Positive Thinking: The powerful power of positive thinking. Positive thinking exercises Effective techniques for positive thinking

Today, the expression positive thinking does not just mean a light attitude towards life, but a whole concept and system. There are other definitions: mental positivism, correct thinking, thinking of power, new thinking. This concept includes special techniques and methods of positive thinking. They are taught in popular trainings on ways to achieve success. Generally speaking, the system is built on the belief that our thoughts can materialize. What we think about will definitely happen. If you are positive, think about success, health, happiness, then these categories will definitely come into your life. The psychology of positive thinking originated a long time ago, and its heyday occurred in the 20th century (in the USA and Europe) and the 21st century (in Russia).

History of mental positivism

It is generally accepted that the foundations of the theory of positive thinking were laid by the American writer Norman Peale. He outlined his views in his work “The Power of Positive Thinking.” It is important that he developed his theory by collaborating with experienced psychoanalysts. The Peale Method is based on the idea that a person should construct and visualize desires and dreams in order to achieve a higher quality of life and greater life satisfaction.

The author tried to use his work to help a person create a positive way of thinking. The Power of Positive Thinking has sold over 5 million copies. Although the work has been subject to considerable criticism. The author was accused of hypnosis and a large number of unconfirmed quotes.

The Birth of Mental Positivism

Despite the fact that Norman Peale, who lived in the 20th century, is considered the founding father of positive thinking techniques, people first started talking about these techniques back in the 19th century. American philosopher and writer Ralph Emerson in his works spoke about the need to trust your inner strength and listen to yourself. The main works that expound these ideas are “On Nature” and “Self-Trust.” Emerson had many followers in the USA: Quimby, R. W. Train, P. Melford. In Europe, 3 directions of force thinking were most famous: the French Coue method, German mesmerism and the institute of “mental positivism” of Schellbach.

Psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coue has developed a method based on daily actions that should bring what you want, for example the phrase - I look better every day. This method is based on self-hypnosis, on changing unconscious thoughts, as Coue himself said. The advantage of theory is that it is based on practical observations. While working as a pharmacist, the scientist observed how self-hypnosis affects a person’s recovery. What Coue noticed would later be called the placebo effect.

The physician Friedrich Mesmer founded a technique named after him mesmerism, or animal magnetism. It is based on irrational ideas. According to Mesmer, people are free to release special energy and use it to communicate with each other. He conducted group sessions in which he treated people by placing them in a state of trance.

All of these scientists laid the foundations of positive thinking. Today, many of these principles are used by modern specialists in their work.

Positive psychology

The science of correct thinking relies heavily on such a section as positive psychology. It is generally accepted that the thinking of force is its applied continuation. There are also opponents to this opinion, who argue that positive psychology appeared much later.

This branch of psychology studies only positive sides of the human psyche, in contrast to the classical one, focused on pathologies, problems. The main themes of the positive direction: optimism, forgiveness, trust, flow, solidarity, i.e. those categories that bring joy, peace, and satisfaction into our lives. The purpose of this section is to try to reveal a person’s potential, make his life brighter and...

Founder Martin Seligman identified the main areas of research: positive emotions (enjoyment, optimism, energy, vitality), positive character traits (love, wisdom, kindness, courage, honesty), social institutions, contributing to the development of people ( a strong family, democracy, free media, comfortable working environment).

Researchers working in this area have proven the influence of positive emotions on a person’s perception of the world. Research results have shown that positive thinking makes a person more open, productive, and courageous. He is able to think more effectively and find optimal ways to solve problems.

Experts in Mental Positivism

The formation of positive thinking has received the greatest development in our century. Today millions of books on and are published. The leader in this area is the USA. First of all, the practice of positive thinking is used in the work of development consultants, business coaches, and speakers. During their talks, they teach people how to be a positive person, have a positive mindset and change their lives. Here are the most popular experts on positive thinking techniques today.

  1. Stephen Covey. American consultant and teacher. The main area of ​​activity is consulting on organizational management and life management. He is best known for his bestselling books: “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, “The Eighth Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness”, “4 Rules for Successful Leaders”, “Super Work. Super career."
  2. Robin Sharma. One of the most famous American business coaches. Writes books, gives lectures and seminars. The basis of his philosophy is the unification of two traditions: Western and Eastern. The West is characterized by determination and efficiency. For the East - wisdom, spiritual peace, the desire for the harmonious development of body and soul.
  3. Anthony Robbins. Motivational speaker, writer, trainer. The main topics are life coaching and self-development. Known for his audio motivational programs. He published several books that became bestsellers: “Awaken the Giant Within”, “The Book of Power over Yourself”, “Money. Game Master. Seven steps to financial freedom." To become a student of Anthony Robbins, you must enroll 2 years in advance. His services cost $1 million a year.
  4. Jim Rohn. The peak of Jim Rohn's career occurred in the second half of the 20th century, and in total his speaking experience was about 40 years. Over such a long period, he gave lectures around the world, was engaged in consulting and published a large number of books. The most famous works: “Treasury of Wisdom. Success, career, family”, “Seven strategies for achieving wealth and happiness”, “Vitamins for the mind”.
  5. Robert Kiyosaki. This famous trainer is already 70 years old, and he still gives motivational lectures, during which he tells how to start thinking positively and how to set yourself up for success. Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" brought him worldwide fame. Other bestsellers include Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and The Cashflow Quadrant.
  6. Lee Iacocca. Lido Anthony Iacocca worked as a top manager at Ford and Chrysler, but became known throughout the world thanks to his autobiographical books. The most popular of them in Russia is “Manager’s Career”. In them, he shares the secrets of his success, including the importance of such actions as positive thinking every day.

Napoleon Hill

When talking about the science of mental positivism, one cannot help but talk about Napoleon Hill. He stood at the origins of modern life coaching, career and personal growth training. He is often referred to as a great success writer and is called the founding father of new thought and the self-help genre. His book Think and Grow Rich is one of the best-selling books in the world. Hill's philosophy is in the phrase: "A man can achieve what his mind can imagine."

In his books, he offered specific exercises on how to set yourself up for success. This technique is based on a huge practical work: Hill interviewed the most successful and famous figures of his time. Subsequently, he analyzed these success stories and derived his formula.

Principles of Positive Thinking

What are the basic principles of positive thinking? They include certain attitudes, exercises and techniques that help to form positive personal qualities and a positive way of thinking. In order to eliminate negative thinking and begin to think positively, you must practice these principles every day and sincerely believe in their effectiveness. Here are the main ones.

  1. Our thoughts materialize. The world around us treats us the way we treat it. Be kind, caring, help others and you will see that the world will reciprocate you.
  2. . She always accompanies us. Love is at the core of learning to think positively and attract good things. Accompany all your actions with care, respect, and do not show indifference. A positive person treats everyone with love and kindness.
  3. The world around us is not limited, the resources in it are limitless. It sounds unusual, but try repeating this phrase to yourself every day. And you will see: if you really want something, you will definitely get it.
  4. Each of us is the author of our own destiny. There are many studies confirming that self-confidence is one of the keys to success. Don't look for the reasons for your failures in other people. Believe that everything in your life depends only on you.
  5. Love yourself. Tell yourself every day that you are smart, beautiful, happy. Praise yourself even for small victories.
  6. The world around us is fair: if something happened to you, then you deserve it. So do good deeds and the world will reciprocate. This principle is similar to the method of causal positive thinking, widely used in psychology.
  7. Our world is unique and worthy of admiration. Don't take for granted everything you have. Every day thank fate for any pleasant trifles. A positive person always concentrates on the good and finds pleasure in everyday little things.


Let's look at exercises aimed at developing positive thinking. Unlike principles, they are specific actions that need to be done every day. It is believed that they need to be done daily for 3 weeks. After this time, exercise will become a habit.

"My perfect day"

This is a popular exercise that psychologists use in their practice. Most often used by personal and career development consultants. The exercise helps you set and implement goals, focus on positive attitudes, and ultimately teaches you how to be positive. The technique is as follows: describe your ideal day on a piece of paper. Pay attention to details, highlight the most important and pleasant things for you personally: time with loved ones, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, interesting projects, effective meeting with colleagues, etc. After this, try to spend the next day as you described it. Think about how happy and satisfied you were. If something doesn't work out, try again.

Power Thinking Techniques

Positive psychology has developed certain techniques that have proven to be effective. By applying them in your life, you will learn to better understand yourself and your desires, and realize your dreams. The most popular techniques are: visualization, meditation, affirmations, and the method of causally positive thinking. When using them, remember that they also work with negative thinking. Therefore, eliminate all sad thoughts, think only about the good.


Visualization is about imagining what you want. The technique is based on self-hypnosis. Some scientists believe that our brain does not distinguish between real and fictitious images. Therefore it reads what we imagine as a real object. In this way, what you want comes true. Our sensations in a dream are cited as proof of this theory. They are the same as in reality. If we are scared in a dream, we feel fear as if in reality. Of course, visualization can only be seen as an addition to achieving goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine in detail what your body will be like and what clothes you can wear. But visualization won't work if you don't exercise and eat right.

In addition to presenting your wishes, use special boards. Glue everything related to your dreams on them. The board can be replaced with an album, notepad, etc. It is important to imagine everything in detail: for example, how you step on the scale and see the long-awaited weight that you have been striving for for a long time. It is important to maintain spiritual harmony, calm and peace.


Meditation is similar to the previous method in that it also actively uses the imagination. But meditation is more aimed at working with energy, rather than with consciousness. During this process, you relax and tune into the desired psychological state. Exist different kinds meditations on positive thinking: success, love, wealth. But at the first stage it is important to learn to relax and listen to yourself. Having successfully mastered this technique, you can both change your thinking to a positive one and achieve your goals. People who meditate talk about the indescribable sensations experienced during this practice.

The main principle of meditation is regularity. Most optimal time day is considered early morning or twilight. You need to position yourself so that your face faces north or east. For successful meditation, just half an hour a day is enough.


Affirmations are the basis for learning to think positively. They are phrases that a person repeats to himself every day for a long time. The effect of using this technique is based on self-hypnosis and the belief that thoughts can materialize. Despite its apparent simplicity and even primitiveness, mastering this method is quite difficult. It is necessary to adjust your consciousness so that you sincerely believe in the materialization of your thoughts.

Affirmations help both form positive thinking and make dreams come true. At the first stage, use expressions aimed at harmonizing your inner world and acquiring mental balance. After successfully mastering such affirmations, try other types: for love, success, etc.

Causal Positive Thinking Method

This method aims to find the root cause of an event. By finding it, in the future we can solve all other problems caused by this reason. The method of causally positive thinking makes a person more confident, as it offers control over one’s life and being its creator. We usually experience stress because one event can have several consequences. This method suggests moving from the cause. As a result, a person learns how to think positively.

Books on Positive Thinking

Just a few decades ago in our country they started talking about what positive thinking is as a concept of life. Therefore, on book shelves you can mainly find works by American specialists. Here are the most popular books on how to start thinking positively, achieve success and.

There is also harm to positive thinking. This happens when a person breaks away from reality and is immersed exclusively in his positive thoughts. Therefore, the techniques of correct thinking can only be considered as an additional tool to real affairs.

The essence of positive thinking is that you don’t need to blame life for your failures and look for any shortcomings in it. The main rule is to perceive obstacles as solvable problems.

It is important to rely on your own strengths and not rely on others. Self-confidence encourages a person to take action, and then he will not consider that everyone owes him.

Very often there are people who are haunted by a chain of failures. They tend to often give up and stop pursuing their goals. The disadvantage of such people is that they perceive failures as permanent and do not dare to resume actions that will lead them to success.

Such obstacles should only strengthen character and teach a person to quickly solve problems that arise.

To set yourself up in a positive mood, you need to conduct introspection every day and get rid of thoughts about failures, failures, regrets and fears from your head. Having deprived yourself of such negative emotions, a feeling of self-control and relief quickly comes.

Evening meditation on positive thinking or resting with your eyes closed, during which you need to imagine pleasant images, will help relieve your mind from negative influences. Examples of such images are ideas about a calm forest or water surface

After unloading your mind, starting the next day will be much easier. The things you have started will go uphill, and obstacles and negative influences will not unsettle you.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

A person's thinking can affect their quality of life in different ways. The development of positive thinking improves many indicators human life. This type of thinking affects not only personal life, but also other processes and actions.

By changing your thinking to a positive one, there is a great chance to make your life better. Achieve material success and establish relationships with people around you.

Also a big plus is the positive effect on human health. With a good attitude, a person perceives difficult situations much easier. Such people are not typically depressed; they have a milder reaction to stressful situations.

Speaking about the advantages of positive thinking, we can note 10 points that will improve a person’s quality of life.

  1. Health. People who think positively simply have no time to think about various diseases. Everyone knows that self-hypnosis is a huge force that can control. If a person does not think about the illness or, if he is already ill, has a positive attitude, then the illness quickly recedes. The psychological state has a great influence on the patient's condition.
  2. Immunity. Many studies have been conducted on the subject of controlling immunity through thinking. Subsequently, people who thought positively had a stronger immune system. And patients with negative thoughts were prone to illness, and their immunity was completely weakened.
  3. Concentration. Positive thoughts allow a person to concentrate on achieving his goal and not be distracted by groundless troubles. It is easier for such people to work effectively, while spending less effort.
  4. Self-control. To achieve results as quickly as possible, it is important not to deviate from the task. Positive thinking is an integral factor that helps a person to work smoothly.
  5. Attraction of the positive. As many people say, a person is accompanied by the same emotions and circumstances with which he himself approaches life. With positive thinking, the right things flow into life. Even if a person has no idea about the law of attraction, this does not exempt him from the accompanying failures. But the facts show that positive thoughts allow you to achieve a lot and get quick results, while negative thoughts contribute to deplorable circumstances.
  6. Expanding your horizons. When a person experiences some kind of failure at work, in most cases he becomes fixated on it and spends a lot of nerves and energy trying to resolve the situation. Positive thinking helps you see a problem from a different perspective. From this point of view, it becomes clear that this problem is not the end of the world and we need to continue what we started. These failures only strengthen focus and self-confidence.
  7. Feeling better. Thoughts determine your state of health and help you quickly put yourself in order. It has been noted that positive people tolerate diseases more easily without exposing their body to nervous breakdowns. They understand that if they prepare themselves for the worst, they will soon not be able to recover. Optimists are attentive to their condition and do not allow illnesses to overcome them.
  8. Self-esteem. Positive thinking allows a person to maintain their level of self-esteem. Such people respect the opinions of others, but also treat such opinions with caution. They respect their own opinions and respect themselves and their loved ones. They want to live with dignity, and they do everything possible for this.
  9. Rejection of bad habits. There is a misconception that positive thinking does not change life, improving its quality, but only makes a person feel better about his life. People with bad habits They can’t make their lives better because they spend too much time on these habits. Optimists begin to think about the consequences and begin to rid themselves of the influence of bad habits.
  10. Reducing stress. Stressful situations always unsettle a person. But only the attitude towards such situations can change the situation radically. Anyone who thinks positively will identify what is useful for themselves from the obstacles that arise and will work further. Negative person will spend a lot of energy and nerves on the trouble that has arisen and will ultimately remain negative. Positivity increases stress resistance in various matters.

Exercises to develop positive thinking

A person with positive thinking is always easy to pick out from the crowd. His actions are calm and confident, he looks healthy and in a good mood, he does not feel any difficulties in making new acquaintances and is easy to communicate with, people are always drawn to him.

The secret of such successful people lies in positive thinking, with the help of which everyone can achieve heights.

To achieve positive results, you need to develop positive thinking. Special exercises will help with this.

  1. You need to fill your mind with good thoughts. To achieve results in this exercise, you need to look for positive thoughts every day, then there will be no time left for Negative influence and the person will change his attitude towards himself and his environment.
  2. Work on the power of your own mind. The human mind is quite an important and powerful tool. With its help, a person makes important decisions and plans his future life. The mind can instill self-confidence in a person and give strength to work effectively and efficiently. Therefore, do not underestimate the power of your mind.
  3. Daily practice. One of the main criteria is constant practice and good thoughts. You need to plan your day in advance and set aside time to work on yourself.
  4. Law of attraction. Positive people are able to attract only positive emotions, and they are not afraid of failures, because they approach them wisely and quickly resolve them. Negativity, in turn, attracts only negative influences.
  5. Discipline. This difficult exercise should be followed in any situation. Only discipline will allow you to soberly assess the situation and quickly make an important decision. This exercise will help a person to be concentrated and focused on working on himself.
  6. Expanding your horizons. To solve important problems, it is not enough to have certain knowledge. Sometimes for a non-standard solution you need to go beyond the usual and develop your own thoughts.
  7. Pursuit. Setting priorities and goals always helps you quickly and clearly achieve what you want. Even if there are no goals initially, it is worth starting with planning your own development.
  8. Celebration. To stay positive, it is important to take small breaks and celebrate your achievements. Sharing success with a loved one unloads the mind and relieves tension.
  9. Communication with like-minded people. Communication with people who are more successful will help a person stay afloat and set new goals for himself.
  10. Various sources. You shouldn’t get hung up on a certain treasure of knowledge. We need to develop and look for solutions and new information in different sources. This will help you develop more and reach greater heights.

In conclusion, it should be noted that positive thinking can improve the quality of life and will help you achieve success in any area.

Many people strive to achieve success in their careers and in life, but is this possible with a pessimistic attitude and confidence in a negative result? Will things move forward if a person is set up for defeat in advance?

Positive thinking- a positive attitude towards the world, towards business and towards oneself, good habit, which can and should be acquired through hard training. Our thoughts shape our present and our future, and how we live now and how we will live tomorrow depends on whether they are positive or negative.

Let's consider several exercises for developing positive thinking:

  1. Stop using negative words.

Stop telling yourself that you won't succeed and that you won't be able to do anything. It is better to generally use the particle “not” less, replacing phrases with it with positive statements. You can adopt a number of positive affirmations, saying them to yourself instead of negative thoughts.

  1. Thank.

You need to learn to be grateful for everything that has happened and is happening in life, even if you don’t like it at all. Any event is an experience that makes a person stronger and wiser. Try to find and describe at least five things you are grateful for every day. This will help you see not only the negative, but also the positive sides of life, and not get hung up on black tones.

  1. "My perfect day."

The founder of positive psychology, American psychologist Martin Seligman, to develop positive thinking, suggests describing in detail your ideal day and trying to live it in real life. At the same time, the main attention should be paid to what is important and meaningful to you personally. After you have lived this day, you need to carefully analyze everything that happened, highlighting everything that succeeded or failed, the feelings and emotions experienced, and what remains after.

Did something go wrong? Just sit down and write a new “ideal day” for yourself and live it. This way your attention will be focused on what you really want, and not on what you want to avoid. The exercise must be repeated until you are satisfied with the changes taking place.

  1. "Five Positives"

This is a well-known technique that suggests finding five positive aspects in any, even the most deplorable situation. This will teach you to see new opportunities where others see hopelessness. You need to take a specific problem, analyze it and find five points that are beneficial for yourself.

  1. "Make peace with the past."

How long can a person be tormented by the events of the past? It seems endless. Living in the past, plunging into it again and again, a person loses the present and does nothing for the future. It is worth forgiving past grievances and forgiving yourself for mistakes, leaving negativity in the past and concentrating on the present, consciously living every precious moment.

Positive thinking can completely change a person's life. You've probably noticed that successful businessmen are always in a good mood and optimistic. Only in rare moments can one notice a gloomy state of mind in such a person. As you understand, the secret of success lies precisely in positive thinking.

What is the essence of positive thinking

According to the views of modern psychology, the thought process can have two moods: positive or negative. The entire life of an individual depends on the nature of thoughts.

If a person thinks negatively, then this indicates a low level of his brain abilities. As a rule, the tendency to negative thinking is caused by the past experiences of the person himself and the people around him. We are talking about mistakes made and disappointments.

In the process of growing up, a person accumulates negative emotions and problems, which aggravates the situation. By the way, this state of affairs is especially typical for introverts. By the way, the art of positive thinking is available to everyone, regardless of whether you are an extrovert or an introvert.

The basis of negative thinking is the denial of information that is unpleasant for a person. Immersed in thoughts about them, the person strives to prevent similar situation again. However, concentrating on negative experiences, a person notices even more what is unpleasant for him and loses the ability to notice the positive sides. As a result, the individual feels that his life is gray. And showing him that there are other possibilities is quite difficult. Negative thinking allows you to select facts that prove that life is very hard, and there is nothing interesting, pleasant, or joyful in it.

Since a person focuses on the negative, it seems to him that others are to blame for something. He strives to find those who constantly ruin his life. He is not interested in ways to improve his mood, since he sees only disadvantages in them. For this reason, he misses the chances that are given to him.

A person who thinks negatively can be described as follows:

  • there is attachment to the usual way of life;
  • looking for negative sides in everything that is new and unfamiliar to him;
  • there is no desire to know;
  • tends to be nostalgic;
  • believes that soon there will be more hard times, and you need to prepare for this period;
  • strives to identify pitfalls in the successes of other people and his own;
  • wants to have everything at once, without doing anything;
  • there are negative thoughts and actions towards the people who surround the person, an inability to cooperate;
  • does not know how to see the positive sides of life;
  • he always has powerful explanations for why life cannot be improved;
  • greedy.

A person who thinks negatively has no specific desires or plans. Everything he wants is about making his life easier.

Positive thinking is a higher level of development of thought processes, which is based on the fact that everything that surrounds us has positive aspects. An optimist thinks that failure is the next step towards victory. In a situation where a negative person gives up, an optimistic person has twice as much strength to get the desired result.

Positive thinking allows a person to get acquainted with new information and take advantage of emerging opportunities. He is engaged in self-development, and he does not have any fears. By focusing on the positive, he sees even failure as something useful for himself. As a rule, such a person is an extrovert.

A person who is characterized by positive thinking can be characterized as follows:

  • he seeks advantage in everything;
  • interested in acquiring new knowledge and using additional opportunities;
  • the presence of a restless desire to improve one’s life;
  • he plans his time, records new ideas;
  • hardworking and can work hard to achieve a goal;
  • positive attitude towards people;
  • he watches with interest individuals who have achieved success and learns from them;
  • he wonders why what is planned and thought out to the smallest detail always comes true;
  • is calm about his achievements;
  • generosity in emotional and material terms (in moderation).

A person who is characterized by positive thinking finds it easy to do work, because he sees all the opportunities and strives to use them. Such people are usually called “lucky ones” or “darlings of fate.” In a sense, this is true. After all a positive person is able to achieve a lot, and everything happens without such negative aspects as worries, mental trauma, and serious losses.

A successful person makes new discoveries and achieves his goals.

The Power of Positive Thinking and the Benefits It Brings

Positive thinking is a great thing that can affect your mood, health, and circumstances. According to research results, positive thinking not only helps to improve a person’s emotional state, but also allows you to touch every area of ​​your life. That is, by thinking positively, you can improve your financial situation, relationships with others, and much more.

As you know, positive thoughts have an extremely positive effect on a person’s health. Testimony from thousands of people suggests that positive thinking can improve physical well-being. A person does not react so strongly to stressful situations and easily recovers from a depressed state.

Health improves. There is an opinion that if you think positively about your well-being, you can get rid of various diseases, even if we are talking about serious illnesses. It is difficult to understand how true this is. However, there are many stories that talk about miraculous healings of people who choose to think positively. Perhaps we are dealing with the placebo effect, that is, a person’s belief in recovery.

Immunity is strengthened. Thoughts affect the immune system, which means they can either strengthen or weaken it. This conclusion was drawn by the researchers when they noticed that the immune response to the vaccine became less pronounced when areas of the brain associated with negative experiences were activated. There are many stories in which, due to despair and loss of hope, mortality increased in cities where epidemics developed. Also, each of us is familiar with examples of our relatives and friends who confirm that thanks to positive attitude and an optimistic attitude towards life, you can strengthen your immune system and become healthier.

Directing your attention. Positive thinking allows a person to concentrate on what he wants, and not on what is unpleasant to him. It is easier for him to make efforts to achieve what he wants. In addition, the effectiveness of its actions increases significantly. Positive thinking makes it possible to focus on the goal, and not on the possible unpleasant consequences of the decisions made.

Self-control. Positive thinking allows you to fight negative thoughts, false judgments and avoid stupid decisions. Maintaining a positive attitude will take some effort. This is a kind of exercise for our attention.

Attracting positive things. According to the law of attraction, like attracts like. Positive thinking allows you to attract the things and circumstances you need into your life. And if you think negatively, it will lead to the appearance of only negative aspects. It doesn't matter if you know what positive thinking or the law of attraction is.

In any case, if you think positively, then more positive things will appear in your life, and if your way of thinking is negative, then the result will be very disastrous. This conclusion can be drawn based on the experience of thousands of people, most of whom have no idea about the law of attraction. Of course, the point is that positive thinking allows you to take the right actions and get a positive result.

Expanding awareness and perception. Positive thinking allows a person to see everything that happens differently. For example, loss or failure is perceived by most people as something bad. By thinking positively, you will think that this event is another step towards your goal, it will allow you to become a stronger person, gain patience and faith. By focusing on the positive, you see the whole picture, not just part of it. You understand that life has a continuation, and nothing ends with failure, and constant negative thoughts about this will not bring anything pleasant.

Feeling good. The state of our health is determined by the nature of our thoughts. It is obvious that an optimist can endure even a serious illness without nervous shock. Such a person knows that thinking about illness only worsens his situation, so he strives to rejoice and tune in to the positive, and often this becomes his salvation. If an individual is accustomed to thinking about bad things, then it will not be difficult for him special labor worsen your condition, even if there is no particular reason for this. Doctors often have to work with gloomy and emotionally exhausted people who are looking for non-existent, far-fetched sores in themselves. And the more they think about it, the higher the likelihood that such an illness will actually appear. However, don't assume that positive thinking will make you ignore the signs. possible illness. On the contrary, an optimistic person pays attention to his body and its needs. But a positively minded individual will definitely not engage in making terrible diagnoses for himself without visiting a doctor.

Developing healthy self-esteem. Positive thinking allows a person to maintain healthy self-esteem and feel good about himself. Such a person will not speak negatively about himself, relatives and friends. An optimist forgives mistakes and shortcomings both to himself and to other people. He is not interested in thoughts that there is something wrong with him. He has no need to compare himself with others. The opinions of others are important to him and he treats them with respect. However, a positive-minded person understands that other people’s judgments are not decisive for him. He does not like excessive pride and a sense of superiority. He has a love for life, he wants to live with dignity, and he is sure that success and positive thinking are interconnected. At the same time, he adequately assesses his abilities.

Eliminate negative habits. Positive thinking may seem to imply that one only sees good side negative habits and does not notice their unpleasant consequences. Actually this is not true. An optimist strives to create for himself a way of life that will not cause any harm to the well-being of the person himself, those around him, the world, and nature. He wants his activities to be beneficial, so negative habits simply do not find a place in his life.

Less stress. Positive thinking allows a person to stop remembering unpleasant situations that happened in the past. Of course, the optimist thinks about them once or even several times, but he does this in order to learn lessons for himself. But he will not simply constantly dwell on unpleasant experiences, because this risks the fact that he can again get stuck in the negative. For a positive thinking person, what happened is in the past. This is especially true if the memories are not at all happy. Positive thinking helps increase a person's resistance to any stressful situation.

Improved relationships. Positive thinking teaches a person to control his thoughts and emotions, thanks to which he becomes especially gentle and calm in communication. Disagreements and disputes will gradually fade away. An optimist knows how to accept other people's opinions with respect. He is able not to point out the mistakes of others, and if this is absolutely necessary, then he has the right words to communicate this as gently and tactfully as possible.

Longevity. Thanks to improved health, stronger immunity, positive habits, quality and deep relationships with loved ones, life expectancy can increase. Of course, testing this in practice is not so easy. But it is also impossible to deny that positive thinking can prolong a person’s life.

Increasing the level of motivation. A person's motivation can increase if he is rewarded or punished. The encouragement method is especially relevant for those who have mastered positive thinking. An optimist only needs to think about the positive changes that will follow from completing tasks and achieving goals, and he is already full of desire to act. The punishment method is more complex because it involves using a negative image to create motivation, which is highly undesirable if you are practicing positive thinking. However, for many this method remains relevant. It is important to understand that over time, a positive attitude will save you from problems with motivation, but until this happens, you can use both methods.

Easily overcome difficulties. Are you facing problems and obstacles? It's OK. Positive thinking will teach you over time that it is in contradictions and difficulties that the best opportunities lie. We are talking about improving skills, gaining experience, learning some lessons. Difficulty is no longer something that frightens you and makes you lose your enthusiasm and desire to act. Moreover, when you learn to overcome obstacles, you will experience special pleasure when you meet them again. After all, for you, a problem is an opportunity to demonstrate yourself, your abilities and skills.

Of course, positive thinking has other benefits, but we have listed the most important ones. The most important thing you will gain from this practice is the opportunity to take steps towards your dreams and goals.

How to cope with chronic fatigue: a step-by-step algorithm

Set aside what you're doing for five minutes and think about whether you are experiencing the symptoms described below:

  • impairment of short-term memory and concentration;
  • a sore throat;
  • muscle and joint pain without signs of swelling;
  • feeling tired after sleep;
  • headache;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • dry mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth;
  • allergic reactions that did not exist before.

If you experience at least three of the nine symptoms, you most likely have chronic fatigue. In the article electronic journal"CEO" you will find six steps to overcome fatigue, recommended by American physician Jacob Teitelbaum.

How to develop a positive way of thinking

Focusing on negative thoughts is just a habit. You can get rid of it if you are willing to put in the effort. In just two weeks you can completely change your thinking and see the world from a different perspective. Just use these rules:

  1. Don't fight the windmill.
  2. Stop complaining about life, accept it as it is.
  3. Learn to communicate with others, do not allow conflicts to arise.
  4. Understand what your strengths are, think about how you can use them.
  5. Follow a daily routine: get up early and go to bed on time, do exercises, eat well.
  6. Choose a hobby for yourself and do it.
  7. Don't get irritated over trifles.
  8. Surround yourself with things that delight and inspire you.
  9. Set goals for yourself and write down a step-by-step plan for achieving them.
  10. Do good deeds.

In addition, you can talk to a psychologist, identify your fears and eliminate them.

  • Logistics interview: 3 tasks for logic, thinking and resourcefulness

Exercises to develop positive thinking

If you want to develop positive thinking, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with special exercises and perform them.

Exercise 1. “Looking for dignity.”

It is especially important to understand what strengths you have. Developing your strengths allows you to achieve success. To do this exercise, sit alone for ten minutes and write a list of ten of your strengths. The next day, repeat the practice and make ten more. Continue for two weeks. As a result, you will have a list of at least 140 of your best qualities.

At first, the task may seem impossible. However, get started, overcome the stupor and find your strengths daily.

Exercise 2. “Disadvantages can be useful.”

The same quality can be both your disadvantage and your advantage. For example, you are very careful. Perhaps someone will consider you a coward, while others will see this as a productive trait that protects you from unnecessary recklessness.

To master positive thinking, learn to find benefit even in your shortcomings. Reflect on the character traits that you are unhappy with and consider how they benefit you.

Exercise 3. “What good do you see?”

Thanks to this exercise, you will look completely differently at the people who surround you. If you are careful, you can see virtues even in the worst people. Think about a person who annoys you. Maybe we are talking about a neighbor who can’t finish his renovation and is constantly making noise. Look at him carefully. Surely, you will notice that he knows how to do a lot of things with his own hands, knows how to carry out repair work, which not everyone can do.

Remember the people who are unpleasant to you, and learn to find merit in them. Developing positive thinking is much easier if you don't have resentment or other negative feelings towards others. Learn to see the best in people.

Exercise 4. “Happiness Journal.”

Buy a beautiful notebook and divide it into the following parts: my successes, my dreams, my virtues, joyful events in my life, my gratitude. There is no need to deal only with the description of grandiose events. It could be as simple as a walk in the park, a small gift from your friend, vacation. Record everything that makes you happy: that you woke up earlier than usual today, the weather was good, etc. The psychology of positive thinking will gradually become entrenched in your mind if you constantly perform this exercise.

The lists should be updated regularly. Thanks to this, you will have a real journal of happiness, which will become a source of inspiration for you in moments when, for some reason, you are plunged into negative thoughts and emotions.

Exercise 5. “Always say yes.”

Don't use negative statements. The word “no” simply does not exist for you anymore. Thanks to this exercise, you will learn to listen to your interlocutors. Often, the ability to agree with the opinion of another person allows you to stop a dispute, conflict, and build friendly relationships with relatives and friends.

It seems to many that their own worldview does not change anything. But negative people rarely achieve success, but positive people are always happy, even if they haven’t succeeded yet, because they know that everything has its time.

Exercise 6. “My ideal day.”

Martin Seligman, an American psychologist and founder of positive psychology, proposed this technique. This technique is recommended to be used when you set your goals. Thanks to the technique, you will be able to focus on the positive, on what you are striving for, and not on what is unpleasant for you.

Describe your ideal day in as much detail as possible. Don't forget about your personal preferences and life values. For example, you can write what you would like:

  1. Stay close to loved ones.
  2. Pursue your favorite hobby.
  3. Relax in nature.
  4. Work on interesting projects.

You can write about what brings you pleasure. Each person will have their own points.

And then you have to bring all this to life. Try to spend your day perfectly and then analyze what you were able to do and what you weren’t able to do. Reflect on the emotions you felt. If something didn’t work out, then try to live the perfect day again. Repeat the exercise until you feel satisfied with how your day is going.

Exercise 7. “Five advantages.”

You can develop positive thinking quite quickly if you use this technique. Think about situations that cause anxiety, interfere with sleep and stay calm. good mood. Analyze each of them and find positive aspects (at least five). For example, you were fired from your job. The advantages could be:

  1. You now have time to relax.
  2. You can do what you love or spend time with your family.
  3. Your old job wasn't interesting to you, but now you have a chance to find a job that matches your talents and strengths.
  4. You can engage in your professional development, analyze past mistakes and achieve success in a new place.
  5. Since your income has decreased, you will learn to be more smart about spending your money.

Exercise 8. “A peace treaty with the past.”

You've probably noticed that sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking about situations that happened in the past. Unfortunately, this process can consume your vital energy and precious time. Instead of creating the future, you worry about what is long past. Negative emotions associated with past times affect your life today. It should be remembered that an emotion always appears after some thought, so try to control your thinking. For this:

  1. Forgive everyone who has ever offended you.
  2. Focus on the present moment, feel joy in who you are and what you are doing now.

Exercise 9. Visualization.

Yes, visualization is discussed in Lately a lot, and this technique is really effective. The work of the mind is carried out thanks to images. What exists in our imagination one way or another affects our feelings, thoughts, approach to business, and relationships with loved ones.

In the words of Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” If there are many positive pictures in your imagination, then many of them will begin to appear in your life over time. ordinary life. First an idea arises, and then it is implemented.

Create a positive image of yourself and your life, because this way you will influence your consciousness, the quality of which will, over time, be reflected in how you behave, how you act, how you make choices.

Of course, only through regular, daily exercise can you achieve the desired result. As you can imagine, one day of positive thinking and visualization practice will not change anything. Visualization is not a magic wand that you just have to wave once and immediately realize everything you dreamed of.

Exercise 10. Meditation.

Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and focus on the positive. Through regular meditation practice, physical and spiritual health improves.

This method has many advantages, one of which allows you to develop positive thinking and attitude. In meditation, you can more easily eliminate negative emotions and thoughts. If you combine meditative practices with visualization and affirmations, the effect will increase significantly.

The owner of his consciousness knows how to see a positive and inspiring experience in every event, and easily gets rid of worries and other negative emotions associated with yesterday and today. A person who has mastered positive thinking is no longer a hostage to his past, he creates his own wonderful future.

Developing Positive Thinking

Here are five tips to help you develop a positive mindset. If you manage to implement them in your life, then it will be beneficial for you.

Tip 1. Avoid news.

This advice may seem a little strange. After all, many believe that a modern person must be aware of events taking place in the country and the world. However, psychologists say that a successful person does not follow the news, except when his activities are directly related to it.

If you have doubts, try not watching news reports for one week. Surely, you will notice that it has become much easier to think positively.

You will still learn about the necessary events from friends or acquaintances. Then what is the point of immersing yourself in the daily negativity coming from the news report?

Tip 2: Change your speech.

The words we speak are our materialized thoughts. The more positive your speech, the more pleasant events will happen to you.

Think about how you respond when you are asked the question “How are you?” Most likely, you say: “I’m fine,” “Slowly,” or something similar.

If your answer is more original, then at the subconscious level positive thinking will develop much faster. Try to avoid platitudes in your speech.

Tip 3: Key words for positive thinking.

What keywords are we talking about? We mean all phrases that are repeated regularly. For example, your friend may periodically repeat, “Well, you know, I don’t have everything like other people.” And you understand that he implies that not everything is in order in his life.

Or, for example, something didn’t work out for a person, and he immediately said: “I’m a loser!”, “I’m constantly getting worse!”

It is important to understand that such an attitude and similar phrases will not allow you to develop positive thinking. If something goes wrong, think about it differently: “I couldn’t do it now, but next time I can.”

Tip 4. Praise and thank.

Many people will think that such advice is not at all appropriate. Alas, few are accustomed to being grateful and praising others.

Still, it's worth a try. In order to develop positive thinking, take an example from a successful person. This will be great motivation for you.

Many prominent figures were very generous in their praise and good words to the people who surrounded them.

And the nature of gratitude is generally supernatural. If you learn to be grateful for everything in your life, then you won't have to wait long for positive changes. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most prominent Americans, attached special meaning to the concept of gratitude.

Tip 5. Avoid negative society.

Each of us is surrounded by people with whom it is very pleasant to communicate, and those with whom we are somehow forced to maintain relationships, but this does not bring any pleasure.

However, these individuals with whom we find it difficult to connect may not influence us in the most in the best possible way. And shyness and decency do not allow us to simply ignore them.

However, if this is important to you, then try to take some measures to minimize your communication with people who are especially negative.

Greetings, dear readers! today again about how to think positively, because there is never too much positive thinking. I have a list for you that contains the best positive thoughts for every day.

How effective is positive thinking?

If we want to achieve serious changes for the better in our lives, of course, simply reading affirmations and thinking about our desires is not enough. Positive thinking can produce amazing results and bring the changes we need in life, but only under certain conditions.

If you read affirmations, and at the same time, without ceasing to complain about life and concentrate on problems, you will not see the desired results soon. It is not enough to read affirmations in the morning and forget about them, returning to your usual way of thinking. Affirmations are just the beginning of change. Affirmations are not just statements. Which you re-read regularly, but also what you think and mentally say to yourself. Your internal dialogue is a stream of statements, positive or not, but over time it forms strong beliefs, which materialize, creating your reality in which you live.

For positive thinking to lead to the desired changes in life, it is important not only to read affirmations, but also to think about good things throughout the day. This requires awareness to... Affirmations are seeds that you plant in your mind. But whether they sprout or grow depends on the soil in which they are planted. Therefore, the more time you concentrate on the positive aspects of life, the more often you experience joy and happiness, the faster you will see the desired changes for the better in your life.

Another important point in the practice of positive thinking is emotions. Arouse bright positive emotions in yourself - whether you read affirmations, visualize your desires, or simply tune in to a positive wave. The brighter and stronger your sensations, the faster your thoughts materialize and desires come true. Emotions and sensations are the key to creating the desired reality! This is the secret to fulfilling your desires and creating your new life - the life of your dreams.

For positive thinking to work and you get what you want, turn away from everything that does not suit you, upsets you, throw out of your life self-pity, complaints about injustice and blaming anyone for your current problems, as well as discussion negative news. Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life and start changing it. After all, it is within your power. Focus only on the good, and then there will be more and more of it in your life.

Want to more money- turn away from their lack, think about abundance, find prosperous people, communicate with them, observe them, become infected with their way of thinking and acting.

If you want more health, stop thinking about illnesses, pay attention to ways to improve and improve your health, do things that will benefit your body - healthy eating, moderate exercise stress, light good thoughts and the mood for recovery.

If you want a strong, loving family, stop thinking about problems in relationships, it’s better to look everywhere for examples of strong loving couples, they exist, you just need to switch your focus and you will notice them.

Negative thinking is just a habit and can be changed. You just have to want it and put in a little effort. By first consciously focusing on positive things, step by step you will train yourself to notice all the good things, letting the negative pass by.

Whatever you strive for, look everywhere for more and more confirmation of your positive thoughts, train your mind to concentrate on the good, and you will attract the best into your life. Positive thinking every day is the key to your happy and joyful future.

You can start with these positive statements.

Positive thinking every day - 30 sayings

  1. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it.
  2. If you have a desire, then there are opportunities to make it come true
  3. To achieve great success, you need not only to act, but also to dream
  4. I will strive for the best and achieve everything I want!
  5. If you feel that this is exactly what your soul desires. Don't listen to anyone, go forward to your dream!
  6. Believe in yourself even when no one believes in you
  7. Miracles are where people believe in them. And the more they believe, the more often they happen
  8. Everything you broadcast to the world comes back to you multiplied.
  9. There are no problems. There are only possibilities
  10. Change yourself, and then the world around you will change
  11. Your every thought creates, every word creates. You are able to create your own world with your thoughts
  12. Your life is in your hands. You yourself are capable of creating your new reality, the reality of your dreams.
  13. You are worthy better life and all the blessings that exist in the Universe. Open up to this flow
  14. The universe is abundant, there is enough in the world for everyone.
  15. Put love in everything you do, in every action you take.
  16. All changes are for the better! Feel free to move towards something new
  17. Thank the Universe for everything that is already in your life
  18. Your thoughts are the key to making all your dreams come true!
  19. Change your thoughts - and then the world around you will change
  20. You can create the life of your dreams yourself. The power is within you.
  21. Want to change the world? Another man? Own life? Start changes with yourself
  22. If you can change something, change it; if you can’t, stop worrying.
  23. Happiness is in the present moment - feel happy now!
  24. When you really want something, the whole Universe helps to make your wish come true
  25. Think about good things, radiate happiness, and your wishes will come true
  26. You can create anything you want once you believe in it
  27. Believe in the best, expect the best - and you will only get the best in life
  28. The greatest wealth you have is time. Appreciate it, invest wisely
  29. Love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. The Lord created you this way, you are already perfect
  30. Create yourself, create your life! Immerse your thoughts in your dream, and soon it will become your reality