How to distract your thoughts. How to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and feelings

Failures in life, problems in relationships, news in the media about another tragedy, advertising forcing you to get checked for AIDS or other diseases. All this sets thinking in a negative way, increases anxiety, and makes you replay bad thoughts. But it cannot be said that all people are susceptible to influence. Who has bad thoughts and why, how to get rid of them - let's figure it out.

In the world of adults, it is not customary to talk about many things - social norms and moral issues do not allow. But from children who have not mastered social requirements, you can often hear something like this:

  • If my sister dies, then I will get all the toys, all the love of my parents.
  • If your neighbors are attacked by a dog, they will stop making noise at night.
  • If I die, they will remember me, they will talk about me, they will pay attention to me.
  • Grandma, mom said that when you die, we will live in your apartment. I like her so much. And when will you die?

Bad thoughts reflect hidden desires, complexes or unprocessed thoughts of a person. In general, the following reasons for the appearance of bad thoughts can be identified:

  • fears;
  • diffidence;
  • , non-acceptance of oneself;
  • internal contradiction;
  • feeling of instability and danger at the present time;
  • lack of goals, guidelines;
  • psychotrauma;
  • negative personal experience;
  • excessive fantasizing;
  • overwork, exhaustion;
  • , negative environment;
  • low stress resistance;
  • , personality disorders;
  • fear of responsibility, passivity in life;
  • anxiety and;
  • inability to make decisions;
  • tendency to self-examination;
  • unforgiven;
  • unresolved conflicts;
  • exhausting past.

Examples of bad thoughts and their origins:

  1. A pregnant girl was abandoned by a young man, she doesn’t have her own home, there’s no one to help, it’s too late to have an abortion or it’s contrary to her beliefs. She is scared, fear makes her secretly hope for a miscarriage (and then the problems will all be solved, and the girl will find herself in the role of the victim, the innocent one). It is impossible to admit these thoughts, and the girl herself is afraid of them. But once you disassemble the panic fear into its components, think through an action plan, prepare the ground for future motherhood, and contact a psychological help center, thoughts about miscarriage will be replaced by thoughts about happy motherhood.
  2. Another girl is afraid that something will happen to her chosen one and she will be left alone, and even without a livelihood.
  3. A young mother who is in a state sometimes thinks about killing her child or her own death.
  4. And that guy over there is afraid of crowded places, he often has a premonition that something will happen. All because a year ago his friend died in a terrorist attack.
  5. Bad thoughts are not necessarily associated with fear or apprehension. These may be obsessive, frightening desires. For example, a desperate child from a dysfunctional family may think about how the death of a tyrant father would make life easier for everyone.
  6. Or the wife thinks that the death of her mother-in-law would help stabilize the relationship with her husband.

In the first of our examples, thoughts point to the girl’s personal failure, in the second - dependence in relationships, in the third - clinical depression, in the fourth - PTSD, in the fifth - the only currently available option for improving and preserving life, in the sixth - the inability to stand up for yourself, set boundaries in the family, take control into your own hands.

Or this example: a man is driving along a bridge, and he suddenly has the urge to turn into the water. It’s not easy to guess that this is due to fear of heights or overwork, fatigue from the abundance of worries and responsibilities in life.

First of all, stop judging and... All people consider themselves bad if they catch such thoughts. You are not alone in this, and you are not a bad person.

If you believe that thoughts are material, believe in the evil eye and attracting trouble, then stop believing in it, waiting for punishment and punishment. Thoughts are material if a person is engaged, speaks on his own behalf, or inspires something in himself. Our thoughts do not affect other people, at least from the point of view of scientific psychology. Words can influence, but thoughts cannot.

Next, you need to find the reason for negative thinking, admit to yourself your true intentions and hidden desires. Bad thoughts are a means of communicating with your conscious part of the psyche. The subconscious contains not only suppressed desires, motives and memories, but also qualities condemned by the environment, society, and the individual himself. Everyone has their own list: aggressiveness, greed, cruelty, sexual promiscuity, power and more.

Every person has a “light” and a “dark” side, but we want to see ourselves as good. Therefore, thoughts that contradict the desired image of the “I” are frightening. The key aspect of working on yourself is correction:

  • Good and bad qualities, motives, thoughts - this is the Real Self.
  • Only good thoughts, a positive self-image, the image in which we try to appear and want to see ourselves is the desired self.
  • The more a person denies something in himself, the greater the difference between the real Self and the desired Self, the more often a conflict between the conscious and subconscious occurs. In our case, this results in bad thoughts.

The denied, suppressed part of the “I” will find a way out. If not in bad thoughts, then in dreams, phobias, panic attacks, depression, etc.

Every person has strengths and weaknesses, find and recognize your characteristics. Some are suggestible and suspicious, some are prone to panic, some are naive, and some are afraid and try to avoid conflicts. It is important to accept your characteristics in order to control them and use them to your advantage. As long as you deny something, it controls you, controls you. The same is true for denying negative experiences of the past.

To understand what a thought is about, determine why you think it is bad. Write down your emotions and feelings, associations. What it really is: envy, anger, fear, temptation. To fight, you need to turn an abstract bad thought into a concrete psychological problem.

Methods of disposal

The work of correcting self-awareness takes a lot of time, one might say, a lifetime: we develop, change, get to know ourselves again. The following methods will help ease the struggle and reduce the severity of bad thoughts:

  1. If you want to get rid of the past, then write on paper what worries you, reread it and burn it or tear it up and throw it away. Say you are letting go of the past.
  2. You can do the same with any bad thoughts. Put everything that worries you on paper. Forget about the rules of language, censorship, and boundaries of decency. You are alone with yourself, so why not relax and be honest? And who knows, maybe you will write a future bestseller in the genre of horror, drama, fantasy or tragedy.
  3. You need to fight fears by reproducing frightening situations. But it is important to find a positive “anchor”. Remember a situation in which you felt confident, easy, happy. As you look fear in the eye, remember the “anchor.” Read more about fighting fear in the article.
  4. Find a fun hobby. An interesting thing will evoke positive emotions and leave no room for bad thoughts.
  5. During a severe anxiety attack, engage in intellectual activity. Concentrating on a task will help push away negative thoughts. The second way to calm the attack: take 10 deep breaths, hold your breath each time and count to 15. Concentrating on the count will distract you, and deep breathing will “ventilate” the brain.
  6. Exercise regularly. Physical activity promotes the production of anti-stress hormones, improves brain function, and “cleanses” the mind.
  7. Be aware of your surroundings and the information you absorb. Perhaps you should watch less TV and develop your critical thinking. Eliminate people from your environment who see the negative in everything and are accustomed to the role of victim. From communicating with them, your life is “slagged.”

These are auxiliary measures. They stop the thoughts themselves, but do not eliminate the cause. If you understand what your thoughts are pointing to and solve the problem, the negative ideas will go away on their own.

If your experiences and fears are approaching a phobia or obsessive state, then visit a psychologist. We also recommend that you read our article.

Many scientists, having conducted a series of studies, have made surprising conclusions. It turned out that people who carry negative emotions within themselves for a long time are exposed to various diseases much more often than optimists. Let's look at in this article how to distract attention from bad thoughts to something bright. And how to change a bad mood to a good one.

Let's first look at a few important points regarding what you should do if negativity has settled in your soul and everything is annoying.

How to distract yourself from bad thoughts

  • Don't act like nothing bad is happening. After all, any life situation needs analysis.
  • Don't put yourself in anyone else's shoes. If something happened to one of your friends, then try not to focus your attention on it. Shut off negative thoughts.
  • Don't keep bad thoughts inside. Try to find a way out for all negative emotions. There are situations when you just need to scream or cry.
  • If it seems to you that everything is very bad for you and it simply cannot get worse, then drive away all bad thoughts from yourself and try to picture your near future in a rosy light. After all, life is wonderful!
  • You should not consider all minor troubles and failures as your failure. Try to ignore all useless information. If you were rude on public transport, then most likely it’s not about you at all, but about the fact that something happened to your offender and someone has already ruined his mood and he, in turn, decided to take it out on you.
  • If you begin to notice that you do not expect anything bright and good from your life, then urgently change your worldview.
  • Don’t cherish your bad mood, don’t collapse on the sofa with thoughts that no one needs you and you don’t need anything else. Try to distract yourself. Any housework, visiting friends or acquaintances, visiting the theater, exhibitions, etc. are suitable for these purposes. You can also change your environment and make new acquaintances. Plunging into new sensations, you will forget about your blues.
  • If you have depression, this does not mean that you need to eat to your heart’s content or, conversely, not eat anything for days. Remember that you should eat a hot dish at least once a day. The body needs food and vitamins. Bananas, raisins, vegetables, basil, celery, hazelnuts, coriander, sea fish are famous for their ability to change your mood for the better.
  • In order for you to overcome your negative emotions, you need to: treat chronic diseases, if any, get a good night’s sleep, do only what you love, and radiate kindness to others.

Now you know how to distract yourself from accumulated negativity. If you take the advice of famous psychologists, then try not to neglect your problems, otherwise they can grow and become overgrown like a snowball, but analyze the problem and try to solve it. After all, only by finding a suitable solution will you get rid of all bad thoughts. Look to the future, enjoy life. Whatever it is, she is still beautiful. The sun is shining, the air is fresh, which means there is reason to rejoice. We wish you good luck and always a good mood!

A person may develop a condition in which false ideas and thoughts try to take over consciousness. They attack daily, becoming obsessive-compulsive disorder. This makes life very difficult, but there are ways to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears. Without help, the condition will only get worse over time. It will become increasingly difficult to focus on really important things and find the strength to overcome problems in everyday life. Subsequently, depression sets in, bad thoughts, desires, and sometimes the disorder worsens to schizophrenia.

Why does obsessive-compulsive disorder occur?

The obsessive state of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) occurs in cases where the mind is unable to suppress impulses to take any action. At the same time, they crowd out all other thoughts, even though they are meaningless or groundless at the moment. The persistence of these impulses is so great that they cause fear. The development of obsessive-phobic manifestations and obsessive neurosis is influenced by biological and psychological factors to varying degrees.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder has different manifestations, but they all boil down to the main symptoms of this nature:

  • repetitive actions, rituals;
  • regular checks of your own actions;
  • cyclical thoughts;
  • fixation on thoughts about violence, religion or the intimate side of life;
  • an irresistible desire to count numbers or fear of them.

In children

OCD also occurs in children. As a rule, the causes of development are psychological trauma. Neurosis develops in a child against the background of fear or punishment; this condition can be provoked by unfair treatment of them by teachers or parents. Separation from father or mother at an early age has a strong impact. The impetus for the obsessive state is a transfer to another school or a move. A number of factors in the field of family relationships that form a disorder in a child have been described:

  1. Dissatisfaction with the gender of the child. In this case, qualities that are unusual for him are imposed on him, this causes high anxiety.
  2. Late child. Doctors have discovered a connection between the mother's age and the risk of developing psychosis in the child. If a woman is over 36 years old during pregnancy, then the risk of anxiety in the baby necessarily increases.
  3. Conflicts within the family. Often the negativity from quarrels affects the child, and he feels guilty. According to statistics, in families where a man actively takes part in upbringing, neuroses in children occur much less frequently.
  4. Single-parent family. The child lacks one half of the behavior model. The absence of a stereotype provokes the development of neurosis.

In adults

In the older generation, the occurrence of obsessive-compulsive disorder is influenced by biological and psychological reasons. The first appear, according to doctors, due to disturbances in the metabolism of the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is generally accepted that it regulates the level of anxiety by communicating with nerve cell receptors. The influence of living conditions and ecology is also taken into account, but the connection has not yet been scientifically proven.

Psychological factors manifest themselves in certain life shocks and stressful situations. These cannot be called the causes of neurosis - rather, they become a trigger for those people who have a genetic predisposition to the development of obsessive thoughts and fears. It is impossible to identify such hereditary characteristics of a person in advance.

Obsessive states

People with certain personality accentuations or those who have suffered psychological trauma are predisposed to an obsessive state. They are subject to involuntary intrusion of feelings, images, actions, and are haunted by obsessive thoughts about death. A person understands the groundlessness of such phenomena, but cannot overcome and solve such problems on his own.

The clinical signs of this condition largely depend on what caused the cognitive-behavioral disorder to worsen and arise. At the moment, there are two main types of obsessive thoughts - intellectual and emotional manifestation. They provoke human phobias and panic fear, which sometimes completely disrupt people’s lives and habitual rhythm.


Obsessive states of the intellectual type are usually called obsessions or obsessions. In this type of disorder, the following common manifestations of obsession are distinguished:

  1. "Mental gum." Unreasonable thoughts, doubts for any reason, and sometimes even without it.
  2. Arrhythmomania (obsessive counting). A person counts everything around: people, birds, objects, steps, etc.
  3. Obsessive doubts. Manifests itself in weakened recording of events. The man is not sure that he turned off the stove or iron.
  4. Obsessive repetition. Phone numbers, names, dates, or titles are constantly replayed in the mind.
  5. Obsessive ideas.
  6. Intrusive memories. As a rule, indecent content.
  7. Obsessive fears. They often appear in the area of ​​work or sexual life. A person doubts that he is able to accomplish something.
  8. Contrasting obsessive state. A person has thoughts that do not correspond to typical behavior. For example, in a girl who is good and not evil by nature, images of bloody murder emerge.


Emotional obsessive states include various phobias (fears), which have a specific direction. For example, a young mother experiences unreasonable anxiety that she will harm or kill her child. This type also includes everyday phobias - fear of the number 13, Orthodox churches, black cats, etc. There are many different types of fear, which are given special names.

Human phobias

  1. Oxyphobia. The problem manifests itself in fear of any sharp objects. The person worries that he may injure others or himself.
  2. Agrophobia. An obsessive fear of open space, attacks are caused by squares and wide streets. People suffering from such neurosis appear on the street only when accompanied by another person.
  3. Claustrophobia. An obsessive problem is the fear of small, enclosed spaces.
  4. Acrophobia. With this obsessive state, a person is afraid to be at heights. There is dizziness and fear of falling.
  5. Anthropophobia. The problem is the fear of large crowds of people. A person is afraid of fainting and being crushed by a crowd.
  6. Misophobia. The patient constantly worries that he will get dirty.
  7. Dysmorphophobia. The patient imagines that everyone around him is paying attention to the ugly, abnormal development of the body.
  8. Nosophobia. A person is constantly afraid of contracting a serious illness.
  9. Nyctophobia. A type of fear of the dark.
  10. Mythophobia. A person is afraid to tell a lie, so he avoids communicating with people.
  11. Thanatophobia is a type of fear of death.
  12. Monophobia. A person is afraid to be alone, which is associated with the idea of ​​helplessness.
  13. Pantophobia. The highest degree of general fear as such. The patient is frightened by everything around him.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts

The psychology of fear is designed in such a way that obsessive states cannot go away on their own. Living like this is extremely problematic, fighting on your own is difficult. In this case, loved ones should help, and for this you need to know how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fear. Support can be provided by psychotherapeutic practices or independent work on the advice of psychologists.

Psychotherapeutic practices

If the disorders are clearly psychogenic in nature, it is necessary to conduct therapy with the patient based on the symptoms of the obsessive state. Psychological techniques are used individually for each patient. Treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder can be done individually or in a group. To cure a person, the following psychological types of therapy are used:

  1. Rational psychotherapy. During treatment, the specialist identifies the “trigger point” of the neurotic state and reveals the pathogenetic essence of the conflict. Tries to activate the positive aspects of the personality and corrects the person’s negative, inadequate reactions. Therapy should normalize the system of emotional-volitional response.
  2. Group psychotherapy. The solution to intrapersonal problems occurs through the development of defects in interpersonal interaction. Practical work is aimed at the ultimate problem to resolve intrapersonal obsessions.

The degree of obsessive states may vary, so the presence of the latter is not a direct path to psychiatry. Sometimes people just need to figure out how to distract themselves from the bad thoughts that arise in the subconscious. To overcome obsessive fear and anxiety, you can use the following techniques:

There are a number of reasons that complicate the recovery process with obsessive fear. For some, this is due to lack of self-confidence and their strengths, others lack perseverance, and others completely expect that everything will go away on its own. There are a number of examples of famous people who, on the path to success, managed to overcome their phobias and fears and dealt with internal problems. For this purpose, psychological techniques are used to help a person remove obsessive fear from the path.

Psychological techniques

  1. Fight negative thinking. This technique is called the “switch”, because the essence is to imagine your obsessive fears as clearly as possible, in detail, in the form of a switch and at the right moment simply turn it off. The main thing is to imagine everything in your imagination.
  2. Correct breathing. Psychologists say: “Inhale courage, exhale fear.” Even inhalations with a slight delay, and then exhalations, normalize the physical condition during an attack of fear. This will help you calm down.
  3. Action response to anxiety. A difficult practice when a person “looks fear in the eye.” If the patient is afraid to speak, then you need to put the patient in front of the public. You will be able to overcome fear through “drive”.
  4. We play a role. The patient is asked to play the role of a confident person. If this state is practiced in the form of a theatrical game, then the brain at some point may respond to it, and the obsessive fear will pass.

Reading time 6 minutes

Negative thoughts, how to distract yourself? A person is what he thinks. In this article we will talk about how to distract yourself from negative thoughts. Here you will find the most effective ways to cope with obsessive thoughts that poison our lives.

Every person has periods in life when he is sucked into the abyss of negative thoughts, which sometimes turn into obsessive ones. We replay them in our heads over and over again. This poisons our lives, our mood deteriorates, we fall into depression and despair. Life becomes unbearable, devoid of joy.

An obsessive thought, like a projection of your fantasy.

We all know that thought is material. What always happens to us is what we think about, what we fear most. And when we get stuck in negative thoughts, life turns completely black.

Before we talk about how to overcome such thoughts, let's first understand why this happens to us. Why do we get hung up on bad thoughts and can't just let it go?

Obsessive negative thoughts are a kind of bad habit. A person understands that it is harmful to his health, but cannot get rid of it. Obsessive thoughts can bother a person for several days, and sometimes months. These may be certain fears, grievances, experiences, painful memories.

But what’s most interesting is that when time passes and these thoughts disappear, the person realizes that these thoughts did not pose any threat to him. Often, after a while a person realizes that the thoughts that have been poisoning his life for a long time are just dust and shouldn’t even be thought about.

Negative obsessive thoughts arise in a person’s mind involuntarily, against his will. A person is aware of pain, these thoughts are accompanied by depression and anxiety.

Causes of obsessive thoughts:

  1. Most often, the cause of obsessive thoughts is stress. No matter how a person tries to forget a difficult situation, it is still reproduced in the memory again and again.
  2. Obsessive thoughts can arise as a consequence of psychological trauma.
  3. The cause may be severe fatigue and exhaustion of the nervous system.

Negative thoughts: how to distract yourself?

“You need not to get rid of thoughts, but to direct your attention to them: what they are about, immerse yourself in them and find the reason from which they come. Perhaps this is some event in your life that gives rise to fear in you... You need to figure out the reason. And then the “bad thoughts” will go away on their own.”
D. Krok Freeskiing

  1. Give yourself compliments, praise yourself. As soon as a negative thought comes to you, start saying the phrase in your head: “Shut up immediately.” Then start complimenting yourself. This is the method of psychologist V.K. Nevyarovich, who described this method in the book “Soul Therapy”.
  2. Having the right attitude will help you distract yourself from negative thoughts. Always say confidently: I can! I can do it!
  3. Relaxation will help you take your mind off bad thoughts. You need to relax your body and have fun. Our body immediately reacts to negative thoughts. Wrinkles appear, the corners of our lips droop, we look 5 years older. Go for a massage, take a bath with aromatic oils, visit a beauty salon, go to the pool, get some sleep. Yoga and meditation will help you with this.
  4. You can get rid of bad thoughts if you throw them out. Don't hold back your emotions, cry, shout out, or talk to a person you trust. In the process of talking through the problem, many things become clear and resolve themselves.
  5. You can write down all your negative thoughts on paper and burn them. This is a kind of ritual of cleansing and letting go of the situation.
  6. Imagine your thoughts very small. Squeeze them in your fist so hard that they crumble and scatter them in the wind.
  7. The nature of the problem needs to be established. Analyze when problems with negative and obsessive thoughts began. You must clearly understand what is happening to you. There are no hopeless situations and your emotional state can be changed. Some people have been haunted by negative thoughts since childhood; this develops in them a general negative attitude towards themselves and the world around them.
  8. To get rid of negative thoughts, you need to recognize your fears. Often your fears are instilled in you by your parents or others. You may have often been told: “You are a failure, you are poor, you have no talent, etc.” Such phrases sit in a person’s head, he begins to believe and feel in them and behave accordingly. To get rid of this kind of thoughts, you need to write down all your achievements and joys, even the smallest ones. This will show you what you really are and distract you from the bad thoughts in your head.
  9. The main cause of obsessive thoughts is anxiety. People worry all the time about everything. These thoughts are exhausting, although often there is no real reason for concern. In this case, it is necessary to control the obsession, this means not talking about it, not allowing yourself to think about bad things. You can distract yourself from negative obsessive thoughts if you do something important, start singing or repeating the multiplication table in your mind.
  10. The main reason for negative thoughts is the inability to be in the present moment. We can only worry when we think about the future and we are only upset by what has already happened, that is, the past. Therefore, in order to distract yourself from bad, restless thoughts, you need to not think about the future. Believing in yourself and having a positive attitude will help you take your mind off any negative thoughts.
  11. Controlling your thoughts will help you not only to distract yourself from them, but also to get rid of them forever. You must understand that only you can help yourself. Write down on paper your greatest fear and what will happen if it comes true. For example, I won't be able to pay off my loan. What will happen? They will start calling and threatening. What will I do? I'll contact a specialist. Which will restructure the loan. What if they go to court? In this case, they will break the loan into parts, and it will be easier for me to repay it. Any problem can be analyzed and analyzed this way. Then it won’t seem so scary, because there is a way out of any situation.
  12. Repeat the phrase in your head: “Everything passes and this will pass.”
  13. Learn to correctly understand life priorities. There is nothing more important and valuable than your life. Everything else is dust that will dissipate and be forgotten.
  14. Never compare yourself to others! You have your own life and your own life mission. You can gain experience from the example of successful people, but do not try on their lives. Envy is a source of obsessive dark thoughts.
  15. Don't get stuck in the past! You must love and forgive yourself. It is no longer possible to change what happened, so why torture yourself. There is no need to remember failures. Concentrate better on what you can do.
  16. Learn to control your emotions. You need to accept the situation in a neutral way, then any thought is perceived simply as food for thought. You yourself color situations with your emotions.
  17. Learn to forgive yourself and your loved ones. If you received negative attitudes from your parents, you must understand that they simply did not know how to live differently.
  18. To take your mind off bad thoughts, take yourself on an interesting project. You can draw pictures, start writing a book, develop a business plan. When a person is busy with something interesting, he does not have time to think about bad things.
  19. Write plans for the future. Write down point by point what you want to do a month in advance. Planning will help you get rid of constant worry and take your mind off negative thoughts.
  20. Psychologists recommend punishing yourself every time a bad thought comes to you. For example, put a rubber band on your hand and when a bad thought appears, pull it back and hit yourself on the hand with the rubber band. It sounds crazy, but our brain begins to understand that a negative thought will be punished, and such thoughts will be reduced less and less often.
  21. Accepting a thought means ceasing to fight it. Learn not to drive away thoughts, but to find the positive aspects of your problem.
  22. When negative thoughts overwhelm you, remember a time when you were happy. Keep this picture in your head and reproduce it every time a bad thought appears.
  23. Think about it, maybe you have a secondary benefit from intrusive thoughts. For example, by constantly thinking about one situation, you avoid thinking about something else. Perhaps there are problems that are more important to you, but you are afraid to think about them. We need to recognize this disguise.
  24. Very often, obsessive negative thoughts are the reason to consider yourself unhappy and this relieves you of some responsibilities. For example, a person believes that he cannot find a job until he gets rid of obsessive thoughts. This is a secondary benefit. Intrusive thoughts are an excuse. In fact, a person simply does not want to look for a job.
  25. Obsessive thoughts cause a lot of stress, so to cope with them, you need to learn to relax with every cell of your body. Relaxation meditation will help you best.
  26. If you believe in God, prayer for protection from bad thoughts will help you cope with a bad mood and relieve despondency. Take good care of your soul. Take care of spiritual purity, because any thought is material and it is the first step towards the abyss. Words of prayer have enormous healing power. Whenever you feel a negative thought overpowering you, pray.


As you can see, there are many ways to work through, get rid of, or distract yourself from negative thoughts. The most important thing is to have desire and faith in yourself. If you cannot distract yourself from negative thoughts on your own, visit a psychotherapist.

Today we will talk about how to distract yourself from obsessive thoughts– the advice of psychologists given in the article will certainly help solve this problem and free your mind. Unfortunately, our life has both white and black stripes, and there is no escape from sad events, and it is against their background that negative thoughts are formed, which is quite natural for the human psyche.

However, they gradually recede into the background, and life events fill a person’s thoughts, and if natural replacement does not occur, and bad thoughts constantly haunt, then this is a cause for alarm. It is the constant presence of negative thoughts that causes depression and depression.

Where do negative thoughts come from?

Before as get rid of bad thoughts, it is necessary to understand the very root cause of their appearance, because sometimes negativity is formed even with a completely good course of life. It would seem that everything is fine in the family, at work too, the children are happy, and their health is excellent, but for no apparent reason negative thoughts begin to attack. Gradually they return more and more often, and very soon the individual simply does not know how to escape from the obsessive thoughts that completely occupy the consciousness. Why does this happen, and what is the reason for these thoughts?

  1. The reason for the appearance of negative thoughts can be the presence of contradictions with oneself. Every day, each of us makes many decisions, and they can be both minor and quite responsible. When choosing which transport to take, what to eat for breakfast, or what coffee to order in a restaurant, we hardly think twice, focusing on our momentary wishes. But when making important decisions, for example, regarding a change of place of residence, the birth of a child, a change in profession, and so on, contradictions often arise, and here negative thoughts begin to form. A person analyzes, weighs the pros and cons, doubts, fears making mistakes, and all this completely occupies the consciousness, which causes bad thoughts, insomnia, fatigue, and psychological stress.
  2. Guilt for a bad decision. It’s not for nothing that they say that those who don’t make mistakes don’t do anything. Every person has made mistakes in life, more than once, but individuals react to their mistakes differently. For some, they become a storehouse of experience, lessons that people learn and continue to act differently, but for others, after taking the wrong step, they begin to be haunted by obsessive thoughts. A person can spend the whole day thinking about what would have happened differently if he had chosen a different path to resolve the issue, and gradually it becomes more and more difficult to distract himself from obsessive thoughts. Such people often fall under the influence of a manipulator, which leads to an even worse situation.
  3. A hopeless situation. Unfortunately, we all find ourselves within certain limits, and some of them are easier to get used to than to fight. There are situations when circumstances develop in such a way that it is impossible to influence them in any way. A person begins to have negative thoughts that actually choke him. A problem that has no solution depresses even the strongest personalities, instilling constant apprehensions, fears, and uncertainty about the future into the mind.
In any of the above situations, individuals have a question about how to distract themselves from obsessive thoughts, because we sometimes underestimate the danger of such psychological stress. Depression develops, interest in life disappears, a person spends time in a state of panic, loses self-confidence - and the reason for this is bad thoughts that attack the psyche.

What do bad thoughts lead to?

In our country, people are not accustomed to turning to specialists with problems such as negative thoughts, apathy, dissatisfaction with life, believing that these manifestations, in principle, do not deserve attention if they do not affect their usual life. Although the advice of psychologists can help at the very initial stage of development of an apathetic and depressive state, and avoid subsequent neuroses. In fact, neglected psychological stress, which is caused by bad thoughts that haunt a person, can lead to a psychiatric hospital, so leaving the problem unattended is really dangerous. Bad thoughts lead to a number of other problems, for example:

  • Difficulty performing one's duties and tasks. Bad thoughts occupy the individual’s consciousness so tightly that other events and circumstances practically crowd out. This leads to the fact that even work that previously seemed elementary becomes backbreaking work; a person gets confused, forgets important points, and finds it difficult to understand the essence of the task. Naturally, this state of affairs becomes an additional stimulant for the development of a depressive state.
  • Development of diseases. As already mentioned, obsessive thoughts destroy the psychological state of the individual, which causes a deterioration in well-being, the occurrence of mental syndromes, and, as a result, admission to specialized medical institutions. And all because the person could not distract himself from obsessive thoughts, he worked himself up, and did not want to change anything at the level of his subconscious.
  • Incorrect settings. It is not for nothing that they say that any thoughts are material, and if an individual really strongly desires something, then sooner or later he will receive it. But not only good plans and dreams are material, but also negative thoughts, so constant thinking about failures, illnesses, problems leads to the fact that there are only more of them in life, and existing ones only get worse.
If a person cannot get rid of bad thoughts on his own, he needs the help of a specialist, otherwise neuroses and nervous syndromes can lead to the worst consequences. But before this, the individual should himself determine the root cause of negative thoughts, only then a specialist will be able to correctly suggest how to get rid of bad thoughts. By the way, with the naked eye you can clearly recognize those who are haunted by negative thoughts; to do this, it is enough to have some information.

How to understand that an individual is haunted by negative thoughts

Even in a crowd, a person who is faced with this kind of psychological problem will be clearly expressed against the background of the people around him. To identify a person whose mind is haunted by bad thoughts, it is necessary to rely on the following facts:

  • Negative thoughts cause panic fear of developing any disease or contracting diseases. A person begins to constantly clean, wash, almost constantly try to protect himself from the environment, disinfect all things and objects that are around him, and uses the strongest chemicals for this;
  • A person is constantly tense on an emotional level, because he expects attacks and dangers from everywhere. Negative thoughts can force him to return home from the other end of the city in order to once again double-check whether he forgot to close the door, turn off the equipment or turn off the appliances;
  • The desire to perform all tasks perfectly is off the charts, the individual is afraid of sinning somewhere, doing something wrong, violating cleanliness, order, quality, and so on. At the same time, the slightest disorder will be enough for the development of a depressive state;
  • Bad thoughts constantly return an individual to the past, so they try to preserve as much as possible about him as much as possible, be it notes from the institute, drawings from kindergarten, or shoes that have been stored for more than one year. The disappearance of an old thing can be a severe psychological blow to a person;
  • Such a person always sees the worst in everything: a relative is late at work or stuck in a traffic jam, and he already draws pictures of a traffic accident in his subconscious, and a banal call from an unfamiliar number causes panic.
An individual who is tormented by bad thoughts not only suffers from this himself, but also brings many problems to his loved ones, relatives and friends, so it is necessary to get rid of the problem.

How to distract yourself from obsessive thoughts

In order to get rid of bad thoughts, it is necessary to highlight the reason that became the impetus for the development of the problem. The individual needs to remain alone with himself, in silence, and carefully consider at what point negative thoughts began to attack his consciousness, and what exactly happened then. Next, we will consider some advice from psychologists that are aimed at providing psychological assistance to those who suffer from a negative emotional background:

  1. Negative emotions must be minimized. Many people themselves do not notice how many negative emotions they experience while watching the news, listening to radio programs, or even while communicating and gossiping with work colleagues. Against this background, obsessive thoughts only progress, so you should switch your consciousness to positive sensations. Instead of watching the news - a walk in the park, instead of the aggressive press - an interesting book, and on a day off you can do what you love, for example, go to the country, go boating, and so on. In addition, you should minimize communication with envious people, gossipers, those who like to complain and show aggression - your social circle is cheerful, positive people.
  2. To distract yourself from obsessive thoughts, try to write down on a piece of paper all the main factors that stimulate their appearance, and try to find positive aspects even in the biggest problem. If you were fired from your job, it means it’s time to conquer new heights; your car breaks down, it’s time to go in for sports and walk to work, and so on. This way you can gradually replace bad thoughts with positive thoughts.
  3. Some advice from psychologists suggests that to get rid of a problem, you need to visualize its destruction. It is necessary to make a list of experiences that stimulate negative thoughts and destroy it, for example, finely tear up the sheet of paper with this list, permanently delete the document on the computer, or burn the sheet. In the process of destroying the list, you should imagine that not only the records themselves disappear, but also the problems that haunt you.
  4. Stimulating self-confidence. To escape from obsessive thoughts, a person needs to take the reins of his life into his own hands, to realize that it depends entirely on how the individual behaves. A small goal, its gradual achievement, and subsequent encouragement will allow you to drive away bad thoughts and believe in yourself again.
  5. Working with imagination. If obsessive thoughts attack, you can independently, with the help of your imagination, force them out of your head, for example, imagining a house, forest or other landscape, and trying to examine it in detail. There is simply no time or place left for bad thoughts.
  6. Nutrition. There is no need to spend money on expensive medications called antidepressants, which are of very questionable effectiveness; it is enough to eat right. Eating bananas, raisins, celery, chocolate, and sea fish will help you overcome bad thoughts.

Or maybe meditate?

Experts say that it is possible to drive away obsessive thoughts with the help of, during which the individual concentrates his attention and goes to the subconscious level. This is the way you can drive away negative thoughts, but this is only effective if a person carefully studies the technique itself and the basics of meditation. The procedure should begin with setting yourself up in a positive mood, and it is at this positive moment that you should move on to meditation. Some are sure that this technique does not work at all, but, in fact, it all depends on how correctly a person uses it.

Which only stimulates bad thoughts

If an individual has begun to independently rid himself of the problems of negative thinking, he should study the list of those factors that will become his worst enemies in this struggle. These include:
  • Showing pity and severity towards one’s own personality. An individual, faced with problems, troubles and failures, often begins to feel sorry for himself, gradually cultivating it, justifying himself, and setting a bad attitude. For example, having lost a job, a person faces problems: lack of money, lack of stability, the need to find an alternative job, and so on. But, if you look at the situation differently, then this situation forces friends and family to reassure, support, and help. And on a subconscious level, a person understands that he can wait to look for a new job, because his parents will be happy to feed him, and his friends will pay for a trip to the cinema for an unemployed person, and so on. But at the same time, the person is internally nervous, because this will not help solve the problem at the root, and this is regularly felt on a subconscious level.
  • Fear of bad consequences. Obsessive thoughts about what bad results this or that business may end in, or what consequences the individual’s actions have already had, completely stops him. At a subconscious level, a person gives himself negative attitudes, for example, when speaking at a conference, he is confident in advance of a bad report, difficulties, problems with equipment, although the material was prepared perfectly, and the best equipment was chosen. This results in stuttering, confused speech, and trembling in the voice. You need to give yourself the mindset that you are in a comfortable environment, everything is working perfectly, and the prepared report is superior to all previously submitted work.
And finally, one more piece of advice. The sponsor of obsessive thoughts is often idleness and too much free time. A busy person has no time to delve into his subconscious, looking for reasons to be nervous, setting himself up for negativity, reveling in self-pity.