Print out New Year's decorations on glass from paper. The best ideas for decorating windows and window sills for the New Year

Stencils for windows for the New Year 2019 with a description of the process of preparing the decorations will help you inexpensively and stylishly decorate your home or work office on the eve of the main holiday. From the street, with the lights on, paper cutouts will stand out on the windows as interesting thematic silhouettes. Indoors, the decorations are associated with real snow patterns on a winter window. Therefore, white jewelry simple templates will create a feeling of celebration inside the office, guest room, children's room or even the kitchen. Even small children can repeat the easiest cuts in the shape of a pig. To quickly cut out snowflakes, just fold the printed template in half or in four (if the pattern is symmetrical).

We present to your attention complex patterns of A4 format and smaller sizes, images of the mistress of the coming year (Yellow Earthen Pig), classic snowflakes and Christmas trees, neat Happy New Year inscriptions in a beautiful font. Your pig stencil (symbol of the year) does not have to be white. You can print the pig template yellow color so that paper decoration will definitely attract good luck and prosperity to your home in 2019. To create blue, silver, gold snowflakes, you can insert a sheet of A4 paper of the desired color into the printer and cut out colored decor along the contour. Other stencils for windows for the New Year 2019 can also be made in color by allowing the child to decorate a Christmas tree or a pattern with Santa Claus before gluing it on the window. Any Happy New Year inscription in a beautiful font or design can be decorated with glue-based sparkles or rhinestones.

On all the templates presented below (except for the Yellow Pig and the yellow Happy New Year inscription in a beautiful font), the numbers and letters are turned in the opposite direction. This is done so that after cutting there are no visible outlines left on the white parts. Front side The finished stencil will be the back side of a sheet of paper.

The best stencils for the New Year 2019 for cutting and drawing on the window (A4 format)

When looking for stencils for the New Year 2019 to cut out on a window, pay attention to ready-made solutions in A4 format. Large illustrations are ready-made New Year's compositions that will definitely attract the attention of children or guests in the house. Original decorations in standard A4 format can be immediately printed on the printer without adjusting the dimensions. Among the proposed options there are stencils for the New Year 2019 for cutting onto a window (A4 format) of varying complexity. The more thin slits you need to make inside the composition template, the more difficult it will be to make a paper stencil.

Materials for the master class:

  • template printed on paper for cutting
  • stationery knife
  • soap (optional)
  • rhinestones and glue (optional)
  • stationery glue with glitter
  • scissors
  • water container
  • tassel

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First cut out a solid piece along the contour with scissors. Place it on a wooden board or surface that you don't mind scratching or cutting.
  2. Use a utility knife to make small slits and cut out the template pieces. It is convenient to cut out some curves with nail scissors.
  3. Prepare the soapy water by leaving the soap in a small container of water for a few minutes.
  4. On back side Glue rhinestones onto a stencil or decorate with sparkles. Let dry.
  5. Dipping the brush in soapy water, wet the side where traces of the template outlines remain.
  6. Glue the blank onto the glass. Try to do this carefully so that the wet paper does not form wrinkles.

The simplest stencils for the New Year (Year of the Yellow Pig 2019) for cutting out on a window

Simple stencils for the New Year of the Pig 2019 (for cutting out onto a window) contain only a few slits inside the part or look like a solid silhouette. Even Small child can cut a simple stencil from paper, in which you do not need to make cuts with a stationery knife. A ready-made stencil of a pig (symbol of 2019) can become the main character of an entire composition of decorations on your window. Around the symbol of the year (Yellow Pig) you can place white patterns cut out according to the templates of other master classes in this article. The same pig can be produced on a printer in A4 format and in the form of small piglets. A whole set of stencils for cutting out New Year 2019 in the form of pigs for a window can be printed using different templates.

Materials for the master class:

  • a template printed on paper for cutting out (for yellow pigs you need thick paper and a color printer)
  • stationery knife
  • scissors
  • water container
  • tassel

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using scissors, first cut out the entire pig along the contour and place it on a surface for working with a knife.
  2. Make small cuts with a utility knife.
  3. Use soapy water to glue the parts to the window. If you choose to cut out a yellow pig stencil (the symbol of the year), it is better to fix the decorations on the window with small pieces of double-sided tape. Printer ink forms streaks on paper when wet. Therefore, you should not glue such a pig stencil onto soapy water.

Complex stencils with many details for the New Year 2019 - the year of the Earth Pig

Amazing stencils for the New Year 2019 (Year of the Pig) with flower buds, monograms, hieroglyphs and general decorations can be used not only for decorating windows. For example, the image of a pig with a Chinese symbol can be printed on yellow paper in its original and mirrored form, pasted on thick cardboard, and glued a loop of ribbon on top. This pig can be attached to a Christmas tree, to the rear view mirror in a car, or to furniture fittings at home. If the pig is still cut out for the window, add the symbol of the year with the inscription Happy New Year in a beautiful font, snowflakes or pattern. This master class contains the best stencils in honor of the Year of the Pig for the New Year 2019.

Materials for the master class:

  • stencil of a pig (symbol of the year) printed on paper
  • stationery knife
  • regular thin blade
  • water container
  • tassel
  • double-sided tape (for working with colored stencils)
  • scissors

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut out the pig along the outline.
  2. Using a utility knife and blade, cut out the small details of the template. Examples of stencils with a bold black outline require special attention. You need to cut out an even rectangle with a pig printed in the center. Everything that is highlighted with bold black strokes must be deleted. As a result, you will get an amazing stencil - a white canvas with the transparent outlines of a pig.
  3. Glue finished goods to the window. Glue the paper decoration with tape or soapy water, depending on the color of the parts and the density of the material. A stencil of a pig (symbol of the year) made of white paper, with the year 2019 indicated on its body, must be glued to the window with the correct side.

Convenient paper New Year template - Christmas tree (you can print it right away)

The most needed paper template for the New Year is a Christmas tree (you can print it in A4 format or several pieces per sheet). In addition to window decorations, such blanks will be an excellent template for children's decorations and appliqués. If you decide to give your child a paper Christmas tree to decorate, you should not glue the colored stencil onto the glass with water or liquid glue. In this case, use double-sided tape. A paper Christmas tree is an interesting template for the New Year. The stencil can be printed directly on green paper, supplemented with colored paper circles in the form of an applique and glued in the center New Year's composition on the window.

Materials for the master class:

  • Christmas tree stencil printed on paper
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • water container
  • tassel
  • double-sided tape (for working with colored stencils)

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut out the Christmas tree along the contour, and then start cutting out small parts.
  2. wet the paper with soapy water on the side where the numbers are in reverse order.
  3. Glue the decoration to the window and smooth it until the paper dries to the glass.

Beautiful New Year template made of paper on glass for home decoration

To decorate a window for the New Year, you don’t have to buy an expensive garland or ready-made stickers. Use a New Year's template made from paper on glass for the fastest and cheapest room decoration. The finished Happy New Year inscription in a beautiful font, the image of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, Christmas bells or the symbol of the year, the Yellow Pig, can be painted or glued in its pure form. Using ready-made templates for the New Year, you can cut out any option from paper and even stick it on the side window of your car. Create festive mood for yourself and your loved ones with simple stencils on the windows.

Materials for the master class:

  • stencil printed on paper
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • water container
  • tassel
  • double-sided tape (for working with colored or decorated decorations)

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut out the decoration along the outer contour. Place the sheet on a protected surface and begin cutting small indentations with a utility knife.
  2. Happy New Year inscription in a beautiful font white you need to cover with soapy water on the side on which you cut out the outlines of the template. It is better to glue the yellow inscription to the window with double-sided tape.

Stencils for the New Year on the window - amazing patterns with a plot

It is recommended to print large stencils for the New Year on the window (patterns) on white A4 paper. Original compositions with titmice on a tree, Santa Claus on a sleigh or a Christmas house can be placed in the center of your window. Decorate the main stencil for the New Year on the window with additional patterns or paper snowflakes using templates from similar master classes.

Materials for the master class:

  • paper stencil printed on a printer
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • water container
  • tassel

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using scissors, cut out the outline of the template for a large decoration. Place the piece on a board and make cuts and notches with a utility knife. Try not to leave black outlines.
  2. Moisten the paper ornament with soapy water. Place the stencil on the window and align it.

Popular stencils and templates Snowflakes on the window for the New Year 2019

The most common Christmas decoration made from paper is snowflakes. Unlike complex patterns and pigs, they can be cut out arbitrarily, using your imagination and adding cuts in the creative process. For perfect decorations, use ready-made stencils and snowflake templates for the window for the New Year. If snowflake decorations aren't enough for you, cut out a pig, bell, or house from the templates above. Selected stencils and patterns of snowflakes for the window can be used to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. Paper snowflakes using such templates can also be hooked onto a fishing line or thread to the ceiling.

Materials for the master class:

  • printable snowflake template
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • water container
  • wide tassel

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fold the printed symmetrical snowflake template in half or in quarters. Start cutting with small sharp-edged scissors or a utility knife. If the snowflake pattern is asymmetrical, the decoration must be cut out unfolded, otherwise the pattern will not repeat in a circle.
  2. Cover the snowflake cut out from the template with soapy water. Glue it to the window.

Paper cutting beautiful patterns called vytynanki. This type of art has been known since ancient times and still makes an indelible impression.

The eve of the New Year holidays is always a troublesome and at the same time joyful time. If there are children in the family, then this is the time of fairy tales, when the most cherished dreams and desires come true. A festive mood arises already while decorating your home. And if earlier they were limited to what they stuck on windows, now many people love ready-made templates for cutting.

The easiest way to decorate for the New Year 2019 is to use paper window stencils (otherwise known as stencils), which can be printed, cut out and used to decorate the interior for the holiday. By the way, they can decorate not only windows, but also mirrors.

Vytynankas are amazingly elegant openwork paper pictures that fill the rooms with the atmosphere of a fairy tale and are reminiscent of the illustrations of magic books that we loved to read so much on winter holidays in childhood. Essentially, a vytynanka is a silhouette figure that is cut out from ordinary office printing paper, colored paper for creativity, or thin sheets of cardboard.

Pull-out pictures allow you to create incredible compositions, because they can not only be used separately, but combined into a single illustration-panel, which will contain animals, Christmas trees, cozy houses, fairy-tale castles and heroes of your favorite fairy tales. Well, New Year's vytynanki are, of course, also Grandfather Frosts, Snow Maidens, Santas, snowmen, deer and other characters that we associate with this bright holiday.

You can use the protrusions with almost no restrictions - they can be attached to the surfaces of mirrors or cabinet doors, create picture-panels on the wall of the room, hang them on chandeliers, cornices or ropes of a festive fir tree. This type of home creativity will appeal to all members of your family, because what could be more enjoyable on winter evenings than working together and creating themed decor? Well, we’ll tell you how to prepare for making vytynankas and give you a lot of extraordinary ideas!

How to make a vytynanka?

To create an unusual and fabulous decoration, you need to show ingenuity and imagination. If you are not in the mood to invent something, then interesting templates and unusual compositions can be found on the Internet.

By choosing Pigs with vytynanka suitable for 2019, which can be used to decorate the windows of kindergartens, schools, cafes, shops, and other institutions, creative people create a festive mood for those around them and passers-by. From the windows they look at the world around them fairy tale characters created by the artist's imagination. Moreover, the size of the image and its shape may vary significantly.

Making vytynanki is not difficult, because you don’t even need to have any unusual skills to do it! Everything that is required from participants creative process– this is a small supply of patience and a set consisting of the items listed below.

For creating New Year pictures you will need:

  • sharp stationery knife,
  • sheets of thick paper or thin cardboard;
  • scissors with thin and sharp blades;
  • plywood sheet or cutting board for cutting of a suitable size (it is even more convenient to use a breadboard mat, which restores the surface after cutting);
  • a simple pencil, an eraser and a ruler;
  • a roll of tape with two adhesive sides or a solution of soap for glass surfaces;
  • tweezers.

If everything you need is ready, then you can move on to the fun part - creating stencils for windows. The work ahead is painstaking, but the creative process is always exciting. New Year's stencils for windows will be dedicated to traditional themes and the 2019 Year of the Pig.

It is important to know! For those who professionally engage in this type of creativity, they produce a special set of tools that includes everything you need: from scalpels to a metal ruler. If you like creating stencils, you can order such a set.

Stencil or template technique

To decorate your windows for the New Year, print a stencil on paper using a printer. You can translate the drawing through the computer screen by attaching a sheet to it and creating the desired size. If you have the desire and artistic ability, it’s easy to create a drawing yourself. Further actions:

Preparing a soap solution is simple: the soap is diluted in a small amount of water, and a paper figurine is dipped into the solution and carefully applied to the glass. You can glue paper stencils with transparent tape by cutting it into small pieces.

Another option for working with the template:

Pictures on paper windows look advantageous when there are garlands, tinsel and rain around, complementing the fairy-tale picture of a New Year's house. If you are just learning the stencil technique, follow a simpler pattern with few small details. It may not be so delicate and complex, but it is done neatly and efficiently. When you have more experience, you will be able to cut out more interesting stories.

3D protrusions consisting of several symmetrical elements are perfect for decorating a chandelier or cornice. It can be , volumetric Christmas trees and snowflakes. They can be secured with tape and hung on strings.

Creating New Year's compositions for 2019 from stencils

Among fairy-tale heroes choose your favorite ones: stencils of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes, various little animals. The use of Christmas tree decorations will create an overall harmonious background: these are balls, bells, snowflakes. Use numbers to cut out. The silhouette of a cute pig and the numbers will come in handy for the New Year 2019.

Vytynankas come from China. The first samples are associated with the advent of paper. The Chinese have achieved special skill in this technique. They created paper dragons, flowers, birds. And the creation of gods and spirits played a religious and ritual role.

When creating compositions there are a number of points to consider:

  1. It is advisable to place large and heavy stencils (Santa Claus, Christmas trees, snowy landscapes) in the lower third of the window.
  2. It is better to secure the flying carriage with Santa Claus and gifts in its middle part: on the left or on the right. Then there will be a feeling that the cart is really flying.
  3. The upper part of the composition will be decorated with angels, snowflakes, Christmas tree decorations and twigs.

If you follow these simple rules, you will have a wonderful winter landscape. The whole family can do this type of creativity. There's something for everyone. And the youngest children in the family can cut out simple stencils from paper, developing fine motor skills and creative thinking. In addition, perseverance and patience are formed.

New Year's decorations cut out of paper can be placed everywhere: on mirrors, walls, a Christmas tree. They will be in place everywhere, they will complement the interior everywhere, creating a special holiday atmosphere.

To plunge into the world of childhood, the world fairy tale images and fantastic creatures, you just need to take paper and scissors and start creating your New Year's masterpiece. Openwork and airy figures will remind you that a magical New Year of the Pig is ahead.

Below is a selection New Year's stencils(vytynanok) for the New Year 2019 of the pig: each picture can be enlarged and printed in A4 format or larger.

Snowflake stencils for cutting

New Year pictures

Symbol of 2019 - Pig

Openwork paper pigs are an excellent solution for raising the New Year's mood.

A creative pig on glass will make anyone who looks at it smile.


This is how you can decorate windows using New Year's decorations:

You can also do the “vytynanka” the other way around. You need to cut out the inner template and paint over its cavity.

Apply white spray using artificial snow. In this way, you can create patterns that are connected in meaning.

The result will be a fabulous “vytynanka” made of artificial snow, with meaning, grouped into an interesting plot.

Get creative with paper cutting, decorate your home for the New Year, create openwork compositions on the windows. Happy creativity!

Fantasize about Christmas trees and New Year's decoration We start windows back in November. Moreover, interior fashion in 2019 strongly recommends “gilding” (or “silvering”) the house. Modesty is out. Decorating windows for the New Year using stencils is a ticket to a festive mood and a luxurious life.

December is the time to prepare for New Year's holidays. Some, in order to feel all the magic of the holiday, buy gifts for family and friends in advance, others turn their home into a real fairy tale.

Both plastic and wooden windows can be beautifully decorated. You don’t need to spend a penny on New Year’s themed stencils. Just print and cut out the template with snowflakes, reindeer, snowmen or New Year's socks(boots) for gifts.

Using several stencils, you can create a completely unique creative work on the window or decorate the window glass around the perimeter with a border of a repeating pattern. A slight asymmetry will make the image as natural as possible. It is not necessary to adhere to the mirror pattern when gluing the templates - minor deviations will add dynamism and volume to the application on the window.

An example of a New Year's composition, which, if it does not claim to be an artistic masterpiece, will plunge you headlong into memories from childhood.

The top of the glass is decorated with fir branches on which openwork New Year's balls hang. In the middle of the composition, a sleigh with reindeer seems to be flying through the air. Santa Claus sits in them with a large bag of gifts. Fine snow flies by. On the glass below you can see snow-covered houses, cheerful snowmen and a beautiful New Year tree.

(Initially, draw the idea of ​​stencil placement on the window on paper)

Stencils for windows for the New Year 2019 for cutting

Templates for decorating windows are glued with PVA dissolved in water.

Advice! The overly intricate shape of New Year's stencils will create difficulties when cutting. Therefore, if you are short on time, but window carving is on the mandatory holiday preparation list, then opt for simple but interesting shapes and ornaments.

Decorating windows with vytynankas for the New Year

Intricate, patterned window trims are nothing more than cut-out figures and patterns made from white paper. The technique is simple and it’s easy to make protrusions if you have thin paper sheets, nail scissors (or a stationery knife) and a soap solution on hand - paper pictures are best attached to it.

How to make a soap solution for gluing decorations to windows?

Recipe for preparing the solution: put ¼ of a bar of (white!) soap in a cup of water, add water and stir thoroughly. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, apply it with a wide brush from a set of paints onto paper and carefully glue it to the glass. When the vytynanki are dry, they are sprayed on top to create a “wow” effect. artificial snow, a little bit.

Stained glass drawings on New Year's glass

New Year's stained glass windows with Christmas trees, snowflakes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other thematic patterns are created using the same stencils and spray with artificial snow.

To make a New Year's stained glass window, a paper stencil is moistened on one side with water and pressed tightly against the glass. Then they spray artificial snow and, when the drawing dries (this will take about 20 minutes), remove the stencil.

White toothpaste is also suitable for decorating windows. To do this, it is diluted with water, thoroughly beaten until foam forms and applied to a stencil glued to the window with a toothbrush. To ensure that the paste is sprayed as desired, run your finger upward along the wet bristles and release.

Window decoration for the New Year made of paper

To beautifully decorate windows for the New Year you will need:

  • beads, beads, glass beads;
  • dried flowers or spruce branches;
  • basic skills in working with scissors and paper;
  • threads

New Year's window decoration: mobile “Ballerina in a snowy forest”

A sheet of white paper is folded in half and the outline of a ballerina (a bird or anyone you wish) is drawn.

On the New Year's ballerina's tutu they make a slit at an angle and put it on the “torso”. A thread is threaded through the central fold and hung on a window garland.

Fashion trend of the season - organic style

The main element of eco-style is natural materials in decor. Windows for the New Year are decorated with apples, citrus fruits and cinnamon. It is always fragrant and beautiful, and also, oranges, tangerines and cinnamon remind of mulled wine - the main wine drink of winter.

Handmade decor in the organic style is easy to create with your own hands at home: you just need to buy bright fruits (tangerines, oranges or apples), tie them with a gold (silver) ribbon and hang them on the window frame on a thread (fishing line) in any order.

This decoration looks very atmospheric. And if you show your imagination and add fragrant baked goods (for example, Christmas gingerbread) to the fruit, you can create a whole New Year’s ensemble on the window.

The eco-style theme is continued by linen decor. With the help of textile elements on the windows it is not only easy to create a cozy atmosphere in the house, but also to give a compliment Yellow Earth Pig- the symbol of the coming 2019. To do this, hang ripe pomegranates or rowan sprigs (can be artificial) on a string with simple fabric bows. It all looks very wintery.

The landscape outside the window will become part of the holiday decor if you use a long branch found in the garden to block the window and hang glass Christmas tree decorations on it. To create the desired atmosphere, the wood is effectively tinted with white gouache.

New Year's window decorations - candles

The tradition of displaying low candlesticks on the windowsill is European. Live fire always looks romantic and beautiful.

The shine and glow of snow-covered expanses is recreated in the decor of windows, entwining them with lush spruce paws and placing candles on the windowsill. Burning in the twilight, they attract the eye and act as a symbol of something pure, new, giving hope for the future.

How to decorate candles for the New Year to decorate windows - ideas with photos

Finest hour - decorating windows with paper stars

Paper stars in green, white or red, like no other paper crafts, are associated with the winter holiday. Introduce them into the interior through window decoration, be sure to work with scale: large stars or snowflakes look especially advantageous.

How to make a voluminous paper star with your own hands?

Required: dense colored paper, scissors and glue. Small master class for making an origami star, see the photo. Everything is simple and step by step!

An option for the lazy! Garland of stars! We cut out stars of the same diameter from cardboard, glue them to a thread and attach them to the cornice above the window.

Cute cardboard boxes for window decoration

A little creative inspiration and it turns out that you can decorate windows for the New Year using completely unusual objects. For example, a gift box. Most easy way creating a New Year's box like this: take matchboxes, a sheet of elegant red paper and a golden ribbon. We fill in and secure the new outfit with tape and get New Year’s decor.

For those who like to do everything according to the rules, we offer a master class on creating a real box.

Window stickers "Quick Poster"

Vinyl stickers are suitable for a variety of hard surfaces, including glass. The kit usually includes a large sticker, a smoothing card and instructions.

The deer in the photo does not need to be assembled from separate small parts. The finished sticker is applied to the window. Fast and beautiful.

Florarium: fashionable New Year's window decoration

Exotic composition of indoor plants in a glass ball will appeal to fans of eco-style design. Moreover, such compositions can live in transparent vessels for many years with minimal care.

While the whole world is celebrating the New Year with pain in the liver and joy in the eyes, July will reign on your windows (thanks to florariums).

The photo shows tillindsias and succulents placed in a glass ball.

You can decorate the window with “live” balls by attaching them to a thick branch painted with white paint.

Pine cones for a bear - decorating windows with cones

From mid-November to the end of December, most of us are overwhelmed by an unbearable desire to decorate our home for the New Year. We frantically google “how to decorate windows and where to get pine cones.” My hands are itching to make something original.

Try making a garland of pine cones first. Take fir cones, gouache and coarse twine. Look at the photo and repeat!

Material prepared for the website

Snow-covered windows with foam plastic - simple and beautiful

Thanks to its plasticity, polystyrene foam easily takes on any shape, even something as graceful as snowflakes.

Intricate decor that has the texture of snow is bought in stores or made at home, so that you can then decorate the window with foam figures.

If desired, foam balls are replaced with cotton wool. A white thread or thin fishing line is threaded through the fluffy mass of cotton to create falling snow.

And even if the forecast is for rain, it will snow in your house on New Year's Day!

Openwork snowballs as a window decoration

What happens if you take knitting threads? balloon and glue? New Year's ball! How to make a ball for window decoration? Simple, and you don't need to know how to knit.

  1. Inflate a round ball of small diameter, tie a tail and lightly grease with Vaseline.
  2. Soak the threads in a pre-prepared solution of water (50 g), PVA glue (10 g) and sugar (5 teaspoons).
  3. Wrap the ball with threads, randomly, but not very tightly, but so that you get an openwork weave.
  4. Dry the ball by hanging it on the Christmas tree. When it is completely dry, take out the ball (burst, deflate or simply crushed).

By 2019 Pigs, it’s easy to make such a miracle with your own hands.

A couple of chickens on the window will lift your spirits and turn on the positive for the year ahead.

New Year's window decor - garland

Remove the heavy curtains from the windows and hang a garland - a shining curtain on the window will create the right atmosphere, filling the room with the anticipation of the holiday.

Snowflakes on glass made from napkins - window decor from childhood

Snowflakes carved on New Year- always different. As in nature, no two are alike. To beautifully decorate a window with snowflakes, try gluing them not randomly, but in a pattern: repeating the silhouette of a Christmas tree, a cloud or smoke coming from the chimney of the stove.

New Year's paper windows: this is what the creatives came up with paper snowflakes more:

Christmas wreath in window decoration

The most suitable tree for creating a Christmas wreath for a window is considered to be fir. It has a wonderful aroma, it does not fall off and does not prick. IN traditional wreath There are three colors: green (branches), red (bows) and white-silver (balls).

Decorating windows with figures made of fleece, felt and felt

It is impossible to go overboard with window decoration for the New Year. Therefore, if you have felt or felt in your house, and you still remember the knowledge from school cutting and sewing courses, try sewing decorations with your own hands. Ideas in the photo.

Window decoration for the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig!

If you want to celebrate the New Year 2019 according to all the rules and traditions, then there is only one way - to decorate the house with the appropriate attributes. The yellow pig is not wasteful and selfless by nature, so window decor should be minimal.

The easiest way to decorate a New Year's window is to stick out snow-white footprints, which you can make with your own hands as easy as shelling pears! You will need a paw template, scissors and white watercolor.

You can print the dog template in the required scale using a printer; if you don’t have one, contact your nearest copy center.

According to Chinese astrology, the coming year carries the energy of the Earth, which means that all shades of yellow and gold should be present in the interior. Wide choose Christmas balls incredibly cute, they remove the issue of window decoration and focus housewives’ attention on decorating the New Year’s table!

Textile felt dogs on the windows will add mood to the overall design palette of the room.

Figures of dogs made of plywood, painted in different colors will become a spectacular detail in window decoration for the New Year.

White lace paws for sophisticated natures.

If there are children in the house, then pigs made from sausage balloons will be an excellent window decoration. The symbol of 2019 will not burst if you are as careful as possible and do not bring the ball to the tree ahead of time!

The window sill can be decorated with crafts made from plasticine or polymer clay, which children can then play with.

Best ideas for window decoration: pictures and templates of dogs for the New Year

Method 1 - stencils

Method 2 - dog Christmas tree toy ball

Method 3 - felt dog

Method 4 - crocheted dog

Method 5 - Lollipop Dog

To create a window composition (which will most likely be eaten after the New Year), you will need: candy dogs, fir branches, pine cones and polystyrene foam (will serve as the basis for a New Year's craft).

Using children's plasticine, spruce branches, cockerels on a stick and pine cones are strengthened in an artistic manner on a small piece of foam plastic. If desired, add rain, streamers and other festive tinsel to the composition.

The New Year's arrangement on the window will become more soulful if you install a couple of decorative candles in the pine needles. Only in this case you will have to pay attention to safety so that children do not burn their fingers while carrying their favorite candies.

Window decoration for the New Year 2018 made of paper (paper appliques) and paint (gouache) drawings on the windows

New Year's vytynanki have become an indispensable attribute of this holiday along with garlands and. They are most often cut out and glued to windows, creating a fabulous atmosphere. But we won’t limit ourselves to just this idea: let’s see what vytynanka templates can be used for, and which ones are suitable for decoration festive table, and which ones to create. In fact, the scope for using protrusions is limitless!

In addition to the most fabulous ideas for decorating your home with vytynankas for the New Year 2020, “Cross” will tell you in detail:

What types of vytynankas are there?

Most often, protrusions are cut out on, so we will rely on this topic. So, what can be classified as silhouette and what can be classified as symmetrical protrusions.


  • numbers for numbering the coming year
  • symbol of the coming year ()
  • winter compositions
  • and Snegurochka
  • animal figurines
  • fairy tale heroes

Even such simple protrusions on the windows will look very elegant:

From simple pictures cut out using stencils, you can create complex compositions and full-fledged plots:

People with extensive experience cut out plots of incredible complexity:

What materials and tools will be useful in the work?

We are pleased to publish on the pages of the online magazine “Cross” a list of everything that may be needed and help in the cutting process, as well as for gluing.

  • Printer or copier
  • white A4 paper, colored printer paper, not too thick Whatman paper, kraft cardboard
  • stationery knife small size (the sharper the knife blade, the easier it is to cut, and the smoother the protrusion) or a knife for artwork(paper cutter), for example, from Mr.Painter or Erich Krause.
  • cutting base(a breadboard mat, a cutting board, a piece of plywood, or, as a last resort, a thick stack of newspapers or magazines that you don’t mind ruining)
  • scissors(regular and manicure ones are useful, as well as those with a very sharp nose)
  • pencil
  • tweezers
  • box or package for paper waste
  • box (preferably with a lid) for storing finished vytynankas
  • glue or double-sided tape, laundry or other soap
  • sponge or tassel

Kraft cardboard vytynanki

Art knife

Cutting mat


The vytynanka painting will fit perfectly in a box from:

Even the simplest ones will become more elegant if they are decorated with cut-out scenes on a current topic:

Vytynankas cut from very thick paper or even cardboard:

  • decorate a mobile phone
  • chandelier or lamp
  • suitable as

In order to do such christmas balls, cut out a New Year's eve from paper or cardboard, and then stick it on cardboard of a different color.

Can serve as table decorations:

And the illuminated city will literally bring any window sill to life! To make such a city on the window, place snowdrifts below, some that houses can easily fit into. ,

There are two ways to create a joyful festive atmosphere in your home: visit a supermarket or New Year's fair to buy ready-made decor, or decorate the interior with window applications, paper toys and hand-made compositions. The most successful is considered a compromise option, in which factory-made garlands, candles and balls are complemented by unique handicraft garlands, toys and crafts.

Natural composition of dry branches

Used for making home crafts or painting on glass. various materials, which are easy to find in the bathroom or kitchen: toothpaste, pieces of soap, starch or flour for paste, tape. Toothpaste can be easily replaced with white gouache, but it has been used for a long time and willingly because suitable properties: even dried “Aquafresh” or “Silka” is easily washed off with clean water, and also has a slight pleasant smell.

If you don't have real balls, you can always draw them

In addition to adhesives and coloring compounds, everything that can be found in children's corner, school table or in a box with New Year's accessories:

  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • multi-colored foil;
  • bugles and beads;
  • beads and sequins;
  • old Christmas tree decorations;
  • pieces of fabric, yarn and leather;
  • wooden and metal parts;
  • tinsel;
  • chains, etc.

The choice of material depends on the craft. For example, wonderful window decorations for the New Year are made from plain white paper. These are primarily snowflakes, Christmas trees and themed toys origami. Thick cardboard is useful for making stencils or templates for drawings on glass, and strips of colored paper are useful for a fun garland chain that can be used to decorate a window opening.

Paper Christmas trees and stars - traditional New Year's figures on the window

Permanent home “helpers” are usually used as tools:

  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • sewing needles (with a set of threads);
  • brushes of all sizes;
  • sponges;
  • toothbrushes;
  • wire cutters, etc.

Almost all of the listed tools and materials can be found at home, and if some are missing, they can be easily purchased at the store, spending a very modest amount.

How to decorate a window for the New Year

Usually, not one specific place in the apartment is decorated, but all or some rooms, so the decoration of windows for the New Year should be harmoniously combined with the decoration of the rest of the interior. This is expressed in the selection of identical shades, repeating motifs, patterns, and ornaments. Some people like the white and gold holiday color scheme, others like an abundance of red, and others like the combination of blue color with a silver tint. It’s better to start preparing when the main style has already been chosen and the palette has been determined.

Sometimes just white is enough

Paper decorations

If you have no experience in preparing for the holiday or don’t have enough free time, we offer the simplest and most advantageous option - decorating windows for the New Year from sheets of paper, white or colored. Even kids who have barely learned to hold scissors in their hands are happy to cut out snowflakes. Usually a simple but effective procurement scheme is used:

This is how you fold a sheet of paper to cut out a 6-sided snowflake.

You can come up with hundreds of beautiful openwork patterns, experimenting with trimming the edges of the workpiece. More experienced fans of preparing for the New Year have their own “branded” patterns, and beginners can borrow ready-made templates to start with:

To cut a realistic snowflake, you need to try

Complex circuits but they're worth it

Original options for 8-, 6- and 4-gonal snowflakes

Cutting out a large number of snowflakes different sizes and shapes, you can glue them to glass using paste or soap solution in different ways:

In the form of a New Year tree and in a chaotic order

The paper is also suitable for creating flat or three-dimensional compositions of houses, winter trees, animals, and fairy-tale characters.

New Year's industrial landscape on the windowsill and urban sketches on the glass

Drawings using templates and stencils

To make the hard work of amateur decorators easier, they came up with templates and stencils. Ready-made New Year-themed kits can be purchased in a store or downloaded from the Internet, and then printed and used for the New Year to transfer images to windows.

Christmas scene on the night window

How are templates different from stencils? The templates are outlined, and then the drawing is painted or left in original form. Stencils are usually used immediately for painting, although you can also trace along the inner contour.

Spray technique using a stencil

The photo instructions show a mirror, but to transfer it to window glass, the same steps are performed.

Cut out a snowflake from paper (outlines of a house, animal, tree).

Using soapy water, glue the snowflake onto the window. You can also use ordinary water, because after painting the stencil will have to be peeled off immediately.

We dilute the toothpaste with a small amount of water, but so that it does not drain, but remains slightly thick. Take a toothbrush and dip it in the prepared solution.

Using your finger, we move the bristles of the brush and release it sharply so that the splashes purposefully fall in the area of ​​​​the stencil. It looks beautiful when there are more splashes in the center, and they disperse along the edges.

Carefully peel off the paper stencil, being careful not to smear any splashes.

The result is a light New Year's image of a snowflake. To decorate a window with similar designs, you will need very little: half a tube of toothpaste, an old toothbrush and stencil paper.

When working with stencils, you can use a dishwashing sponge instead of a brush. We cut off a piece of soft foam rubber, roll it into a roll, and tie it with thread or tape to form a kind of “brush.” Then we blot the cutouts on the stencil.

Sponge technique

A few more fun stencils and templates for windows for the New Year:

Decorative pendants and garlands

It is customary to hang garlands everywhere: on the Christmas tree, on the walls, under the ceiling. They decorate the outside of houses, decorate trees in the garden and small architectural forms in the yard. This is also a suitable decoration for windows, because curtain rods are successfully used as an attachment point.

Garland of artificial greenery with pine cones and snowflakes suspended on threads

A garland can be made from anything; in fact, it is various objects suspended on a thread or ribbon. Traditionally, flags, light Christmas balls, stars, and decorations made of beads or bugles are strung on a thick thread or strong cord. Children love to make lanterns or caps from colored paper and attach them to a string mixed with snowflakes and pieces of cotton wool to represent snow.

Luxurious natural composition against the background of homemade garlands

Instead of long garlands, you can use laconic but elegant decor - New Year's pendants made of Christmas decorations, tinsel and bugles.

Pendants made of Christmas balls on satin ribbons and a garland sparkling with gold and silver

Stars on the kitchen window, unexpected citrus decoration, hearts, dolls

DIY window sill decorations

To make the window truly beautiful for the New Year, according to tradition, not only the glass, but also the window sills are decorated. Fantasy lovers winter holiday knows no boundaries: along with the usual Christmas trees, Snow Maidens and Santa Clauses, natural compositions from branches and moss, romantic arrangements with candles, and snow-covered doll houses appear.

Remember the magical snow globe, inside of which, when you shake it slightly, real snow begins to fall? It’s difficult to make such a toy with your own hands, but we’ll look at how to decorate a windowsill for the New Year using ordinary glass jars. Behind the glass, just like in that ball, is a small winter fairy-tale world with houses, forest animals and fir trees.

New Year's gifts under tin lids

There are two options for designing compositions in jars:

  • at the bottom of a jar closed with a lid;
  • on the lid of an inverted jar.

Both options are equally popular, but the second - with an inverted jar - is more often used if the vessel is too deep and it is difficult to reach the bottom. Arranging items on the lid is much easier.

Figurines under a glass cover

Brief instructions for making crafts from inverted cans:

  • we find several glass jars of different sizes with screw-on lids;
  • lay the inverted lids upside down;
  • we place miniature figures of animals, snowmen, people, as well as Christmas trees, houses, etc. on the lids;
  • we tighten the jars, checking that the figures are the right size;
  • If the composition is successful, open the jars and glue the selected items.

Then we finally tighten the jars - original jewelry Ready for the windowsill for the New Year!

You can make beautiful candlesticks from the same glass jars. We paint glass walls by hand with paints that do not emit when heated. harmful substances, and place small candles inside the vessels. We decorate the upper part with bells, mini-garlands, and tinsel.

Magic lamps for the windowsill

Candlesticks with cones

New Year in glasses

Unusual and at the same time natural compositions are obtained from natural materials: cones, twigs of coniferous and deciduous trees, moss, acorns, dry grass, driftwood, etc. They combine perfectly with artificial snow and serve as an excellent background for miniature figures of bullfinches, deer, hares, and bear cubs.

"Trees" from dry branches

You can build a snow-covered “tree” from dried branches and secure it in a jar or vase. To enliven the picture, we plant bullfinches, tits or woodpeckers on the branches. But since the tree is New Year’s, and therefore magical, anything you want can grow on it: gingerbread cookies and sugar gingerbread cookies, golden beads and small Christmas balls, keychains with photographs of relatives and just satin bows.

Just pine cones growing from little chocks

The composition can be made much brighter if the glass vase is replaced with a gilded bottle, and the branches, along with the decorations hung on it, are covered with sparkles. The easiest option is to buy decorative hairspray, silver or gold, and carefully treat each branch.

Both golden balls and red berries look festive

When we decorate a window sill for the New Year with our own hands, we always try to add something personal and individual, so homemade compositions look warmer, homely and family-friendly.

Candles and illuminations

Twinkling lights are an essential component of both a fun and mysterious winter holiday. Even simple white pictures on the windows for the New Year look different if they are illuminated with multi-colored garlands or candles. If the frame of a window made of Christmas tree or pine branches is enlivened with sparkling illumination, it will look much brighter and more positive.

The theme of lanterns-candlesticks is played out in an interesting way

To make candles look more status and solemn, they are placed in bronze or crystal candlesticks and decorated with tinsel, “rain” or beads. But there are many options when you can create a cozy and romantic atmosphere without pretentious candlesticks.

Candlestick “house”, which you can make yourself from a sheet of plywood and an exquisite vintage arrangement

Options for installing candles on the windowsill

Electric garlands are the most spectacular New Year's entourage. Neon, white, multi-colored lights turn even the most boring environment into a festive one. Often thin threads Electric garlands decorate the Christmas tree, and also hang them along the walls or under the ceiling. They look no less advantageous as decoration for windows and window sills.

Illumination of a winter composition on the windowsill

Pendants made of stars and a luminous branch in a vase

New Year's windows as part of interior design

When decorating a room for the New Year, you must adhere to the rule of proportionality. If you decide to decorate a chest of drawers, a window, a table in the center of the room, and even install a Christmas tree, then you need to do this extremely carefully. A large number of bright jewelry turns a light festive atmosphere into a farce and quickly gets boring. Sometimes a simple design of window glass is enough.

Snowflakes with toothpaste instead of frosty patterns

You can create an unobtrusive festive backdrop using identical flickering electric garlands hung in different parts of the room.

Illumination of the room with electric garlands

Sometimes one barely noticeable touch reminds of the upcoming celebration.

Paper round dance from Christmas trees

WITH New Year's decor even the winter landscape becomes cozier and warmer.

Window to the terrace

With the help of festive decorations you can emphasize the style of the room.

Christmas color scheme in country style

Video: how to decorate windows for the New Year

Decorating windows for the New Year is useful, interesting and enjoyable. If you devote several evenings to this creative activity, then by the holiday the interior of the room will be magically transformed: snowflakes will appear on the glass, and fabulous compositions of homemade crafts will appear on the window sills.