A child chews pencils at school. What do our bad habits say about us? Habit of biting cheeks and lips

IN school years, many watched as classmates continually “touched” the tip of a pen or pencil. It seems that no one is particularly hungry, however, thinking about the next example, or thinking about a new creative masterpiece in literature, half the class literally turns into beavers, diligently gnawing the ends of school supplies.

So, Is chewing pens and pencils a bad habit? Of course yes. The main evidence of this: school supplies contain many chemical elements harmful to health; a school habit often develops into a “beaver” addiction. In modern life, this bad habit can bring a lot of negativity and trouble at work, or just in a public place. That is why it is better to get rid of this habit and the sooner the better.

Let's consider several options for getting rid of this childish, but no less harmful habit. By the way, scientists who studied this habit came to the conclusion that the “beaver” habit begins in childhood. Its very existence is explained by the fact that in infancy, every child chews something. The latter is done subconsciously - thus, children scratch their gums at the time of the growth of their first baby teeth.

Very often, sweets help get rid of “beaver” habits. They lull the body's need to put something in its mouth. Yes, the main thing is that if you want to “heal” this problem, then use only caramel, or even better, lollipops. Lastly, they will also help you get rid of tobacco addiction, if you smoke and want to get rid of the habit of poisoning your lungs.

Perhaps the most effective remedy is to eat properly, that is, fully and on time. Breakfast and lunch are a must. Don't forget, if you chew, school supplies, then you cause the same harm when you chew gum (that's another topic). A full stomach often saves you from sometimes unknowingly gnawing on something.

If none of the above options helped you, you should try another, one might say radical, method. Perhaps the most effective thing is to lubricate/soak the tips of all pencils and pens that you use with some bitter, but not odorous, substance. Yes, and be careful not to harm yourself even more, or simply get poisoned. Believe me, the first time you try to chew the bitter end of a pencil or pen, you will instantly and for a long time lose the desire to remain a “beaver”.

There is one more thing, however, that only applies to pencils. As an option, you can buy pencils with an eraser inserted into the tip. Believe me, you won’t want to chew on softer material. And if you start gnawing on it, then spitting out microparticles of the eraser, you won’t want to gnaw it again.

But if we return to the pens again, we can remember another way to get rid of the habit that we are considering. Try to buy a pen not for 5 or 35 rubles, but more expensive. If possible, get yourself a gold-plated pen or something similar. Tested many times, those who like to chew will not bite a business-class handle. A person feels that he needs to match the level of his accessories, and the bad habit goes away by itself.

Shevtsov Kirill

Reasons for developing the habit of chewing a pencil. Consequences of this habit. Recommendations and tips for overcoming the habit of chewing a pen or pencil. Purpose of the work: to find out why a child chews a pen or pencil, and what the consequences may be.






Project in the “First Steps” category

Project topic:

"Schoolboy's Illness"

Shevtsov Kirill

Class 1

Scientific director of the project:

Postnova Svetlana Yurievna

Place of work: Moscow secondary school in Lykhma

Position: primary school teacher

Lykhma village

year 2013

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….........3 - 4

Chapter I. History of the creation of pencils and pens……………………………………………...5 - 6

Chapter II. Illness or habit?........................................................ ...........................................7

Chapter III. Factors influencing the formation and course of a habit and its consequences....8 - 9

3.1. Reasons for the habit of chewing a pencil......................8

3.2. Consequences of this habit……………………………………………………...8 - 9

4.1. Advice to classmates……………………………………………………….10

4.2. Advice for parents…………………………………………………………………………………...10-11

4.3. Safety pencils……………………………………………………………11





Many generations of children have paid tribute to this habit of chewing the tip of a fountain pen in thought. There is no doubt that lyceum student Pushkin nibbled the tip of a goose feather when composing his first verses. Also, both the grandfather and the father of our modern child, who make comments to this child - “don’t chew a fountain pen, don’t chew a pencil,” - each chewed both a pen and a pencil at one time. I wonder why? I decided to find out.

The purpose of my work:find out why a child chews a pen or pencil, and what consequences these actions may have.

To achieve the goal in the research process, the following were decided: tasks:

  1. study the history of the creation of pencils and pens
  2. find out whether the desire to chew a pencil is a disease or a habit;
  3. establish the factors influencing the formation, course and consequences of this habit (disease);
  4. develop recommendations and tips for overcoming the desire to chew a pencil.

To find out the extent of this problem relevant, in 1st grade we conducted a survey(Annex 1) , as a result of which we learned that 5 out of 16 students chew a pencil (pen)(Appendix 2) .

An object research – students of grades 1 and 5, andsubject of study- a bad habit of schoolchildren.

Hypothesis: some bad habits, inherent to students primary school, disappear with age.

The following were used in the research process: methods : analysis of literature and other information sources, questioning.

Work on the project includes the following stages:

1) Preparatory (November):

Searching for information on the Internet and other sources;

2) Main (January):

- analysis of the information received;

Conducting a survey;

Preparation of project presentation;

3) Final (February):

Presentation of the project at a school scientific and practical conference.

Expected resultwork on the project:

  1. Establishment of factors influencing the formation and progression of the habit of chewing a pencil or pen.
  2. Development of recommendations and advice to overcome this habit.
  3. Creating a presentation on the topic “Illness of a schoolchild.”

By its structure the work consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, an appendix, and a presentation.

CHAPTER I. History of the creation of pencil and pen.

It must be assumed that the most distant ancestor of the pencil and pen was a firebrand - this was used to draw cave paintings. And the first sufficiently designed stationery were rods - wedges for writing on damp clay, they were used in ancient Assyria. The Greeks and Romans used stylos - pointed sticks.

The famous goose feather. Usually, in preparation for writing, the pen was cleaned in hot sand, cut and sharpened. Of course, goose feathers had disadvantages: firstly, they squeaked terribly, and secondly, only 2-3 feathers from a goose wing are suitable for writing. Of course, there was also chalk, but chalk cannot be written on white paper.

At the end of the 18th century, a metal pen was created. The servant of the Aachen burgomaster Jansen cared so much about his master that he made a feather from steel. True, it did not have a slot in the middle, so it splashed and wrote without pressure. Then they began to make such feathers from gold and silver.

The first description of a graphite pencil is found in a treatise on minerals, written in 1565. Graphite (if it was in solid pieces) was mined as ore, sawed into plates, polished, and only then sawed into sticks and inserted into tubes of wood or reed.

First real pencil. Shepherds tending flocks around Borrowdale Lake in Britain have long noticed that the wool of their sheep turns black if they rub against local rocks. When local scientists were informed about this, they decided that deposits of lead or “black stone” were coming to the surface at Borrowdalen. Local residents immediately abandoned their sheep and began making writing utensils, which they called “black stones.” In Turkic: black is “kara”, and stone is “dash”.

The French chemist Nicolas Conte proposed placing rods made of black stone (graphite) in a wooden shell in the 18th century - this made it possible to save graphite itself. In addition, it turned out that a pencil made using this method writes even better.

Aristocrats usually used a silver pin. A very funny thing, the dark gray line from such a pin turned brown when oxidized, and it was impossible to erase this line. Da Vinci used a silver pin.

The first ballpoint pen. In fact, it was invented for the needs of military aviation (ink did not flow out of such a pen at altitude), but the manufacturers soon realized that this was a real revolution. When the first batch of ballpoint pens went on sale in 1945, the authorities had to set up a cordon of several hundred police officers - there were such queues. They managed to sell 10 thousand pens in a day, although the new product was not cheap - this is what an American industrial worker received in 8 hours.

An average pencil can be sharpened seventeen times and can be used to write 45 thousand words or draw a straight line 56 km long.

Every year Russians use about 600 million fountain pens.

The first ballpoint pen went on sale in 1945. During the first day, about 10 thousand pens were sold at one outlet!

Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who first landed on the Moon, once accidentally broke off the switch lever of the lunar lander. He would have been doomed to death if not for the ballpoint pen that took the place of the broken switch.

CHAPTER II. Illness or habit?

At every age, a child has his own bad habits. Some children bite their nails, others suck their fingers. Very often you can observe how children of primary school age chew on a pencil, fountain pen or other school supplies. Many experts call this bad habit “schoolchild's illness".

Other experts call it simply a bad habit that cannot always be overcome in childhood and can take root in adulthood.

Even in kindergarten and school, teachers explain that chewing a pen or pencil is harmful to health, but such instructions are not always useful, as a result of which you see adults stuffing their mouths with all sorts of stationery. When asked why you chew, they usually answer this way: to calm their nerves, suppress stress, focus on an important problem, or simply relax.

To prove that this habit disappears with age, we conducted a survey of 5th grade students(Annex 1) and found out that only 1 out of 20 people retained this habit, in 13 people it disappeared, and in 6 people it never happened(Appendix 2) .

CHAPTER III. Factors influencing the formation and course of a habit and its consequences

3.1. Reasons for the habit of chewing a pencil

Let's figure out what are the reasons for this habit?

To begin with, you should observe your child and determine where and when he chews a pencil or pen. Only at school or both at school and at home. For many children, school is a source of stress. This is especially true for children who have not gone to kindergarten, closed, not knowing how to behave in a team.They need to publicly answer the teacher’s questions and go to the board. Children are afraid to say or do something wrong, especially if it causes ridicule from classmates or comments from the teacher. Therefore, they always get nervous when they have to answer or write a test, and, unbeknownst to themselves, they begin to chew on pencils. It turns out thatThey relieve nervous tension in such a simple way.

If a student chews on pencils at home, most likely his workload needs to be reconsidered. Perhaps he does not have time to complete homework or feels uncomfortable at your desk. In this case, parents need to help the child with homework. You can try to tell the material you have covered in an accessible and interesting way, and present it in a playful way. Help your child with his homework, and he will feel more confident and forget about the pencil.

3.2. Consequences of this habit

It turns out that the habit of chewing a pencil is not so harmless.

Talking about harm this common habit, we must point out two points:

♦ A child who chews the tip of a pen or pencil introduces an additional infection into his or her oral cavity. This threatens him with diseases such as acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and chronic tonsillitis. This child may also develop inflammatory diseases esophagus, stomach, intestines.

♦ A child who has a habit of chewing on the end of a pen or pencil may one day have damaged teeth (especially if the tip of the pen is made of metal). Tooth enamel, even though it is the hardest tissue in the human body, experiences a load for which it is not designed, and is destroyed quite quickly, and then caries develops. Numerous problems associated with it come - toothache, sleepless nights, an ugly smile, not the most pleasant trips to the dental office, difficulty chewing food, contamination of the tonsils and gastrointestinal tract with pathogenic flora, stomach diseases, etc.

Moreover, the object that you prefer to chew on, no matter whether it is a pen or a pencil, is not sterile, it contains a lot of germs, so every time you want to put this or that object in your mouth, think about how much harm it can cause to your teeth .

4.1. Advice to classmates

As already noted, most often people chew on a pen or pencil (and this happens involuntarily) when they are stressed, doing homework, anxious about something, and sometimes just out of boredom. We can advise the following - try to “catch” such a moment and then think about this:

1. When you chew a pen (pencil), you introduce an infection into the oral cavity. This can cause unpleasant diseases: acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis. Inflammatory diseases of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines may also develop. And the materials from which pens and pencils are made can be poisonous!

2. Your teeth may suffer from this habit. After all, tooth enamel is not designed to withstand such a load, and in the future you risk visiting dentists very often!

If you can’t “persuad” yourself on your own, ask your parents or classmates to remind you that you are gnawing, because you yourself may not notice it. If you feel like you are starting to chew on your pen (pencil) from stress or boredom, it’s time to take a break and relax.

There is another great way: ask your mom to buy you pens with funny figures on the tips, maybe this will help you break the habit!

4.2. Tips for parents

A mother who notices a child’s habit of biting while thoughtful or gnawing on the end of a pen or pencil should quickly wean the child off this habit. How faster baby breaks the habit of a bad habit, the less likely it is that he will suffer from one of the diseases that we mentioned above.

The proposed method of weaning from the habit is the simplest: tirelessly make comments to the child, talk about the dangers of the habit, set as an example other children who do not have this habit. There is no need to shout or punish a child who chews pencils or pens. This will only make the situation worse. The child will do this secretly, which will only worsen his psychological state. It is necessary that an atmosphere of trust, comfort and safety be created in the house. Eliminate sources of stress, and your child will chew less on pencils.

Parents come up with various tricks to stop their children from chewing school supplies. It goes so far as to smear the ends of pencils with unpleasant-tasting oils, creams, etc. What advice can you give to your mother?

♦ Play it safe a little and do not buy fountain pens for your child that contain parts made of metal.

  • If a child is doing homework, make sure that a pencil or pen is not constantly in the child’s hands: while he is thinking about solving a problem or learning a poem, discreetly take the pencil and place it nearby.
  • Read the fairy tale “Bad Habit” to your child.(Appendix 3).

4.3. Safety pencils

Many parents come up with different ways to stop your child from chewing school supplies.

Designer from Italy Cecilia Felli I came up with a brilliant idea to create a pencil that would not only be safe, but also useful.

Without thinking twice, a 15-centimeter pencil made from licorice root was born. As the author herself says, if you are tired, hungry, and it’s still far from lunch, you didn’t get enough sleep at night, and now you’re falling asleep at work, then by all means take this amazing stationery and feel free to chew it. Since the lead only starts from the middle, you can safely bite into this product without worrying about anything.

Moreover, pencils can now begnaw with gusto- they are made of chocolate. The set of pencils includes different varieties, varying in color and cocoa bean content, as well as a convenient sharpener, with which you can truly enjoy the innovation of decorating your dessert with unusual chocolate chips. Pencil clearing has never been more desirable than in this case!


While working on the project, we studied the history of the pencil and ballpoint pen, have proven that the desire to chew on pens and pencils is a habit that goes away with age. We also established the factors influencing the formation and course of this habit, and found out what diseases can be a consequence of the fact that a child chews a pencil. We provided recommendations and advice on how to overcome this bad habit.


  1. http://images.yandex.ru
  2. http://images.google.ru
  3. http://go.mail.ru



    Fairy tale

    Bad habit

    Petya Knizhkin lived on Sadovaya Street in the tenth building on the third floor in the eighth apartment. When he entered the fourth grade, he developed a bad habit - he began to chew on his pen. Although he chewed not only a pen, but also a ruler, a pencil, and even a sharpener. But most of all he loved to chew on a pen (at least it was the first thing that came under his hand and under his teeth). When Petya did his homework and chewed on his pen, his parents didn’t notice (they just never checked on him). But at school, on the contrary, the teacher always made comments to Petya, but everything was useless - Petya could not break the habit of his habit! When the teacher told Petya’s parents about this bad habit of their son, they didn’t believe it, but still scolded their son (just in case). Petya promised them not to chew his pen, but he continued to spoil his pen and teeth. And two months later, Petya developed sores on his tongue and around his mouth. They were very sick when Petya talked with friends. But when friends noticed these sores, they stopped communicating with Petya - they were afraid of contracting them from him. Petya became bored - he had no one to talk to. And most importantly, a Terrible Pain settled in his mouth. And he decided to get rid of his bad habit. But it was not so easy to do it! Petya suffered for a long time, his hand simply automatically took the pen and brought it to his mouth. After suffering for another month, Petya finally got rid of his bad habit. Petya realized that the most important thing is health - and began to take care of it.

Have you been biting your nails since childhood? Or do you automatically line up bottles on your mother-in-law’s dressing table? Do you keep the wound from healing and keep scratching it? But all these habits are signals from our subconscious.

By learning to recognize their hidden reasons and meanings, you can understand how a person treats himself and others, what he does not want to show to the world, and even what he does not know about himself.

That's why we decided to find out what our bad habits really mean.

The habit of biting nails or school neuroses

There is a whole galaxy of so-called “school” neuroses or neuroses of obsessive movements, usually acquired in childhood - biting nails, caps, pencils, pens.

According to psychologists, the habit of biting nails indicates internal anxiety and unconscious tension. Trying to resolve the internal conflict, the “rodent” transfers it to an external, physical plane - it literally gnaws at itself.

As a rule, this habit is associated with a lack of self-love and low self-esteem. By biting your nails and making your hands disgusting, a person unconsciously punishes himself for not being worthy of love.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis, any elongated oblong object (be it a pen or a finger) is a phallic symbol for our unconscious.

The habit of sucking or biting something like that is an unconscious way of receiving oral pleasure. Perhaps this indicates a significant concentration on erotic pleasures.

The habit of coping with stress through smoking

Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion: talking about physiology is nothing more than an attempt to justify the reluctance to give up a harmful addiction. Smoking is strongly associated with relaxation; it gives the illusion of relaxation and acts as a kind of psychological “painkiller.”

By compensating for the sucking reflex, the smoker experiences the peace and tranquility of the baby sucking at the mother's breast, thereby satisfying the need for love and food.

Many people claim that they smoke to concentrate, believing that smoking helps them concentrate. For some, smoking makes it easier to establish social connections - it’s easier to start a conversation about nothing in a smoking room than in an office corridor.

Whatever the reason behind the emotional dependence on a cigarette, in order to quit smoking, you need to get rid of it by finding other ways to concentrate, relax, or communicate with others.

The habit of uncontrolled eating - overeating

Food addictions are firmly in first place in terms of prevalence, ahead of drug addiction and alcoholism. We eat without tasting or smelling the food until we feel sick and the belt cuts into our sides.

The result is heavy sleep, digestive problems and weight gain, self-loathing and - as in a vicious circle - the return of an uncontrollable desire to eat this hatred.

The reason for most bad habits is the desire for pleasure. Food is its strongest and most accessible source. By overeating, we make up for the lack of positive emotions and dull our reactions to stressful situations.

Many emotional eaters protect themselves from stronger ones. mental health of people. In addition, in our subconscious there is a strong connection between food and sex: both are connected with the violation of the boundaries of our body and bring pleasure.

We often try to compensate for the lack of love with sex. And when we feel a lack of love and sex, we compensate for it with food.

Habit of biting lips and cheeks

People who have the habit of biting their lips and cheeks on the inside are well aware of the problem of stomatitis - the appearance of ulcers in the mouth. However, this problem is not the only one.

The mouth is the place through which we receive a huge amount of sensual pleasures associated with taste and eroticism. By unconsciously causing damage to this zone, a person punishes himself for being too internally focused on these pleasures.

Often such an obsessive action also means a desire for independence and autonomy from others. For example, an adult can no longer psychologically live with his parents, but he does not have the opportunity to separate from them.

Habit of cracking fingers

According to doctors, men crack their knuckles more often than women. Crunch lovers claim that this habit helps them relieve tension, relieve stiff joints and relax their hands.

But most often this habit speaks of internal self-doubt.

Fanatical love of order

They bring order wherever they go, no matter how appropriate it is. This habit speaks of a person’s compulsive craving for perfection, which makes it difficult to feel comfortable if suddenly someone puts a glass out of par with the others.

If you constantly tear off labels from everywhere (from shampoo packages, jars, bottles) - this also indicates your perfectionism. A clean and smooth surface looks more perfect.

The fixation on the theme of order in psychology is called “accentuation” and even has a Freudian explanation. People who were potty trained in childhood using strict command methods, all their lives cannot stand the slightest disturbance of order, rubbing, cleaning and arranging everything according to a ruler.

This is a character trait, not a disease. However, it is worth taking this into account and not repeating the mistakes of your parents when raising your own children. And also realize that the world is not ideal, and that's okay.

Habit of scratching wounds and pimples

If you are haunted by a pimple that has appeared or a healing wound, and you have a strong desire to pick it out, then most likely you need to take action to restore your inner harmony.

This habit is akin to nail biting and indicates restlessness, anxiety and dissatisfaction. According to research by Finnish psychologists, a person who has such a habit tries to punish himself in a similar way for stupid or obscene thoughts.

This can be perceived as a symbolic reprisal against one’s own aggressiveness. Such actions can be considered as auto-aggression (aggression directed against oneself) in order to attract attention to one’s own person.

Habit of tearing paper

The habit of tearing paper expresses a person’s desire to realize his own aggression directed outward.

In cases where it is impossible to express one’s own anger, irritation, or displeasure directly to the “culprit,” a person chooses socially acceptable options for substitute actions.

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