around the house), while the baby is rocked and his activity is low. In the evening, when it’s time to sleep, the mother’s abdominal muscles relax, there are no more rocking movements, the baby begins to actively push and move, which makes future parents incredibly happy. However, after birth this evening activity does not disappear. During intrauterine development, the child has already become accustomed to living in this mode and, naturally, he will need time to rebuild his rhythm.


In the first months after birth, the baby's daily routine is essentially represented by feeding and subsequent sleep. Over time, the amount and duration of daytime sleep decreases, and the time spent awake increases. Thus, the child’s routine begins to change. Several stages can be distinguished:

From birth to one month

The baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day; breaks between feedings may vary depending on the type of feeding. During this period, the mother is more likely to adapt to the child’s regime than vice versa.

From a month to 3 months
The total duration of a child's sleep is reduced to 17-18 hours, the number of periods of sleep during the daytime is reduced to 4 times. The maximum duration of wakefulness is from 1 to 1.5 hours.

From 3 to 6 months
The total duration of a child’s sleep is slightly reduced and is already 16–17 hours, the number of sleep periods during the daytime is 3-4 times. The baby has been awake for 1.5-2 hours. Breaks between feedings can increase to 3.5-4 hours.

From 6 to 9 months
The total duration of a child’s sleep is already 15–16 hours. During this period, the baby switches to three daily naps. The baby has been awake for 3 hours already. The average number of feedings per day is reduced to 5 times, breaks between feedings are up to 3.5 hours.

From 9 months to a year
The total sleep duration is 15 – 14 hours. Now the baby only needs two sleeps a day, approximately 2.5 hours each. By the age of one year, most babies have one 2-3 hour afternoon nap. Breaks between feedings can reach 4.5 - 3.5 hours.

Of course, such a distribution over periods is very arbitrary. Children often choose their own routine (in accordance with their biological rhythm), and every mother needs to carefully monitor the baby’s behavior. For example, if he actively rubs his eyes and yawns, is capricious, or regularly sucks on his chest, then it is necessary to put him to bed earlier. Also, the need for long-term sleep may increase during illnesses of the baby, after suffering bright emotions(both positive and negative), when tired. On such days, it is necessary to create calmer and more peaceful conditions for the child. comfortable conditions, since their sudden change can negatively affect his mental health. And vice versa, if the child does not want to sleep, you cannot force him to sleep. You need to give him the opportunity to stay awake a little more in order to “catch up” with sleep.

It should be remembered that all children, like adults, are not the same, so depending on the age of the child and the type of his temperament, the amount of daytime sleep can vary greatly. Most children by the age of one year have an average sleep duration of about 12-14 hours, but if your baby does not quite adhere to this “norm”, but still feels good, then there is no reason to worry, even with not very stable daytime sleep.

In order to help a child of the first year gradually get used to the daily routine, you must try to adhere to a certain rule: fall asleep and wake up at a certain time. By putting your baby to bed on time in the evening, you can be sure that he will sleep better and be less capricious during the day. However, remember that this rule does not work in the first month and a half. Since during this period it is the mother who adapts to the needs of her baby.


Every child feels more comfortable if, before falling asleep, especially at night, a certain sequence of actions is performed - the ritual of falling asleep. As a rule, this is bathing, a soothing massage before bed, feeding, rocking or mother's lullaby. Repeated day after day, this sequence sets the child up to fall asleep and sleep soundly.

The ritual of waking up a baby in the morning should always take place in a joyful and calm atmosphere - this is the key to it Have a good mood during the day. Smile at your baby, hug and kiss him gently. If the baby wakes up earlier than usual, but lies quietly, do not rush to immediately take him out of the crib or pick him up: after turning around a little, he will most likely fall asleep again.

Hygiene procedures

From the very first days after birth, already in the maternity hospital, every newborn is given a morning toilet. Washing your face in the morning signals that a new day has begun. During periods of wakefulness, as a rule, before feeding, the newborn undergoes hygiene procedures such as changing a diaper and washing.

Children from the age of 6 months begin to develop hygiene skills - washing hands after returning from a walk, as well as before each meal and after it (during the introduction of complementary foods), wiping the mouth, putting on a bib, etc.

Evening bathing means ending the day and preparing for bed. Children can help establish such a calming ritual. cosmetical tools with soothing scents that can be used during an evening bath and massage.

All of the listed daily rituals carried out at the same time will help the baby get used to the regime more easily and teach him to recognize different time days. Therefore, their importance, commitment and systematicity are very important.

Daily walks

When organizing the correct daily routine for a child of the first year of life, one should not forget about daily walks, which should be carried out at least twice a day, and their total duration should be at least 3-4 hours. It is convenient to walk with children under 6 months during their sleep. Starting from 6 months of age, it is preferable to go for a walk while awake, so babies learn about the world around them with great enthusiasm. When the baby begins to walk, walks should be quite active. You shouldn’t force your baby to sit in a stroller; let him walk, run, and play for a while.

Preventive massage

During the day, during periods of wakefulness, a growing baby must set aside time for preventive massage. For massage will do time during the day or evening when the baby feels better and does not want to sleep or eat. The duration of the massage should be from 5 to 10 minutes so as not to cause fatigue and anxiety in the baby. During the massage, monitor the child’s reaction, as this procedure should bring only positive emotions. If the baby is capricious or hungry, reschedule the massage to another convenient time so as not to form negative reactions to these useful procedures.

Psychology of the regime

If your family has a tradition of living on a schedule or sticking to a certain daily routine, then your baby will behave in the same way over time.

However, in the first months, the regime should be determined precisely by the biological rhythm of the child, and this requires attentiveness, sensitivity and patience on the part of mom and dad. First, parents adapt to the baby’s routine, and starting from 3-6 months of age, the child gradually gets used to the traditions and routine of the family (eating, walking, etc.). In this case, it is “graduality” that is of great importance. Forcing a child to follow a regimen that is beneficial to the parents is very dangerous, since not only can digestive disorders occur if, for example, the child receives insufficient nutrition (the mother maintains evenly extended intervals between meals), but it can also injure and nervous system baby.

You should stick to your daily routine both on weekends and holidays so as not to confuse the baby.

The baby mixed up day and night

Babies, not only in the first weeks after birth, but also during the first year, often confuse day and night. This means that in the usual evening time the child continues to behave actively, calling, cooing or singing songs, crawling around the crib, reaching for toys, which does not please parents who are already in the mood for rest. And, of course, the mother’s first instinct will be to take the baby in her arms and start rocking her to sleep. But such events do not always lead to the desired effect.

Very often, such periods occur when the need for daytime sleep decreases, that is, when a child switches, for example, from sleeping three times a day to twice a day, as well as when the baby is overexcited, does not comply with the daily routine, longer daytime sleep (more than 3-4 hours), etc. Of course, sooner or later the baby will fall asleep, but in order to prevent this situation from repeating every evening, the next day you need to pay attention to the child’s sleep during the day.

If during the day your baby is fast asleep and sleeps for more than 2-3 hours, especially if there are less than 3-4 hours left before the expected night sleep, then do not be afraid to wake him up. This must be done carefully so as not to cause a negative reaction from the baby. You can take the child in your arms, stroke his back, legs, arms, talk to him in a gentle voice, turn on soft music.

After such artificial awakenings, the baby can very actively express his dissatisfaction by being capricious. Prepare a bottle or breastfeed, engage your baby in something interesting, such as a toy, or simply carry him around the house, showing him different rooms and objects.

During daytime sleep, do not isolate the child from household noise, do not curtain the windows from daylight, it is enough to limit the sunlight on the crib so that the baby realizes that it is daytime.

If your baby begins to increase the intervals between naps, try to skip one bedtime. But remember that you need to be prepared to arrange an earlier night's sleep.

During the day, try to keep your baby busy with active games, songs, dancing, and always walks in the fresh air. But before bedtime, all active games and exercises must be stopped, otherwise the child will become overexcited and will not be able to sleep.

Make the last feeding before your baby's bedtime as filling as possible. If the baby falls asleep with the breast, then give him the opportunity to suck on it exactly as much as he needs.

Try not to leave a bright light in the room where the baby sleeps at night; if you still need light at night, it is better to use a dimmed night light. Otherwise, the baby may think that a new day has come and it’s time to play again.

There is another very effective way to help the child fall asleep - sleeping together, mother's warmth and even breathing. Being close to the mother's breast will help the baby calm down and fall asleep on time.

Daily routine while traveling

Traveling with a child can have an impact not only on the physical, but also on the psychological health of the baby, since moving involves visiting crowded places, changing the climate, familiar and comfortable surroundings, and often the nature of the diet. Therefore, to create a calm atmosphere during travel, as well as psychological comfort, try to adhere to the child’s usual rhythm of life and daily routine.

If the trip involves a change in time zone, then in the first days try to stick to your home schedule. After a few days, the baby will gradually begin to adapt to the changed daylight hours.

Bring with you toys, books and other things that your child associates with home. They will allow you to observe the familiar rituals of falling asleep, waking up in the morning, day games, no matter where you are - in another country or with your grandmother in the village.

In the first few evenings, give your baby a little more time before the evening ritual of falling asleep - this will help you calm down after the emotions and impressions received and feel more comfortable in the changed environment.

Be prepared to be hectic, so you may have to organize some days co-sleeping so that the child feels psychological comfort.

When you return home, you will return to a strict regime. Don’t be afraid that you will have to start learning all over again, because your baby has already developed the necessary skills, and if at first he loses his rhythm a little, he will quickly return to the right habits.

A.L. Karavaeva, neonatologist, junior researcher Department of Newborns, Department of Neonatology and Pediatrics, Federal State Budgetary Institution NTsAGiP im. V.I.Kulakova
magazine for parents “Raising a Child”, April 2014

A child’s daily routine is a specific routine designed taking into account age characteristics and needs and aimed at healthy physical and intellectual development. Some mothers think that the regime is necessary only for weakened, often ill children, but this is not so. It is necessary to accustom your baby to a daily routine from the first months of life. You shouldn’t expect that a newborn baby will fall asleep and wake up by the hour from the first days, but certain skills that will form the basis of a child’s routine at an older age can be developed already in the first month of a baby’s life.

Feeding schedule: hourly or on demand?

If the baby is breastfed, pediatricians advise feeding him on demand. If the child is healthy, gains weight well and develops according to established standards, this regimen can be followed until the age of three months. If the mother continues to breastfeed the baby when he asks for it, complications in the digestive system may arise due to overfeeding. These may be intestinal, painful spasms, stool upset, abdominal pain.

Feeding on demand has its pros and cons, so each mother must decide for herself how to organize the feeding of the child in order to meet his needs and not infringe on the interests of other family members.

Dr. Komarovsky about feeding regimen

Among the advantages of feeding on demand, experts highlight:

  • more harmonious development of the child due to frequent and prolonged contact with the mother;
  • stable (with this feeding regimen, milk is produced in the mammary glands in the amount necessary to meet the needs of a particular baby);
  • reducing the risk of purulent mastitis that develops against the background of milk stagnation.

If a mother decides to feed her baby on demand, she should understand that such a daily routine for a newborn in the first month also has significant disadvantages. One of them is the inability to leave home in the first weeks of a child’s life. The organization of feeding is also of great importance: if the child takes the breast incorrectly (grabs not the areola, but only the nipple), too frequent feedings can lead to the formation of long-healing cracks, which can become infected due to insufficient personal hygiene.

Artificial or mixed feeding

If a newborn receives formula milk as the main or additional nutrition, the infant should be fed according to the established schedule. Unlike breast milk, the composition and fat content are constant and do not change depending on external factors. The main difference between formula and milk is the presence of complex proteins (lactoglobulins), which require more time to break down and digest. If a child receives a new portion of formula before his body digests the previous food, gastrointestinal disorders may occur, for example:

  • and vomiting;
  • (the child cries, refuses the bottle, the abdomen is tense, there may be pain on palpation);
  • constipation (can last up to 3 days).

Approximate feeding schedule by hour

Parents of newborn children on artificial or mixed feeding, when organizing meals, they can adhere to the schedule given in the table.

At night, the baby can wake up at any time, since the night feeding regime is usually established only by 2-3 months. The volume of one serving of formula for newborns in the first month is 90 ml (from the third week of life this volume can be increased to 120 ml). The norm for breastfed children is a volume of 50 to 90 ml per feeding.

Important! The interval between formula feedings should be about 3 hours, that is, the child should receive food up to 8 times a day. Children who are breastfed on demand can receive mother's milk up to 8-10 times a day (the intervals between feedings are at least 2-2.5 hours).

Night feedings

Children in the first month of life can wake up up to 3-4 times a night. If the baby receives breastfeeding on demand, this number of feedings at night is allowed, but it is important to ensure that the baby does not show signs of overfeeding (excessive regurgitation after eating, a swollen belly, etc.). You should not limit breastfeeding at night, since it is at this time that a woman’s body produces an increased amount of hormones necessary for milk production.

Important! Newborns receiving formula milk should not be fed more than once per night.

If your child wakes up more often, it is important to find out the reason. This could be uncomfortable clothes, cold (or, conversely, too heat indoors), dry and dusty air. usually begin at the beginning of the third week of life and can last up to 3-4 months (less often - up to six months).

To help your baby, you can use the following methods to combat increased gas formation:

  • dry heat on the stomach (flannel diaper folded in several layers, ironed);
  • (performed clockwise with stroking movements);
  • special gymnastics (bringing the legs bent at the knees to the stomach).

If alternative methods do not help, you can use (,).

Should I give water to my newborn while breastfeeding?

Mother's milk consists of 87-88% water, so children with a good appetite do not need additional supplements. Formula-fed babies can be supplemented with water from a spoon or bottle. Its norm depends on the child’s weight, the rate of general development and other factors and can range from 30 to 70 ml per day. It is better to give bottled water intended specifically for baby food. You should not add sugar to it, since then the child may refuse fresh complementary foods, for example, vegetable purees. Some children are more willing to drink warmed water, but it is important to ensure that its temperature does not exceed 28°-30°.

There are situations when water must be given even to newborns who are fed only breast milk:

  • diseases accompanied by excessive vomiting and diarrhea (to prevent dehydration);
  • the air in the children's room is too dry.

Important! Dangerous signs of dehydration include dry lips and rare urination(normally, a newborn should urinate at least 8 times a day).

How much should a baby eat at one feeding in the first months of life?

How to accustom a newborn to the regime?

It is necessary to begin accustoming a newborn child to a certain routine from the age of two weeks. At 2-3 weeks, the child has already established certain biological rhythms that must be taken into account when creating a regimen. The easiest way to organize a daytime nap during this period is that for newborns it is usually combined with a walk.

Important! The easiest way to start accustoming your child to a daily routine is by organizing a sleep routine.

Walking with a newborn can begin 3-5 days after discharge from the maternity hospital (after the baby is examined by a visiting nurse and given necessary recommendations). It is best to go outside at the same time: during morning and evening sleep. Evening walks are especially important for getting used to the routine: oxygen saturation will help the child fall asleep faster during bedtime and provide healthier and longer sleep at night.

It is also better to put your newborn to bed at the same time. Even if the baby is capricious, you should not take him out of the crib and rock him in your arms for a long time. How earlier child understands that the crib is associated with sleep, the easier it will be to establish the correct regime in the future.

Pediatricians advise following a certain ritual before going to bed, which may be something like this:

  • and evening massage (stroking, rubbing);
  • changing into pajamas or sleeping suits (an important action that helps you quickly develop the habit of falling asleep in a crib);
  • feeding and calm communication with the child;
  • going to bed.

Mom can stay with the baby until he falls asleep, but it is not recommended to pick up the baby after he has been put to bed.

How to get used to a routine - the opinion of a pediatrician