How to breathe correctly during contractions. The importance of proper breathing during childbirth

Breathing is one of the unconditioned reflexes of a person. He does not need special training; immediately at birth, the child is able to take his first breath and breathe on his own. Moreover, depending on the state of the body, breathing itself changes in a certain way: it speeds up or slows down, becomes deeper or more superficial - without the effort of our consciousness and thoughts.

However, the process of childbirth is completely unique in this regard. Of course, a woman will not forget how to breathe during contractions and pushing. But there is a huge difference in how you breathe during labor. Just by inhaling and exhaling different periods childbirth in different ways, you can greatly increase or decrease the chances of a favorable course and outcome of the birth process. It's worth it to learn how to breathe correctly during labor. And it’s very good if a pregnant woman starts learning breathing techniques during childbirth in advance and trains regularly.

How to breathe during childbirth

Most likely, you have repeatedly come across recommendations that during childbirth it is very important to relax as much as possible. Even for many women who have already given birth, this advice often causes a grin: how can you relax during contractions? Meanwhile, this is not only possible, but also very necessary, and proper breathing during childbirth can help with this.

It is thanks to him that a woman is able to control the tension and relaxation of muscles in different parts of her body, thereby preventing the occurrence of muscle spasms and pain. This will not only help you save your energy, but will also serve as a good auxiliary tool for the entire birth process. In addition, by concentrating on how to inhale and exhale correctly and when exactly the breathing technique needs to be changed, the woman is distracted from the pain, which also contributes to general relaxation.

If a woman in labor breathes correctly, then all tissues receive a sufficient amount of blood and oxygen, which prevents the occurrence of so-called ischemic (caused by poor blood circulation in the cells) pain.

Due to the fact that the woman does not clamp or strain, breathing correctly at one or another stage of labor, the cervix does not spasm and opens in a timely manner with the increase in labor, and the muscles of the pelvis and vagina do not clamp the child moving towards the exit. This means that labor is not artificially prolonged, and, accordingly, there is no need to stimulate the labor process and other unwanted interference in it from the medical staff, the risks of ruptures or cuts of the perineum, and the development of acute hypoxia in the fetus are reduced.

Regarding the latter, it is thanks to proper breathing and control over it that it is possible to ensure a sufficient flow of blood and oxygen to the baby by taking a deep, slow breath and measured, leisurely exhalation. However, during contractions and pushing, different breathing techniques are used. And you should definitely remember this when it comes to practice.

How to breathe during contractions

Even during pregnancy, especially towards the end, obstetricians recommend mastering a relaxing breathing technique, which will help you not only relieve stress, but also fall asleep better during periods of poor sleep. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, sitting or reclining (make sure your head is raised and your shoulders are straightened), place your hands on top part abdomen (this is necessary to control the correct performance of breathing exercises) and begin to breathe slowly, measuredly, calmly, without tension or effort. It is necessary to ensure that when you inhale, the air fills the lower parts of the lungs (this causes the stomach to expand, not the chest).

Relaxing breathing (like all other types described below) should begin with an exhalation that relieves tension. When breathing slowly, you definitely need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, and the exhalation should be a little longer. Later, you should gradually lengthen it, preparing for breathing during childbirth. Don't start with very deep breaths right away: adjust their depth and intensity gradually. If you do everything correctly and you manage to completely relax, then you will feel your breathing become even and quiet.

We begin to use a similar technique with the onset of contractions. Only in this case it is important to clearly control the duration of inhalation and exhalation. It is necessary to ensure that the exhalation is twice as long as the inhalation. It is best to rehearse this during pregnancy using the pulse: inhale for three beats, and exhale for six beats. Then, when contractions begin, you can simply count to the rhythm of your pulse - respectively, to 3 while inhaling and to 6 when exhaling. With this rhythm, the supply of all tissues of the body occurs as efficiently as possible.

At the same time you need to feel different groups muscles and make sure that during exhalation they all relax as much as possible, especially the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. So, before the contraction begins, exhale and start breathing in the manner described. In between contractions, simply breathe slowly and calmly, as you did during pregnancy.

Maintain this light (or, as doctors also call it, economical) breathing as long as it brings relief and relaxation. The more intense the contraction becomes, the slower and longer the inhalations and exhalations should become. For some women, this rhythm helps right up to the onset of pushing. If the contractions have become very strong, and slow breathing no longer works, then we move on to the next technique: dog breathing, or shallow breathing. It helps relieve pain during contractions.

With this type of breathing, inhalations and exhalations are shortened and become approximately equal in duration. You should adjust the pace that is most optimal for yourself: it can be one inhalation-exhalation in one second, two approaches in a second, one approach in two seconds, and so on. Between contractions, return to slow, economical breathing, again trying to completely relax.

When breathing shallowly, the mouth can be either open or closed. But more often, women find the first option more convenient, reminiscent of a dog’s breath in the heat, which is why it got its name. An important nuance: with this method of breathing, the inhalation should be silent, and the exhalation should be noisy.

It will not be difficult to practice these techniques, the main thing is to practice regularly. After all, in this way a person can breathe reflexively when certain circumstances arise. But the following breathing technique is used only during childbirth, and it already needs to be specially controlled.

How to breathe while pushing

One of the most difficult moments during childbirth occurs when the baby's head begins to create noticeable pressure on the cervix, causing the woman to respond with a desire to push, but when it is too early to do this. In the next stage of labor - the period of pushing - in similar situation when you really want to push, but the midwife strictly forbids you to do so (and you need to listen to her at all costs!) this breathing technique will help not only to survive the dangerous moment correctly, but also to prevent possible complications.

So, we exhale deeply, then perform a series of shallow (!) short inhalations and exhalations of 4-5 approaches, the last time exhaling slowly, deeply, until the very end, with lips pursed into a tube. This type of breathing is called variable. It’s good if you have someone to count out loud, because at this moment it will be very difficult for the mother in labor to concentrate on counting.

You should breathe in this way in between pushing, but when pushing occurs, when the doctor gives the command to push, the technique should be completely different. In the very last period of labor, not counting the extraction of the placenta, when the baby is born (which is possible only after the cervix is ​​fully dilated), the woman will require maximum physical effort. That's why it was so important to remain calm and relaxed at this point so as not to waste energy.

It is possible to spend your efforts correctly and as efficiently as possible and not delay the birth of your baby by using a special technique - the so-called pushing breathing. With the onset of pushing, it is necessary to take a deep breath and begin to exhale, forcefully directing the exhalation towards the perineum. Under no circumstances do you push on the eyes and head, because, firstly, such straining will not be without consequences, and secondly, and this is the most important thing now, the effectiveness of such an attempt will be zero. It turns out that you suffered, spent a lot of effort, but did not help the child one bit. You should exhale air as if you were pushing the child towards the exit.

Such a forced, full, deep exhalation cannot be interrupted or weakened, otherwise the efforts will go down the drain. If, when straining, you feel a lack of air, then you should carefully and smoothly exhale all the remaining air, then quickly draw in the maximum amount of air with a deep breath and repeat the correct effective exhalation with pressure on the diaphragm and uterus.

One push lasts approximately a minute, and during this period you need to make three such pushing exhalations. “Breathing on a candle” can be effective during this period: after a deep breath, you should exhale the air slowly, pursing your lips, as if you were trying to blow out a candle.

Then, in the break between attempts, switch to slow relaxing breathing, restoring strength for the next attempt. As soon as the doctor tells you that the head has appeared, you need to switch to slow or dog breathing, without rushing things. In general, you should always listen to your obstetrician and follow his commands.

By following these breathing techniques during childbirth, you will give birth easily and safely. The main thing is that the birth process can be controlled, and this will largely depend on the correctness of your breathing during childbirth. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of them! Master the described techniques - and you will be able to help yourself and your baby survive childbirth in the best possible way!

By and large, proper breathing during childbirth is not difficult to reproduce, and on the contrary, it greatly facilitates the condition of the mother, child and the birth process itself.

However, mastering the breathing techniques described requires time, effort and patience. Even if now, while reading these lines, it seems to you that everything is easy and understandable, without repeating practical exercises regularly until the onset of childbirth, you will not remember the necessary information at the most crucial moment, and do not hope. In order to be able to use the theory correctly, it must be honed in practice to the point of automatism, so that with the first contraction you can immediately “turn on” the necessary breathing.

It is likely that a woman may not need all the breathing techniques described in this article during labor, but if she masters them all, she will be able to quickly and effectively use them when the need arises.

Practice systematically, but no more than 10 minutes at a time (it is better to do this with an instructor). Start training only at rest, and after a while you can try to learn to breathe while moving: walking down the street or doing housework. It is useful to rehearse breathing techniques in different positions (reclining, sitting, standing, on all fours, on your side, leaning over your arms, etc.), especially if you intend to experiment with positions during childbirth, looking for the most comfortable one.

Rapid shallow breathing during contractions leads to dry mouth, and therefore obstetricians recommend using one of two techniques in this case:

  • while inhaling and exhaling with your mouth open, cover it with your palm, spreading your fingers slightly (the hand will hold back the flow of air);
  • Place the tip of the tongue behind the front upper teeth at the back: the tongue raised in this position will also serve as a small barrier for increased air ventilation in the oral cavity.

If you are giving birth with a partner or have agreed with a midwife to care for you during this period, they may bring you water from time to time - take small sips, mainly to wet your mouth, rather than trying to get drunk. It is also useful to teach all the breathing techniques to your partner with whom you are planning to give birth: in a stressful situation, if you suddenly get confused and forget the theory, he will be able to tell you exactly how to breathe now. In any case, you should remember: you should never pinch or strain during contractions, and do not interrupt concentrated, directed straining during the period of pushing.

If you feel dizzy while breathing during labor (which occurs due to a decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood), then simply hold your breath for 10-20 seconds and then exhale slowly. Another way to restore the desired concentration of carbon dioxide is to close your mouth with your hands and breathe into your palms.

Avoid screaming during contractions: not only does this use up a lot of the energy needed to complete labor, but it can also cause the fetus's heart rate to increase, which is not desirable. But there is no positive effect from screaming: the pain does not decrease, as it seems to many women.

In general, breathing techniques during childbirth involve mainly controlling inhalation and exhalation in different labor periods. Having learned to control these processes, you will be able to give birth easily, quickly and safely. This is exactly what we wish for you!

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Today, not a single course on preparing for the birth of a child is complete without teaching how to how to breathe during childbirth. It is believed that young mothers should definitely master special breathing techniques that will help ensure the necessary amount of oxygen entering the body, learn to relax and concentrate through breathing.

A person breathes continuously because his body is able to function only by receiving a sufficient amount of oxygen. But at different stages of life, breathing changes - due to physical efforts, experiences, certain types of activities, its rhythm and depth become different. This almost always happens reflexively, but you can learn to manage the processes. Childbirth is one of the normal functions female body, for which it also has its own correct breathing during childbirth. But without special techniques you won’t be able to connect it. In courses on preparing for the birth of a child, instructors explain what happens to mother and baby during childbirth, teach how to manage these processes, freed from fear and pain. For those who cannot attend courses, self-study using video or audio materials is suitable. It’s never too late to start them, but it’s better to start training when you have time to bring the acquired skills to automaticity - 3-4 months before giving birth. 10 minutes a day is enough to consolidate what you have learned by repeating all possible options. Our body has an excellent memory and, having entered the real process, it will use the “blanks”. Longer training is irrational and dangerous: hyperventilation of the lungs and a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood can cause dizziness and loss of consciousness.

If you feel unwell while practicing breathing techniques, stop the workout and hold your breath for 20 seconds.

Correct breathing during childbirth, used in the first period (during contractions), are aimed at solving the main task of this stage - relaxing the muscles of the body and saving energy. The main thing is to understand that only special breathing can stop the reflexive fear of pain, which leads to its intensification. At the very beginning, the pain from contractions is quite mild, but as the situation develops they become stronger and more severe. The first contractions may not cause any discomfort at all. But as soon as it appears, immediately use your knowledge. Inhale through your nose, and remember that it should be 2-3 times shorter than exhaling through your mouth. From a physiological point of view, inhalation is always a phase of increasing muscle tone, exhalation is always a phase of decreasing it, that is, relaxation. The longer the exhalation, the longer the relaxation lasts.

A comfortable position is a prerequisite for the effective use of breathing practices. If the position you are in is uncomfortable, you should change it.

Time moves inexorably forward, which means contractions are increasing, becoming longer and more frequent. At the peak of the fight, it is recommended to switch to shallow breathing- Like a dog. Experiencing painful sensations, the young mother reflexively clenches, tenses and holds her breath. This negatively affects her well-being and the condition of the baby. During the first stage of labor, he also needs more oxygen, which is still supplied through the umbilical cord. Vascular spasm of the placenta due to lack of air is unacceptable. Decreased oxygen levels can slow down the dilation of the cervix.

To prevent this from happening, it’s worth remembering one more technique breathing during childbirth- “breath of a horse.” Inhale through your nose and exhale through your “puffy” lips. As if you want to quietly make the sound “tpruuu”. This method helps relieve tension from the muscles of the face, lips, neck, and after them the lower part of the body will reflexively relax, helping the cervix to open.

Do not forget that excessive tension leads to fatigue growing like a snowball, and the strength that is needed in pushing is lost.

Can provide effective assistance in alleviating pain during childbirth breathing during childbirth with sound, which is also called singing. In this case, you need to take the same breath - deep through the nose, and exhale with your mouth open or closed and making some sound.

The set of notes can be anything - complex classical scales, hits or banal cacophony. Sound spontaneous, starting in your usual key.

Don't be shy about singing or making sounds loudly. By blocking your desire, you tense up and disrupt the natural course of events. And don’t be afraid to disturb women giving birth nearby. They won't hear you because they are engrossed in their “business.”

Breathing techniques during childbirth

When the cervix dilates 8–9 cm, the baby will begin to move down the birth canal. The uterus has not yet released the child, but reflexive attempts are already approaching. They need to be calmed down.

Feeling the desire to push and push the baby down, the young mother should stop - the time to help the child has not yet come. Three things help you cope with this task: breathing techniques- like “sobs”, “locomotive” and “blowing out a candle”.

First breathing technique involves three shallow inhalations through the nose and a long exhalation through the mouth. “Locomotive” is one inhalation followed by an exhalation, divided into several stages. “Blowing out a candle” involves a smooth and long exhalation after a voluntary inhalation. The last two methods are used at the very end of the period of contractions, when the cervix is ​​already dilated.

Premature attempts can harm a woman, the cervix can rupture. They are also unsafe for the baby.

At the finish line: breathing during childbirth

The child has left the uterus, and now nothing is stopping him from actively and quickly passing through the birth canal. Mom's breath should make this task easier with the help of breathing techniques called "inflation" balloon" Place a clenched fist to your lips and exhale air into it, overcoming the resistance of your fingers.

When the baby lands on pelvic floor, you will have to push as hard as you can. And without correct breathing not enough. It is recommended to act according following diagram- inhale, hold your breath and at the same time tense the muscles of the perineum, then smoothly quickly exhale, relax, and everything is repeated again. During one contraction (the uterus continues to contract, but is no longer as painful), you can manage to make 3-4 such attempts. If the baby is progressing well, you can exhale more slowly, in a mode that is comfortable for you.
Ask your doctor how things are so you know which breathing method to choose.

At the moment when the baby's head begins to open the birth canal, the obstetrician will ask the woman not to push while her body adapts to the new phase of labor - the vagina receives a signal to begin stretching. If you force the baby’s progress at this time, injuries to the soft tissues of the perineum are possible. The same dog breathing will help you follow the doctor’s advice - quick and short inhalations and exhalations.

When the placenta is born, you need to breathe, as when pushing.

It is not necessary to use all the described breathing options; it is possible that one or two, adapted to your individual needs, will help more - look for your own most comfortable option. Be sure to use your creativity.

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A properly organized respiratory process has a significant impact on the success of delivery. Many expectant mothers approach the final stage of pregnancy without realizing the full importance of this moment, which negatively affects the natural course of the process of expulsion of the fetus.

Does proper breathing help during childbirth and labor?

There is no doubt that the woman in labor must be completely confident in herself throughout the entire stage of the emergence of a new life. Don’t be discouraged if you still have no idea how to breathe properly during childbirth. You can master any technique without much difficulty in a short period of time. As practice shows, proper breathing during childbirth greatly accelerates the latent phase and facilitates the period of expulsion of the fetus.

This positive dynamics is explained by the fact that the expectant mother does not focus on unpleasant sensations, and during contractions and the birth itself, the woman focuses on counting her inhalations and exhalations, which helps her experience the whole process less painfully. In addition, if you breathe correctly, a woman’s body is saturated with oxygen, which contributes to more effective contraction of the muscular structures of the uterus and birth canal.

How to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth

Modern times are different in that there are countless centers for preparing for the final stage of pregnancy. Visiting these facilities will help you learn how to breathe properly during labor and childbirth. There are many developments in this area, but usually expectant mothers are offered a simpler option so as not to overload the woman’s brain with recommendations on how to do everything correctly. Breathing during childbirth and contractions should be carried out on instinct, but within the framework of the proposed program.

Preparation specialists often advise pregnant women to read some literature on this subject. It would be appropriate to say that one of the best authors who covered the topic of natural pain relief during childbirth through breathing systems is considered to be Grantly Dick-Read. In his book, the doctor places special emphasis on suppressing anxiety in women in labor and talks about the basic principles of managing the latent and active phases.

Breathing during contractions

Preparatory stage during childbirth it is characterized as a “hidden” period, during which “smoothing” of the walls of the cervix occurs. If a woman is preparing for childbirth for the first time, the “opening” can occur over a long period of time: from 8 hours to 2 days. During the second and subsequent births, the latent phase is more intense. Correct breathing during contractions can occur according to several patterns at once, so in order to understand how to breathe correctly during contractions and childbirth, you need to clearly distinguish between 3 periods of uterine contraction: beginning, peak, relaxation.

At the first of them, the woman in labor is advised to take a deep breath and exhale slowly, while uttering any vowel letter. It is very important that the sound is directed “down”. The peak moment requires some patience from the expectant mother, which is achieved by adjusting breathing from deep to rapid-shallow. When the uterine contraction “goes away,” the woman in labor should know how to properly relax. The breathing technique during childbirth helps to achieve this.

While pushing

The active phase of childbirth is a stage of real physical work involving all the forces of the body in the process. During the immediate period of expulsion of the fetus, it is very important not to miss the impending attempt. Usually, a woman in labor has only about a minute to make one attempt (that’s how long one strong contraction lasts). In this short period of time, she should fill her lungs with air and then breathe “like a dog,” gradually releasing oxygen in small portions.

It is important to know that after completing the push, you should not suddenly exhale all the air. Such incorrect behavior of the mother in labor is the reason for the long birth of the baby's head. However, when this has already happened, the tactics completely change: the obstetrician notifies the woman that she should take a break and advises the woman in labor to switch to a light breathing rhythm. Usually during this time the baby manages to turn around, after which labor continues with the outcome of the rest of the baby’s body.

Birth of the placenta

The final stage of childbirth is marked by the release of “ children's place" At this stage, the woman in labor can breathe freely, because there is no need to push hard for the placenta to come out. Obstetricians usually try to speed up the third stage of labor, but you shouldn’t force things like that. Incorrectly carried out stage of the birth of the placenta can often cause postpartum hemorrhage. For this reason, before she “departs,” the woman in labor needs to rest a little and put the baby to her breast. The latter will be a signal for detachment of the “children's place”.

If the delivery of the placenta is delayed, the successful mother is advised to cough a few times and change her position, which in most cases solves the problem. The postpartum period is characterized by the presence of a wound surface inside the uterus; in order to further ensure “disinfection” of this area, it is necessary to hold short breaths. A correctly performed exercise will help to constantly oxidize the blood and release T-killers from the vascular bed, which are responsible for protecting the body from pathogenic microorganisms.

Pregnant women tend to be impatient and anxiously awaiting the birth of their child.

But as this joyful moment approaches, more and more fears appear. Especially if your first child is expected. To save yourself from panic, you should learn how to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth. Using effective breathing techniques can make the birth process much easier.

Proper breathing during childbirth and labor helps to supply the body with oxygen in the right amount, increases the force of pushing several times, and speeds up the time of delivery.

Why are breathing techniques so important?

By focusing on breathing during contractions, the woman in labor will stop panicking and begin to listen to the doctor’s advice. After all, it is fear that often prevents childbirth from going through quickly and with minimal consequences for health. Proper breathing allows you to learn to control contractions when necessary.

Ruptures, burst blood vessels, oxygen starvation of the child - all this is a consequence of protracted labor. Do not be afraid of pain - there is simply no absolutely painless process of childbirth. But if from the very beginning of pregnancy you begin to master breathing during childbirth and contractions, then directly during the process of delivery you will be able to do without drug pain relief.

It is better to master breathing exercises under the supervision of an experienced instructor in special schools. But, if this is not possible, you can learn proper breathing during childbirth and labor at home.

Almost all women giving birth for the first time begin to strongly strain all their muscles during contractions. The result is suppression of the birth process, the cervix does not have the opportunity to open correctly and quickly. Doctors have to resort to stimulants and painkillers. Proper breathing during contractions will help you avoid taking medications.

Even the most modern painkillers have contraindications; they can harm the child’s health. Unexpected reactions, allergies and seizures often occur in mother or baby. Vomiting begins, which will complicate the birth process.

And in a newborn protective functions body and so they do not work in full force. Therefore, painkillers can significantly undermine the child’s immunity.

No woman wants to endanger her own life and the health of her baby. Therefore, you just need to learn to breathe correctly.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman prepares for future motherhood. But after 34 weeks, you need to begin serious preparation for the upcoming birth. Breathing techniques should be practiced daily. This will allow you to make the breathing process automatic and not experience a feeling of uncertainty during childbirth. After all, breathing during contractions is radically different from the usual process of oxygen saturation.

Breathing exercises should be done for about 10 minutes. At first, the exercises should be mastered while lying or sitting, at rest. Then the training should be carried out in motion, combined with walking.

On last week You should try the complex in different positions. This will help you determine the optimal position for yourself. And if there are no contraindications, then during childbirth it will be possible to take exactly this position.

Some breathing exercises cause dizziness and lightheadedness. This is a normal phenomenon and occurs due to excessive ventilation of the lungs. The concentration of carbon dioxide decreases. To eliminate discomfort, you need to hold your breath. This will allow the accumulation of carbon dioxide, a natural irritant of the respiratory center in the brain.

How to behave if contractions start?

How to breathe correctly during contractions? The answer to this question depends on what stage the delivery process is at.

In a normal, non-rapid birth, a woman, having felt the initial contractions, goes to the maternity hospital. At the first stage, contractions are practically not felt, they appear and then disappear.

Then the contractions move into a more regular stage, periods of onset and attenuation appear at certain time intervals.

What is forbidden to do from the moment regular contractions appear:

  • try to suppress pain;
  • tighten muscles;
  • strain;
  • scream.

Such actions interfere with the normal process of childbirth, do not bring relief, the body quickly gets tired, and there is no strength left for normal, full-fledged contractions. The pain does not go away, but only intensifies.

Excessive tightness causes oxygen starvation for the baby, which will negatively affect his development in the future. Pediatricians are unanimous in the opinion that it is precisely after hypoxia that children do not tolerate various types of adaptations well, and they more often suffer from various diseases.

Therefore, during labor you need to try to relax as much as possible, think about the baby and how to breathe correctly during contractions.

Different contractions - different types of breathing

During the initial contractions, you should breathe according to the following pattern:

Such breathing during contractions gives a feeling of complete muscle relaxation, the body is saturated with oxygen, and the emotional state improves. With a full inhalation, strength is accumulated for further continuation of labor. After all, the process of having a child is difficult not only for the woman, but also for little man. At the slightest opportunity, you should talk to the child and calm him down.

This technique requires constant counting. Therefore, the woman in labor does not have time to listen closely to pain. You have to concentrate on counting and make sure your breathing is correct.

It should be remembered that panic breathing is the body's natural reaction to stress. The main thing is to quickly get out of this state. Otherwise, all the energy will be wasted.

At the next stage, contractions become more intense and appear more often. At this stage, the main task is to make breathing faster.

How to breathe during contractions at this stage? Like dogs. Perhaps from the outside it looks a little funny and ridiculous. But during delivery there will be no time to think about this.

You should breathe shallowly, superficially, with your mouth slightly open and your tongue sticking out slightly. This type of breathing is typical for dogs when they are very hot.

This breathing technique helps alleviate the condition of the mother in labor and stimulates the faster appearance of the baby.

When performing this technique, your mouth sometimes becomes dry. There is no particular time to drink during the delivery process. Therefore, you can touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

When the cervix dilates, you should start breathing like a train. The principle of the exercise is simple. During the intense phase of the contraction, you should breathe shallowly and quickly. Inhale through your nose and exhale quickly through your lips using a straw.

In the inactive stage, the pain recedes somewhat. During this time period it is necessary to restore and calm your breathing.

This method will help you survive even the most intense pain during the process of having a child.


How to breathe during contractions after starting to push? From the moment the delivery process enters the final stage, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the obstetrician. He will suggest a sequence of actions that will help the baby not to get hurt and be born healthy.

Doctors explain when you need to push and when you can rest a little. The average duration of pushing is about a minute. You need to take a deep breath as possible. And then exhale and push, as if pushing the entire volume of air through the uterus.

The tension should not be allowed to move to the head. The consequence of improper tension is the appearance of burst blood vessels in the eyes and face.

If you are unable to get air into required quantity– no need to panic. You need to exhale quickly and sharply, and inhale again. And push again.

It is best to breathe at this moment as if blowing out a candle. Many women in labor sing various vowels.

Once the baby's head appears, you need to switch gears and start breathing freely, or use the doggy style method.

Sometimes a situation arises when the cervix is ​​not yet dilated enough, but the woman still needs to push. But the midwife forbids the woman in labor to push (regardless of the degree of dilation). You must wait until the uterus is completely dilated. It is quite difficult to restrain efforts.

Changing your body position can help. When a contraction occurs, you need to take 4 frequent breaths. Take a short breath and start breathing quickly again.

Joint childbirth is not an easy fashion statement. Close person not only can provide moral support and a relaxing massage. It will also help ensure that your breathing during labor and birth is consistent with the stages of the process.

Giving birth to a child is a difficult and responsible task. Preparation must begin in advance. The main thing is a positive psychological attitude. During pregnancy, you need to think through all possible situations and develop a behavior strategy for each.

The medical staff is trying in every possible way to provide all possible assistance to the woman in labor, you just need to listen to what they say. But still, all the work and all responsibility for the baby’s health lies with the woman. Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the process and breathe correctly.

When carrying a baby, few expectant mothers think about the process of bringing a child into the world, but as they approach, worries arise about how you can help your baby and reduce pain during contractions. Correct breathing techniques will help relieve painful sensations during the moments of contraction of the uterus and opening of the uterine pharynx.

The importance of proper breathing during labor and delivery

Full breathing during uterine contractions allows expectant mother It is easier to endure pain, since it, first of all, concentrates not on one’s own sensations, but on full inhalation and exhalation. Thus, the process of dilation of the cervix is ​​faster and more unnoticeable. In addition, oxygen is necessary for normal functioning of muscles and other organs. If oxygen is supplied to the muscle fibers in insufficient quantities, then, accordingly, contractions will be less productive, and the delivery process itself will be long. With insufficient oxygen supply to tissues and internal organs at the time of contractions, the child experiences hypoxia, and this can negatively affect his further condition and health after birth. In order to prevent everything possible complications, the woman in labor should breathe correctly during uterine contractions and the pushing period.

Breathing technique during cervical dilatation

Women who are preparing to give birth to a child are sent to the maternity hospital when regular contractions appear. At first, the pain from contraction of the uterus is not very pronounced and only increases as the cervix opens. In order to make it easier for a woman in labor to endure pain, she needs to learn simple rules:

  • do not scream during a contraction; in this way you only waste energy, the baby experiences a lack of oxygen, and the pain becomes stronger;
  • at the moment of contraction of the uterus, you must try to relax as much as possible, since constriction slows down the opening of the cervix;
  • during a contraction, take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth;
  • use counting while inhaling, mentally counting to five, exhaling to six. Counting at the time of uterine contractions does not allow you to be distracted by your own sensations, concentrating only on the numbers, and accordingly the contraction passes faster and more unnoticeably.

As the cervical dilatation increases, the contractions will increase and then you will need to breathe differently. During a contraction, breathe frequently, inhaling briefly through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, while pursing your lips into a tube. From the outside, such breathing may look like a train, but it is precisely this that allows you to save strength for the period of pushing and at the same time saturate your organs and tissues with a portion of oxygen.

Some women in labor make a mistake: as the contractions intensify, they begin to breathe shallowly and often, breaking into a cry due to pain. This behavior is not only exhausting, but also leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the placenta and pelvic organs, and this can lead to increased pain. Sometimes the baby's head begins to descend into the birth canal when the throat is not fully opened. At this moment, the woman in labor feels pressure on the intestines and begins to push hard. This is strictly forbidden, since such behavior is fraught with severe tissue ruptures in the cervical area and massive bleeding. At such moments, it is very important to breathe correctly and accurately follow the midwife’s instructions:

  • change your body position, for example, squat or use a special birth chair;
  • try to overcome the desire to push as much as possible; at the moment of contraction, you need to breathe frequently and shallowly with your lips, pressing them together as if you are going to say “y”;
  • when the contraction stops, breathing should become deep and slow (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth), this will help to gather strength and deliver the baby a portion of the oxygen he so needs.

Breathing technique during the pushing period

After the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the baby's head descends into the birth canal and the second stage of labor begins. At this moment, intensive work begins and the woman must listen carefully to the midwife and accurately follow all her instructions. Remember that at this moment it is much more difficult for the baby than for you, and how quickly and painlessly he will be born depends only on your efforts.

As soon as the contraction begins, the woman in labor takes a deep breath through her mouth, holds her breath and begins to push into the perineum, pushing the baby out. Then he exhales, inhales deeply through his mouth again and repeats the same actions. During one contraction, such actions are performed 3 times; usually, after 2-3 attempts, the baby’s head is born. When the fetal head erupts, it is strictly forbidden to push during contractions, as this can lead to serious birth trauma. The baby must make a turn, after which the shoulders are born. Now the woman is allowed to push a little to help the baby's body slide out of the birth canal.

It is recommended that a pregnant woman prepare her body for childbirth from the first trimester; to do this, she should learn the technique of correct breathing movements. Knowing how to breathe during uterine contractions and directly during the birth of a baby, a woman can significantly relieve labor pain and prevent many complications from the fetus. Breathing exercises useful for expectant mothers, but you should consult your doctor before starting exercises.