How to cut your fingernails. How to cut your nails correctly

Manicure and pedicure are important procedures with which you can not only maintain the beauty of your nails, but also maintain their health. And if almost everyone takes care of their hands, many simply forget about their feet. However, you should understand that they also need to be monitored. This article will discuss how to properly trim your toenails.

How are toenails and fingernails different?

The nail plates on the hands and feet have several differences from each other. These should be considered in more detail:

  1. The speed at which nails grow. They grow more slowly on the lower extremities than on the upper extremities. This feature is an advantage, since thanks to it, haircuts can be done less frequently.
  2. Thickness. On the feet, the nail plates are rougher and thicker. This feature, unlike the previous one, is a problem, and it is most relevant for large fingers. In connection with such a nuisance, it is necessary to resort to various tricks to facilitate the care procedure.
  3. Problems caused by use closed shoes. First of all, we are talking about the growth of a significant layer of cuticles. They need to be constantly softened and trimmed. In addition, because of this, nail plates often grow ingrown.

And before you figure out how to trim your toenails correctly, it’s worth remembering all the features described above, since they require the use of special tools and products.

How often is maintenance required?

On the feet, the nail plates should be trimmed as they grow. You cannot cut them at the root. Otherwise, the question will subsequently arise about how to cut the hair correctly. The optimal cutting length is 1-2 mm light nail plate. Subsequently, you need to stick to it, doing a pedicure every 2 weeks.

Sometimes the growth rate may differ from normal rates. In such a situation, determining the timing of care must be approached individually. Some may only need it once a month.

Distinctive features of nail treatment

So, how to trim your toenails correctly? First you need to purchase all the necessary tools:

  1. Pedicure nippers. With their help, it will be possible not only to shorten the nail, but also to trim burrs with keratinized ridges.
  2. (rounded and straight). With their help, you can adhere to a certain shape and length of the plate.
  3. File.
  4. A finger separator that will increase convenience will make care more comfortable.

It is also necessary to purchase pumice and cosmetics to treat the skin and plates.

Preparatory stage

Before starting the procedure, you should prepare your feet. First of all, you need to steam them in warm water with special oils and cosmetics. This procedure helps to moisturize the skin and simplify the treatment of nails. The process will be painless.

Before you start, you need to disinfect your feet. When figuring out how to properly trim your toenails, remember to be sure to get rid of any dirt using a rough brush. After this, it is recommended to treat the feet with any disinfectant.

Technical features

When trimming your nails, try not to get close to the pink part. We need to leave a small reserve. You should not give your nails a rounded shape using scissors or clippers, as this is dangerous. Therefore, it is recommended to cut the nail plates at a right angle, which should then be filed down.

How to properly care for your nails if they curl? In such a situation, you should not cut them off, but constantly shorten them using a file. After some time, you will notice that the nail plates are straightening. Surely, not many people know how to cut their toenails correctly to avoid ingrown nails. To do this, you simply shouldn’t give the plates square shape, regularly handling sharp corners.

Caring for children's feet

In most cases, taking care of children's feet causes negative emotions. Very young children are especially often capricious. To avoid such situations, it is worth resorting to some recommendations. Thanks to them, the care procedure will be simplified:

  1. The baby's foot should be wrapped using a towel or other cloth. Thanks to this, during care you will not tickle the skin and cause not entirely pleasant emotions in the child.
  2. Using clippers or scissors with rounded edges, you will be able to avoid injury skin. The procedure itself should not be performed more than once every 10 days.
  3. How to trim your child's toenails correctly? This procedure can be carried out while the baby is sleeping. But you should make sure that the lighting is good.
  4. Caring for children's feet should be done after a bath. This will simplify the process of cutting the nail plates.

If the nail is ingrown

How to properly trim a big toenail if it is ingrown? There are several stages that will determine exactly how to carry out the care procedure. At the first stage, redness and significant discomfort when touched appear. In this situation, care can be carried out independently at home. First of all, the foot must be steamed to soften the nail plate. Then, by carefully prying it off, you can shorten the nail. Subsequently, to prevent similar situation, you need to take care of your nails more carefully and more often, avoiding severe shortening.

When observing the 2nd or 3rd stage (inflammation, the appearance of pus, etc.), it is best to seek help from an experienced surgeon, since independent actions will lead to even greater troubles.

Let us repeat once again how to trim your toenails correctly. To begin with, you should know that care must be correct and constant. Then the procedure will become easy and pleasant. It is also worth using special means: a variety of creams, oils, masks and balms.

Pedicure, like manicure, also involves the use of nail coatings. Thanks to high-quality varnish, you will be able to avoid cracks and chips on the nail plates. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing shoes so that they are not tight and uncomfortable.


With the help of regular and proper pedicure will be able to keep your nails healthy and maintain them beautiful view. It is not recommended to save money on purchasing quality tools, cosmetics. Then problems with ingrowth will not torment you.

Every modern person dreams of having beautiful and well-groomed nails on their hands and feet. However, in order for the nail plate to maintain its correct shape and not grow into the skin, the nails must be trimmed promptly and correctly. Unfortunately, not many people know that such a familiar and even mundane procedure as cutting nails has a number of rules and features that should never be ignored.

Many people, without thinking about the consequences, regularly cut off their nails at the root as soon as they begin to bother them. In fact, you should shorten the length of the nail plate only when it “peeks out” from behind the fingertip by one and a half millimeters. If the nail is cut at the root, there is a high probability of injury to the skin, which in itself is extremely unpleasant, and an infection can get into the wound, which will lead to the formation. It is not surprising that sometimes such a haircut ends for a person with an appointment with a surgeon and surgical intervention.

Need to know:

It is important to remember that manicures and pedicures require careful preparation and complete disinfection. All instruments necessary for the procedure should be prepared in advance by wiping them with alcohol or any other disinfectant liquid. Hands and feet should also be washed thoroughly with plenty of soap.

To cut nails, no matter on the feet or hands, it is best to use special manicure scissors with wide blades curved at the edges. To ensure that the scissors do not damage the nail plate, they must be well sharpened.

To avoid ingrowth The nail plate should be cut in a straight line, avoiding sharp corners at the edges. This is due to the fact that it is these corners that, unnoticed by the person himself, grow into the skin of the finger and cause serious problems. You should not try to cut off the entire nail in one motion, as this can lead to damage and damage.

As practice shows, improperly trimmed toenails grow in seventy percent of cases out of a hundred, causing the appearance of pustules and ulcers. To disinfect and make cutting easier, before the procedure, it is recommended to soak your feet in a warm bath with saline or soda solution. After cutting, the sharp corners of the nail plate are filed using a regular manicure file.

Need to know:

In the event that you still happen to encounter such a problem as It is necessary to consult a cosmetologist or doctor as soon as possible, otherwise this pathology can lead to purulent inflammation, the development of gangrene and subsequent amputation of the phalanx of the finger. In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to identify the disease as early as possible.

The fact is that when the nail plate grows, the injured area becomes red and swollen, and the process is often accompanied by severe pain. If the disease has not progressed to an advanced form, you can try to cope with it, to do this you need to try to carefully remove the tip of the nail from the soft tissues.

To do this, steam the leg in a warm place for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, using a file with a sharp end, remove all the dirt from under the nails. Then, the instruments are disinfected, after which the ingrown tip of the nail plate is carefully lifted with the sharp edge of a nail file, pulled to the surface and cut off using nail scissors.

Need to know:

It is advisable to lubricate the damaged area with peroxide or brilliant green to prevent germs from getting into the wound. If the edge of the nail plate is not removed from the soft tissues in time, deformation of the nail, suppuration and change in the shape of the finger gradually begin. That is why at the first sign of a problem you should immediately contact a specialist.

Regular and high-quality care for them, as well as keeping all manicure tools and accessories clean, will help you avoid the appearance of ingrown nails.


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Almost every day, a person’s feet experience enormous stress, and this often leads to the development of ingrown toenails. In this regard, the question arises of how to cut an ingrown toenail. The answer to this question is not difficult, and the procedure does not require any special skills. But it is necessary to take a number of certain steps. They will help you trim the nail carefully and prevent further ingrown nails.


All over the world, people are faced with the problem of ingrown toenails. It often affects thumb on the leg, causing suffering and severe pain. The main problem is associated with systematic recurrence. Often the therapy is ineffective, and the nail causes inconvenience. It's not easy to deal with it right away. And such nails can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Usually the problem arises due to excessive pressure of the nail plate on the surrounding tissue.

Often the leading reason for the formation of such nails is trivial - improper cutting as they gradually grow. Often, slow and deep ingrowth is caused by excessively trimming the edge of the nail plate, which subsequently leads to improper growth. Another known cause is wearing narrow and tight shoes that put pressure on the toes. As a result, the nails dig into the surrounding ridges, beginning to grow deeper into the tissue. The reason for this may also be shoes with heels, characterized by an overly hard insole.

Other serious reasons include:

  • damage to the feet by fungal colonies;
  • systematic injuries to the toes;
  • genetic factors;
  • excess body weight;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system (clubfoot, arthrosis, flat feet).

Anatomical features of the structure of the musculoskeletal system play a certain role in the process of deepening the edges of the nails.

Examples include large, broad toes, characterized by thin, delicate skin, C-shaped, recessed nails, or congenital onychia on the toes (longitudinal thickenings of the plate in the form of a scallop). Concomitant diseases often act as a provoking factor, leading to gradual ingrowth. These are diabetes mellitus, hyperhidrosis of the feet, problems in the functioning of blood vessels, metabolic disorders. For this reason, the flow is disrupted nutrients

to the nails. Improper care of the feet and toes, poor hygiene and excessive sweating are often accompanying factors for ingrown nails. And these are additional conditions for infection to occur.

Important! Every person should understand that ingrown nails are not only an aesthetic problem. They can cause severe pain and significant discomfort. In the absence of proper treatment, such nails often become inflamed, acting as a source of various infections that can spread throughout the body. Various sources of information recommend contacting a specialist at the first signs of deepening of the nail plate or the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Nippers for ingrown toenails and their features

High-quality clippers are a unique tool that allows you to easily trim grown nails according to the rules at home or in a beauty salon. Regular nail clippers have a pair of handles, a connecting point, springs and a characteristic powerful “head”. They do not bend, are difficult to break and can be easily sterilized. Ingrown areas will require special cutter models (151, 152 and 169). They are distinguished by particularly sharp and long blades, and their “head” does not have the characteristic “heel”.

This allows you to deeply grasp the nail edges and carefully cut them off. In addition, the 151 and 152 models feature a side-sloping cutting edge, while the 169 model features a flat cutting edge. Models of wire cutters are made from stainless steel, and their sharpening is carried out by qualified craftsmen on a high-quality diamond wheel.

Subsequent processing is done manually. Additionally, a vacuum treatment process is carried out, which increases the service life of the cutters to 3–5 years. Unlike factory-made nippers, hand-made stainless steel models can provide high-quality pedicures about 100 times. High-quality cutters made of medical stainless steel are distinguished by attractive smoothness and smoothness of shape, comfortable handles and amazing sharpness. They make it easy to trim your nails without creasing or breaking the nail plate. Well-made nippers do not pull or “catch” surrounding soft fabrics

When working with a ready-made tool, you should close the blades quickly and sharply, which will allow you to get a smooth edge of the nail that is unable to grow into the tissue. It is best to store wire cutters in a case, cap or case. Additionally, the release spring should be moved so that the tool blades do not touch each other. This will protect them from damage if accidentally dropped. Since good pedicure clippers are quite expensive, you should not neglect the listed rules.

Cutting and sawing

Ingrown toenails are no fun for anyone, which is why you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. In case of infection and rapid development of infection, it can help with this surgical intervention. But in the early stages, you can deal with ingrown edges yourself. But just some special nippers will not be enough here.

You need to learn how to properly trim and file your nails in order to prevent the recurrence of this unpleasant problem in the future. To do this, just adhere to the following rules.

  1. Don't try to cut your nails too short. This will only make the situation worse. It is necessary to make sure that the nail edge protrudes slightly above the side ridges. If the overgrown edges irritate the skin, a simple filing will be enough, but also in a straight line.
  2. Before filing, you should perform a steaming procedure. A simple soda bath is suitable for this. To prepare it you will need 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. regular baking soda. Boil water and place baking soda in it. After complete dissolution, you need to let the solution cool and dip your fingers into it. You should steam your fingers for 15 minutes, then you need to take them out, dry them and proceed to the next steps.
  3. Sawing must be done correctly. You should “file off” a portion of the nail that is ½ the length from tip to root. As you file, the nail should become transparent so that the nail bed is visible. There is no need to rush at this stage. And although it will take a lot of time, the result will be worth all the effort.

In cases where a radical solution to nail problems is required, the following algorithm is used. You need to prepare a warm bath by dissolving 1 furatsilin tablet in hot water. Then place your feet in it for exactly half an hour. After this, apply a little antimicrobial ointment (Levomekol, Vishnevsky) to the steamed areas of ingrowth. They will help relieve inflammation and perform the function of disinfection.

When all the preparations have been completed, you should take a thin wooden or plastic stick, treat it with an antiseptic and try to carefully pry off the edge of the ingrown nail. A cotton-gauze swab soaked in antiseptic should be placed under it. Similar procedures can be repeated daily, gradually moving the tampon deeper. This must be done until the deepened area is completely free.

In addition, you can make neat grooves at 1/3 of the depth of the surface of the nail plate (in the middle and along the edges). As they overgrow, the nail edges will be pulled towards the middle, moving away from the underlying tissues. You can additionally soften your nails before filing using pharmaceutical products (Nogtinorm, Nogtivit). If fungal colonies are detected, it is worth using antifungal drugs (Nizoral, Lamisil).

Important! The grooves should be made very carefully. There is a risk of going too deep and doing more harm than good. This also applies to cotton-gauze swabs, which should always be clean and treated with an antiseptic. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and worsening the situation. And the best solution to the problem is to consult a doctor (podiatrist, orthopedist or surgeon).

We carry out prevention

After eliminating an ingrown toenail, it would be a mistake to assume that the problem is completely solved. There is always a danger of relapse, which experts warn about. And it is recommended to avoid it through the following preventive measures:

  • you should trim your toenails in a timely manner with special pedicure clippers according to all the rules, and then carefully file the edges of the nail, giving it a strictly square shape;
  • You should avoid using someone else’s shoes; in public places (swimming pool, sauna, gym) it is best to use personal slippers - this will protect you from fungal infections;
  • if you have flat feet, you should wear specially made shoes or use properly selected orthopedic insoles;
  • you need to regularly give your feet a rest, taking off your shoes at any convenient time and massaging your feet and toes;
  • you should protect your legs from bruises and injuries and always wear comfortable shoes appropriate size;
  • It is useful to take warm foot baths in the evenings based on a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula.

If nail cutting is carried out in a salon and not at home, you need to choose an experienced professional who knows the nuances of its implementation and knows how to process not only nails, but also his tool. You need to take care of foot hygiene, prevent excessive sweating with the help of talcs and deodorants. It is necessary to promptly treat underlying diseases that contribute to improper nail growth and aggravate the general condition.

It is useful to always be in touch with your doctor and undergo regular examinations with a podiatrist, dermatologist and surgeon. It is important to walk barefoot more and lubricate your feet with nourishing cream along with your nails. Don't forget about proper nutrition and refusal bad habits. Replacing cigarettes and alcohol with healthy vegetables, fruits, herbs, legumes and dairy products will strengthen your nails. As a result, they will better withstand daily stress and mechanical stress.

Every person, including children, should be able to trim their nails correctly. This statement also applies to ingrown toenails that occur in large quantity people throughout life. No special skills or abilities are required in this matter. You just need to follow certain rules that will not only get rid of ingrown corners, but also prevent their reappearance.

When it comes to caring for your feet and nails, you can talk about a variety of procedures that should be done to make them look not only visually beautiful, but also really healthy. These are not only poppies, baths, pedicures, but also correct haircut nails Few people know how to cut their nails correctly, and therefore today the main task is not only to understand, but also to learn how to do it correctly. After all, if you do something wrong, it can lead to many different problems and complications (ingrown nails, wounds and injuries). Therefore, try to do everything correctly so that your nails do not upset your appearance, were attractive and healthy.

In order for the nail cutting process to be successful, you need to follow this action plan. First prepare the tools you will use. It is very important to ensure that they are treated with an antiseptic. It is this rule that many people overlook and end up introducing an infection into their body that is very difficult to get rid of. Then you should wash your feet and nails well with warm water, you can also use an infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs. This will only be a plus for your legs. Only after this can you start cutting your nails with clean scissors. Remember that the nail cannot be cut to the very root. It is worth paying attention to the natural edges of the nail and this way you will be able to avoid injuries and wounds. To prevent the nail from growing into your finger, you need to file down its sharp corners with a nail file.

What to do with an ingrown toenail?

If you do not delay solving this problem, you can solve it yourself. First of all, you should follow all the rules of hygiene. Make a warm foot bath and add a little furatsilin to the water. If an ingrown toenail has left you with a wound, carefully fill it with hydrogen peroxide. After this, use Levomekol or Synthomycin ointment, which should be used to lubricate the area where the infection occurred. These drugs belong to the group of antibiotics, and therefore treatment with them should be as short as possible so as not to completely harm the entire body.

How to properly care for your toenails?

Beautiful legs And healthy nails you will have only when you regularly make special foot baths, and use various healing herbs. All this can be done independently at home without previous consultation with a doctor. Take 200 grams of dry wormwood and pour three liters of boiling water. Then keep it all on low heat for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled to a temperature that you can withstand, then dip your feet in it and keep them like that for 20 minutes. This will help with severe leg fatigue.
In the same way, you can prepare a decoction of willow bark that will help improve blood circulation in the leg area. No less useful are baths with sea ​​salt. They will affect your heels, clear them of dead skin, and your nails will be stronger and more beautiful in appearance.

It is very important to know how to properly care for your feet so that they always remain beautiful. It is not very difficult and anyone can do it. It is worth washing your feet every evening with warm water and do not forget to use soap. You can rinse your feet with cool water, and then be sure to dry them with a hard towel. You need to wipe the folds between your fingers especially well. After your feet are completely dry, you need to moisturize them with cream. When you take a bath, make sure to remove dead cells from your feet using pumice stone or special scrub for legs. It's also worth remembering a few more simple rules: change your socks daily, do not wear tight or tight shoes high heels for a very long time, and to prevent your feet from sweating, purchase talc, powder or foot spray.

You can trim your nails correctly and accurately only with high-quality tools made of good steel. They are durable, do not bend or break, and do not leave cracks or nicks on the nails. The most common tool is nail scissors. They are indispensable for thin, easily bending nails. It is convenient to use scissors to give the plates a round or oval shape. They are also indispensable for very convex nails. The best option- a tool with thin curved blades.

Even household tools need disinfection. After each treatment, wipe the blades with alcohol or dip them in a special disinfectant solution.

If you prefer a square nail shape, cut them better with wire cutters. Choose a self-sharpening tool with wide, comfortable blades and long handles. These nippers are ideal for working with very tough ones - for example, on the legs. In addition, it is impossible to cut yourself with this tool, which is why nippers are used for children's manicures.

In addition to cutting tools, you will need files for polishing the edges of the nails, mini cuticle and hangnail cutters, and a pusher for creating holes.

Features of a beautiful manicure

Before trimming your nails, give your hands a warm bath. It will soften the plates, you will be able to cut them without damage or delamination. Choose the shape and length of your nails in advance. Women prefer oval, square or almond shaped nails, on male hand An oval looks best. The length of women's nails can be different, and children's nails are cut flush with the pad of the finger. Do not try to cut the plates “at the root” - this will deprive your fingers of the necessary protection, and you can also injure your skin and nails.

Start processing with the middle finger of your left hand (if you are right-handed). All nails must be the same length. You need to cut the plate in one or two movements. If you are using nail scissors, you can start from the side. Using the clippers, position the cutting surface parallel to the cuticle and centered on the nail. In one motion, cut the plate to the desired length. Then you can trim the side parts and create a hole at the base of the nail.

If your nails are very fragile, do not cut them. Remove excess length with a ceramic or glass file - this will help protect the plates from damage.

After finishing the haircut on one arm, evaluate the result. Perhaps the length of your nails is uneven - adjust it. If your nails have different size stock, it will be difficult to make them the same. Women who constantly paint their nails can apply varnish before cutting, give the plates the desired shape and length, and then wash off the enamel.

DIY pedicure

Cutting toenails has some special features. Podologists recommend cutting your nails straight, without rounding the corners, to prevent ingrown nails. For pedicure it is better to use nippers big size. After trimming, be sure to file the edges of the plates with a fine-grained glass or ceramic file.