How to prepare pink water at home. How to make pink water from rose petals at home

Pink water is a cosmetic-aromatic tool with a strong rose smell. Such water is obtained by steam distillation from the essential oil hybrid varieties of roses. Pink water perfectly suitable for skin care. It has a slightly astonishing effect, fighting wrinkles, reduces skin inflammation, moisturizes and soothes it. In addition, pink water is an antidepressant and contains aphrodisiacs that have positive properties. In this article, we will analyze 12 recipes for the preparation of pink water for different skin types.

Benefits of pink water for leather

Pink water is well known for its advantages for beauty. In addition, pink water is very effective for mental health, can also be used in cooking.

Use for skin

Pink water is useful for the skin, is widely used as masks and face creams. The use of pink water helps to balance the skin, reduces the excessive content of the salo waste on the skin, tones it, cleans and reduces dryness. Pink water is also very useful for sensitive skin, it soothes and cools the sensitive skin. Pink water is safe in the treatment of wounds and burns, well apply it after shaving, it calms the irritable skin.

Application with fatigue

If you are tired after a long working day, you can take a bath with several drops of pink water. It will give a relaxing effect, remove fatigue, improve the mood, in order to get rid of depression and stress. Pink water has healing properties, so it is great for the treatment of certain diseases, such as sore throat and inflammation of the glands. Just moisten a cotton swab in pink water and apply to inflamed glands. Also, pink water helps with eye fatigue, just make a compress with pink water. On closed eyelids, there are 10 minutes by two cotton disks moistened in pink water. Such a compress will help eliminate eye fatigue, especially those people who constantly work all day at the computer.

The main ingredients of pink water

The main ingredients of pink water include rose petals and distilled water.

1. Rose petals

To prepare a recipe for pink water, you can use dried or fresh rose petals, dried roses often give a stronger fragrance to prepare your own pink water at home. For the preparation of pink water use only rose petals from their garden or from a reliable source (for example, find a reliable florist), no rose petals are fit. Because roses that are on sale are strongly oversaturated with toxic chemicals, they are sprayed on roses for longer storage and transportation. If you prepare pink water from petals of such roses, it will include chemical, toxic elements that will harm the skin. In order to dry rose petals, you need to put them in a paper bag, and then hang it into the ventilated room. In this way, they quickly dry depend on the illumination and humidity of the room.

2. Distilled water

Distilled water can be prepared at home, but if you do not have time, you can buy in any cosmetology store or use spring water.
So, in detail we will analyze 13 recipes for the preparation of pink water for different types of skin.

Pink water preparation recipe

1 cup of rose petals

Collect rose petals, remind you that only from your garden use roses petals, and if there is no gardens, then bought petals need to rinse in cold water with the addition of a small number of ordinary vinegar to eliminate chemicals. If you use dry rose petals, then simply use the floor of a glass of such petals. Then place the rose petals in a bowl and pour the distilled water boiling water and leave it for 30 minutes. After the expiration of this time, it is necessary to strain through the gauze obtained pink water and pour into a jar with a sealed lid for storage. Store pink water follows in the refrigerator. But if you do not have the ability to keep it in the refrigerator, then you can add some gamamemis or alcohol. Use one or twice a day to apply toner using a cotton disk. Pink water is favorably acting on sensitive skin.

Express Recipe Cooking Pink Water

5 - 7 drops of roses essential oil
1 glass of distilled water

Add essential rose oil to distilled water and put in a container with a pulverizer to shake well and you can use. Always before use you need to shake. Apply to face with a cotton disk once or twice a day.

Recipe for the preparation of pink water with Hammelis

1 cup of pink water
1 cup of tincture of gamamemis

Mix both ingredients in a storage bank, then close the sealant lid and shake well. It turned out a binding tonic for oily and damaged skin. Apply a tonic on the face with a cotton disk one or twice a day.

Recipe for the preparation of pink water with glycerin and milk

113 grams of vegetable glycerin
113 grams of fresh pink water
113 grams of olive oil
3 tablespoons of milk

Place in a bowl of pink water, glycerin, milk and olive oil. Then mix all the ingredients well and put in a glass jar with a hermetic lid. Apply the toner should be in front of the face with a cotton disk. You can use such a toner one or twice a day, stored in the refrigerator. Such a lotion is rich in moisturizing substances that are favorable on the skin of the face.

Recipe for the preparation of alcohol pink water

1 cup of pure alcohol
4 glasses of purified water
2 glasses of fresh rose petals

Place rose petals in a glass jar and pour with purified water and alcohol, then close the lid and leave in a dark place for 1 week, while mixing every day and in the evening. If you want the pink water to have a strong fragrance, then you need to replace the old rose petals twice. After the week passes, you need to strain the solution and store pink water in the refrigerator. Use such a lotion you need daily, with dry and irritable skin. If you are allergic to alcohol, then do not add alcohol for the preparation of pink water. Alcohol is added for longer storage of pink water. Apply toner follows one or twice a day. You can apply using a cotton disk on the skin of the face.

Recipe for the preparation of alcohol pink water with geranium oil

10 ml. Alcohol or vodka
250 ml. Pink water
25 ml. Tincture Gamamelisa
4 drops of roses essential oil
4 drops of geranium essential oil

You need to pour alcohol or vodka into a glass bottle or can, then add rose essential oil, geranium and mix well. Now you can add a gemmamelis tincture, pink water and again mix well. Each time you shake the bottle before use. It should be applied every day in the morning and in the evening to a clean face with a cotton disk.

Recipe for the preparation of pink water for eyes from dark circles

250 ml. Pink water
25 gr. Dried rose petals or a glass of fresh rose petals
2 drops of roses essential oil
50 ml. Apple vinegar

Place all the ingredients in the bottle and put it in a dark place for 3 weeks, after the expiration of time, you need to strain the composition into a sterilized bottle. Now home pink water is ready for use. Apply the toner follows one or twice a day to the area around the eyes using a cotton disk. Such a toner eliminates the dark circles under the eyes and relieves eye fatigue, especially when the whole day has to work at the computer.

Recipe Cooking Pink Water With Lemon

56 grams of tincture of gamamemis
113 grams of distilled water
1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
56 grams of pink water

You need to mix all the ingredients in a bottle with a spray gun. Before use, you need to shake well before use, you should apply one or twice a day, on a clean face with a cotton disk. Such pink water tightens a bit and blends the skin.

Recipe Cooking Pink Water With Mint

1 glass of distilled water
350 ml. Pink water
2 tablespoons of apple vinegar
4 teaspoons sliced \u200b\u200bfresh mint

Place apple vinegar and mint leaves into a glass jar with a sealed lid and leave at room temperature for a week. After the expiration of time, you need to strain the composition through the gauze and add 1 cup of distilled water and 350 ml of pink water. Then mix well and stored in a clean glass jar with a lid. You need to apply with irritable and dry skin, one or twice a day with a cotton disk, especially on hot days.

Recipe for cooking pink water with tea mushroom

1 piece of tea mushroom
10 pieces of pink water

Mix tea mushroom well and pink water and pour into a glass bottle or jar. It is necessary to store in a cool place or in the refrigerator. Apply the toner follows one or twice a day using a cotton disk.

Recipe for cooking pink water with aloe

¼ cup of aloe juice
½ cup of tea mushroom
10 drops of pure essential oil (optional)
250 ml. Pink water
2 drops of pure oil vitamin E (optional)

Mix all the ingredients to mix well in a bottle or storage jar. Keep need in a cool place or refrigerator. Apply the toner follows one or twice a day using a cotton disk. Such a toner acts very favorably on fatty skin.

Recipe for cooking alcohol pink water with watermelon

2 tablespoons of distilled water
2 tablespoons of fresh watermelon juice
1 tablespoon of alcohol or vodka
250 ml. Pink water

Mix all the ingredients to mix well in a bottle or storage jar. Keep need in a cool place or refrigerator. Apply the toner follows one or twice a day using a cotton disk.

Pink Water Cooking Recipe with Green Tea and Cucumber

Green tea glass (leaf)
250 ml. Pink water
1 Cucumber, Medium Size
1 tablespoon of alcohol or vodka (optional)

Cucumber needs to be cleaned from the peel, put in a blender or a food processor, mix before the formation of mashed potatoes and strain through the gauze to get cucumber juice. Now you need to cook green tea, poured with steep boiling water the leaves of green tea and give it to brew within 5 - 7 minutes (it is advisable to use jasmine). Then straighten the welding and give to completely cool. Now you need to mix both ingredients and add pink water, alcohol and mix well. Pour the composition in a bottle or jar and store in a cool place or refrigerator. Apply the toner should be once a day using a cotton disk. Especially this toner helps well on hot days, it refreshes the face of the face well.
You can also make many different recipes for pink water, simply adding different ingredients and essential oils at your own desire.


Magnificent properties have pink water - fragrant liquid from the petals of tea roses, which can be prepared by independently, following a simple recipe, and apply in cosmetic, therapeutic purposes, cooking. Natural products are completely harmless, consists of a single component, but it is an effective means.

What is pink water

Ancient medicine was well known for the healing properties of roses. Essential oil and water obtained from this amazing flower were already expensive goods. On the territory of Russia, the Crimean Rose is the main raw material for their production. Pink aromatic water is a secondary product in the manufacture of essential oil obtained by steam distillation. This is a transparent liquid with a light aroma. In proper manufacturing, it consists only of water-soluble oil components and distilled water.

For what is needed

Pink water is the most valuable achievement in medicine and cosmetology. It has a natural antiseptic effect, so it is used for healing of wounds and treating diseases. Floral solution is used in all areas of cosmetology. Hydrolates are used as a tonic and as the basis of creams. Found the use of pink water in cooking. Oriental cuisine fans often use it for the preparation of sweets.

Beneficial features

A solution from rose petals, having anti-inflammatory properties, fights well with infections, so:

  • treats respiratory diseases;
  • helps to cope with bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • treats periodontalosis;
  • eliminates bad smell of mouth;
  • he lies the wounds;

Hydrolate is the basis for the preparation of cosmetic products or as an independent skin care tool, since it has many useful properties:

  • moisturizes the skin;
  • well tones;
  • gives the skin elasticity;
  • refreshes the complexion;
  • eliminates small wrinkles;
  • struggles with dark circles under the eyes;
  • protects against ultraviolet rays;
  • soothes the skin after sunburn;
  • has a cooling effect;
  • relieves irritation;
  • it has a gentle fragrance.

Rose essential oils have a soothing effect. Thanks to this valuable quality, pink water is used for aromatherapy and is capable of:

  • eliminate headaches;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • take fatigue.

Indications for use

Pink petals are used for various cosmetic issues and medical conditions, such as:

  • bronchopulmonary diseases (inhalation with rose hydrolate);
  • angina, tonsillites, pharyngitis (throat rinsing, grafting);
  • periodontal disease (rinsing oral cavity);
  • conjunctivitis, eye fatigue (cartoon of pure hydrolate, eye wash)
  • wounds (wipes with floral scene);
  • dark circles under the eyes (compresses);
  • fading leather (cosmetics containing hydrolat or essential oil)
  • problem skin (rubbing);
  • itching the scalp (rubbing hydrolate);
  • headache (overlay on the forehead of the marlevary bandage, moistened with decoction of pink petals);
  • fatigue, nervous voltage (bath with adding hydrolate).

Pink water in folk medicine

Folk medicine has long used a flower essence for unique bactericidal properties. It removes inflammation, while not dried skin and mucous membranes, because it does not contain alcohol. There are many folk recipes based on the use of rose hydrolant. Aromatic fluid is used for angina, dental problems. It helps to cope with skin diseases: dermatitis, allergies, treats problem skin.

With the inflammation of the throat

Rose hydrolate is useful to rinse the throat during an angina. Instead of rinsing, you can use another way. You need to pour pink water into the bottle with a sprayer and irrigate the throat with the resulting spray. You can make a bummer. To do this, it is necessary to wind a little wool on a wand, swing into roses hydrolat and attach for a few minutes to inflamed almonds.

From inflammation of the gums

Thanks to the antiseptic properties, it has found use in dental problems. For the prevention of periodontalism, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity daily by the rose hydrolate. When bleeding, the gums can be applied with solid wadded balls to inflamed areas. Such marks will remove pain, reassured mucous membranes.

From acne

The presence of acne can greatly complicate life. Pink water helps to complete the wash process. Possessing powerful anti-inflammatory properties, she kills bacteria, relieves inflammation, eliminates itching, redness. Used twice a day as a tonic hydrolant rose, cleans and narrows pores, helps to get rid of acne, irregularities on the face, oily shine. Returning home, wipe the problematic skin with fragrant liquid to clean out of street dust.

Increased foot sweating

Special baths will help to cope with this problem of high sweating legs. It is necessary to add to the pelvis with warm water of 50 ml of hydrolate or 5 drops of rose essential oil and lower the foot on a quarter of an hour. You can cook instead of decoction. Tea rose or rose rose petals need to be pouring boiling water, insist the hour under the lid and apply, filled with a solution with a bath for legs.

Pink water in cosmetology

The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra washed and took the pink petals bath to improve the skin condition. Flower water has beneficial properties at a lesser concentration than essential oil. This natural product is suitable for any skin types, and the aqueous hydrolate consistency is most effectively absorbed by the upper layers of the epidermis. The tool is used in cosmetology for care:

  • behind the face (moisturizing, toning, removal of edema and irritation);
  • behind the body (provision of even sunburn, relaxation, wound healing).

Face care

From the hydrolate roses, you can prepare a variety of cosmetic products, efficient and natural. For example:

  • tonic from undiluted hydrolate for everyday use;
  • cosmetic ice: freeze the tool in special containers and wipe the face with pink cubes in the morning;
  • tissue mask for sensitive skin: 3 layers of gauze moisture in pink solution and impose on a purified face for 20 minutes, not wash after the end of the procedure;
  • mask for skin elastic: mix 20 ml of rose hydrolat, 5 g of floral honey, 20 g of crushed almonds and impose a mass on the face by a quarter of an hour, after the procedure to wipe the face with a cotton disk;
  • face cream: dilute a thick children's rose hydrolate cream to creamy consistency, apply a cream on a face moistened with a pink tonic;
  • compress from dark circles under the eyes: Moisturized with fragrant water Woven discs impose on the area around the eyes, hold 15 minutes.

For body care

In aromatherapy, natural essential oils and floral solutions are used to harmonize the emotional and physical condition of the person. Aromas through the impact on the smell receptors send a signal to the brain area that is responsible for emotions. Water from pink petals is a good tool of aromatherapy, has a soothing effect on the nervous system, relaxes muscles. To remove fatigue after a busy day, it is recommended to add to the warm bath of the fragrant hydrolate half a compartment and lie down for 20 minutes.

Pink essences added to the bath to break the nails in front of the manicure, perfectly cope with the disinfection of a small wound, will strengthen the nails and moisturize the cuticle. The hot summer hydrolate tea rose will help become the owner of a beautiful even sunburn. Filling the bottle with a pulleomizer with fragrant liquid, it is recommended to periodically sprinkle the body when in the sun.

For hair

The tool has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the quality of the hair. Hydrolate removes irritation of the scalp, moisturizes curls, fights with falling, dandruff, and also gives a lack of delicious fragrance. You can care for hair in the following ways:

  • to give silk shine, the hydrolate roses into the scalp skin is evenly distributed over the entire length of the strand, to hold half an hour, after which it is to wash the head with ordinary shampoo;
  • dilute shampoo with hydrolate one-third, wash the head with the resulting composition 2-3 times a week;
  • after washing, rinse the hair with pink mortar;
  • mask for nutritional bulbs: mix pink hydrolat with glycerol oil in equal proportions, launched in the hair roots, after half an hour, wash the shampoo, apply weekly;
  • mask to restore damaged hair after staining, styling, dryer dryers: Mix 50 ml of pink hydrolate with the contents of one capsule vitamin E and five drops of jojoba oil, distribute on curls, after 10 minutes wash the shampoo tool, apply weekly.

Application in cooking

Since ancient times in Asia and the Middle East, fragrant water from pink colors was used in cooking. It was added to the dishes to give the fragrance. For experiments in the kitchen, it is best to purchase this delightful ingredient in Asian spice stores or make pink water from rose petals. The fragrant liquid will give a gentle aroma of coffee and chocolate, it can be added to rahat-bow or ice cream, combining with cardamomon. The main thing is to value the measure so that the dessert does not acquire the smell of strong spirits.

How to make pink water at home

The drug can be found in cosmetic stores, pharmacies, oriental spice departments, but prepare a miraculous remedy with their own hands, you can not worry and be sure that the product does not contain alcohol, preservatives and other chemical additives. Preparation does not require special skills and devices.

Features of the choice of decoction flowers

Roses from flower shops to create natural hydrolates are not suitable, since it is almost always processed by chemicals for long-term storage. It is better to break the petals with colors collected in their own garden or from acquaintances. For cooking, the most fragrant grades of tea roses are suitable. Plants should be grown without the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

Rose petals are advised to collect early in the morning in dry weather directly on the day of the preparation of hydrolate. You can use wild plants: Crimean or Bulgarian rose, rosehip. In this case, collect flowers away from the road, those that did not absorb dust and poisonous exhausts from cars. All petals need to be thoroughly overlooked by throwing damaged.

Cooking recipes

To prepare floral water, you need to place the flower petals on the bottom of a large pan in several layers and pour boiled water. After that, you can do in two ways:

  1. Place inside the empty glass pile so that its edges are located a few centimeters above the level of the boiling fluid, cover the pan inverted with a lid. Heat on slow heat. After boiling, fill the inverted ice cover. Boil petals within an hour. If necessary, you can periodically add water and ice. Couple will be condensed on the cold surface of the inverted cover, staining right in the pile. This will be ready hydrolate.
  2. Cover the saucepan with a lid and heated on slow heat until the petals lose color. This may be necessary on the half an hour. When the flowers become transparent, press them and resolute the resulting liquid.

The liquid prepared according to these recipes needs to be pouring into a glass sterile container, close tightly and stored in a cool place. Keep in mind that it is necessary to pour the hydrolyt until it is cooled. Natural pink water for the face at home can be stored for more than a year, perfectly retaining color, taste, fragrance and all its useful properties.

How to buy a real pink water

To buy a high-quality natural product, pay attention to the composition in which only the word "hydrolant" or "distillate" roses should be met. If "water" and essential oils are indicated, "this is not a real product. The benefit from it will be slightly, since oil compounds do not dissolve in water. There should be no alcohol, preservatives and other chemical additives. Flower water - natural product, which can not be stored for a long time. If the label states that the shelf life is much more than more than a year, the purchase should be refused.

How much is

Prices for floral waters in different manufacturers can be very different. On the shelves of shops you can see the vials of different sizes. If you use a facial tool, you have a bottle of 100-200 ml. For body care, it makes sense to acquire more volumetric containers.

Lotion from tea rose. Lotion at home!

Many products based on natural components are healing for beauty and youth skin. One of these means is pink water - distillate extracted from rose petals essential oil.

This elixir of youth is known to humanity since ancient times, but despite this, in its effectiveness it is not inferior to innovative cosmetics for skin care.

What properties is distillate, what is its composition and how do such a means in home cosmetology use?

Many people have such a flower as a rose associated with attractiveness and tenderness. However, this plant at all times was used as a component for the preparation of healing rejuvenating elixirs.

There is evidence that pink water began to be used as a powerful healing agent in the tenth century to our era. So, the first mentions about the miracle elixir are in the records of the Arab philosopher Chaldun.

It is known that in the tenth century BC, this tool was a valuable product that was sold in the east. Several thousand years ago, the water was prepared from the rose essential oil, which was subjected to the distillation procedure.

For this, Alambics were used - ancient analogues of modern distillation cubes. Today, pink water is obtained by distillation of plants essential oil through a high-quality distiller.

To get distillates, it is necessary that steam passes through the petals of colors, and then entered the serpent (refrigerator), cooled and turned into condensate.


Water from rose has numerous healing properties:

How to cook pink water at home, look at this video:


As noted, the basic ingredient of pink water is considered essential oil of the petals of the same flower. Components are also available as part of the elixir:

  • geraniol;
  • citronellon;
  • nerve;
  • farnesol and others.

Thanks to its healing properties, rose-based water is used not only in cosmetology, but also in folk medicine.

The remedy has the following healing properties:

  • helps to cope with flu and bronchitis;
  • it has a disinfecting effect, so this means is useful to rinse the throat with pharyngitis and sore throat;
  • contributes to the cure of conjunctivitis;
  • helps to cope with the deaths of the gums and the unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • the remedy has a light cooling and moisturizing effect, therefore is actively used in the treatment of skin burns;
  • contributes to the activation of hair growth due to the stimulation of blood supply to hair lows;
  • helps in the treatment of varicose veins.

Also, pink water contributes to improving the color of the skin, eliminate small wrinkles, reducing the oily gloss and the treatment of inflammation.

Indications and contraindications

Among the contraindications to the use of natural elixir from roses, it is possible to distinguish only one - the individual intolerance between the components of the pink water.

Features of use

To get the maximum effect of using rose water in home cosmetology, you need to know how to apply it correctly. First of all, any cosmetic agent, including pink water, should be applied to the pre-purified skin of the face with a cotton swab.

The swaps impregnated with elixir can also be put on the skin as a mask, which will increase the effect of the use of flower elixir.

Distillates of rose essential oil can be used not only as an independent cosmetics, but also as a valuable component for the preparation of other home cosmetics.

How to cook elixir

Nowadays, pink water can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepare such a means on their own. To get a high quality cosmetic tool, it is necessary to prepare it from home plants that have not been treated with chemicals.

There are several recipes for the preparation of pink water at home:

Cooling pink water is overflowed into sterile glass dishes, tightly clog it. Store the container with a cosmetic tool in the refrigerator. If not to violate the rules for storing pink water, it will be suitable for use at least 12 months.

How to make a tonic, tells this video:


There are many methods for the preparation of cosmetics, for which pink water is used.

The most popular from home cosmetics is a mask.

The most popular making recipes are as follows:


For the preparation of tonic you need to take 25 milliliters of pink water, 50 milliliters of juice and the same raccara of the Hyperician. The tonic is stored in a bottle of dark glass, preferably in a cool place.

If you wipe the face with such a liquid after the morning and evening washness, it will help to avoid inflammation and dry skin.


To obtain healing ice, it is better to use water prepared by yourself. The ice itself is very simple - it is enough to fill the molds for ice to elixirome and put them for a few hours in the freezing chamber.

Skin rubbing with fragrant ice will allow the skin to be returned with tone, remove the swelling and improve the complexion.


To obtain a cream, you need to prepare a third cup of pink water, a quarter of a teaspoon of benzoine, half a glass of bee wax and a glass, if desired, you can take a few drops of roses essential oil.

First, the oil and wax melt together, not forgetting constantly stirring the ingredients. After that, a saucepan with oil and wax should be removed from the fire, add glycerin and elixir from roses to the mass.

At the end of the almost finished cream introduced benzoin and flower ether. The finished mass, after it coolsches, spill into small containers.

Skin lotion prone to inflammation

2 teaspoons of fresh apples juice are added to a glass of water, a couple of vinegar drops and a pinch is used twice a day in the process of cleansing the skin.

Compress from swelling

If you attach cotton discs impregnated with pink water to centuries, having cooled them, you can quickly get rid of the eyelid.

Facial burns

After intensive solar baths, it is possible to calm the skin with a means prepared from any cosmetic oil, floral water, hemmelis and glycerin (all take in the same proportions).

The mixture is applied locally on the affected skin.

Choice rules

If there is no desire to prepare a cosmetic tool from roses yourself, it can be purchased. But for this you need to know the rules for the purchase of this cosmetics:


Pink water is one of the best cosmetics whose recipe is known since ancient times. Thanks to the rich list of its healing properties, a miracle elixir from the fragrant flower will never lose its popularity among those who dream of beauty and strong health.

But you should not forget that only natural pink water has therapeutic properties without extraneous additives (fragrances, preservatives, dyes).

Special varieties of roses are grown to produce real rose oil. Roses petals are treated according to special technology and of five tons of flower petals are obtained near a kilogram of natural rose oil. At home, real rose oil will not prepare, but you can make an oil, which is also called pink and which is also very useful for the skin.

It is necessary to collect roses for the preparation of oil in the early morning, even before sunrise, while the sun did not heat the flowers and the essential oil did not evaporate. Petals can be slightly wet, but they should not be water. Roses need to choose red, the most fragrant, with a strong smell.

Methods of cooking rose oil at home are somewhat, but for any of them you will need a base base - olive oil. Here are some of the most common options for home pink oil.

1. Two glasses of rose petals pour a glass of olive oil, insist in a tightly closed dish in a dark place for two to three weeks. From time to time, the contents need to be mixed. The resulting rose oil strain and apply in home cosmetics. They can wipe the body after a shower or bathing, in addition, the rose oil is an excellent means for performing anti-cellulite massage.

2. Olive oil heat in a water bath to 50 - 70 degrees. Pour roses petals how much will fit and withstand in warmth two days. Petals get, press and laid new ones. So repeat 10 - 15 times. The finished oil is stored in a tightly closed bottle in a dark place.

3. There is a simpler way to obtain rose oil. In the glass transparent can put cotton wool, but not to the top, and so that she occupied a little more than half the banks. The rest of the place is to fill in fresh rose petals and pour all olive or sesame oil. The oil must completely soak cotton. The jar is tightly close and put on the sun on the sun. The next day, wake fresh petals early in the morning. From the banks get yesterday's petals, press and replace them with fresh. So repeat until the oil acquires the resistant aroma of roses. Usually for this you need 10 - 14 days, depending on the variety of roses. Wat is well pressed, the finished oil is stored in the refrigerator.
Pink oil for such a recipe can be prepared with the addition of fragrant petals and leaves of other plants.

If many roses grow in your garden, you can prepare pink water from fresh flower petals. Of course, it will differ from the pink water of industrial manufacture, at home more often preparing infusions of rose petals and they are also called pink water. It can be used as a tonic or face lotion.

For the preparation of pink water, it is better to choose red roses, preferably a variety with a strong smell. Collecting petals early in the morning and immediately prepare pink water from them. For the simplest recipe for the preparation of pink water, Mineral water and rose petals will need. The bottom of a small saucepan is covered with flower petals in two - three layers, poured mineral water so that it only covered the petals and bring the mixture to a boil. Make the smallest fire, covered with a lid and boiled while the petals do not completely pacify. By time it is from thirty minutes to an hour. They give a brave to cool, flickering and pouring into a glass bottle.

You can come even easier. The handful of fresh rose petals pour steep boiling water with a glass of steep boiling water, to insist half an hour, strain and pour into glass utensils. Store pink water is needed in a tightly closed container in a cool place.

You can wash such a pink water (add it to ordinary water), make cosmetic ice from it, or use as thermal water. It fresses perfectly and tones the skin, especially in the summer heat. For dry and fading skin, pink water is used as a softening tonic.

For oily skin based on rose water, you can cook home lotion. A tablespoon of crushed young branches of forest walnut is poured 200 ml. boiled water. In the water bath in a closed glass, half an hour is heated, they allow cool and filter. 50 ml. The beam is mixed with 150 ml. Pink water and this lotion rubbed face. With a very oily skin, the decoction and pink water is mixed in equal amounts. The lotion refreshes, cleans, tones the skin and has an astringent effect.

For normal leather to pink water, a tablespoon of lemon or orange juice is added and the face is wiped in the morning and in the evening.

Pink water can be added to an aromatic bath or prepare a mixture of fresh rose petals and mint leaves. Take the handful of pink petals and the same amount of mint leaves, to delve them to suppress them, so that the juice stood out and add to the warm bath. If desired, aromatic oils can be added to the mixture - on one drop of geranium oil, mint and two drops of pink wood. Such a bath perfectly moisturizes and clean the skin.

Recipes for the preparation of pink water at home are somewhat, it is the most simple and affordable. Pink water is prepared with the addition of sugar or other plants, with adding alcohol, it has a different composition and can be used in medical and cosmetics

Pink water at home (mainly for cooking)

For the preparation of pink water at home, take three handfuls of clean petals of fragrant rose and fill with 6 glasses of water in a large saucepan. Put on a small fire and let it boil; Prepare until it is booked in half. Catch off the sieve to get rid of petals, and pink water is ready.

Pink water is a universal cosmetic agent, which is still used to maintain beauty and positively affects all types of leather. It is used to make a refreshing, light tonic, which is perfect for dry or for very sensitive skin.

Such fluids are on sale, but you need to read the composition very carefully to buy a product, which contains no alcohol.

But if you decide to make pink water for the face at home, you can be sure that it is most natural as possible and environmentally friendly. Such a product can then be add to drinks, desserts and baking.

Now many different options have appeared, how can I make pink water at home, and all of them are quite simple in performance. Indian Ayurvedic Pink Water Recipes guarantee an excellent effect of rejuvenation, help as long as possible to maintain beauty and ensure moisturizing and skin care of any type of skin.

Myths about the origin of roses are present in many people's legends and religions. And in almost all such legends, the rose is identified with the deity and the power of the senses of love.

The oldest of all the legends is the Indian legend. It says that from the most beautiful rose flower was born the most beautiful woman in the world. This rose has 108 large sheets and petals and 1008 small petals. Beauty led to life Kiss of God Vishnu, who kept the universe. Then she became the goddess of beauty Lakshmi and his wife Vishnu, and the rose was proclaimed by a sacred flower, symbolizing the divine mystery. And in ancient Rome, this remedy was considered treatment from 23 ages.

What do you need water with rose petals

  • Often used in cosmetology purposes. Basically, to create lotions and tonic. Still as the foundations for masks and sparking;
  • One of the best ways to moisten the skin. In addition, it envelops a light flower aroma;
  • Controls the activity of the sebaceous glands. Excellent solution for greasy skin;
  • Cool and removes inflammation;
  • Moisturizes dry skin;
  • It is a natural antiseptic. Can be used for diseases of the throat, in the treatment of wounds and inflammation;
  • Quickly removes swelling and bags around the eyes;
  • You can apply as a hair rinser to give them an additional shine.

The use of pink water for the face, hair and body is quite widespread in cosmetology and in the recipes of traditional medicine. It suits almost all types of skin, hair and for women of any age.

If you want to try to make pink water with your own hands, then pay attention to the fact that only flowers with a pronounced smell should be used. It is best to prepare freshly plane petals from garden species of red or dark burgundy roses that are grown without adding chemicals. For the same reason, roses that are sold in stores, it is not worth using in lotions. Ideal will be collected early in the morning flowers when they are still in the morning dew and moistened.

2 best recipes How to easily make pink water from fresh rose petals:

Sometimes in the manufacture, a couple of droplets of apple vinegar are added, a pinch of mint or in the already cooked water add two tablespoons of lime or lemon juice. Then the tonic will not only receive a new fragrance, but also acquires a lot of other beneficial properties.

Such a product does not contain alcohol, this is a natural substance, respectively, the shelf life of it is not so long. It is not necessary to strive to make more water immediately, let them get quite a bit, because it is not much difficult to make a fresh work.

Pink water made at home can be applied not only as a lotion or tonic.

Methods for its use are varied

  • If you are accustomed to apply oil, first spray the face with a decoction with a spray gun, and after already apply oil. So it absorbs faster, but if in a few minutes you still feel excessive fat, wipe your face with a napkin;
  • If you are suffering from the swelling, then moisten 2 cotton disks and blot your eyes. Relax a couple of minutes. The skin around the eye is the gentle, so for the first attempts it is better to try to dilute first. To do this, add pink water to mineral or filtered in proportion 1: 1;
  • You can prepare severe pores. To do this, a couple of tablespoons of ribbed forest walnut branches will fill with 200 milliliters of boiled chilled water and heated on a steam bath for about 30 minutes. Leave cool and then strain. Walnut decoction mix with pink in proportion 1: 3. Such a lotion has refreshing, cleansing and tonic properties for the skin of the face and neckline;
  • Option for aromavane. 2 spoons of pink beam and 2 teaspoons of cosmetic almond or any other oil. Or a cup of milk and a couple of beam spoons. Such a bath excellent moisturizes and nourishes the body with useful substances;
  • Excellent remedy for sunburn. Mix in equal proportions pink decoction, cosmetic oil, gamamelis or glycerin. Welcome and apply to the skin-victim under the sun. The tool will quickly remove itching and reduce redness.

Top 3 masks based on pink water

Any cosmetics cooked with your own hands is much more useful than purchased. It retains its natural properties, and you can be sure that there are certainly not containing chemical additives, nitrates or harmful substances. There is still a lot of useful recipes based on this wonderful flower. You can choose any, you come true or come up with your own.