Developmental work at an early age. Educational work with young children

Svetlana Nikolaevna Teplyuk, Galina Mikhailovna Lyamina, Maria Borisovna Zatsepina

Children early age in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. For working with children from birth to 2 years old

Library of the program of education and training in kindergarten

under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

The program “Development of Young Children in Kindergarten” is published based on the text of the book “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

S. N. Teplyuk;

G. M. Lyamina (“Peculiarities of development of young children”);

M. B. Zatsepina (“ Musical education", "Entertainment games", "Musical games, entertainment and holidays").


This publication is part of the methodological set for the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” (edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 4th ed., revised and supplemented - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007), which, in accordance with modern tasks preschool education provides for the comprehensive development of the child based on his age and individual abilities.

The leading goals of the “Program” are the creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the development of mental and physical qualities, preparing a child for life in modern society, for school.

Brief “Methodological Recommendations” have been prepared for the “Program” (M.: Publishing House “Education of the Preschooler”, 2005; M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007), revealing the features of the organization and methods of work in all main sections of the upbringing, training and development of a child in kindergarten at different age stages of preschool childhood.

More detailed methodological guidelines for the “Program” are contained in the methodological manuals: Komarova T. S. “ Visual activities in kindergarten" (M.: Mosaika-Sintez), Gerbova V.V. "Speech development in kindergarten" (M.: Mozaika-Sintez), Zatsepina M. B. "Musical education in kindergarten" (M.: Mosaic-Synthesis), etc.

The manual “Early Children in Kindergarten” continues the series of publications of this educational and methodological set. The book includes a program and methodological recommendations for raising and teaching young children. In each age group, general and special tasks of their development are identified, and methods for solving them are presented.


Features of development of young children

The first group of young children (from birth to one year)

The first year of a child’s life in terms of development is valuable in itself, both in itself and from the perspective of a long-term perspective. But pedagogical influences will achieve the goal only if the peculiarities of its development are known.

This period of a child’s life is characterized by a faster pace of physical, mental and even social development than ever before.

The average weight (body weight) at birth is 3200–3400 g. By 5–6 months it doubles, and by one year it triples. Average height a child at birth is 50–52 cm, by the age of one year the baby grows by 20–25 cm.

Adequate sleep and active wakefulness are not given to a child from birth. Only gradually during the first months (and even a year) does he “learn” to sleep deeply and peacefully, stay actively awake and eat with appetite the food he is entitled to at the time allotted for this according to the daily routine. In other words, already during this period the foundation is laid healthy image life.

During the day, the child's sleep alternates several times with periods of active wakefulness. The duration of each of them gradually but quickly increases throughout the year: from 1 hour to 3.5–4 hours. For comparison, let us recall that in the next 6 years it increases by only 2–2.5 hours. This indicates the improvement of the processes of higher nervous activity and at the same time the need to protect nervous system baby from overwork.

The ability to actively stay awake is the basis for the development of movements, speech perception and communication with others.

The newborn is helpless. He cannot even reach the source of nutrition - the mother's breast. And already at 7–8 months the baby is actively crawling, can sit up independently and maintain this position while playing with a toy. By the age of one year he is walking independently.

The interconnection and interdependence of different aspects of a child’s development in the first year of life are especially noticeable when mastering basic movements. In the first months of life, a child's vision and hearing rapidly develop. Under their control and with their participation, the hands begin to act: the baby grabs and holds a visible object (4–5 months). And finally, the sight of a bright toy or a voice loved one encourages the child, leaning on his hands or holding onto a support, to crawl and then walk (second half of the year).

Auditory and visual perceptions improve significantly during the first year. In the first months of life, the baby learns to focus his gaze on the face of an adult or a toy, follow their movement, listen to a voice or a sounding object, and grasp objects suspended above the crib. After 4.5–5 months (as experiments have shown), children are able to distinguish primary colors and shapes. They are emotionally responsive to intonation and music of a different nature.

Simple actions with a toy (holding, waving) turn after 9-10 months into simple object-play actions. The baby puts the cubes in the box, throws the ball, and cradles the doll. Favorite toys appear.

In the first months of life, the child makes short, abrupt sounds ( hey, hey), at 4–5 months he hums melodiously ( a-a-a), which is very important for development speech breathing. Then he begins to babble, that is, to pronounce syllables from which the first words are later formed.

Using the example of the first pre-speech reactions, one can also trace the relationship between different aspects of development. Vocal reactions that underlie the development of speech arise exclusively against the background of a positive emotional state, accompanied by animated movements of the arms and legs, that is, they manifest themselves in the form of a “revitalization complex.”

By the end of the year, we can already talk about speech development, since the basics of understanding are formed (up to 30–50 words), and the child begins to use several simple words. An adult's speech to a child can calm him down and encourage him to perform a simple action. “Socialization” also goes in different directions. Even 2-3 month old children, lying next to each other in the playpen, are happy with each other and look at their neighbor with interest. Children, especially in the second half of the year, clearly show different attitudes towards adults: they are happy with their loved ones, they look at strangers warily before allowing them to approach them. We should not miss the opportunity to form initiative calls (with sounds, smiles, movements) to close adults in the first year.

Moving, the child begins to orient himself in space (playpen, room): to move towards the adult calling him, towards the object of interest.

The simplest elements of self-service appear: at 5–6 months he holds a bottle, by the end of the year he holds a cup when he drinks kefir, pulls off a hat and socks, and gives items of clothing at the request of an adult.

Basic skills by the end of the first year of life: the child masters walking in the immediate space and begins to use individual objects and toys for their intended purpose. Complies with simple requests and understands explanations. In the right situation can use simple words(up to 8-10). Experiences a need for emotional and object-oriented communication with adults.

The second group of young children (from one to two years old)

At this age, monthly weight gain is 200–250 grams, and height is 1 cm. Improvement of structure and functions continues internal organs, skeletal, muscular and central nervous systems. The performance of nerve cells increases. The duration of each period of active wakefulness in children under one and a half years is 3–4 hours, two years – 4–5.5 hours.

The development of a child’s basic movements is partially influenced by the proportions of his body: short legs, long torso, large head. A child under one and a half years old often falls when walking and cannot always stop in time or get around an obstacle. Posture is also imperfect. Due to insufficient development of the muscular system, it is difficult for a child to perform the same type of movements for a long time, for example, walking with his mother “only by the hand.”

Walking gradually improves. Children learn to move freely while walking: they climb hills, walk on the grass, step over small obstacles, for example, a stick lying on the ground. The shuffling gait disappears. In outdoor games and music classes, children take lateral steps and slowly spin in place.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution No. 105 is a general developmental kindergarten.

Speaking to teachers

of the second early age group on the topic:

"Features of working with young children."

Prepared by educational psychologist

Erokhina O.V.

Tula 2015

Early age is that crucial period of a person’s life when the most fundamental abilities that determine the further development of a person are formed. During this period, such key qualities as cognitive activity, trust in the world, self-confidence, a friendly attitude towards people, creative opportunities, general life activity and much more are formed. However, these qualities and abilities do not arise automatically as a result of physiological maturation. Their formation requires adequate influence from adults, certain forms of communication and joint activities with the child. The origins of many of the problems that parents and teachers face (reduced cognitive activity, communication disorders, isolation and increased shyness or, on the contrary, aggressiveness and hyperactivity of children, etc.) lie precisely in early childhood.

Meanwhile, this age stage has significant qualitative specifics. It is impossible to apply to him methods and techniques of work suitable for raising preschoolers. Working with young children requires special training, involving both specialized knowledge and experience working with young children.

The need for an individual teacher approach to each child is obvious at all ages. However, at an early age individual approach is crucial not only because all children are different, but also because a small child can only perceive the influence of an adult thataddressed personally to him. Kids do not perceive calls or proposals addressed to the whole group. They need a look in the eyes, calling by name, a gentle touch, in a word, everything that indicates the personal attention and personal attention of an adult. Only in this case can they accept and understand the adult’s suggestions.

Another feature of working with young children isineffectiveness of purely verbal methods of influence. Any instructions, explanations of the rules, calls for obedience turn out to be useless, since children still do not understand them well, and besides, until the age of 3-4, children cannot regulate their behavior through words. They live only in the present, and the influences of the situation (surrounding objects, movements, sounds) are much stronger motivators for them than the words of an adult. This feature of young children places high demands on the actions of the teacher. They must be extremely expressive, emotional and “infectious”. Only your own passion for any activity can arouse interest in it among people. small child. The teacher should have increased sensitivity to the baby’s conditions, expressive movements and facial expressions. This does not mean that you should not talk to young children. But words must be included in the context of real actions, have a bright intonation coloring, and be accompanied by appropriate gestures and movements.

From what has been said, it follows that organized frontal lessons cannot be carried out with young children, when an adult explains or shows something, and the children “learn.” Such activities are not only ineffective, but also harmful, since they can paralyze the activity of children. The task of raising children of this age is to stimulateactivity each child, call himwish act, communicate, , solve practical problems. What is needed here is the emotional involvement of children, the creation of a common semantic field, and the emotional involvement of an adult in the necessary actions. This is the only way to convey interest to a child in a new activity, attract him to it and captivate him with it, and thus arouse him own wish. All this places special demands on specialists working with young children. Emotional expressiveness, artistry, the ability to win over and convey interest in an activity are the professional qualities of specialists working with young children. Teachers need these qualities.

Budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten for young children No. 19"

Features of the organization

educational work

in early age groups.

Senior teacher:

From December 1, 2009, our kindergarten was repurposed to work with young children. During this period, a lot of work was done to create a favorable environment and develop a system of educational work with young children.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education sets the following tasks for teachers of early age groups:

· Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

· Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child;

· Formation of a socio-cultural environment that is appropriate for age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics children;

· Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

Psychologists identify the age from one to three years as the time when the so-called object activity (sometimes called object-instrumental or object-manipulative activity) plays a dominant role in a child’s activity. Its essence lies in the child’s appropriation of socially developed ways of using all the things around him. In form, it is always a joint activity with an adult, since the method of action initially belongs to the adult, who passes it on to the child. The initiative of action belongs to the child; this is precisely an individual action of appropriation public way use of the item.

Objective activity is leading because it is in it that the development of all aspects of the child’s psyche and personality occurs. First of all, it must be emphasized that in subject activity the baby is developing perception, and the behavior and consciousness of children of this age is entirely determined by perception. Thus, memory at an early age exists in the form of recognition, that is, the perception of familiar objects. The thinking of a child under 3 years of age is predominantly immediate – the child establishes connections between perceived objects. He can only be attentive to what is in his field of perception. All the child’s experiences are also focused on perceived objects and phenomena.

We organize the pedagogical process in accordance with the exemplary general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, ed. , .

Methodological support:

- “Didactic games and activities with young children” a manual for kindergarten teachers. Sadov, ed. (1977)

- “Introducing the baby to the world around him” (1987)

Based on the program objectives, and in accordance with sanitary requirements, the schedule of classes includes in the early age group 2 classes on the development of movements, 2 music classes, 3 on expanding orientation in the environment and developing speech (of which 1 lesson with a didactic doll , 1 lesson on familiarization with fiction, 1 thematic lesson), 1 – lesson with , 2 – lessons with didactic material(of which 1 is a lesson with didactic material, 1 is a lesson with objects-tools). In the first younger group 2 classes in physical education, 2 music, 1 – cognition, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, 1 – communication, 1 – design, 2 classes in artistic creativity (drawing, modeling). Organization of work with children includes games - activities, individual play activity, walks and joint activities during regular moments. We conduct classes in subgroups in the morning and evening (this way the kids learn the material better).

Direct educational activities in the first junior group are carried out in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning.

In early childhood pedagogy, the main teaching methods are games. The game form of education is the leading one at the early childhood stage. Visual teaching methods are used when working with young children. One of the main didactic principles on which the methodology for conducting classes with young children is based is the use of visualization in combination with words.

A small child develops through active activity and acquires the ability to act. Pedagogical influence on the development of this or that activity in children is carried out in the classroom through the use of various methods and techniques.
Method is a method of influence or a way of transmitting knowledge.
Reception - options for using this method.
Methods and techniques are divided into gaming, verbal, visual and practical. Let's consider them separately.

1.Game methods and techniques in teaching children:
- didactic games,
-outdoor games,
-fun games, dramatizations.

a) Bringing in toys,
b) Creating game situations (today we will be birds)
c) Playing with toys and objects (for example, reading the poem “They dropped the Bear on the floor”, didactic game"Tell me what it sounds like")
d) surprise, emotionality (show “The Bird and the Dog” - the teacher shows a squeaker, makes you want to listen, “Who is singing, look.” A bird flies, circles over the children, sits in his arms, chirps.)
e) Sudden appearance, disappearance of a toy.
f) Changing the location of toys (bunny on the table, under the cabinet, above the cabinet).
g) Showing objects in different actions (sleeping, walking, eating).
h) intriguing settings.

2.Verbal methods and techniques:
1) Reading and telling poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales.
2) Conversation, conversation.
3) Examination of pictures, staging.

-Display naming toys and objects. The doll Masha walks, walks, bang - fell, fell. Masha, oh-oh, is crying.
-Please pronounce, say the word (this is a dress).
-Roll call up to 1.5 years ("say and repeat").
- Prompting the right word.
-Explanation of the purpose of the item (dishes are what we eat and drink from).
-Multiple repetition of a new word in combination with a familiar one (a cat has kittens, a hen has chickens).
- Finishing the word at the end of the phrase (“Kittens drink (milk)”, “Katya, eat soup (with bread)”).
-Repeat the word after the teacher.
-Usage artistic word(rhymes, songs, poems, jokes).

3.Practical methods:
1) Exercises (providing assistance).
2) Joint actions of the teacher and the child.
3) Execution of orders.

4. Visual methods and techniques:
1) Display of objects, toys.
2) Observation of natural phenomena and the work of adults.
3) Examination of living objects.
4)Sample display.
5)Usage puppet theater, shadow, tabletop, flannelgraph.

-Direct perception of an object, a toy.
- Show with a name (this is a rabbit).
-Explanation of what the children see (it’s Katya who came; Katya is going for a walk; go, Katya, go; oh, Katya ran and ran away).
-Request-suggestion (Andryusha, come on, feed the bird).
-Multiple repetition of a word.
-Active action of children.
-Approaching the object to children.
-Task for children (go, Vasya, bring the ball).
-Questions (simple for children under 1.5 years old, difficult for children 2-3 years old).
-Inclusion of objects in children’s activities (“Here I put a cube, another cube on it, another cube, it turned out to be a turret”).
-Perform game actions.

When organizing work with young children, we attach great importance to maintaining a daily routine, changing activities, sleep and walks. If the regime is carried out correctly, then children are calm, actively engaged, play, eat well, fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly, and wake up cheerful and cheerful.

In everyone's daily routine age group The approximate time elapses from the inclusion of the first child in this regime process until the end of it by the last child is indicated.

In our kindergarten, young children receive rational meals five times a day in accordance with the ten-day menu.

How younger age children, the less independent they are, the more important it is to maintain the principle of gradualism when carrying out all routine moments, and the coordination of the actions of the group staff is very important.

It is important to make seasonal changes to your daily routine. IN winter time Due to the weather conditions, the child’s time outdoors during the day is somewhat reduced, so it is important to think about organizing preparations for the walk. Walking at an early age is considered an element of hardening, so it is very important not to exclude it from the daily routine.

The target guidelines for preschool education include the following characteristics of child development at the beginning stages: preschool age and completion of preschool education:

By the beginning of preschool age (by 3 years)

· the child is interested in surrounding objects and actively interacts with them; emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions;

· uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoon, comb, pencil, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses basic self-service skills; strives to demonstrate independence in everyday and play behavior;

· speaks active and passive speech included in communication; can make questions and requests, understands adult speech; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys;

· strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult;

· Shows interest in peers; observes their actions and imitates them;

· the child has an interest in poems, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, and strives to move to the music; shows an emotional response to various works of culture and art;

· the child has developed gross motor skills, he strives to master different kinds movements (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).

Sologub Elena Nikolaevna
Features of a teacher’s work with young children

Sologub Elena Nikolaevna.

Nowadays, more and more young mothers are sending their young children to nurseries. It is obvious that this contingent is in dire need of qualified specialists who can work with young children, in methodological and psychological-pedagogical support. Features of early childhood is presented special requirements for the teacher and create certain difficulties in his work. The first difficulty is the child’s increased attachment to his mother and the problem of adaptation to new conditions and a child care institution. Some children have great difficulty surviving even short-term separation from mom: they cry loudly, are afraid of everything, resist any attempts to involve them in any activity. This requires patience, the ability to inspire confidence in yourself and cooperation with the child’s mother.

Educator- This is not only a profession, the essence of which is to provide knowledge. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation of Personality, the affirmation of man in man! Educator- reveals talents, awakens curiosity, teaches hard work, perseverance, dedication, kindness, responsiveness and love. In fact, teacher introduces the child into life, into human society. The education of the teacher, his erudition, will help create a role model for his little charges. Thus, personality teacher must be distinguished by enviable impeccability. But even more demands are now being placed on the individual. teacher, working with young children.

Early childhood is the foundation of a child’s overall development, the starting period of all human beginnings. Exactly at early years, the foundations of a child’s health and intelligence are laid, and it is in this age mental and moral development especially depends on his physical condition and mood. At the present stage of development of scientific knowledge about early In childhood, the idea of ​​the intrinsic value of the first years of a child’s life as the foundation for the formation of his personality was confirmed. The emotional attitude towards people, the world, and oneself that is laid down during this period is remembered by the baby and implemented over the course of many years. The task of modern pedagogy is to implement in educational process self-worth early age as the basis for all subsequent development.

These peculiarities young children have high demands on the actions of adults. They must be extremely expressive, emotional and contagious. Only your own passion can convey small child interest in any activity. This requires increased sensitivity to the baby’s conditions, expressive movements and facial expressions, and artistry. Words must be included in real actions, accompanied by appropriate gestures and movements. The emotional involvement of an adult in the necessary actions is necessary. This is the only way to convey to the child interest in a new activity, to attract him to it and captivate him, and thus arouse his own desire.

To help the child adapt to kindergarten teacher should discuss the following issues with parents before the baby enters the nursery garden:

What is the child’s daily routine and how are routine procedures carried out in the family?

What type of communication does the baby prefer?

Should you strive for independence?

How do you treat strangers?

How does he feel in the company of his peers and does he know how to communicate with them?

IN work the teacher should take into account this characteristic peculiarity mental organization of young children, such as spontaneity and emotionality perception of the surrounding world. They able focus their attention only on what interests them, what fascinates them. Therefore, all influences from adults must be expressive, emotional and "infectious". Interest in an activity is easily transferred to a child when an adult is passionate about it. Words teacher should not only be included in the context of real actions, but have a bright intonation coloring, accompanied by appropriate gestures, movements, and facial expressions. Emotional involvement of children in this or that activity, involvement in it a teacher is created"general semantic field" interactions stimulate the activity of each child.

The development and learning of children takes place in specially organized games and activities, during which children knowledge and skills are acquired, without which their normal development is impossible. Games - activities with for toddlers and children are conducted by teachers in groups.

Methodology educational activities With young children has its own specifics. She is connected with features development and behavior kids:

educational activities are carried out in a playful way, taking into account the decisive importance of the emotional factor of children;

strictly by subgroups: number of participants 6-8 children. The duration of the lesson does not exceed 8-10 minutes, always including a motor task;

It is important to repeat classes, actions, skills, and knowledge acquired by a child do not become stable immediately and are easily destroyed. The theme is repeated, but with different materials; or the same material, but the task changes.

Child development early age systematically controlled group teacher, senior nurse, manager. The purpose of control is to determine the actual level of development of the child and age group as a whole; identify the correctness of medical and pedagogical influences, conditions education quality of educational work. Based on child development criteria early childhood teacher an individual card for supporting the child’s development is filled out, which makes it possible to detect initial deviations in his development and behavior and correct them in a timely manner educational influences.

Job with parents continues after the child arrives at the nursery garden: parents get acquainted with the operating conditions of the kindergarten. They are given a sightseeing tour of the kindergarten. The teacher specifies individual child development features, conducts explanatory work with parents on continuity of care methods and education, is interested in the child’s behavior and well-being at home after visiting kindergarten, gives advice, and constantly creates a positive emotional mood for the child in kindergarten.

Note to the teacher!

Kids don't perceive, calls or proposals addressed to an entire group. They need a look in the eyes, being called by name, a gentle touch, in a word, everything that indicates the personal attention and personal appeal of an adult;

Child early age cannot regulate his behavior through words. Children react to the expressiveness of facial expressions, emotionality and "contagiousness" teacher.

It is necessary to stimulate the activity of each child, to evoke his desire to act, communicate, play, and solve practical problems.

Publications on the topic:

Artistic and aesthetic development of young children (from the experience of a preschool teacher)"The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads- streams that feed the source.

Summary of joint activities of the teacher with children in the early age group “Peas for a Cockerel” State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 136 of a compensating type, Vyborg district of St. Petersburg.

"Air movement in nature." Summary of joint activities of the teacher with children in the second group of early age Summary of joint educational activities of the teacher with children in the 2nd group of early age. Cognitive development. Topic: “Let's play.

Dear Colleagues! Creating a lapbook is a painstaking, long, but entertaining job. The most important thing is to set a goal and result.

Regina Novikova
Working with young children

Early age is important for all subsequent mental, physical, speech and emotional development child. After all, with the help of speech we exchange information and interact with each other. But there are many people who suffer from speech disorders. Often this problem occurs from birth.

In our kindergarten, 17% of children have severe violations speeches (rhinolalia, levels 1 and 2, systemic speech underdevelopment). And classes with them begin at 3–4 years of age.

Classes with children require a special approach; not every specialist has the necessary knowledge, experience, or desire to work with little ones children. It is much easier to conduct classes with a 5-year-old child, whose behavior is already quite arbitrary.

When conducting systematic speech therapy sessions Some children can completely overcome their speech defect, catch up with their peers in terms of speech development, and in the future successfully study in a public school.

Classes with young children differ not only in the volume and content of the material, but also in the specific methods of conducting classes. To build work the best way , the speech therapist must also have a good understanding of psychological characteristics early age: features of the development of perception, attention and memory, speech, thinking, activity, etc.

Therefore, in working with young children the following should be taken into account moments:

1. A child learns about the world with the help of an adult, through imitation. Classes with children are based on imitation of an adult, his movements, actions and words, and not on explanation, conversation, or suggestion. In joint activities of a child and an adult, it is necessary to combine elements of play and learning.

2. Children early age active, active and inquisitive. Teaching children is possible only when the child’s positive emotions are affected. Such an emotional uplift can only be achieved in a game. (Elements of training must be introduced into specially organized games.)

3. For a new skill to stick, repetition is necessary. The assumption that it is necessary to constantly add variety to a child’s games and activities is correct for older children age. And kids feel more comfortable in a familiar situation and act more confidently during familiar, favorite games. In order for new knowledge, skills and abilities to be consolidated, it is necessary to repeat what has been learned many times.

5. It is necessary to control the level of complexity of the proposed material. If the child tries to complete the task and fails, he will quickly lose interest. In this case, both the child and the adult will be disappointed, and next time the child may give up trying to complete a difficult task. The material should be accessible to a small child; the complexity of the same task occurs gradually, from lesson to lesson.

6. It is necessary to control the duration of the game. It should be taken into account that the attention of young children is involuntary and short-lived. Also, during the lesson, it is necessary to flexibly vary the duration of the games, depending on the situation, the children’s capabilities and their behavior.

7. A change in activities is necessary. Changing types of activities, when the game consists of several different games, allows you to retain the attention of children longer, increasing the duration and effectiveness of the lesson.

8. Kids need a positive assessment of their activities. During the learning period, emotional support from an adult and a positive assessment of achievements are necessary for children. Therefore, try to celebrate any, even the most modest, achievements and successes. If you fail, don't focus on it. Tell, For example: “Then we’ll try again”, “Next time it will definitely work out”, “You tried, well done!”. To help kids develop faster and more confidently, praise them more often.

1. One of the main objectives of teaching is the development of passive and active speech in children.

Passive Vocabulary Development games: show in the picture

Development of an active dictionary games: imitation first (wonderful bag, pets, onomatopoeia)

2. Development of general motor skills. The higher physical activity child, the better his speech develops. The relationship between general and speech motor skills has been studied and confirmed by research by major scientists. Correction speech disorders (like the speech development of a normally developing child) begins with the formation of motor skills, basic and general developmental movements.


3. Development fine motor skills. The movement of fingers and hands is of particular developmental importance. Fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system.

Formation of basic graphic skills.


4. Development of auditory perception, speech and phonemic hearing: games with instruments, Where does it sound? What does it sound like?

5. Formation of articulatory motor skills. One of the indicators of a child’s successful speech development is the developed skills of correct sound pronunciation. To do this, the baby needs to learn to control the organs of the articulatory apparatus, to be able to "hear" yourself and those around you. This also includes the development of an air stream


6. Mental development processes: attention, memory, thinking.

The child must highlight the properties of objects perceived through vision: color, shape, quantity; understand the plot of the picture (if the picture has a plot, highlight the objects of perception, establish a connection between them.

games: correlation by color, size, shape.

7. Formation of prosodic components of speech. Prosody is a general name for the supersegmental properties of speech, such as raising and lowering pitch, accelerating and decelerating tempo, rhythmic characteristics, placement of logical stress, soft attack of the voice, strength, duration of sound, smooth speech exhalation, clarity of diction, intonation, timbre coloring. Without all these qualities, our speech would turn into robot speech. Children early age with normal speech development already at 6-7 months they perfectly understand the intonation of adults and react accordingly to it.


In addition to standard speech therapy techniques, fairy tales are used when working with young children. Taking into account the limited speech capabilities of primary preschool children age The speech therapist first tells familiar fairy tales himself, asking the child only to accompany his story with onomatopoeia. Gradually, tasks and requirements for the child become more complicated: he begins to reproduce all speech units available to him.

The use of fairy tales helps the development of children's speech activity.

Thus, the directions of speech therapy working with children junior preschool age include the development of expressive speech, the development of impressive speech, the development of general and fine motor skills, and the sensorimotor base of speech.