What causes dandruff? Will the therapeutic effect of a mask at night increase? Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies

No matter how much you shake off the annoying white “powder”, it continues to settle on the collar, on the shoulders

The causes of dandruff in women, both direct and indirect, can be roughly classified into several groups. Regardless of the causes, dandruff is not only a cosmetic defect. Its appearance is often associated with other pathological conditions or diseases of the body. In such cases, the treatment of dandruff in women is directly related to the elimination of the underlying disease. And to prevent dandruff from appearing in the future, you can take simple and affordable preventive measures.

There are many reasons for dandruff

Causes of dandruff on the head in women:

  1. External factors:
    1. Activation and growth of a colony of microorganisms (fungi), which are normally present on all surfaces of the human body and form a natural flora.
    2. Sensitivity of the scalp to the composition cosmetics(shampoos, masks, foams, varnishes, lotions, gels, hair dyes), which is expressed by the appearance of dandruff. As well as improper hair care - frequent or infrequent washing and/or combing of hair, washing hair with hot water, blow-drying and using hot straighteners and curling irons.
    3. Frequent and/or long stays in conditions harmful to the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the head (hot environment or rooms with high humidity). Temperature changes when wearing/removing hats in the cold season. Abrupt change in climatic conditions.
    4. Inadequate, unbalanced nutrition. Lack of vitamins and microelements. Wasting or obesity. Drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking.
    5. Stress, psychological trauma, psycho-emotional stress, overwork and lack of sleep.
  2. Internal factors:
    1. Cardiovascular diseases that affect blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition.
    2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that impair the absorption of nutrients from food and disrupt metabolic processes.
    3. Diseases and disorders of the endocrine system that affect the hormonal balance of a woman’s body.
    4. Weakened immunity or immune diseases, allergies. HIV AIDS.
    5. Natural aging, accompanied by the occurrence of systemic disorders in the functioning of the body.
    6. Oily scalp, disorders of the sebaceous glands caused by other diseases.
    7. Excessive sweating.
    8. The presence of waste, toxins in the body, large quantity waste products.
    9. Parkinson's disease and some other neurological diseases.
    10. Genetic or hereditary factor - individual structural features of the skin and its sebaceous glands.

The appearance of dandruff cannot be ignored, as it may be the first sign of the onset of disturbances in the functioning of the body, which over time can cause hair loss and even complete baldness.

Treatment of dandruff in women

Don't delay treating dandruff

It is important to understand that any dandruff treatment tactics should be aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at neutralizing the causes of its occurrence.

How to deal with dandruff in women is a question for a trichologist. He will conduct a full diagnosis, if necessary, involve related specialists and recommend the most relevant method of therapy. The woman may need to start taking topical and systemic antifungal medications. You will also need to use special shampoos that contain active ingredients such as zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, sulfur, ketoconazole, salicylic acid, tea tree oil.

If dandruff is a consequence of unfavorable external factors, it is enough to simply eliminate them and stabilize your lifestyle.

Advice. Before starting dandruff treatment, you need to make sure that the appearance of flakes is not associated with more serious dermatological diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis, microspores, seborrheic eczema, lichen. Dandruff-like flakes can also appear when the scalp is very dry.

Preventive actions

Simple hair care can help prevent dandruff

If a woman is prone to dandruff or has a history of such a problem, she should take preventative measures to prevent recurrence:

  • Follow a balanced diet, take dietary supplements and a vitamin-mineral complex prescribed by a specialist.
  • Maintain a drinking regime - consume at least 1.5-2 liters. clean water throughout the day.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene and care of the scalp and hair.
  • Use folk remedies to heal your scalp.
  • Periodically resort to physiotherapy - do a head massage, you can use darsonvalization and other methods of physiotherapy.
  • Avoid stress, allocate enough time for rest and a good night's sleep.

Preventive measures will help not only prevent the formation of dandruff, but also improve the health of the scalp and normalize the functioning of other organs and systems.


Having information about what causes dandruff on the head of women can be eliminated in time possible reasons diseases, making the mechanism of dandruff controllable and manageable. Depending on the triggering factors, dandruff and its associated diseases may require special treatment or simply adherence to basic principles of hygiene and healthy image life.

Many people regard the appearance of dandruff as a temporary cosmetic inconvenience. They do not ask themselves how to get rid of dandruff, believing that it does not require treatment and will go away on its own. Meanwhile, dandruff can be one of the symptoms of scalp diseases or other disorders in the body and cause restrictions in communication and psychological disorders as a result of social discomfort.

What is dandruff

Dandruff is a symptom pathological condition, in which desquamation (squamation) of dead cells of the horny epithelium of the scalp is disrupted in the form of increased scaly, pityriasis-like exfoliation. It consists of clusters of grayish or white. Some authors consider dandruff and seborrhea to be different diseases, although seborrhea is accompanied by dandruff. However, most experts, based on modern data, argue that dandruff is just a mild clinical form of seborrhea, which under certain conditions becomes more severe in the form. The latter has the same etiology and pathogenesis that are characteristic of dandruff, but more pronounced clinical manifestations.

Depending on the chemical and physical composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the disease is usually divided into dry seborrhea, or (dry dandruff), and oily seborrhea (oily dandruff).

Dry dandruff

It occurs as a result of poor secretion of sebaceous glands due to its high viscosity, despite sufficient sebum production. The possibility of insufficient secretory activity of the glands cannot be excluded. This type of dermatosis most often occurs before puberty, but with some diseases or disorders it also affects adults.

With dry seborrhea, the upper layers of the skin epidermis become dry, the hair becomes brittle, thinned, with split ends. The skin becomes more sensitive and irritable. Excessive fine-plate dandruff and hair loss and severe peeling of the skin occur. The epithelial scales in some cases stick to each other, forming grayish-white or yellowish-gray crusts. These phenomena are often accompanied by a feeling of skin tightness and itching, especially after washing. Pink or reddish spots (seborrhoids) may appear on the scalp and body in various places.

Oily dandruff

The main feature of this option is a shiny, greasy surface of the skin and hair. There are two forms of oily seborrhea - liquid, when the consistency of the secretion of the sebaceous glands resembles the consistency vegetable oils due to the high content of free fatty acids, and thick - the secretion has a “doughy” consistency.

In the liquid form, large-plate, oily dandruff appears, which sticks together into large scales and covers the shiny greasy hair. The latter stick together in strands, seem to be greased with oil already 1 day after washing your hair, and quickly become dirty. Heavy physical work, mental stress, and increased ambient temperature lead to even greater sebum secretion.

It is possible that areas of inflammation may appear skin(which sometimes even “ooze”), itching and the development of alopecia. The course of the disease can be complicated by blockage of hair follicles, the development of staphylococcal infection and purulent inflammation. After opening the pustules, yellowish-brown crusts form, followed by the formation of age spots.

With a thick form of oily seborrhea, the skin thickens, its elasticity decreases, the mouths of the glands expand, they become clogged with fatty cells of the desquamated epithelium, comedonal elements and atheromas are formed, which can fester, leaving scars after their resolution.

Etiopathogenesis of the disease

Brief physiology of the scalp

Understanding the mechanisms of disease occurrence is important not only for a trichologist or cosmetologist, but also for the patient. A general understanding of the physiological processes in the skin, their disorders and consequences makes it possible to carry out prevention, choose the right anti-dandruff remedy and eliminate provoking factors.

The causes and pathogenesis of the disease consist of a violation of the basic mechanisms of the following physiological conditions and processes:

  1. Functions of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Epithelial desquamation processes.
  3. Microbiocenosis.

Sebaceous glands

The scalp is one of the areas of maximum accumulation of sebaceous glands, the ducts of which open in the hair follicles. Fats, as a result of mixing with the secretion of the sweat glands and undergoing emulsification, form a water-emulsion film. Thus, a water-lipid protective barrier is created on the skin surface. It prevents excess water loss, protects against negative environmental factors - solar radiation, waterlogging, exposure to aerosol chemical compounds, pathogenic microorganisms. In healthy people, the fat glands produce from 100 to 200 ml of fat within 1 week.

The number of sebaceous glands reaches several hundred per 1 cm2. Their size and quantity depend on neurogenic factors, age, gender and hormonal levels, and heredity. Throughout life, the sebaceous glands undergo changes several times.

In children they have big sizes and are functionally at rest. During growth and old age, the glands decrease, and during puberty they quickly increase. During puberty, the secretory function of the sebaceous glands simultaneously sharply increases and dandruff appears for the first time. IN adolescence it is physiological in nature. In men, the normal amount of secretion produced directly depends on the size of the sebaceous glands, and in women, the amount of sebum secreted corresponds to the phases of the menstrual cycle. Its maximum production occurs during the ovulation phase.

Desquamation of the epithelium

In addition to producing large amounts of sebum, the scalp differs from other areas of the skin in the high degree of desquamation of non-nuclear keratinized epithelial cells from its surface. As a result of a normally occurring development cycle, basal keratinocytes (cells of the lower epidermal layer) gradually shift to the upper layer over the course of 25-30 days, lose water, undergo keratinization and disappear. The stratum corneum consists of 25-35 layers of epithelial cells adjacent to each other and interconnected by intercellular lipids. The processes of growth and desquamation are a physiological renewal of the skin that occurs continuously.


The microbiocenosis of the scalp is a collection, an association of microorganisms - saprophytes, conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria, filamentous, mold and yeast-like lipophilic (fat-eating) fungi. Of the latter, the main importance is given to the yeast fungi Malasseziafurfur, Pityrosporumovale and Pityrosporumorbiculare, which are various options one species (Malassezia), as well as Malasseziarestricta and Malasseziaglobosa, living only on the scalp.

In one form or another, this type of fungus is occasionally or constantly present in 90% of people. The place of their localization is the superficial and middle sections of the stratum corneum, between and inside the horny plates, hair follicles. Some of the fungi are not only lipophilic, but also completely dependent on the presence of fat. In this regard, they settle and live mainly in skin areas with a large number of sebaceous glands and their highest activity - the skin of the scalp, back, especially the interscapular region, and the upper parts of the anterior surface of the chest. Fungi are involved in the breakdown of dead cells and the conversion of saturated fatty acids into cholesterol esters and cholesterol, which they feed on. If the skin is healthy and there are no conditions for the activation and reproduction of microorganisms, they do not cause diseases.

Constantly occurring and interconnected physiological mechanisms contribute to:

  • maintaining the acid-base state of the scalp;
  • constancy of cellular metabolism and tissue respiration;
  • normal functioning of the lymphocytic and intraepidermal phagocytic systems that perform immune, protective functions and self-sterilization processes;
  • ensuring skin microbiocenosis.

Causes of dandruff and mechanisms of its formation

The decisive role in the occurrence of the disease belongs to yeast-like fungi of the Malassezia species, which are part of the constantly present (resident) flora of microorganisms on the scalp. They are activated when at least one of the physiological conditions is violated:

  • the ratio of microorganisms that make up the skin microbiocenosis;
  • changes in the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • changes in the acid-base state on the skin surface;
  • premature maturation of epithelial cells - their life cycle during dandruff is shortened by 2-3 times (from 5 to 14 days), the number of cell layers decreases and does not exceed ten, and cells that do not have time to dry completely stick together and turn into yellowish-white dandruff. The cells and layers themselves lose their consistent arrangement and are placed chaotically.

These disorders, as well as the anatomical features of the scalp (abundance of hair and sebaceous glands, high level of desquamation of epithelial cells and secretion of the sebaceous glands of the head, retention of sweat and sebum in the hair and on the surface, favorable temperature and humidity) provide conditions that are optimal for the life and reproduction of microorganisms permanently and temporarily located here.

In particular, Malassezia fungi multiply rapidly. At the same time, having high lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fats) activity, they break down a large amount of triglycerides in sebum. As a result, a significantly larger amount of fatty acids, which cause irritation, is formed compared to the normal state of the skin. This, in turn, leads to inflammatory processes, excessive peeling and dandruff formation.

In addition, sebum contains oleic acid, which itself can cause desquamation of the epithelium. Its high content as a result of excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands also causes dandruff and itching of the scalp, and additional sebum secretion.

All these processes, as well as mechanical damage to the skin (from scratching) cause disruption of the epidermal barrier, the formation of scaly crusts, inflammation, infection by constantly present pathogenic microorganisms, suppuration, etc. This forms a vicious circle of the chronic course of the disease.

Dandruff is a big aesthetic problem that worries a huge number of people, regardless of gender, age and nationality. In addition to the fact that this disease is accompanied by discomfort and inconvenience, it does not go away on its own, but requires treatment.

In this article we will look at what dandruff is - the causes and treatment of this problem. After all, it is the human head that is always under the involuntary attention of others, so the presence of dandruff causes a lot of concern to its owner.

The causes of dandruff can be different. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of the disease. In any case, dandruff is a sure sign of a systemic problem in the body. So, what are the causes of dandruff and its treatment.

Dandruff and itching of the scalp, the causes of which lie in some malfunction in the body or under the influence of some factors, appear due to the rapid detachment of particles of the scalp. If the cells move to the top layer of the skin in 7-10 days, they do not have time to dry, stick together and form noticeable white scales or lumps on the scalp, forming dandruff.

What is dandruff and how is it formed?

Simply put, dandruff is particles of dead cells on the scalp. In other words, this is a manifestation of seborrhea, a painful skin condition that is caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. With seborrheic dermatitis, developed sebaceous glands are especially active.

Dandruff mainly forms on the head in the frontal and parietal parts, and is accompanied by flaking, inflammation of the skin, and sometimes itching.

The skin is made up of dead cells that appear in the underlying layer of the epidermis. These cells slowly move to the surface of the skin due to the fact that new cells are formed under them and displace old ones. Skin cells are born, mature and slough off in approximately 25-30 days, during which time they become flat, thin, transparent and invisible.

As a rule, the appearance of dandruff is associated with the onset of puberty. Young people are often bothered by a lot of dandruff on their heads, the reasons for this are the formation of a large amount of testosterone in the body, which affects the production of sebum during hair growth. Men are also more likely to suffer from dandruff than women. If you notice white scales on your child's head, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be the cause of a more serious illness.

Dandruff - causes and treatment photos

There are two main types of dandruff depending on the type of scalp:

Dry dandruff. It manifests itself in the fact that small white flakes cover almost the entire scalp and hair. The scales easily separate, contaminate the hair and fall on clothes. At the same time, the hair becomes dry, thin and brittle, with split ends. If you have dry dandruff, the reasons may be the following: insufficient hydration of the scalp; reduced sebum secretion; activation of the fungus due to poor nutrition, physical or mental stress.

Oily dandruff. It appears more pronounced and is more dangerous, since in case of complications it can cause seborrheic eczema. The sebaceous glands secrete sebum too actively and a greasy sticky film with wide open pores forms on the scalp, similar to orange peel. The hair is covered with yellowish scales and looks very greasy and stuck together in strands. Due to the fact that air does not penetrate through such a greasy film, the skin becomes irritated, itchy, and ulcers may appear on it.

Dandruff - causes and treatment at home

The causes of dandruff may be the following:

We have discussed the reasons for the appearance of unaesthetic scales on the scalp, now we will consider the treatment of this problem. For treatment to be effective, it must be determined the real reason occurrence of dandruff.

But regardless of the cause, seborrhea is important proper nutrition and good rest. Stress should be avoided. Drink more clean water, eat less spicy, fried and fatty foods.

Choose your hair care products carefully. Hair styling products should be washed off at night.
Try to wash your hair with not too hot water, and dry your hair with a hairdryer on a gentle setting. Before washing your hair, comb it carefully and gently with a brush. Try not to scratch or scratch your head too much.

During seborrhea treatment, disinfect your comb and hats. Do a scalp massage once a week.

In addition, it is necessary to treat problems of the digestive tract, endocrine diseases, and eliminate chronic infections. Take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Also, to treat dandruff, you need to use antifungal agents in the form of shampoos and lotions. A real medicinal shampoo should have a thick texture and contain one of the following ingredients: sulfur, zinc or tar, as well as components that promote the normal functionality of the sebaceous glands.

To treat dandruff, it is necessary to use substances that have an antimicrobial, exfoliating and reducing effect, that is, normalizing the peeling process.

If the problem is with a hereditary predisposition, when the sebaceous glands are overactive, the drug methionine is used. Treatment of oily seborrhea is carried out with antiandrogenic drugs that reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. The drugs are prescribed by a doctor.

Dandruff - causes and treatment with folk remedies

So, after knowing what dandruff is - causes and treatment, you can take steps to overcome this nuisance and always look beautiful and attractive.

Dandruff is familiar to most women. To eliminate it, they make homemade masks, look for shampoos and often achieve success in the fight against the disease. However, this disease is not something to joke about, because in order to achieve results, you need to understand why the failure occurred. What are the causes of dandruff in women and where does it come from?

What causes dandruff

Healthy skin is characterized by a process of tireless regeneration. New ones appear to replace dead cells, and old ones gradually turn into microscopic dust. If there is a failure in this process, then large scales appear, which become dandruff. The stratum corneum of the scalp is completely renewed within a month. The appearance of some dandruff is a natural physiological process. However, you need to pay attention: if “white snow” occurs in excessive quantities, this indicates skin diseases heads.

Common Causes of Dandruff

Often the occurrence of dandruff is accompanied by such phenomena as hair loss, and they also become dull and split ends occur. Often the use of shampoos and lotions is useless, since they cannot help in the fight against the cause of the disease. It can be something serious, like a metabolic disorder, or some kind of skin problem. First you need to find out what type it belongs to, and then choose a treatment method.


With seborrhea, changes occur in the functioning of the glands. Too much sebum is produced, which binds exfoliated skin particles. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is characterized by oily, dark dandruff and constantly greasy hair; it often occurs in young people when the body experiences a hormonal imbalance. The skin of diseased areas takes on an unhealthy shine, the sebaceous glands become clogged with exfoliated particles. Another provoking factor may be the use of chemical cosmetics.

Oily dandruff

Oily dandruff appears as large, yellowish, oily flakes. Often, curls become oily, quickly lose color and begin to fall out, sometimes acne on the face is added to the problem. The disease often leads to baldness. What are the causes of dandruff in women? The sebaceous glands begin to produce more oil than they should, often due to metabolic problems. Because there is too much of it, it interferes with the exfoliation of skin cells, hiding it underneath.

Dry dandruff

Dry dandruff brings with it itchy skin, hair loss, split ends - it makes them brittle. There are two types of dry dandruff. The reason for the appearance of the first one (with hair loss) is a metabolic disorder. Dandruff often appears in adolescence, when sharp hormonal changes occur, and is adjacent to acne and other problems of this period of a person’s life.

Also leading to metabolic disorders and the appearance of “white snow” are excessive amounts of sweet, starchy and fatty foods on the menu, systematic stress, constant fatigue, lack of vitamins, bad habits. Dry dandruff, in which hair loss does not occur, occurs due to a severe lack of vitamins, allergic dermatitis, characterized by special susceptibility of the skin.

If we are talking about local allergies, then there is a lot of dandruff, it appears in whole scabs, and severe itching occurs in this place. A couple of weeks of treatment are enough to eliminate the allergic reaction, and with it the illness. Dry scalp often occurs due to digestive problems, exposure to the sun, and excessive use of a hairdryer.

Why does dandruff appear in women?

What are the causes of dandruff in women? Its appearance can be triggered by various phenomena - both external influences and disruption of body functions. To understand what led to the failure, you should look at the type of dandruff, because each has its own origin and also requires a special approach and treatment. Sometimes an antifungal shampoo may be required, often drugs that reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands. A trichologist will help determine the cause.


A common cause of dandruff is the fungus Malassezia Furfur (known as Pityrosporum Ovale), which is constantly present on human skin. Under normal conditions it is harmless, but when the sebaceous glands begin to produce excessive amounts of secretion, the fungus becomes overactive. Its reproduction accelerates, this leads to the appearance of “white flakes”.

Improper care

“White snow” is often found in those ladies who ignore the rules of hygiene. If you do not wash your hair often enough or use inappropriate shampoos and conditioners, this leads to problems with the metabolism of the scalp and provokes the occurrence of seborrheic dermatitis, the presence of which prevents frequent washing of the hair. It will only make the skin even drier, which will impair the functioning of the sebaceous glands and lead to the proliferation of fungus.

Devices such as curling irons and hair dryers destroy hair, and in the case of dandruff, they are even more harmful. To reduce them negative impact, can be used nourishing masks, foams or sprays. IN large families sometimes everyone uses the same shampoo for everyone, often bought in a supermarket and not at all suitable for you personally. It is best to choose such products with oils and plant extracts, taking into account your hair type.

 “Snow” on the head or a white coating that can be found under the nails if you scratch your head causes few pleasant emotions. Dandruff is often ignored, believing that white or yellowish flakes are caused by an incorrectly selected shampoo, and all you have to do is change the brand detergent how everything will work out. Is it so?

Dandruff: features

Dandruff is a syndrome that causes intense exfoliation of scalp scales over a long period of time (the exfoliation of dead cells is impaired). Dead particles may be white, yellow or grayish in color. Most often, dandruff appears in young boys and girls between 14 and 25 years old.

The main factors that cause dandruff:

  • Daily stress;
  • High-calorie, fatty foods, fast food, too spicy or hot foods (provokes increased production of sebaceous glands);
  • Hormonal imbalances, menopause;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Heredity;
  • Weakened immune system after viral diseases.

Additional, but important factors include frequent use of a curling iron, hair dryer, choice of low-quality shampoos or mousses (it is important to select products depending on skin type), as well as prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or overdose of medications. If dandruff is chronic, then the reason lies in gastrointestinal problems. Any digestive problems, for example, a violation of the intestinal microflora or dysbiosis, lead to the formation of scales. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are the most common reason, which causes a “snow” attack, but there are other reasons - developing psoriasis, skin fungus, a mild form of seborrhea (malfunction of the skin glands), which can develop into seborrheic dermatitis.

Hormonal imbalance due to a sharp increase in the level of androgen, a hormone in the ovaries, occurs due to large production of fat. Sebum thickens, keratinized scales stick together and fall off in layers. If you do not pay attention to the problem, you can provoke the development of seborrhea.


Disharmony caused by seborrhea disrupts chemical composition skin secretions and the production of sebum (increasing or, conversely, decreasing the amount of sebaceous secretions) and simultaneously disrupting metabolism. There are oily seborrhea - when the hair has a greasy, oily appearance, the strands often stick together, and the scalp is shiny and periodically covered with ulcers, and dry seborrhea - when the hair is brittle, dull and lifeless, the scalp is dry, irritated. Dry dandruff consists of small white particles that can be not only on the head, but also sprinkled on the eyebrows, eyelashes and even the pubic area. When moving, dead cells can litter clothing, falling onto the shoulders (traces of dandruff are especially visible on black clothing). The greasy appearance of dandruff resembles yellowish, purulent pellets glued together. Hair becomes greasy very quickly, even if you washed your hair an hour ago. Symptoms of seborrhea: rash, ulcers on the skin, burning and itching of the skin, hair loss.

If the scalp is affected by a fungus, growths of skin scales form, which cause discomfort - itching or burning with each scratch. The main reason why fungus occurs is insufficient production of sebaceous glands, poor nutrition, and lack of vitamins (in particular vitamin A). Fungal flora can increase to 70%, instead of the optimal 45%.


The first thing you should do is refuse perm, dyeing hair, using gel, varnish or foam, as well as cosmetic glitter. Any products containing chemicals can cause even greater irritation of the skin. Reconsider your lifestyle - perhaps it’s time to adjust your diet, give up alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol has a strong effect on thermoregulation—abusing drinks and exceeding the dose speeds up the work of the sebaceous glands, which negatively affects the entire body. You can give your hair freshness or slightly change its tone using natural remedies - henna or basma. If dandruff does not go away, or is observed in too large quantities, you need to consult a specialist - a trichologist. After the examination, physiotherapy, cryomassage, darsonvalization, and hirudotherapy may be prescribed. Treatment with leeches is very popular and effective; you can learn more about hirudotherapy.

Popular shampoos and ointments

Nizoral (contains the active substance ketoconazole). Kills fungi, treats seborrheic dermatitis, lichen. After just 1 use, burning and itching are reduced. Hair washing is carried out three times a week, for a month or two weeks.

"Perhotal" is a cheaper analogue. Hair washing – twice a week.

"Bioderma Node DS" - suitable for the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, effectively removes dandruff and fungus. Contains ichthyol, salicylic acid, seaweed extract (kelp). Wash your hair 21 days 4 times a week.

“Sulsena Paste” is inexpensive and effective, in addition to treating seborrhea, psoriasis and dandruff, it restores the structure of the hair follicle, preventing its loss. The paste is applied to wet roots (immediately after washing your hair), washed off after 10-15 minutes.

Sulfuric ointment. Apply the ointment to the scalp in an even layer and rub in with massage movements for 4-5 minutes. Apply the product morning, afternoon and evening to a clean and dry head. The course of treatment is 10 days.

It is possible to use such products as Naftaderm, Sebazol, Keto Plus, Cortisone cream (relieves inflammation), Dermazol, Algopix, tar shampoo, zinc ointment (relieves inflammation), Friederm zinc, spray "Panthenol" (restores damaged tissues, relieves irritation).

Homemade recipes for dandruff

Against the fatty type. Mix 2 tbsp. mustard powder with water until a viscous slurry forms, add 2 tbsp. lemon juice. The mask is evenly distributed on the skin. It is better to wrap your head in cling film and cover it with a towel on top. After 8-9 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. Make sure there is no burning; if there is the slightest discomfort, wash off the mixture. It is worth noting that in some cases, it is masks homemade may cause dandruff.

Pour in finely chopped burdock (1 pc.) olive oil(2 tbsp), let the mixture brew for 14 days. You need to rub the product in 2 times every 7 days, wash off after 60 minutes.