Holidays and weekends in Poland. Święta polskie – Polish holidays of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

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Monday, August 15, is marked in red on the Polish calendar. This day celebrates the Feast of the Capture of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as the Polish Army. This is a day off when most shopping centers and institutions are closed.

It is believed that this day commemorates the ascension of the soul and body of the Virgin Mary into heaven after her death. This is the teaching of the Catholic Church, but there is no mention of it in the Bible. The holiday received official recognition in 1950. However, the traditions of its celebration go back to the 5th century. Since in many European countries Mary is revered as the patroness of the earth and vegetation, the day of August 15 in Poland is often called the Feast of Our Lady of Zelney. From there comes the previously very popular ritual of blessing wreaths, which were then left among the crops and were supposed to ensure a good harvest next year.

Every year, the most spectacular celebration is organized in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, where a re-enactment of the extravagant taking takes place. In the Catholic Church, especially in Poland, devotion to Mary is very much alive. Therefore, many believers from all over the country go on a walking pilgrimage to Jasna Gora in early August - in order to reach their goal in time for the celebrations of August 15th. The Orthodox Church has a similar holiday - the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. In the Protestant tradition, they refuse any celebrations on this day, citing the lack of information about this event in the Bible.

Since 1992, the holiday of the Extraordinary Capture coincides with the Day of the Polish Army. It is celebrated in memory of the Battle of Warsaw, which took place in August 1920 between the Red Army and the Polish Army.

It was a battle near Warsaw between the troops of the Western Front of the Red Army under the command of M. Tukhachevsky and the Polish troops of the fronts: the Middle - under the command of Marshal J. Pilsudski and the Northern - under the command of General J. Haller. The battle lasted from August 13 to 16.

On the day of the Capture of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, when the Red Army seemed about to break through the Polish defenses, the residents of Warsaw made a religious procession, calling on Our Lady and begging her to save Poland from the enemy invasion.

And it was on August 15 that during the battle a turning point occurred in favor of the Polish Army. The Red Army, which was perceived by the Poles as aggressive, was driven back from Warsaw as a result of heavy fighting for both sides. On August 16, 1920, Polish troops went on the offensive.

Today is a public holiday in Poland, and a military parade is taking place on the main square of Warsaw. There are speeches at rallies, concerts, film screenings, and exhibitions. During the holiday there is a place for folk festivities, thanksgiving prayers, theatrical performances, and dances.

Thursday, June 15, marks 60 days after Easter, which means that Poles will celebrate one of the oldest and most respected religious holidays - the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord (Uroczystość Najświętszego Ciała i Krwi Pańskiej or Boże Ciało). This day in Poland is recognized as an official holiday, which means government offices, entertainment centers, shops and other establishments will be closed. Take this into account as you plan your trip to Poland this week.

As for Friday, June 16, you can safely go to Poland for shopping - galleries and supermarkets will already be open, but your business trip will most likely have to be postponed until Monday. The fact is that many Poles have planned a so-called long weekend (długi weekend), that is, they take Friday off, thus getting 4 days for rest or travel. Most often this is practiced by employees of government agencies, banks, etc.

The weather in Poland this weekend promises to be sunny and conducive to relaxation, so we can expect an increase in the number of transport, and, as a result, traffic complications on the main roads leading to the most popular resorts and tourist centers in Poland.

The situation with queues at the Ukrainian-Polish border can also be unpredictable, so before your trip, be sure to watch the online video to be able to choose the least busy checkpoint and not waste time on tedious waiting.

The next public holiday for residents of Poland will be August 15, on this day Poland will celebrate two holidays at once: the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Day of the Polish Army (Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi and Święto Wojska Polskiego). The full calendar of official public weekends and holidays in Poland in 2017 can be found

Celebrated on the basis of the Law on Non-Working Days of January 18, 1951. This law “bestows” 13 holidays on the Poles. Of this number, 3 have state status, and 9 have religious status (do not forget that this is an overwhelmingly Catholic state). New Year stands apart. On these days, Poles have a day off from work.

Public holidays

1st of May- Poles do not call Labor Day - it sounds simple and proud - Święto Państwowe, i.e. a public holiday.

May 15 for 2016 - The first day of the green holidays is known to us as the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (after Easter on the 7th Sunday).

May 26 for 2016 - Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ— (date falls on the 9th Thursday after Easter). (Uroczystość Najświętszego Ciała i Krwi Pańskiej).

August 15- Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (very revered by the Poles). Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny - at the same time the Day of the Polish Army.(Święto Wojska Polskiego).